Written content of new a level

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All about The written part of your Art A Level

AO1 • Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding

What does this mean? • The artist research that you create to support and inspire your own work. • The way that you show that you understand the historical or social context of the artist’s work. • The way that you annotate your own work to show that you can evaluate it critically - that you are learning from the process of exploring through your artwork and are able to recognise good qualities in your work as well as aspects that need development. • The way that you have explained your thought processes, the journey from the the start of your ideas to the final outcome.

It’s really important that you carefully read the “Do and Do n’t advice” on the next slide. This is information that we have been given by the exam board to help and guide you.

Assessment Objective 1 DEVELOP


DEVELOP: ‘Don’t’

• Show ‘analytical’ and ‘critical’ understanding

Use unrelated sources •

• Make relevant connections

Give only ‘factual’ information

• Undertake first hand study

Rely solely on the INTERNET

• Review as work progresses

Overlook links with personal interests or popular cultural contexts

• Cultivate ‘ideas’ • Make a personal response

• Confine developmental study to the start

Element 2 of the Personal Investigation – The Related Study This is worth 24 marks of the total (120 marks)

Be creative with this

• Your related study is an extended response of a guided minimum of 1000 words.

• It is a separate and clearly identifiable element from the other written work that is embedded in the development of your practical portfolio.

You may produce your related study in an appropriate form e.g. an illustrated essay, journal, digital presentation, blog, illustrated study sheets, or a combination of these. You could embed videos you have created, or animations, you could make use of formatting apps on your mobile phones. •

You could contact and interview contemporary artists. http://www.studentartguide.com/

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.