T he Wellsy stem W ave is the next e ra of fu lly immer sive relax ation comb ine d with wate r-jet dry massage . De live ring in dep th re lax ation for the b ody, mind, and sou l.
The Wel lsyst e m Wa v e is t he o nly h olistic m a ss age r e l a x ati o n syst e m t ha t a ddr ess e s m u lt i pl e typ e s o f str e ss
Th is dry, h ydr o - je t m a ss age syst e m d oe s mor e t ha n ju st r e l a x yo u r m u scl e s It a ls o in c l u d e s invi go r a tin g c h rom a , a r o m a , so u nd t he r a p y a nd so o t h in g m e dit a ti o n ro u tin e s t o gui d e y o u i n y ou r We lln e ss Jo u rn e y !
WaterJet Massage
SPA Hood Experience | Fully Immersive Relaxation
A Unique Service
Operation & Maintenance
Marketing & Social Media
Technical Summary
The Wellsystem combines heat and pressurized wa The airless system creates a quiet and consistent e from head to toe.This massage experience treats the pressing muscles to relieve tension
The technique can be used to help retain fitness wh massage has an effect on the deeper layers of tissue
The Wellsystem Wave Touch offers massage progra can be individually adjusted to body size, shoulder w program offers a customized experience for the clie
The effective and strong shoulder massage targets t an essential predictor of mental stress, and when ha throughout the body
The uniquely designed massage surface of the Wellsyst neck area with its wave shape, allowing the massage This provides a comprehensive massage of the musc massage experience for an unrivaled and highly effe
simple operation in the large, swivel touchscreen offers you and your customers limitless possibilities
user can start with adjusting the settings to enjoy total relaxation during the session ll settings can also be changed at any time during the massage, simply and intuitively ose between upper body or total body based on desired results and choose desired ssage pressure settings from gentle kneading to a powerful deep tissue experience
h NFC Connect , you can save your settings and preferences for the next session
Intuitive and simple operation
Extensive and individual settings
An instruction video explains the most important functions
All settings can be pre-selected
Perfect ergonomics: touchscreen display can be rotated and tilted
Automated, touchless, hygenic customer experiecne
Full sensory immersion with the Wellsystem Wave. Invite your clients to enjoy a break from cell phones and technology by providing sensory relaxation with sight, sound, smell, and touch
Enhancing relaxation and a sense of ease to combat stress.
Activating light stimulates the body & mind, and brightens the mood.
Ideal for recharging and revitalizing the skin and body.
Cycles through all light spectrums on a timer for a mixed session.
The combination of light and various color spectrums can create desired effects in the body like mood enhancement, relaxation, or an energy boost
The Wellsystem includes 4 LED boards inside the spa hood 3 different styles of LED in each board (RGB, Red and Infrared). 78 RGB LED (Full color spectrum), 36 Infrared LED (850NM) and 36 Redlight LED (660NM)
The high-quality sound system with integrated SD card and Bluetooth® Connect complements the massage with relaxing music and meditative sounds
The user also receives information on the light color program used. The music is controlled via the large touch-screen display. If desired, the user ‘ s own smartphone can easily be connected via Bluetooth® and users can enjoy their own favorite music, podcasts or relaxation courses
Aromatherapy Find your customized Wellness Journey
With aromatic scents, the massage becomes a completely immersive feel-good experience. Choose from relaxation scents like Lavender or invigorating scents like Citrus or Eucalyptus to fully customize the experience for clients
The intensity of the fragrance can be individually adjusted, or the feature turned off based on client preferences
The water-jet dry massage by Wellsystem is ideal for multiple business models and brings a automated, touchless modality for immersive relaxation and massage.
Allowing you to bring additional value to your customers through this unique relaxation experience, without the expenditure of additional support staff. Highly profitable and low maintenance, the Wellsystem is the perfect addition to any automated spa circuit or service menu.
The Wellsystem can be fully sanitized between each session, with no changing, no laundry, and no hassle
Low operational costs, low maintenance, and autonomous session control for users means an ideal combination for operators who seek high value and quality services that are operationally accessible.
Th e J K M a r k e ti n g T o o l o f f e rs s o c i a l m e d i a p o sts a nd n u m e r o u s v i d e o s i n a nd P R m e s s a g i n g is a v a i l a b l e o n t h e m a r k e ti n g t o o l f o r y o u r b u si n e ss a d v e r t i
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D I G I T A L M E D I A & M AR K E T I N G K I T :
I nc l u d e d w i t h p u r c h a s e , y o u w i l l r e cieve a c o mp r eh e nsi v e c o l l e cti o n o f i m ag e s , soc i a l m e d i a c o n t e nt, s a l e s c a rds, v i s u a l m e r c h a nd i si n g , p r o m o t i o n a l p o s t e rs , c o u n t e r disp l a ys, o p e r a t io n a l p o s t e rs, q u i c k -s t a rt g u i d e s, a n d vi d e o s. ev e ry t h i n g y o u n e e d t o p r o m o t e t he We llsyst e m Wa v e
J K A C AD E M Y :
A t J K A c a d e m y , y o u w i l l f i nd e d u c a t i o n a l c o u r s e s, w e bi n a rs, a nd vi d e o t u tor i a l s a b o u t v a r i o u s J K E q u ip m e nt & p r o d u ct s H e r e y o u c a n l e a rn a b o u t p r e v e n t a t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e , t h e l a t e st t e c h n o l o g y f r o m E r g o l i n e a nd s o m u c h m o r e
V isit jk a c a d e m y u s f or mo r e i n f o r m a tio n