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Project Overview
Phase 1 (cont.)
Tuskegee Smart City Development
Phase I (a) infrastructure is the critical component of our residential development and essential for the growth of this new community. The essential infrastructure will consist of the installation of utilities, roads, and walkways. This phase will also make ready for the installation of supporting and specialized infrastructure systems and will consist of Telecom / Broadband, Smart Power Generation & Distribution, EV Charging Stations, Urban Security, Safety, Crime Prevention Equipment and IOT Sensor Instrumentation for utility monitoring.
The housing portion of Phase I (b) development will focus on Work Force Housing with each home constructed around a 1500sf floorplan. This Phase I (b) will utilize 10 acres of the 45‐acre site. These homes will be constructed with Structural Insulated Panel Systems (S.I.P.S.) which will increase the overall R‐Value of each home and will allow for faster assembly of each home. (S.I.P.S.) save a significant amountof construction time because trusses, wall panels and other components are built in climate‐controlled manufacturing plants. When they arrive on the job site, they are ready to be installed. All homes will be equipped with smart technology that allows for homes to sense your presence as you approach a room. Lights will automatically come on and room temperature will also adjust.
Phase I (c) will consist of the construction of a Town Center with store fronts for varies types of businesses. This Phase 1 (c) will utilize 20 acres of the 45‐acre site. Note the (3) planned developments Phases below:
• 45 Acres Residential / Commercial Mix‐Use Development
• 90 Acres Residential/Commercial Mix‐Use Development
• 96 Acres Smart city Industrial ParkDevelopment