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Jill Juneja


6 Key Factors to Having a Successful & High Revenue Business You Love

By Jill Juneja Marketing Strategist & Business Success Coach

Jill Juneja


6 Key Factors to Having a Successful & High Revenue Business You Love

1. Mindset

Make A Decision – You must decide if this is a business or a hobby and it’s something you are passionate about.

Successful Mindset – The way to success is to open your mind to newer ways of marketing, running your business and being a confident business owner. Often times, people think something is true because that is what they always believed or were told. It may not even be based on facts. You must be able to realize what your limiting beliefs are and open your mind to newer and better possibilities. If you believe you can’t do something or certain things you tried for marketing or running your business do not work—than you are right. Things will be exactly as you think. So think about it, resolve your limiting beliefs, and get out of your own way.

Newer Business Models – I put this in the mindset section because so many people have run their business the same way for so long, which is why they are struggling. You need to be able to open your mind to newer opportunities. You might be able to update the way you run your business by looking at what you currently do with your expertise and see how you can offer it in multiple ways and different price points. Leverage your business by implementing technology and newer processes. Banish that fear! There are so many opportunities to serve more people in a bigger way and creating more avenues to generate more income with less effort. Stop working hours for dollars with one client at a time. Just because you currently only run your business one way doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways. Think of the possibilities! 6 Key Factors To Having A Successful & High Revenue Business You Love 2 2011 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 480.241.8577

Do what you love and do it in a big way.

2. Focused Business Planning

Create a Business Plan – If you don’t have a plan, how are you going to get there? Where are you taking your business? What are the results you want? What are your goals? Your business plan does not have to be something you are afraid of. You can create a business plan that will give you the confidence, direction, and momentum to know exactly what you need to do to reach your goals and have a sustainable, revenue generating business you love.

3. Consistent Marketing

Target Market (Ideal Clients) - The narrower you make your target market, the easier your marketing will be. The only practical reason for your business not to have a narrow target market is if one market can't give you enough business, which could mean you may need to get a new target market. Don't make the mistake of thinking that multiple markets are the best way to expand your business. Focusing in on a single market is usually much more effective, less costly, and less strenuous. Not everyone will listen to what you have to say, but someone will listen if they feel you can help them in particular.

Services Offered - As a small business owner, you already have several hats to wear. You must do the business, market the business, and manage the business at the same time. Marketing multiple product or service lines simultaneously cannot only overwhelm you, but it will also confuse your market. Keep your services, programs or products to two or three until you can grow large enough to hire more help.

Tracking Results - You need to know if your marketing plan is working so you know if you need to adjust what you are doing, so be sure to keep track. Are you getting your 6 Key Factors To Having A Successful & High Revenue Business You Love 3 2011 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 480.241.8577

target number of prospects and meetings each month? How many of them are turning into sales? If you aren't getting the results you want, don't change the plan until you're sure you are actually working it. In other words, are you making the number of calls you said, or spending the allotted time on Internet marketing or networking? The only way to really know is to keep track of what you’re doing, and how much time and money you’re spending. If you truly are working your marketing plan (and you've given it three months to pay off) but you're not getting the results you expected, go back and review where you're stuck. Then revise your plan accordingly.

4. Knowledge

Learn the MAJOR business foundations to build your business. You don’t have to be an expert at everything, but you can certainly get the knowledge and the help you need to have a successful business. If you don't know how to do something yourself or don’t have the time, find an expert. This will save you so much time, energy, and money in the long run. Consultants will give you specialized advice or manage projects for you. Coaches will help you strategize, prioritize, learn new skills and attitudes, and keep you on track. Virtual assistants will handle marketing tasks like social media, email marketing, submitting articles online, techie stuff, and letting you focus on running the business instead of it running you. Attending classes and workshops will teach you valuable information and skills. Hanging out with mentors, cohorts, and other business owners like you will help tremendously.

5. Action

You must get out of your office – If you don’t get out there to meet others and network, you will not be able to make that personal connection. The best thing about your service business-no matter what you offer-is YOU. If you get out from behind your desk and meet people face to fact, you will have so many opportunities to get the ball rolling for meeting prospects and future cohorts. 6 Key Factors To Having A Successful & High Revenue Business You Love 4 2011 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 480.241.8577

6. Commitment

Remember your decision to have a successful business and to make it happen? Don't give up before you've tried! Believe in yourself and your system. Find a proven successful system and than work it! Business plans and Marketing plans rarely work right away – it's commitment, consistency, and persistence that really pays off. Make a commitment to work your plan for a minimum of three months, no matter what. Keep track of your efforts and results. Then if things aren't working as well as you'd like, you'll know exactly where the weak points are, and how to tweak them. Next Step? Take Action. 1.

2. 3.

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Jill Juneja’s Bio

I’m a Marketing Strategist and Business Success Coach specializing in Internet Marketing Strategies for entrepreneurs, small business owners, home based business professionals, and others who want to grow and/or transform their business from “it could be better” to a “MAGNIFICENTLY SAVVY”. I work with those who are serious about leveraging their business by implementing Internet Marketing Strategies. I also provide education programs teaching a variety ofFall internet marketing strategies like How Tos for social media, e-mail marketing, webinars, etc.


If you don’t have your own business yet, I also consult those who are future entrepreneurs identify what their business should be and create a strategy to make it happen. I will help you discover your purpose. I’m good at finding people’s amazing qualities and helping them figure out their passion, skills, and finding ways to use those qualities to offer a needed service or product for a successful online business. Find out more at To Your Magnificent Success,

Jill Juneja Connect with me… 6 Key Factors To Having A Successful & High Revenue Business You Love 6 2011 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 480.241.8577

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