Portfolio Jamie Forde jamesjohnforde@gmail.com (604) 834-9336 Vancouver Architectural Intern Royal Incorporation of British Architects Part II PRACTICE PROCESSES PROJECTS
Thesis Website: https://www.2021.graduateshow.eca.ed.ac.uk/portfolio/jamie-forde
This project is recognised as the top project to come out the MArch programme with my working methods and output being singled out to represent the architecture school.
Reaching its conclusion this thesis project was my focus for two years in the Master of Architecture programme The urban proposal is a counter speculation to the 11km Riverfront Project (2012) in Ahmedabad, India, which in controlling the flow of the Sabarmati river has removed the city’s connection to this space of dwellings, markets, industry, agriculture and religious ceremony. This urban strategy is tested architecturally through Sabarmati Pol, a housing community with production and commerce space. At the core of this proposal is the texturing of the monolithic river front with an architecture of Satyagraha (non violent resistance) to re-establish the city’s connection to the temporalities of wetness.
Elevation proposal texturing the riverfront wall
2021 Practice Processes Projects University of Edinburgh Urban speculation of river front and other territories throughout the city
The duration of this project afforded me the freedom to both test architectural design enquiry methods and it has also given me the time to test technological and environmental concerns. In doing so I have been able to synthesise a design proposal that is both speculative in academic theorisations and grounded in material realities.
View to proposal across the Sabarmati
University of Edinburgh 2021 Practice Processes Projects
In India the relationship to water is sacred as a result of the seasonal intensities of the monsoon bringing with it an abundance of lushness. This is a key consideration where channels, tanks and plant life are designed to connect the inhabitants to wetness in a contemporary design proposal.
Coloured Axonometric
University of Edinburgh 2021 Practice Processes Projects
Paper Section showing embodied ecology of proposal
I’m a strong believer in orthographic line drawings being one of the best tools architect’s have to represent and test design concepts.
Ground Floor Plan
Drawn at 1:200
University of Edinburgh 2021 Practice Processes Projects
Object Lesson Grenfell
The initial investigation of this project subsequent to completion was then exhibited in the 2019 Architecture Fringe
The concluding project of my undergraduate degree was the design of a Monolithic Mass Timber High-Rise. Using material properties and regulatory parameters such as the performance of fire, thermal, acoustic and structure was a means to test and understand the use of mass timber in the city.
Fire, Thermal and Acoustic CLT Tower studies with consideration for structure.
University of Edinburgh Processes Projects Visualised Proposal Practice 2019
This project concieves of wood becoming the main material of not just the built environment but also of the domestic domain. Using similar methods of wood modification as the structure of the building these items can be reimagined. This provides cultural, economical and technological connections between the urban dwellers in their timber high rise and rural communities which manage the forest recourse.
Selected Engineered Wood Based Products
Cross Laminated Timber
Macro and Plano Layer Wood Wool Acoustic Panel
Wood Fibre Insulation Boards
Interior Finish Wood Fibre Boards
Projected Floor Plan
University of Edinburgh Processes 2019 Projects Practice Detailed Sectional Axonometric
The authorship of museum curation jars with the essence of domestic items. This project attempts to regain the informality of the institution through curating, then re-creating, domestic objects chosen from the National Museum of Scotland.
A sectional relationship between the Town Houses, The Murphy House and the Container (garage) is pivotal in linking the context and contained. The imposing of the collection in the existing garage, forces the prospect of an exploratory symbiosis with all three buildings.
Sectional relation between New Town dwellings
University of Edinburgh Practice Processes Projects 2017
This project which was commended by The Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland for Best 3rd Year Student award for exploring the ritualistic relationship of architecture and the domestic.
Located in a challenging brown-field site, this old railway platform has sat empty due to the tight constraints of the area.
Past Archive image showing railway platform Present Brownfield site ready for development
Processes Projects MLA Practice 2023 Possible - finalised project visual
The primary constraint being are the subterranean public utilities, access over tram tracks and the narrow site. The series of massing diagrams explore the logic behind the articulation. With the entrance necessitating a double height (6m) clearance zone for way-leave access. The massing is then stepped down to respond to the surrounding buildings transitioning from the adjacent commercial 6 stories to the residential 4 at the rear. The articulation and rhythm then maximises the opportunities of the facade with views out to the city.
entrance through adjacent properties car park
no build zone
large city utilities requiring access at junctions on site
Processes Projects MLA Practice 2023 development model sketches Massing Framing Rhythm residentialdatum commercialdatum entrance nobuildzone gableendviewsouttocity
long elevation showing transition of massing
The planning proposal synthesises the constraints and opportunities of the challenging site. This required a holistic approach when coordinating with the other design consultants to maximise number of studios while remaining within the site limitations.
front elevation
rear elevation
With the previous building not meeting the environmental standards for offices this provided the opportunity to increase the area and improve the energy performance. Key to this was the retention of the existing structure and relocating the cores to open up the facade.
plan and
circulation to maximise
light previous typical plan proposed typical plan
NABERS in Scotland
positioned cores creating less than optimal letting area extended
Platinum Construction OFFICE REDEVELOPMENT
proposed elevation with additional levels and opened facade
A major part of the redevelopment was the detailing of the stone-fin facade. The natural stone articulation is held off the expansive curtain walling on the main elevation. This required coordination and consideration to create the desired effect and fix to the existing structure.
Level 03 85540 D
sectional detail at existing slab edge
axonometric of cruciform detail
Processes Projects 2022
MLA Practice
extent of stone fin facade
A key consideration for the redevelopment was the new centralised entrance lobby. Including a timber, tile and fabric material palette. My involvement in this was the design of the joinery screens which continued as a motif throughout the building.
base and head detail of joinery screen exploded axonometric screen detail ground floor plan
Processes Projects MLA Practice 2021
visualisation of joinery screens in entrance lobby
Modelling is a key process to my exploration in architecture. Comfortable with traditional model crafting such as card, plaster and timber I am also adept with digital fabrication such as 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving.
3D print
Laser Cutting and 3D Print
3D Print, Parametric Tower Study
Projects Processes 2017- 2021
Timber Facade Study Practice
Analytical Section, multi-media
I am a strong believer that architecture is about people, not buildings. Following on from my dissertation investigating public alienation in the built environment I organised and led an architecture focused Community Planning Workshop. This gave the opportunity for Leith Walk residents to voice their architectural vision. Alongside the local campaign this workshop gained the support of the City of Edinburgh Council and was a valuable experience in understanding the importance of public consulation.
master plan conceived using the design ambition of the community drafted by Pierre Forissier of biomorphosis
Projects Processes 2019 Community planning workshop coordination at Leith Dockers Club Practice
Measuring the embodied carbon associated with recently completed projects to establish a benchmarking system for MLA. This importantly setup the oppertunity to compare the environmental impact of the practices projects with industry targets (LETI, RIBA, ect).
Selected project: new build office. Stirling, Scotland
embodied carbon benchmark of selected project
whole life carbon assessment - cradle to practical completion
Embodied carbon by material of selected project
Embodied carbon by classification of selected project
Projects Processes 2023 Figure 1 Life-cycle modules (BS EN 15978) Figure 1 Life-cycle modules (BS EN 15978)
Walls and Gates is part of an ongoing series of books investigating and recording the architectural fabric of cities. This 140 page book documents the remains of the historic perimeter of Ahmedabad. This involved the coordination of a 12km elevation drawn at 1:500 by over 50 international contributes with essays, photographs and an array of plans, sections and renders.
Section through existing gate
Section through remaining wall encrusted in workshops
The Walls and Gates Book documents a civic survey of the Old City Wall of Ahmedabad. Just as
Patrick Geddes had walked a century earlier, this survey begins at Khanpur Gate and follows the wall anti-clockwise until it culminates at Shahpur Gate. Thus, the layout of Walls and Gates represents Geddes original findings as an underpinning logic to navigating our measured drawings, recorded in January 2020.
Though this survey follows Geddes’ Notes on Ahmedabad it also expands from the study to include three additional gates and subsequent segments of wall which we located during our fieldwork in Ahmedabad. Part of the city wall incorporates the walls, gates and bastions of the citadel Bhadra Fort which Geddes did not include in his notes. This segment additionally includes Bhadra Gate, Ram Gate and Raikhad Gate which are respectively found in the first three chapters. Hence, Walls and Gates is comprised of fourteen Chapters. Each chapter corresponds to one of the fourteen segments of wall, defined by their position between gates. We have chosen to include Geddes’ notes alongside each of the fourteen Chapters. Thus, eleven of the chapters include Geddes’ concise reflections on specifics of the site. In Chapters one, two and three we found it of value to continue Geddes’ chronological, broader findings of Ahmedabad beside our additional recordings.
Walls and Gates presents a continuous elevation which weaves throughout the book and traverses the 12km perimeter wall. The elevation drawing is presented at the scale of 1:500 and ties together the chapters of the book as the wall ties the old city. As result of difficulties in accessing areas, the wall was surveyed from both inside and outside. To accommodate the continuous reading without interruption the graphic solution was to flip the elevation, requiring the reader to navigate from a different perspective. We felt this to be the most logical way to present the elevation for the clarity of readership. The flip occurring could be understood as stepping through the walled threshold and turning to look in the opposite direction. This signals the different view of the elevation, allows for true representation and sequential reading of the walls and gates.
During our collective studio research into Walls and Gates, we quickly found there to be variations of gate names. While the Gujarati name for gate, Darwaja is translatable, the names used to distinguish the gates are less clear. It has since become apparent that a wide variety of factors influence the names of Ahmedabad’s Gates themselves, though most often religious and political dispositions dictate how residents, visitors, maps and books choose to call them. Examples of these differences include: Bhadar Gate, which has also been listed as Bhadra Gate; Khanjah Gate which has also been listed as Khan Jahan’s Gate; Shahpur Gate which was also referred to by Geddes as Shalpur Gate. Just as we have learnt Ahmedabad to take on many names including Amdavad, Karnavati and Ashaval due to political and periodic dictations, we have found Ahmedabad’s Gate names to be complex to define. There are further name varieties to the Gates than those which have been listed. We hope the limitations of Walls and Gates opens the opportunity for further learning of The Old Walls of Ahmedabad’s complex relation, just as we found scope to be additive to the survey of Geddes.
Julia Brookfield and Jamie Forde
Projects Processes 15 Manek Burj, the foundation bastion of Bhadra Fort. De Rui Lee.
Walls and Gates 270720.indd 14-15
08:26:29 2020 Sample spread layout
copy and final print Practice
Thanks for spending the time to look through a selection of my work