Flourish Newsletter 7-2010

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Help Me Flourish Answers to your digi questions

Let Freedom Ring!

Our featured designer shares her exclusive new patriotic kit!

Canada Day Feature

Our gallery's best!

July's Inspiration

Patriotic gallery picks to inspire your seasonal scrapping!

Issue 13: July 2010

OWNERS Traci Murphy Gina Miller EDITORIAL Managing Editors Traci Murphy Gina Miller Editor Joy Kuoha DESIGN Joy Kuoha STAFF WRITERS Gina Miller Traci Murphy Joy Kuoha GUEST WRITER Christine Kane ADVERTISING Lori Martin

3 HELP ME FLOURISH COLUMN By Yours Truly 4 INTERVIEW WITH FEATURED dESIGNER Tracie Stroud of Tracie Stroud Designs By Traci Murphy 7 exclusive free download Get your “Let Freedom Ring” Kit For Flourish Subscribers Only 9 INTERVIEW WITH FEATURED SCRAPPER Melissa Lewis (mlewis) By Gina Miller 11 CANADA DAY TRIBUTE By Joy Kuoha 12 Why Becoming an Imperfectionist Makes You Successful and Happy By Christine Kane 14 Gallery Picks July’s Inspiration: Patriotic

cover layout: credits:

Freedom by GemmaC

Boom Boom Clap by Libby Weifenbach, Template by Tiny Toes Designs

We welcome your feature-worthy layouts and ideas for articles. Please send your submissions and suggestions to: flourish.msa@gmail.com If you would like assistance with your subscription to Flourish, please email to: flourish.msa@gmail.com Advertising Inquiries can be sent: flourish.msa@gmail.com

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Dear Flourish, There are so many things I would like to learn about digi scrapping but I don’t know where to start... When I “Googled” for tutorials, it seems most sites want to sell me an expensive book or online training - Where can I find some great free tutorials? Thank you - a Beginner Dear Beginner, Since digital scrapping has been around, there have been tutorials on many different sites. Some tutorials are online, some are videos, and others are .pdf files you can save and print out. Here I have complied a list of sites tat offer free tutorials for you to get started. Don’t feel overwhelmed, though, just click on a link and check out the tutorials that sound like what you are looking to learn how to do: The Daily Digi The Shabby Princess Digital Scrapbook Place Cottage Arts Scrapbook-Bytes Scrapbook Elements Two Peas In A Bucket


July brings two huge national holidays - Independence Day in the U.S., and Canada Day in Canada. As we celebrate these special days with family events, let’s not forget to capture some great photos for scrapping. See the inspiration gallery for some great examples. All Flourish subscribers will be thrilled to see the free kit by featured designer, Tracie Stroud. This month, she dazzles us with the red, white, and blue “Let Freedom Ring” kit, which is very versatile and has 2 matching alphas! If you live in the southern hemisphere and are enjoying a great winter season, rest assured, we are smoking hot here in the southern region of the U.S. and are a little jealous of your cool temps. Whatever weather you are enjoying this month, you will find some of the most inspiring layouts in the gallery right now at MyScrapbookArt.com.

Designer Digitals

We hope you enjoy this issue of Flourish and get inspired to scrap your favorite family moments. See you online!

Digital Scrapbooking 101


Scrap Wow

300 DPI Deviant Scrap Scrapper’s Workshop Scrappers Online

Joy Kuoha is a graphic designer, writer, and amateur photographer. She has 5 amazing children and 3 adorable grandchildren.







facebook, and scrabble. When she is not sitting in front of her computer, you can find her in the garden cutting roses

Would you like to ask our experts a question? Let us know what you want to read more about by sending us your questions, interests and ideas for future articles and features. Email us at helpmeflourish@gmail.com. Selected interests and ideas will be featured in future issues. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

or at the beach soaking up the sun.

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Find Tracie. . . Scrap Orchard Shop Design blog Newsletter

Designer at Scrap Orchard By Traci Murphy

You have to see Tracie’s designs to believe just how gorgeous they really are. Tracie’s style is great for layering elements and here papers are super cute. She has such a talent for color matching! We asked Tracie a few questions about herself, and this is what she had to say...

Q. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? A. Watermelon! It’s my favorite summer food, and I keep it stocked when it’s hot. Q. What is your favorite color? A. Teal Q. What is your favorite drink? A. Nothing beats Southern sweet tea.

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Featured Designer


Q. What is the last book you read? A. I’m currently on my 4th reading of the Twilight series. I’m a little obsessed lol. I’m about to finish Eclipse. Q. What did you want to be when you were little? A. I honestly always wanted to be a Mommy. We’ve been so blessed with our kiddos. Q. What is your favorite song? A. Right now, Love Came Down by Brian Johnson. It’s a praise and worship song. Q. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself? A. I’ll be 31 years old this month. My husband, kiddos, and I live in Louisiana. We’re Christians and are actively involved in church. Family is very important to us, and we love to just all hang out together. Q. Do you have a favorite color scheme? A. I don’t have a specific favorite scheme, but I’m really drawn to palettes that have yellows and turquoise right now. Q. What is your favorite type of product to design? A. Full kits have always been my favorite. I love to see them come together into 1 cohesive product. Featured Designer (continued)

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Q. Can you tell us about your creative process? A. I have folders full of color schemes and kit ideas on my hard drive. When I’m ready to start a new kit, I look them over and start on one that’s inspiring me at the moment. I open a text file and brainstorm ideas for elements, wordart, etc. and just go from there. I usually do my papers first, then the elements, and lastly the alpha(s). Q. How did you get into digital scrapbooking and designing? A. I started digital scrapbooking after my first child was born, because I didn’t have the time or space for traditional scrapping anymore. I was doing some photography and logo design from home, so I was very comfortable with design software. I wanted to try my hand at designing, and with some fantastic constructive criticism from some designer friends, I made my first kit. It all happened very quickly after that. I started selling a couple of months later, and I’ve loved every minute of it!

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Featured Designer (continued)

Just for the valued subscribers of

We want to express our appreciation to Tracie Stroud of Tracie Stroud Designs for sharing this beautiful kit, “Let Freedom Ring!”

Click below to download

“Let Freedom Ring” Complete Kit

Featured Designer (continued)

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Featured Designer (continued)

Featured Scrapper: Melissa Lewis by Gina MIller Q. What is the one household chore you secretly enjoy doing? A. Ironing Q. If you could eat one food for the next 7 days, what would it be? A. Tortilla chips and white cheese dip

Supply List: Daydreamer kit by Leora Sanford, Simple Solutions Set 3 by Leora Sanford, Font is DJB ReneeSahlin Studio: Sunshine and Daffodils

Q. What is your favorite article of clothing from your closet? A. A pair of trouser jeans I picked up on clearance last year. Had no idea they would change my life. LOL Q. Last movie you saw in the theater was...? A. The Karate Kid

Supply List: Free Template by One Little Bird Designs, Wish Upon a Star papers and buttons by Designs by Lili, Word art from Nov BYOC by Designs by Lili

Q. You’re obsessed with...? A. Taking pictures of my kids. They’re so tired of me chasing them around with the camera!

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Q. Be honest- are you a crazy Twilight fan like the rest of us? If so, Team Edward or Team Jacob? A. Definitely! I can’t ever quite make up my mind. I love Jacob because of the underdog factor; but there’s just something about perfection that makes me want to also choose Edward. Q. What is the color of your manicure right now... A. Sadly, I’m all natural. ;) My favorite is Dutch Tulips, though.

A. Actually just this week! Met my friend for coffee (iced for me, hot for her), then went to two different malls, Target, and a library trip. Finished up my afternoon with a Krispy Kreme donut for a late lunch. Q. What’s on your DVR/TiVo right now? A. Friday Night Lights, The Closer, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Drop Dead Diva Q. What’s your current FB status update? A. Melissa Lewis went to see the new Karate Kid and completely relived my teenage years. :)

Q. When was your last ME day? What did you do? Get to know Melissa! Hey! I’m Melissa, married to Brian (who is a 4th grade teacher and children’s pastor) for 13 years. We have two cute kiddos both adopted from South Korea. Camden is almost 7 and a 1st grader. Rory is 3 and very giggly. We live just outside Nashville, Tennessee. With two small children, my scrapping time is more limited now than it’s ever been, and I find myself reaching for templates more and more. There are so many great styles to choose from, and they definitely make my scrapping easier. I seem to scrap in spurts. I’ll go 5-6 days without scrapping and then will sit down and scrap 2-3 pages a day for the next several days. And then the cycle repeats. I started scrapping in December 2006. After owning Photoshop Elements for over a year, I decided it was time to get serious about learning the program. My first purchase was a Gina Miller Christmas kit and once I got started, there was no turning back.

Supply List: Gina Miller Flat & Frayed Ribbons, Gina Miller Spring Sprocket paper pack and card stock, Pamela Dennis Out Came the Sun elements, Jenna Desai Spring Posies and Whimsical Swirls Vol. 1, Designs by Lili Sweetie Pie alpha

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I am so lucky to be on several CT’s, all of whom were some of my favorite designers before I became a member of their team: Darcy Baldwin, Crystal Livesay, Gina Miller, Dani Mogstad, Lauren Reid, Leora Sanford, and Shabby Miss Jenn. Melissa’s Gallery at My Scrapbook Art Melissa’s Facebook Page

On June 20, 1868, a proclamation signed by the Governor General, Lord Monck, called upon all Her Majesty’s loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the formation of the union of the British North America provinces in a federation under the name of Canada on July 1st. The July 1 holiday was established by statute in 1879, under the name Dominion Day. There is no record of organized ceremonies after this first anniversary, except for the 50th anniversary of Confederation in 1917, at which time the new Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings, under construction, was dedicated as a memorial to the Fathers of Confederation and to the valour of Canadians fighting in the First World War in Europe. The next celebration was held in 1927 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation. It was highlighted by the laying of the cornerstone by the Governor General of the Confederation Building on Wellington Street and the inauguration of the Carillon in the Peace Tower. Since 1958, the government has arranged for an annual observance of Canada’s national day with the Secretary of State of Canada in charge of the coordination. The format provided for a Trooping the Colours ceremony on the lawn of Parliament Hill in the afternoon, a sunset ceremony in the evening followed by a mass band concert and fireworks display. Another highlight was Canada’s Centennial in 1967 when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II attended the celebrations with Parliament Hill again being the backdrop for a large scale official ceremony. The format changed in 1968 with the addition of multicultural and professional concerts held on Parliament Hill including a nationally televised show. Up until 1975, the focus of the celebrations, under the name “Festival Canada”, was held in the National Capital Region during the whole month of July and involved numerous cultural, artistic and sport activities, as well as municipalities and voluntary organizations. The celebration was cancelled in 1976 but was reactivated in 1977. A new formula was developed in 1980 whereby the National Committee (the federal government organization charged with planning Canada’s Birthday celebrations) stressed and sponsored the development of local celebrations all across Canada. “Seed money” was distributed to promote popular and amateur activities organized by volunteer groups in hundreds of local communities. The same approach was also followed for the 1981 celebrations with the addition of fireworks displays in 15 major cities across the nation. (Information courtesy of pch.gc.ca)

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Why Becoming an Imperfectionist Makes You Successful and Happy

You Might Need to Become an Imperfectionist if…

By Christine Kane

• You have a case of the “Used-to-Be’s.” (“I used to be so good at this!” Or “I used to be so thin!” Or, “I used to write everyday and now look…”)

“Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.” ~ Julia Cameron How much stuff do you think about doing? How many things would you love to try but stop yourself because you don’t know how to begin? Do you avoid projects because of the pressure to do them well? If so, feel free to join me and some of my most successful friends in our exclusive club of very special and talented people: We call ourselves the Imperfectionists!

• You tell yourself you need to get “just a little more information” before you’ll try something.

• Your mantra to the world is: “I’m just so overwhelmed! There’s too much to do! It’s so hard to be me!” • You call friends and co-workers to get sympathy for how hard it is to accomplish your goals and dreams. They often agree, citing how special you are because you have been given so much talent – and how it must be quite a burden. • You spend more than one hour per day on Facebook, watching television, or not fully engaging in other addictive activities. • At the end of every year, you wonder why you never seem to move any further towards your dreams.

What’s an Imperfectionist?

• You are waiting for your POTENTIAL to finally kick in.

• An Imperfectionist is often a recovering perfectionist.

Why Becoming an Imperfectionist Makes You Successful and Happy

• An Imperfectionist knows that getting something done is better than sitting back and waiting to do it perfectly.

Being an Imperfectionist is an Intention.

• An Imperfectionist knows that being a Perfectionist is simply an excuse NOT to take action. • An Imperfectionist congratulates herself for taking small steps. • An Imperfectionist buys herself flowers when she accomplishes something - even if it’s not quite up to her ego’s high standards. • An Imperfectionist knows that getting a scary thing done IS the reward. Not the kudos or adoration.

When you become an Imperfectionist, you finally recognize your ego voice exactly for what it is: Your own personal Success Prevention Expert. When you become an Imperfectionist, you finally realize how many Success Prevention Experts exist in the world. When you become an Imperfectionist, you lower the bar – or better yet, remove it altogether. You can then create in the moment without any grade or standard. Ironically, this allows for such freedom and joy that you might end up doing a great job. (Or at least having a great time!) When you become an Imperfectionist, you place your creative

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attention on the project or activity itself. You don’t waste it on obsessing about the outcome. (This paradoxically leads to a higher chance of greatness, and a definite outcome of happiness!) When you become an Imperfectionist, you get things done imperfectly. You then learn that you can tweak and fix and try again. This process makes you Unstoppable. When you become an Imperfectionist, you finally understand that there are no mistakes. Just judgments. Becoming an Imperfectionist doesn’t mean you don’t become a master of your craft or your passion - but that’s not the starting goal. How to Become an Imperfectionist 1 - Imperfectly pick one thing you keep telling yourself you want to do.

• Imperfect Cooking • Imperfect Dinner Parties • Imperfect Bowling Add your own items to this list as needed. Find a way to let yourself experience them without judgment. And listen to this recovering perfectionist when she tells you that your success is guaranteed when you live by this principle!

Disclaimer: The preceding article should be ignored by the following people: Brain surgeons. Commercial airline pilots. Skydivers.

2 - If you read #1 and think, “I can’t possibly pick just one! There’s too many!” then do not proceed until you have picked just one. 3 - Get a timer, and set it to 55 minutes. 4 - Walk away from your computer right now and spend 55 minutes doing that very activity. 5 - Repeat #4 again tomorrow. 6 - Repeat #4 again every day after that until the item is complete. 7 - Celebrate the item’s completion with chocolate, flowers, or a manicure. 8 - Go back to #1 and start over. An Imperfect List of Things You Can Do Imperfectly • Imperfect Writing • Imperfect Meditation • Imperfect Yoga • Imperfect Romance • Imperfect Hiking • Imperfect Vacations

Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her ‘LiveCreative’ weekly ezine with more than 11,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at http://www.christinekane.com/ .

• Imperfect Scrapbooking My Scrapbook Art Page 13



Click on graphics for credit info. Featured Layouts found in the My Scrapbook Art Gallery.

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