Portfolio of Landscape Architecture-LZH

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CV 2018-2023

Li Ziheng

Nationality: China

E-mail: liziheng9816@gmail.com

Mobile: +86-15927189816

Landscape is a tool for understanding life as well as participating in creating it. For me, if my work can give the reader a sense of: "Oh, I wanna go have a look ! " then my work is meaningful.


Master of Engineering in Landscape Architecture

Expected July 2019

· National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Engineering in Landscape Architecture

Expected June 2018

· Huazhong Agriculture University (Project 211)

Wuhan, China


·RoSSo Art, Guangzhou, China

Tutor of Architecture & Landscape Architecture 2022.10-now

·Planning and Architectural Design Institute of Fudan University, Shanghai China

Landscape Architect 2021.08-2022.07

·Turenscape, Beijing, China

Landscape Architect 2020.05-2021.08


· International Competition for Wuzitang Green Belt

Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, China

· Dengzhou East New District Landscape Planning

Dengzhou, Henan Province, China

·Shuanglong River Park Design

Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

·Landscape Construction Design

Huzhou City, Zhejiang, China


· Architecture Tutor in RoSSo Art

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

· Cambridge University Architecture Summer Research Programme

Cambridge City, UK

· YELAHANKA Community Research

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

· Rural Revival Research Programme

Cangyuan County, Lincang, Yunnan Province, China

Professional Work


· Cushman & Wakefield, Chengdu, China

· Z+T Studio, Shanghai, China

· L&M Studio, Shanghai, China

2 3 Contents 02 SHUANGLONG RIVER PARK DESIGN 01 04 03 WEAVING THE FUTURE 36 04 COOL 52 05 Other Works 66 Waterfront Park Design ——— Ecosystem Services Cultural Urban Design ——— Urban Development Urban Agriculture & Tourism Design ——— Social Improvement Landscap Services ——— Thermal Comfort Design
小 中 中 小 练


Notice: All designs and drawings of this project are produce by myself except specially marked


Project Background:

This section of site starts from the MAIYU bridge in the south and to the railway with surrounded green space near Shuangyueyuan,crossed by a river call Wuzitang. The land along the river is mostly for commercial and residential use. The river passes through the core section of the old downtown, with high residential density and staggered road network. The transportation system is complicated. With the rapid urbanization in the past 40 years, the landscape of Wuzitang River has been transformed from the "Small bridges and flowing water, selling fish people's houses" int history into a gray, hard, narrow and contaminated river. It was transformed from bright side to the dark side for local residents.

Project Issues And Challenges:

1.Hard, polluted and inaccessible river: the space of the wuzitang channel is currently extremely compressed, and the embankment is completely covered by vertical, hard cement. At the MAIYU bridge section, the width is only 5 metres and multiple sewage discharge polluted water into river, Navigation conditions are not met The surrounding commercial buildings compress the public space along the banks the citizens unable to access the water.

2.Chaotic landscape interface and scarce public space: The landscape of the river bank is mostly hard revetment and the shoreline is dilapidated; Old neighborhoods along the coast and scattered telephone poles greatly affect the cityscape. Public space is also rare, The municipal sidewalk is the only space where citizens can utilize.

Opportunitys And Strengths:

1.Commercial location advantage: The road network around the river is densely covered, and it is also in the densely populated county town. In the upper level planning, strip-shaped commercial land is planned along the river. If the Wuzitang River is closely and well integrated with it, it will play an important role in the future development of the city.

2.Abundant cultural resources: With the Maiyu bridge as a radius of 500 meters, a total of 15 cultural resources are included, including the famous Wuzhen Memorial Hall, Master's house, etc. The Wuzitang River has the opportunity to become an important cultural node.

Green Belt Design of Wuyue Culture

Cultural Urban Design

Design Strategy:

1.Innovate the space model and create a natural and ecological cultural water town: In order to meet commercial needs, navigation needs, public space activity needs, and ecological needs, the team draws wisdom from the traditional waterfront space and proposes four types of water spaces: Corridor Sheds type, Pillow Flow type, Cantilever type, Overhead type, make the water surface able to sail. Design water plank roads, public spaces, and create multi-level commercial houses and pedestrian spaces on the water.

2.Resilience water space: In order to cope with the rainy climate in the South of the Yangtze River and prevent urban flooding caused by rainstorm, the river bank and landscape meet the flood control condition of a 20-year event, and the inundable landscape is set up to create flexible waterfront experience in different seasons.

3.Create green islands: In order to purify water quality, ecological green islands are set in the central section of the river to slow down the flow of water, so that pollutants can adhere to the roots of aquatic vegetation and improve the efficiency of purification.

4.Create water transportation and connect cultural nodes: by widening the river space, reconstructing the river bank line, and controlling the height of buildings and bridges, to ensure the navigation of ships; set up small cruise ships and plank roads along the bank to hop on and off; public transportation systems, walking system are connected in Wuzitang river and Jiashan Station, Connecting Wuzitang river with Jiashan Railway Station, Chengbei Vegetable Market and historical blocks, creating a water city with rich culture.

Chief Designer: LI ZIHENG

Location: Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China

Acreage: 15.4 Hectares 2021/06-2021/08

How to echo the local context of Jiashan County to create a cultural river that serves the life of citizens and connects to the future development?


繁华商业 日常平和 亲水乐活 船来船往

Gene of Space Bustling Commercial Daily Peaceful Close Water Boat Come And Go Lohas






历史上卖鱼桥河段的伍子塘是热闹非凡的, 卖鱼桥两

头路旁全是店铺,肉铺、南货店、茶 楼、米店、酱园店……

再加上提篮小卖的商贩, 人来人往,一片喧闹之声

In the history of Maiyu bridge is very lively: at both ends of the bridgeside are shops, butcher shops, southern department stores, teahouses, rice shops, soy sauce garden shops...... people coming and going. Noisy and bustling.

A poem about Maiyu Bridge, tells about its long history

《魏塘竹枝词》中留下了“何处王孙结旧庐, 只留小巷什民居。茅亭竟不容高卧,晓市桥边 唤卖鱼” 的诗句,王朝更替,兴亡有时,不如卖鱼桥千年不倒。

卖鱼桥附近的伍子塘 双月园附近的伍子塘 河道周边的开放空间


伍子塘河道的空间目前被极度压缩,驳岸是垂直的,硬质的。在卖鱼 桥港河段,最窄处仅5米,且有多个排污口将污水排入河水中。沿岸 的商业建筑和围墙将公共空间压缩,市民无法接近河流,浑浊的河水 也无法被使用。


公元前506 --公元前494年 伍子胥辅佐阖闾,吴越两国开战

506 BC -- 496 BC

Wu Zixu assisted Helu, Wu and Yue went to war.

Because the war needs, Wu Zixu ordered the excavation of Wuzitang River

ChannelizedUnaccessible Dirty

At present, the space of Wuzitang river is extremely compressed, and the river bank is vertical and hard. At maliyuqiao part, the narrowest section is only 5 meters, and there are multiple outlets discharging sewage into the river. Commercial buildings and walls along the banks compress the public space, preventing citizens from accessing the river and the muddy water from being used.

20-21 Centry

Wuzitang as a commercial center in Jiashan. Shops, bustling and crowded.

河岸线破败,周边建筑老化严重, 景观风貌被破坏

The river bank is dilapidated, the surrounding buildings are seriously aging, and the landscape is destroyed

Before 20 Centry

Wuzitang river serves as an important canal for transporting materials. Drive coastal economy such as salt transport industry, agriculture and kiln industry

21 世纪

21 Centry

伍子塘周边逐渐城市化,居住小 区和铁路被建设。

The surrounding of Wuzitang river was gradually urbanized, residential areas and railways were built.

9 三官塘桥 金氏后厅 费家大宅 陆家门楼 状元坊 西城门旧址 嘉善城址 孔庙碑记 孙家宅 城隍庙旧址 衙县旧址 吴镇墓 慈山 幽澜泉 大胜寺旧址 嘉善老城收入 Old Town Incom 炮楼 500m 西塘景区 十里水乡 嘉善县2013年部分旅游区总收入,单位(万元) Total revenue of some tourist areas in Jiashan County in 2013, unit (ten thousand yuan) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 9000 大云寺 孙道临 电影馆 吴镇纪 念馆 云润湾 温泉国际 攀王 农庄 场地区位与现状 文化资源 城市二级干道 Cultural Resource Secondary Road Planned Green Space Site Boundary Planned Commercial Space Urban Main Road Railway 规划绿地空间 场地边界 规划商业空间 城市主干道 铁路 双月园 嘉善站前广场 Railway Station Square 烈士陵园 慈云寺旧址 硕士洋房 卖鱼桥 1990S 1960S 卖鱼桥 双月园 排污口 硬质化的河道 约5米 硬质化 伍子胥 20世纪-21 世纪 伍子塘沿岸作为商业中心,店铺 林立,热闹繁华
2020 年2020
无法接近 浑浊
卖鱼桥 双月园 2020
20世纪前 伍子塘作为重要的运河,运送物资。带动沿 岸经济如盐运输业,农业,烧窑业的发展



Research on the External Space of Jiashan Water Town

悬挑式处理手法 枕流式处理手法

直接式处理手法 临街式处理手法 骑楼+廊棚式处理手法

如何从传统的水乡空间中汲取智慧,来推衍出富有嘉善 当地水乡特点的现代滨水外部空间


慧来搭建自己的住房,并通过组合建筑与水,街道的空间关系,来保 证其自生与水的紧密联系。居民临水而居,用河水洗衣,做饭,交通, 从而构建了十分独特的江南水乡风情。

Since ancient times, residents of water villages have used various methods to deal with waterfront space. They build their own houses according to traditional wisdom, and by combining the spatial relationship between buildings, water and streets, to ensure the close connection with water. Residents live by the water, use the river water for laundry, cooking, and transportation, creating a very unique Jiangnan style.

10 街道 街道 街道 街道 街道 建筑 建筑 建筑 水面 水面 水面 街道 街道 街道 街道 建筑 建筑 建筑 水面 水面 水面
Type Directly Type Street Front Type ArcadeType Cantilever Type Bridge Type
街道、开放空间 水上建筑 水上廊棚+水上步行道 水面 凉爽舒适的 水上凉棚 可行船的河 道 廊棚式滨水外部 空间 可直接进入 水上建筑 随上随下的 滨水埠头 水面 跨河建筑 建筑 枕流式滨水外部 空间 架高的枕 流建筑 可直接下到 水面的平台 在水面自由 穿梭的游船 亲水埠头 悬挑式滨水外部 空间 架空多层建筑 埠头 街道、开放空间 水面 可直接从栈道 进入建筑 水上休憩平台 悬挑式建筑, 景观视线开阔 立体多层次的 商业空间 沿岸亲 水埠头 街道与开 放空间 架空建筑 水面 架空式滨水外部 空间 完全架空式 水上建筑 水上骑楼 可自由进出 的水面空间 ArcadeType CantileverType BridgeType OverheadType ?
How to draw wisdom from the traditional water town system to derive the modern waterfront space with local context.

Create a comfortable and pleasant space by controlling the scale of the building and the width of the river.


通过控制建筑尺度与河道宽度的比例,来创造舒适宜人的空间感受 一个生态乐活,热闹繁华,日常亲水的商业文化河道

通过对卖鱼桥港河道的改造,将伍子塘打造为通畅顺达,阳光明媚, 的水乡河道。建筑空间多层次,并控制其尺度,使其能够与河道宽度 相统一,并与城市道路融合,市民游客能够自由穿梭,游览。将卖鱼 桥港河段的伍子塘打造为商业文化中心。

Through the transformation of the river, Wuzitang will be build into an open, sunny river. The height of the building is usually 1-3 storeys, and its scale is controlled so that it can be unified with the width of the river. The open space along the river bank is integrated with the urban road, allowing citizens and tourists to walk freely, transforming Wuzitang into a commercial and cultural center.

An ecologically vibrant and bustling commercial cultural waterway, where peop e lead active and oyful lives, and engage n daily water-related activities.

13 风韵水街 原卖鱼桥港 伍子塘绿道 5-22m 5-10M 18-34M 枕流式建筑 伍子塘绿道 枕流式建筑 水上栈道 游船 人行步道 市政道路 8-20m 街头绿地

Control the height difference between bank and water, prevent urban flooding, and impliment natural drainage.

Ensure open walking system, and create diverse walking experiencesDesign three types of revetments, and ensure that a large number of them are natural

01 02 03 04 05 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 13 14 15 16 18 19 19 21 22 22 20 17 11 11 50M150M350M N 总平面图 1. 水上候车室 2. 林下广场 3. 入水阶梯 4. 噪音生态防护带 5. 水上码头 6. 滨水剧台 7. 活力码头 8. 林荫花境 9. 密林鸟语 10. 水上栈桥 11. 跨路景观人行桥 12. 水上眺望台 13. 互动喷泉 14. 亲水商街 15. 街角商铺 16. 城北菜场 17. 阳光亲水乐园 18. 林下健身 19. 风韵水街 20. 亲水平台 21. 卖鱼桥文化馆 22. 水上栈道 河道宽度:34m 河道宽度:23m 河道宽度:18m 常水位:0.92m +3.27m 广场水面 20年洪水位:2.53m 50年洪水位:2.59m 河道宽度:67m 河道宽度:21m 河道宽度:32m 河道宽度: 32m 河道宽度:15m N 水系设计分析图 拓宽河道,保证基础通航条件 Widen the river to ensure basic navigation conditions +3.90 +3.30 +X.XX +3.90 +2.94 +3.20 +3.32 常水位+0.92 20年洪水位水位+2.53 +3.32 +0.80 +1.32 +1.32 +2.62 +4.00 +3.50 +2.96 +X.XX +4.25 3.92 4.33 3.30 +3.30 +4.00 +2.94 +3.26 +3.92 +4.36 +4.40 +2.70 +3.64 +3.30 +3.20 +5.40 +5.00 +X.XX +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 +4.40 +4.40 +8.30 +5.40 +7.70 +X.XX +9.30 +5.80 +8.70 N 市政道路及桥梁标高 场地设计标高 湿地岛设计标高 景观桥梁及栈道设计标高 竖向设计分析图 N 台地式驳岸 垂直驳岸 自然式驳岸 +0.92m 常水位 驳岸设计分析图 滨水步道 公交站 步行道 跑步道 景观天桥 水上栈桥 N 交通设计分析图
控制河岸与水面高差,防止城市内涝,并实现自然排水。保证步行系统的畅通,并创造丰富多样的步行体验 设计三种驳岸形式,并保证大量驳岸为自然式

窑砖元素 立体绿化 水上栈道




The everyday Wu Zitang waterway: Crafting a multidimensional waterfront landscape experience upon the water's surface, intertwined with multi-tiered commercial spaces. During festive celebrations, the waterway can host a variety of vibrant public and cultural events such as temple fairs, Lantern Festival, and more.

亲水乐活:沿伍子塘河道为市民打造有趣的亲水体验,用块石营造的生态式驳岸简约而现代 弹性景观:可淹没的自然式驳岸保障活动区安全

creating engaging water-centric experiences for the citizens, employing large stones to construct ecologically designed embankments.

Resilient Landscape: Floodable Natural Embankments

滨水候车厅:在火车站前广场旁提供凉爽舒适的公共空间,并与周边商业相结合 滨水广场:市民聚集与活动的重要场合,为市民提供舒适安全的亲水空间 Creating a cool and comfortable public space next to the train station square, harmoniously blending with the nearby commercial environment. A vital venue for citizens to gather and engage in activities, offering a comfortable and secure waterside space.

Notice: All drawings of this project are produce by myself except specially marked pictures


The site is located at the confluence of Yongning River and Shuanglong River in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Shuanglong River is an important tributary of the Yongning River. 150 meters south of the mouth of the river, Shuanglong Lock is built to regulate the water flow. To the north of the site, there is an old village, “Jiangkou Cun”, which has existed since the Republic of China, and has been planned and developed by the local government as a cultural tourism block. The site is an important part of the Yongning River Greenway, and its ecosystem services of stormwater management, ecological management and cultural services are seen as the core targets of the design.

There are still many problems of the site, such as chaotic traffic, illegal constructions, lack of green cover, massive hard revetment, which are far from the ecological and quality expected by the local government. Therefore, the team needs to carry out targeted design transformation for these necessary problems. The design strategy is divided into four parts:

1.Softening the river bank, creating ecological wetland island, ensuring the basic rainwater management and purification function: This strategy softens the interface by transforming the hard revetment into a natural sloping land and green terrace. A large number of “Tree Island” (one tree on island)are created in different water levels to ensure the water purification efficiency and increase the vegetation coverage.

2.Earthwork balance: Due to the reconstruction of the current terrain, a large amount of soil will be generated during the construction process. The design team needs to ensure the earthwork balance to reduce the carbon emissions during soil transportation and accumulation. The design team used the current soil accumulation to design a series of “boxes” on the west side of the site to digest the earth, while creating a comfortable and interesting landscape space.

3.Connecting traffic: the design team rearranges the internal and external traffic system , design a bicycle path to connect with the Yongning River greenway, and adds a landscaped footbridge in the site to deal with the height difference and also provide pleasant touring experience .

4.Culture preservation: renovate the facades of the old constructions and chimneys in the site, extract the local fishery culture, and design the installations; A waterfront square is also set up in the north commercial historic district to gather people.

Shuanglong River: Waterfront Landscape Design

Ecosystem Services Design

Chief Designer: YU Kongjiang Location: Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Acreage: 5 Hectares 2020/08-2020/11

How to respond to the challenges of the site and create a pleasant, ecological and service-oriented landscape

22 23



As a part of the Yongning River greenway, the site extends the ecosystem services

Design Area:5 ha

Balance of earth one island on tree




Source: Handsketch from Pro. YU Kongjian. Images belong to Turenscape

“消化土方” “一树一岛” “有趣” “景观体验”
Jiao River Yongning River
26 Surrounding Conditiong of Site Insert Functions Road System Planting Site Condition Reshape of Topography 场地周边现状 功能置入 道路系统 植被 场地条件 山水关系 Design Strategy Master Plan Home -stay Facility Forest of Tree Islands Historical Block Waterfront Terrace Home -stay Facility Taiping Lake Originally Natural Bank Shallow Wetlands Earth Boxes Soprts Court Soprts Court water Gate Waterfront Play Waterfront Play Entrance Plaza Temple Plaza
28 East Entrence 东入口 N
30 N
Lake Front Space
Perspective Perspective
32 设计标高 驳岸设计 铺装设计 交通系统设计 活动空间设计 种植设计 水系设计 水流方向 照明设计 Elevation Design Waterfront Design Pavement Design Traffic Classification Openspace Design Planting Design Watersystem Design Water -flow Design Lighting Design


1. Social Background

India is the world’s second largest producer of textiles and garments after China. It is the world third largest producer of cotton after China and the USA and the second largest cotton consumer after China. In Karnataka, the textile industry contributes to 20% of the garment production taking place in the country, which is valued at USD 1.56 billion. Karnataka is responsible for 8% of the national exports in the textile sector. In Bangalore, the textile industry is one of pillar sectors in economy but also highly fragmented and is being dominated by the unorganized sector and small and medium industries.

2. Site Problem Statement

The site is located in Yelahanka oldtown, north of Bangalore. This site is far away from the downtown and has a long history of agriculture. But as urbanization has progressed, much of the farmland has disappeared, with now residents major relying on retail business(around28%) and textile industries(around 35%). About 331 households are involved in the private textile industry, mainly in the north of oldtown, and all are small textile mills with employees fewer than 8. Due to the size of mill and the relatively backward production technics (mostly handloom), these private factories cannot do pretreatment before the discharge of pollutants, the sewage is directly discharged into the drainage system. In the four steps of the textile wet process (Pre-treatment, Dying, Printing, Finishing), a large number of chemical substances, such as oil mists, plasticizers, solvent vapour can enter the air and water, cause environment pollution. Not only that, with the large use of shuttle loom in production process, which can generate noise volume between 90 decibels to 106 decibels, much higher than the human ear can accept 86 decibels, long-term exposure to such a working environment will make workers extremely vulnerable to hearing damage.

Textile industry is important to Bangalore, same to Yelahanka, lot of people living on this. How to reduce the negative impact on the environment while protecting the local textile industry is the challenge we need to face. Yelahanka needs to ease the environmental problems brought by the informal textile industry, while trying to control or even reduce the negative influence of these industries. Therefore, the design objectives should provide the possibility of industrial optimization on the basis of environmental protection. The site has a long history of agriculture, excellent natural

scenery, agricultural/textile-skilled residents, these are opportunities to respond the challenge.

3. Concept & Intervention

From the environmental protection point of view, hoping to introduce Eco - Dyeing (Plant as dyeing material) as the local textile industry production mode. But we face a problem: compared with labor-intensive textile factories, the plant dyeing efficiency is much lower than the existing status, forcing residents to be engaged in Eco – Dyeing is not realistic, residents could not get enough income only from that. Therefore, I want to be able to introduce tourism as a booster to promote the textile industry: to attract citizens from downtown come to the site, to pay fee for the local service, experiencing textile process, from raw materials acquisition, to dye extraction and fabrics sewing, making personalized textile products, experience different agricultural landscape.

4. Intervention

1. The site needs to be divided into 6 main areas, namely: Orchard, Herb Garden, Flower Garden, Cotton Field, Mulberry-base Fishpond and Central Workshop. The orchard, herb garden and flower garden mainly provide natural dyes. The dyes from roots, leaves, stems and fruits can be obtained by traditional pigment extraction (boiling - filtering - separation). Cotton fields and mulberry-base fishpond can mainly provide the basic textile materials of cotton and silk. When dyestuffs and raw materials are obtained, all the textile activities will be carried out in the central workshop.

2. Water purification: Although the Eco - Dyeing, but still in the process of dye production will use a small amount of chemical agent to improve the color of the dye durability, these lightly polluted water needs to be treated, so a purification system is very necessary, and purification steps can also be shown to tourists and residents, enhancing the education value of space.

3. Due to the scattered green space of the site, in order to maintain the continuity of the landscape experience, 4 space designs are adopted to connect the scattered green space, these are: Pergola, Ground Graffiti, Vertical Green and Glass Ground to guide visitors.

Weaving the Future

Urban Agriculture & Tourism

Instructor: Jessica Ann Cook

Location: Bangalore, India

Acreage: 38.9 Hectares

Individual Work 2019/04

India’s textile industry is developed, but at the same time the environmental pollution can not be ignored. After we went to bangalore, we discovered the truth behind the industry.

Perspective of Street

36 37

Textile Industry

India is the world’s second largest producer of textiles and garments after China. It is the world third largest producer of cotton after China and the USA and the second largest cotton consumer after China. In Karnataka, the textile industry contributes to 20% of the garment production taking place in the country, which is valued at USD 1.56 billion. Karnataka is responsible for 8% of the national exports in the textile sector. In Bangalore, the textile industry is one of pillar sectors in economy but also highly fragmented and is being dominated by the unorganized sector and small and medium industries.


Contributes to 20% of the garment production taking place in the country

USD 1.56 billion Valued

35% of the country’s raw silk production takes place in Karnataka

11% of the country’s total wool production

168 private training centres and 144 skill development centres

International brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Allen Solly, Nike, Adidas, etc. treat the city as their sourcing hub

The city has around 386,00 manufacturing units in the textile industry that are engaged at the unorganized and the organized level

More than 4,32,00 people are engaged in sericulture in city and its surrounding, who provides the silk.

Karnataka Bangalore

Size Distribution of Apparel Firms in Bangalore

Woker Number

The total value of production in the garment sector which about 81% comes from the domestic market.


Data From Questionaires


As urbanization has progressed, much of the farmland has disappeared, with now residents major relying on retail business(around28%) and textile industries(around 35%). About 331 households are involved in the private textile industry, mainly in the north of oldtown, and all are small textile mills with employees fewer than eight.

41 3
Yelahanka Bangalore Photo took by Li Ziheng
Textile&Clothing 35% Retailing 28% Farmer 5% Labor Work 14% Employee 18%

Sewage Discharge

Secondary Drainage

Main Drainage

Textile Factory


331 Housholds are Involved in Textile Industries


Produce around 6.6 tons products per day

Consume around 397.2 tons water per day

Concentrate around 23.8 tons polluted water per day


Due to the size of mill and the relatively backward production technics (mostly handloom), these private factories cannot do pretreatment before the discharge of pollutants, the sewage is directly discharged into the drainage system.

Due to the size of mill and the relatively backward production technics (mostly handloom), these private factories cannot do pretreatment before the discharge of pollutants, the sewage is directly discharged into the drainage system. In the four steps of the textile wet process (Pre-treatment, Dying, Printing, Finishing), a large number of chemical substances, such as oil mists, plasticizers, solvent vapour can enter the air and water, cause environment pollution. Not only that, with the large use of shuttle loom in production process, which can generate noise volume between 90 decibels -106 decibels, much higher than the human ear can accept 86 decibels, long-term exposure to such a working environment will make workers extremely vulnerable to hearing damage.

Photo took by Engeel & Rhada
44 45 SITE SELECTION "Weakness" "Strength" POLLUTION VACANT LAND DESIGN ZONE "Potential" Remove Textile industry Keep existing Textile industry Pure Eco-textile Industry Reduce income, low produce Efficiency Eco-textile&Tourism Improve industry Enviroment-friendly Dentrimental to enviromrnt Dentrimental to health Lose income It is hoped that tourism can be an catalyzer to boost the textile industry improvement





All the space arrangement is mainly concentrated in the existing vacant land. 1. The site needs to be divided into 6 main areas, namely: Orchard, Herb Garden, Flower Garden, Cotton Field, Mulberry-base Fishpond and Central Workshop. The orchard, herb garden and flower garden mainly provide natural dyes. Cotton fields and mulberry-base fishpond can mainly provide the basic textile materials of cotton and silk. When dyestuffs and raw materials are obtained, all the textile activities will be carried out in the central workshop.

46 47 STRATEGY Central Workshop Entrence Area Green Barrier Car Park&Shops Textile History Area Pocket Garden Glass-cover Street Flower Garden Herb Garden Cotton Field Orchard Mulberry-base Pond Central Workshop Flower Garden Herb Garden Cotton Field Orchard Mulberry-base Pond 1m 1m



The choice of plants is very important. Apart from cotton and mulberry trees, which provide fabrics, other plants should choose plants that can be used as dyes. The roots, leaves, stems, fruits/peels, and petals of these plants can all be used as natural dyes. Also, these plants should be chosen for their agricultural qualities, such as apple trees: the fruits can be eaten and the flowers can be used as dyes, making them ideal for growing in fields

N 40m80m120m 160m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1
1. Entrance 2. Shopping Area 3. Agriculture Walk 4. Orchard 5. Tea Garden 6. Muibberry-base Pond 7. Dock 8. Watching Tower 9. Textile-history Walk 10. Central Workshop 11. Purification Stream 12. Glass Cover Street 13. Flower Garden 14. Lake Walk 15. Herb Garen


Pergola is set up between the buildings, and climbing plants are planted on the pergola to provide comfortable shade, and the traditional local fabric can be hung as decoration.


The ground can be painted with local traditional patterns, as a guide to the tour, can organize the local community to participate in the drawing of patterns.

The vertical greening mainly provides beautification for the building elevation and plays a guiding role for the sight. Green plants also choose flowers or herbs that can be used as dyes, and visitors can learn about plant dyes during the tour

Due to the water purification within the site, the pavement can be designed to be covered with glass so that visitors can better observe the water purification steps


With the process of urbanization, urban heat island effect has become a topic of long-term discussion. In Singapore, a highly developed tropical city, nearly 80% of the people in the country live in HDB Thermal Comfort, thermal comfort is closely related to their life.

We focus to HDB community in central Singapore ------ Teck Ghee. Teck Ghee was built very early and is one of the older communities in Singapore. Fortunately, thanks to the foresight of the government, Teck Ghee community environment is still very good, with a large number of tall trees covering the green and activity areas and roads (about 53% of Teck Ghee area can be covered by shadows). However, it is worth noting that in Hawker Center (Food Court) of the site, there is a large amount of hard cover, and by shading analysis, the area lacks sufficient shadow coverage. Moreover, the site is also the heart zone of the entire Teck Ghee community. A large number of people gather here every day, but due to the lack of activity space, residents do not have enough space for outdoor activities. Therefore, we hope to create a cool and comfortable outdoor space in Haker Center.


1. The addition of agricultural materials: In Teck Ghee community, there are three agricultural gardens inside, but they are very remote and very small, which is difficult to be effectively used by most residents. Therefore, it is hoped that agricultural resources can be effectively used in Hawker Center to provide productivity while ensuring entertainment.



Residential & Community

add related outdoor activities. In the Rooftop space, which is mainly used for Agricultural Gardens(Community Garden), place four elements of plants, fruits, vegetable and vegetation, and arrange related agricultural activities.

3. Improve the roof traffic: because the roof space is extremely fragmented and lacks sufficient spatial guidance, hope to design a bridge to guide the traffic, and the structure can provide certain shading for the site to create a good and comfortable environment.

Instructor: Kenya Endo

Location: Singapore

Acreage: 4.6 Hectares

Individual Work 2018/10

With the process of urbanization, urban heat island effect has become a topic of long-term discussion. In Singapore, a highly developed tropical city, nearly 80% of the people in the country live in HDB Thermal Comfort, which is closely related to their life.

2. Space design: due to the scarcity of land resources in the site, it is necessary to make full use of the roof space. Firstly, the site is divided into Ground Space and Rooftop Space, among which the ground space mainly plays the role of Heat Mitigation, including four elements of shading, vegetation, water feature and crop, and

52 53


Micro Climate: Hard to Soft

Thermal comfort is very important to human body, espacially for outdoor activities, in landscape.


Acrea: 9.5 Hectors

Percentage: 20%



Acrea: 19 Hectors

Percentage: 40%

Acrea: 10 Hectors

Percentage: 21%

Acrea: 2.8 Hectors

Percentage: 6%

Canopy Building Footprint

57 UHI Intensity Traffic System Vegetation Water Body 3.5-4.04.0-4.54.5-5.0 2.0-2.52.5-3.03.0-3.5 Singapore UHI Map N 12 10 8 6 4 2 NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N 察 N
Tree Cove of Site

Acrea: 9.5 Hectors

Percentage: 20%

Acrea: 10 Hectors

Percentage: 21% Acrea: 2.8 Hectors

Percentage: 6% Acrea: 25.4 Hectors

Percentage: 53.5%




The shading in Teck Ghee is sufficient, in landscape, but is short in Hawker Center(Food Court).

Spatial Design

Due to the scarcity of land resources in the site, it is necessary to make full use of the roof space.

Firstly, the site is divided into Ground Space and Rooftop Space, among which the ground space mainly plays the role of Heat Mitigation, including four elements of shading, vegetation, water feature and crop, and add related outdoor activities.

In the Rooftop space, which is mainly used for Agricultural Gardens(Community Garden), place four elements of plants, fruits, vegetable and vegetation, and arrange related agricultural activities.

58 析



After the design, the soft space in the site increased from 0.69 hectares to 2.07 hectares, and the amount of green space increased significantly, providing good conditions for creating a cool microclimate

Acreage: 0.69 ha

Percentage: 15%

Acreage: 2.07 ha

Percentage: 45.1%

Soft Cover Before Intervention Soft Cover after Intervention


After the design, the vegetation in the site is greatly increased, and in the main activity area, the shadow coverage is greatly improved to ensure the comfort of local residents during activities.


Rooftop Program Layout Ground Program Layout Bridge Increase Transportation of Rooftop
62 45m 105m 15m N 做
64 65 做

注:本 章节所有设计与图纸图纸均由本人所制作

Note: All designs and drawings in this section are made by myself

Typology: Watercolor Size: A3 Date:



Selected Work: Hand Drwaings

Typology: Watercolor Size: A2 Date:


Typology: Watercolor Size: A4 Date: 2017/02

68 69
Point Cloud: Capturing Reality Date: 2019/10 Point Cloud Model Weather Script: Grasshopper Date: 2019/10 Radiation Script: Grasshopper Date: 2019/10

Installation Design: Frog Spray Device

Microtopography design: Frog fog garden

Microtopography design: Conch Stream

Location: Sanya City, Hainan Province, China

Typology: Water park design:Anaya Park

Software Used: CAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Enscape, Photoshop

Design Time: 2021.03

70 71

Landscape Pavilion Design

Location: Wuxing Distric, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Topology: Structure Design, Landscape Pavilion Design

Material: 12 mm Thick Steel Plate

Plan Front View Right View Perspective Left View Backt View 11100mm 11100mm 6000mm 4850mm 平面图 前视图 右视图 左视图 透视图 后视图

Landscape Tower Design

Location: Wuxing Distric, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Topology: Structure Design, Landscape Tower Design

Structure Tyopology: Keel steel+Perforated aluminum plate

75 Base Plane Rotate 45 Degree Rotate 90 Degree Connect the Nodes Basic Facade Transform The Tower 26m 基准面 旋转45度 旋转90度 连接节点 形态生成 变形 最终形态 功能置入
Insert Function
76 77
Landscape Bridge Design 01
Landscape Bridge Design 02


E-mali Address: 454423203@qq.com/e0305514@u.nus.edu

Phone Number:+86-15927189816


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