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Hometown Granger, Indiana Education Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from University of Charleston
What are some of your hobbies? Anything my kids are into, and some things of my own initiative: photography, planting, cosplay, gifting, crafts, home improvement, light carpentry, shopping.
What is one of your favorite things about SETX?
The people, especially neighbors! We are transplants but have found it very easy to meet people and get involved–we were even invited to dinner a day after moving in and are now regularly involved in many neighbors’ family events. We absolutely love the weather and it is fun to be able to plant and to go to the beach year-round. We have seen pretty awesome things at Crystal Beach: oyster shells, seaweed, an exceptional amount of sea foam, hermit crabs, jellyfish, and Portuguese man o’ war! We frequent Bridge City for crabbing and area waterways for exploring and fishing and seeing all the birds, herons, and alligators together at one of the Shangri La’s lookouts was extraordinary. Additionally, I
Family husband Derek, son Bowen, daughter Katherine “Kate”. The rest of our family lives out of town in Indiana, Illinois and South Carolina
Pets Scully (passed- aka “lives at own house”), Cedar (passed - aka “lives at Scully’s house”), Bear- my miniature schnauzer baby appreciate SETX’s local boutiques and art scene and that anything we need is just a short drive.
What is the best vacation you’ve ever been on?
Vacation with husband to Maui, Hawaii. We rented a Northside house on a cliff during February, the peak of whale migration. Just to sit on the property and watch humpbacks interacting in the water below was magnificent.
What is one thing you can’t live without?
What are you hoping to get out of your League experience this year? Impactful volunteering experience. I want to leave a place or organization and myself changed for the better. Like sustaining change.
Occupation Mom and household manger, aka “I work for my kids”
What are you currently watching / reading / listening to?
Watching = The Chosen / reading = That’s not My.. (Lion), toddler series / listening = Hal Elrod podcast.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Progress over perfection.”
What would you do with 8 extra hours in the day?
I would aspire to spend the extra hours doing something for the overall good. Maybe I could do more learning, planning, engaging, or even meditating. If I could be the best and most informed version of myself, I believe that version could make the best impact in the world. I would aspire to better serve the world around me and make a larger influence of good. Then, I would teach all of that to my kids. However, it’s likely I would become overwhelmed and spend the time napping on the couch with my dog, with TV in the background.