Yoga And Meditation - Formation Yoga ___________________________________________________________________________________
By James Stephen - The body of literature documenting normative breast sensation and postoperative changes in sensation after reduction mammaplasty has grown considerably over the last several years. Despite this, only two studies have ever been published on the subject of postaugmentation mammaplasty sensory outcomes. The purpose of this study was to precisely measure sensory thresholds at the nipple-areola complex in women who have undergone augmentation mammaplasty by either the inframammary or periareolar approach. Click Here
Every process of Yoga... neigh meditation that frees us from the clutches of attachment... bondage or Moha, whatever we may call it... Is the right process on the path of gaining Enlightenment.Are Yoga and Meditation two different words with different meanings? No, the truth is not so... we need to understand that it is the path of yoga which shall lead us to gaining Enlightenment within this life. Yoga in other words is the effort of every soul to merge with the Almighty God at the earliest. And for this to be achieved we need to follow a routine of yogic exercises and also meditate (perform yoga) on the Almighty God. This process of meditation can be best understood once we are able to understand the meaning of Meditation. Meditation in Hindi means yoga. Never otherwise or vice versa!
To be able to rightly perform Yoga (Meditation) we need to concentrate on the basic belief of life and that is... the basic building block of the total Cosmos is an atom. A cluster of atoms grouped together are called as molecules and a cluster of molecules is what the whole complex Cosmos comprises of. Truly speaking... the whole Cosmos is built up of clusters of atoms and molecules and there is nothing solid in the whole Cosmos. Everything in the Cosmos has a gaseous formation... a form of energy. As we have seen in the Star Trek serial during the deportation of human beings from one place to another... they get transformed into pure energy for a temporal phase.
This is the only vital truth of life we cannot get away with... seeing from the senses point of view... things appear to be gaseous and also solids but in the cosmic domain it is only the gaseous formation which holds good. Once we are clear with this issue in respect of every human being and every living being (Jiva as we call it in Hinduism) living on mother earth being gaseous formations... We need to understand that it is only after having gained control of the senses and the mind shall we be able to transcend the earthly plane and be able to truly visualize whatever was pictured in the Star Trek. And what does yoga itself mean? The word yoga has been derived from the Hindi root yog and which in Hindi means synthesizing two things. In Hindi two plus two equal four... and the effort of our soul (the atman within) to merge with the super soul (the Parmatman, the Almighty God) is known as yoga.
Performing Yoga (Meditation) is the process which enables us to cut across the shackles of the senses and the mind and to be able to come free of the senses and the mind... one needs to perform yoga (meditation) in a manner that the dross within our soul (atman) reduces at a faster pace. The complete dross having removed... one would have gained absolute control over the senses and the mind! This is the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi as we know it in Hinduism. The stage of Nothingness... it is when the senses and the mind have lost their entity and the purified soul engages itself in one to one dialogue
with the Almighty God, the super soul.
So… What’s Next ? To learn more about Formation Yoga, Click Here: