SwimSuit Illustrated Magazine: Its not just a Magazine, its a Lifestyle
We Are The True Illustrated for SwimSuits! Its not just a Magazine, its a Lifestyle! SSI features swimwear beauties, Swimwear designers, models, photographers, artists and musicians from around the world! SSI is always looking for those that are next door beauties; Females and Males alike! Fashion Swimwear, Sport Swimwear, International Swimwear are just a few of the designers that we like to see. So, come on aboard and submit your work at the following emails, Models please email us your images at Models@ssimag.com Designers please email us your designs at submit@ssimag.com We invite you to be a part of the Swimsuit Illustrated family and extend our island like hospitality for you. Save us as your favorite and tell your friends! Enjoy :)