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The diffrent forms of rain. By Andrew Gervase -page

Weather. The cool thing about weather is it is everywhere! I mean just look up! We can always nature journal the weather because it is always with us. Have you ever thought about that? What does the weather look like around you? In the morning is there a breeze? What does the sun look like just before it sets? There are so many things you can journal about weather. All you have to do is go and find it! Thankfully that’s easy! Just look up.


The Forms of Rain by Andrew Gervase

Rain comes in all sorts of forms. Sometimes the rain only lightly sprinkles , or sometimes it sheets down in large droplets. Sometimes the rain freezes, creating snow and ice. Other times thunder and lighting appear with the rain.

No matter the form, rain is a major element of the water cycle and is responsible for despostiting most of the fresh water on the Earth. It provides proper conditions or many types of ecosystems.

Different forms of rain

Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condenstate and then became heavy enough to fall from the clouds.

Rain Showers tend to be quick and come in bursts , never lasting to long. Compared to rain, showers cover a smaller area of land but can be more intense.

Snow is created when the temperature in the clouds is below the freezing point (32 degrees Fahernhight or 0 degrees Celsius).

Hail is rain that gets caught in the upper atmosphere winds and pushed to cooler air. When this happens, the rain freezes creating a small ball of ice. Hail can be as small as a pea or as large as an apple.

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