6 Sales & Communication Principles
2009 LEARN TO SELL & COMMUNICATE MORE EFFECTIVELY JONATHAN KLEIN Tom Griffith 3148 N. Green Leaf Circle Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-212-9226
Divorce Planning 101 | 3/5/2008
4 Sales Principles
I) Create
Predictable Results with a Sales & Communication System
o “Universal Principle of Sales is that we don’t buy because of needs we purchase because we have a PAIN that must be solved” Strategies 6 Sales Principles Principle of Trust 1. Trust can not be implied it must be earned!
• In sales as in life we assume that other people trust us especially if the contact is a referral or even a family member. Trust must be constantly earned and it must be understood that trust is no linear but rather moves along a sphere and is constantly being strengthened or weakened based on interactions. • Never Assume Trust is Present! • Trust Moves Communication Forward! • Trust is Built When Little Promises are Kept!
Principle of Pain pain that needs to be solved. “I need to go to the Dentist, but I don’t go until I’m in pain!” • Uncover the prospects pain and then determine if you can solve it with your product or solution. • Ask questions like? i. How is the economy impacting the practice of ___________?
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2. People don’t buy on needs they buy because they have a
• Make your initial questions general at first because no one will tell you their pain right out of the gate. This would leave them vulnerable. 3. Pain must be classified as IMPLICIT! This means the
client hasn’t just intimated or hinted that they have discomfort in an area, but rather has mad it especially clear that “this is my pain”. As we stated earlier no one will tell you this out of the gate so you must build to this slowly with a series of questions. This will be discussed under the Principle of INTEGRITY. For now understand this: • You do not have permission to provide a solution until a prospect or client says “Yes, that’s my pain and I want that solution”. With out this statement or one like it you do not have the right to provide your solution. If you do you’ve just conducted a features dump! Principle of TIME Every call should begin with: 4. T = Time •
What Time does your product or service: i. Find them?
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ii. Improve for them? iii. Create for them? •
We buy first on the satisfaction of this need!
5. Identity
What identity does your product or service give them?
i. Consider the person who owns a Rolex watch, drives a Porsche. These products give the user an identity that they can adopt ii. What unique identity does our service give to the user? iii. Give them a UVP that includes your service! 6. Measure •
How does your user measure their ROI and Reduction of Risk when they utilize your service? i. ROI: There must be a ROI for someone to use you ii. Reduction of Risk: There must be a way to measure this to motivate users
7. Elevate •
How does your product or service Elevate or Leverage your user to achieve more?
Principle of SOLD i. All prospects have 4 attitudes and to be sold, to be really sold must be walked through each attitude 1. S = Skepticism •
We are all skeptical of new ideas and in order to really be sold we need to see or hear:
ii. Proof Evidence iii. Neutral Elements 2. O = Objections •
Misunderstandings i. This is this most common and the easiest to overcome. Decide what the misunderstanding is then clear the confusion.
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i. Proof Statements
Drawbacks i. Are impossible to overcome because it is the way it is. An example of this is where a client wants you product in a specific color that it doesn’t come in. The way around is to remind the client of all the things they like about your product and to ask if they aren’t enough to go forward. ii. When dealing with a drawback it is best to ask if the statement they make is in fact what they really want. i.e. “is that really important to you?”
3. L = Lethargy •
Also known as Indifference and is the most difficult attitude to overcome because: i. They have no perceived value for your service or product ii. They are happy with their current provider iii. They are happy with their internal service or product
To overcome you must find their PAIN!
4. D = Done/Deal/Accept •
You can get to this point till you have gone through the above attitudes. When people accept too soon they have not completely bought into your solution.
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Principle of RESCCUE ii. Prepare for your meeting with this law 1. R = Rehearse •
We must practice if we are going to be proficient and professional
2. E = End Game
We must have an eye on our determined end result. This means a game plan with strategies and tactics
3. S = Scripted •
When conducting a sales call you are on stage and your audience expects that you have an agenda and it has a script.
4. C = Capture •
You must grab your audiences attention just like you want to be captured when you watch a great movie
5. C = Courtship •
The sale doesn’t end after the call it has only begun. You must treat your prospect like you were courting your spouse or date.
6. U = Uncover •
Pain is constantly changing and every contact is an opportunity to find new pain to solve!
7. E = Experience •
Your audience wants to be educated and entertained and you better have done both!
iii. This law is about preparation for your sales call as well as how you conduct your call. It is the proper preparing of questions that uncover the acute pain of your prospect and how you go about delivering these questions. 1. I = Inquire •
You must have developed questions that lead your prospect to tell you their needs!
2. N = Needs •
Needs are only the beginning and lead to the development of Trust between you and your prospect.
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Principle of INTEGRITY
3. T= Trust •
Engendering trust is the key to a successful long term relationship and you have earn this before the client will tell you what their really thinking.
4. E = Emotion •
When a prospect reveals their emotion this is where you know that you have developed real trust.
5. G = Grief •
Grief is otherwise referred to as Pain and when the client emotes how a particular issues gives them grief or pain you are getting ready to provide your solution
6. R = Resolution •
This is when and where you provide your specific solution that relieves the client’s pain
7. I = Integrate •
This is your opportunity to help your prospect implement your solution in to their practice. You have to have the conversation with your prospect how they will use your solution before you can actually help them implement it.
8. T = Teach
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To often when we buy a product, such as a car, the salesman gives you the keys and sends you out the door. What the miss is the tremendous opportunity to improve the experience and develop referrals. We must teach prospects how to use our service to its utmost.
9. Y = Yes • II)
No sales call is complete without a Yes! To get to this point we have a How/What conversation
Sales Tactics (Partner Implementation) a. Principle of SIN: Summarize – Integrate – Now What
i. Our objective is to get our prospects to see and agree to the value of each solution we provide. ii. Three stages of Value for the Prospect 1. Stage 1 = Basic Understanding/Seller Agreement 2. Stage 2 = Taking Ownership/Seller Transfer of Ownership 3. Stage 3 = Applying value/Seller Quantifying Value iii. Implement in your sales call 1. (Summarize) Mr. Prospect we have discussed how our service will save you time. Would you agree? •
Here you get the prospect to agree that your service is right for their practice
2. (Integrate) How do you see our service working for you in your practice? •
This is where the client will tell you how they will implement you or if they don’t know how you will uncover it with this question and can give them their new Unique Value Proposition
3. (Now-What) What do you think this service is worth to your practice? •
With this question the prospect takes ownership of the decision to implement and places a value, $ figure, on their decision
i. As you proceed through the Law of INTEGRITY your prospect will become educated and ultimately get it but they won’t really GET IT until they Validate for themselves. We to often try to confirm a prospects understanding, but this doesn’t achieve anything. For real success it is better to: 1. Ask a question about what they get:
Divorce Planning 101 | 3/5/2008
b. Ask/Tell
i.e. So you spend a lot of time on the phone with your client discussing their ability to pay their bills and you believe out expertise could eliminate this. Why?
This allows your client to take ownership of your solution and tell you what they think you can do. Then you:
2. Restate •
Repeat what they have said and then:
3. Tell Them: •
That’s right our service will ________:
4. You Have Validation c. Principle of WRAP: Wrap it up – Agree – Progress i. It s your responsibility as a solutions expert to now WRAP up your meeting and to move it forward if and only if you’ve found a Pain that you can solve. Follow this 3 step process: 1. WRAP = Summary •
Mr. Prospect we’ve discussed that you’re slow printing is costing you money in labor cost and in jobs that you are unable to compete on and that our S3000 printer would save you money immediately in labor cost and allow you to bid on bigger jobs.
2. Agree •
Would you agree with this summary?
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3. Progress •
Excellent, I now suggest that we conduct a test with the s3000 compared to your existing machine to demonstrate the actual cost savings. Would next Tuesday work for you?
ii. When moving your prospect forward please remember that you only have permission to d so if you’ve uncovered Implicit Pain, provided real solutions and have had agreement with each solution provided!
iii. When you WRAP it up your prospect may provide a Progression step. Be careful to not except their next step if it doesn’t fit with your next step. It is your responsibility to control the process. Remember you’re the professional! Would you ell your doctor what he or she is going to do next? No! d. Let’ Pretend! i. You may encounter a prospect that at the WRAP request that you prepare a proposal or conduct some other task. Many times this is a stall tactic and you need to respond in this fashion to uncover what they are really asking. 1. Mr. Prospect I’d be happy to prepare that for you. Let’s pretend that I’ve completed that for you and the numbers have come in as you hope what would be next? ii. This exact scripting will uncover if your prospect is truly committed you your solution or are you being used for your information. Always remember this quote: 1. “In the absence of rules/commitments those become the rules/commitments”
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2. Very simply put, if you fail to set appropriate expectations in the form of rules or commitments you’ll get pushed around and used. This is not a win/win!
Divorce Planning 101 | 3/5/2008