Social media proposal for griggstown farm

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Social Media Strategy for Griggstown Farm This proposal will analyze Griggstown Farm’s existing social media footprint and offer strategies and ideas for increasing exposure and user engagement.

Social media proposal

Social media proposal S OC I A L M E D I A S T R AT E G Y F OR G R I G G S T OW N FA R M

Contents MY BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 2 ABOUT GRIGGSTOWN FARM ..................................................................................... 2 EXISTING SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPH & ANALYSIS .......................................................... 3 Facebook ...................................................................................................................................................4 Twitter .........................................................................................................................................................6 Instagram ...................................................................................................................................................7 Other Platforms .......................................................................................................................................8 Yelp ..........................................................................................................................................................8 YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................8 Website Blog .........................................................................................................................................8 Pinterest ..................................................................................................................................................8 NEEDS ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 9 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................10 OBJECTIVES & GOALS ...............................................................................................10 SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES ......................................................................................11 Partner Restaurant Campaign .......................................................................................................... 11 Implementation ................................................................................................................................... 11 Analytics ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Budget and Considerations............................................................................................................. 12 Instagram Focus Strategy ................................................................................................................... 13 Implementation ................................................................................................................................... 13 Analytics ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Budget and Considerations............................................................................................................. 14 Location Review Campaign ............................................................................................................... 14 Implementation ................................................................................................................................... 14 Analytics ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Budget and Considerations............................................................................................................. 14 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND POSTING SCHEDULE .......................................15 SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY .............................................................................................16 OVERALL BUDGET.....................................................................................................17 LINKS TO GRIGGSTOWN FARM SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES .............................................18 WORKS CITED .......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Page 1

Social media proposal

MY BACKGROUND My name is Jessica Lucas and I am a technical communications professional with experience developing and managing documentation for clients in the pharmaceutical, telecommunications and financial industries. I am currently pursuing a Master’s of Science in Professional and Technical Communication from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Most recently, I helped my client Suburban Realty Professionals maintain their website and social media efforts, in both agent inquiry and trend reporting. I helped them create a social media strategy that helped them connect potential clients and reconnect with past clients, resulting in an uptick in both new listings and referrals. I also helped to create the social media presence for the band Grey Salt, an acoustic guitar duo in the Central New Jersey area.

Contact Information:, 909-787-7814 Follow me: Instagram – jlucas0501 Twitter - @jessica_b_lucas

ABOUT GRIGGSTOWN FARM Griggstown Farm is located in the Griggstown village in Franklin Township, NJ, one hour from both Philadelphia and New York. Started by George Rude in 1973, it is a boutique poultry farm that raises pheasants, quail, ducks, turkey, and of course chickens. In addition, they sell a variety of baked goods, such as chicken pot pies and fruit pies, and prepared salads in their retail store. They also stock a variety of specialty foods, such as organic honey and other locally produced items. There are three main arms to the business – a small retail store on the premises, booths at various farm markets throughout New Jersey and a wholesale market to upscale restaurants in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. One can find an entrée of ‘Griggstown Chicken’ at many restaurants throughout the metropolitan area. Griggstown Farm continues to grow and build their brand, both locally and more widely, as more people discover their high-quality products.

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Social media proposal

EXISTING SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPH & ANALYSIS The following social graph visually depicts a snapshot of your current social media presence and your company’s reach to users and potential customers:

As shown in the social graph, you currently use three main social media platforms in their social media marketing: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A high level reading of the social graph indicates that you are mostly using Facebook as your main social media platform, with Twitter as a second platform. While this is fine and, as we will see, fitting with your audience, it is noticeable several social media platforms are lagging far behind. The following analysis explores these platforms in depth, along with several additional platforms. Please note that all social media numbers and screen shots come directly from your existing pages, listed on page 18 of this proposal.

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Facebook Facebook is the social media platform you currently use most frequently. According to Today’s Specialty Food Consumer 2014 report, core consumers of specialty foods are between the ages of 18 and 44. 6 Considering that 72% of adults use Facebook at least once a month and 91% of adults between the ages of 18 and 34 use Facebook7, it makes sense that you should have a strong Facebook presence. In a 2015 report of the Restaurant, Food and Beverage Industry by Brandwatch1, the top 50 industry leading brands averaged daily:    

1.55 posts 134.24 comments 4,000 likes 235.88 shares

The main finding from the Brandwatch report, however, is the type of Facebook posts that generate the most engagement. As the following graph from the report shows, photos and visuals are key to creating successful posts. FIGURE 1USER ENGAGEMENT FOR SOCIAL MEDIA

Source: Brandwatch 2014

An overall analysis of your Facebook page reveals that their page has 2571 likes and you post roughly once a week, sometimes only a couple of times a month. The majority of post content contains information about their products and retail market. Almost all the posts contain a photo or, rarely, a video clip, which is in line with the recommendation for successful posts. 2 Posts typically receive between 3 and 9 likes, and very few posts are shared by users. Few posts receive any comments and they are always posts that feature a favorite product.

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This is a recent one from Oct 22, which was by far the most popular post of the whole year. It received 84 likes and 19 shares. It also generated user 7 user comments and replies. Why this post? The seasonal nature of the business leads to more activity on Facebook at certain times of the year. The most popular time is the fall, leading into the Thanksgiving and winter holidays. The post also featured a video clip of the farm’s main specialty product – red bourbon and traditional white turkeys, a staple of Thanksgiving tables. One local competitor to you is Cherry Grove Farm, in Lawrenceville, NJ. While not a direct competitor, as they do not sell poultry products, they do sell many of the other products food in the retail market. They have 3889 followers of their Facebook page and post more frequently, roughly four times a week. Like Griggstown Farm, all posts contain a photo or image, with a similar level of user engagement. The content of the posts are more varied on Cherry Grove Farm’s page, with posts that cover a broad range of topics and products. One direct competitor in the poultry market is worth looking into as well. Baffoni’s Poultry Farm in Rhode Island is a similar small poultry farm that sells wholesale products and has a retail market. Their Facebook page has 1223 followers and posts with the same frequency and content type of your page. While Baffoni’s Poultry Farm maintains a Facebook page, they do not participate on other social media platforms.

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Twitter While Twitter does not have the same number of users as Facebook, it is popular with the same demographics that also buy and consume specialty food. 1 According the Pew Research Center in a 2014 article, “Twitter is particularly popular among those under 50 and the college-educated.�3 This aligns with the findings from Today’s Specialty Food Consumer 2014 report.6 The report indicates that not only are 18 to 44 years old more likely to purchase specialty food, but they also have a high education and income level.6 Therefore Twitter must also be a solid part of your social media presence. Currently, your Twitter page has 847 followers and 1080 tweets total. They are following 1338 pages and tweet with the same frequency as Facebook posts. An analysis by reveals that Griggstown Farm is a casual user of Twitter with a Klout score of 37, which indicates a medium level of influence. For comparison, on Oct 22 you tweeted a similar message as the Facebook example discussed earlier. It linked to the same video of the turkeys as posted in Facebook. However, it only received 5 likes and two retweets, compared to the 84 likes and 19 shares on Facebook. A closer look at other tweets indicates that you are using Twitter to direct users to Facebook posts.

Cherry Grove Farm has almost double the amount of followers and almost triple the amount of tweets. They tweet several times a week but have content that differs from their Facebook page. Cherry Grove Farm pulls more content from their YouTube channel, Instagram and Facebook, as well as original tweets.

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Instagram Like Twitter, Instagram is popular among younger adults with 53% of 18 to 29 years using the platform.3 In 2014, Instagram grew so fast that it now has more users than Twitter.2 It is a visual medium, which has proven to raise use level of engagement for specialty foods specifically1 and “garner[s] nearly 50Ă— more engagement with organic contentâ€? than Twitter.4 Instagram is key in creating a successful social media strategy. The following graph from showcases the vast difference in engagement rates between Twitter and Instagram: FIGURE 2 WHY INSTAGRAM IS KEY

Your Instagram page has 229 followers and 36 posts. You are following 153 Instagram pages. All the photos feature products sold in your retail market with captions. These receive more likes, averaging 8.16 for the last 12 posts, than Facebook or Twitter. However, you have not kept up with your Instagram account. The last post, which received 16 likes, was from 35 weeks ago. Your competitor, Cherry Grove Farms, has an Instagram page with 1302 followers and 202 posts. They are following 933 pages. For comparison, they averaged 33.5 likes for the last 12 posts. They update several times a week.

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Other Platforms In addition to the three main social media platforms, you also have a smaller presence on the following platforms: Yelp Yelp is a location based mobile app that allows users to review local businesses. You have a solid Yelp page with 21 reviews and a score of 4.5 stars, with 19 photos posted. The last review is only three weeks old. Cherry Grove Farm has a similar Yelp profile, with 34 pictures and 19 reviews. YouTube Your YouTube channel is very recent, replacing an older channel that featured videos from several years ago when the farm offered a CSA service. The new channel has only two videos and six subscribers. One of the two videos was featured in the Facebook post that garnered the most likes and comments, as discussed in the Facebook section of the analysis on page 4. Website Blog The blog on the website is a collection of newsletters, which were also sent via email to subscribers. The last post was May 25th 2015. It is unclear why the blog has not been updated since May. Pinterest You have a limited presence on Pinterest. You have only seven followers and a total of 13 pins.

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NEEDS ASSESSMENT You need to increase both the number of users and, more importantly, the level of user engagement on all existing social media platforms. Level of engagement is defined by the number of users who like, comment, share, retweet or otherwise engage with a post. While you have a decent handle on Facebook posts, content needs to be more fresh and captivating. Twitter and, more importantly, Instagram are underused platforms that have the potential to also increase engagement. As discussed in the Instagram analysis, Instagram is key to any social media strategy. It is very important that you spend time to increase your exposure on Instagram to cater to younger customers, who research indicates are core consumers of specialty foods are between the ages of 18 and 44.6 Instagram is a social media platform that need your attention. Short videos are becoming an important part of social media posts.2 Our Social Times reported that in 2014 Facebook now has more video views than YouTube, as shown in their graph. You need to increase the amount of short videos in their social media posts to keep up with this growing trend.


In addition, you absolutely need to make better use of location based social media. You are not currently on Zomato (formerly UrbanSpoon) and should have more reviews on Yelp, in keeping with your competition.

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PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION In order for you to maximize their social media marketing efforts, I am proposing three social media campaigns designed to best use your current platforms to increase both users and user engagement. The first campaign will center on the restaurants that currently serve Griggstown Farm poultry. This campaign will run throughout the year on a weekly basis, with a focus on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The second campaign will focus on increasing Instagram followers, including increased variety of posts of videos, images and other incentives to drive social media engagement. The third campaign will focus on exposure for location-based platforms, such as Yelp and Zomato, increasing reviews and raising awareness of the retail location. The proposed campaigns are not meant to completely replace your current social media efforts. In ‘

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General Recommendations and Posting Schedule’ on page 15, I will include a suggested schedule of posts for a typical week.

OBJECTIVES & GOALS The overall goal of this proposal is to increase your social media presence to bring in both new customers and increase sales to existing customers. For Facebook, Instagram and Twitter the overall goals are as follows: 1. Increase number of followers 2. Increase the number of likes 3. Increase number of shares If photos and videos create the most user engagement, then a successful social media strategy hinges on these visual elements. 4. Take more photographs for social media 5. Create short videos for social media Location apps are important for guiding new customers to your products. 6. Increase reviews on Yelp and Zomato Scheduling posts and creating a timetable is crucial to an organized social media presence. 7. Create and maintain social media schedule to ensure that information is posted at the optimal time.

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SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES To achieve the outlined goals and objectives, I am proposing three campaigns that will run simultaneously. Each section will describe the campaign/strategy and have the following three sections: 1. Implementation – “How are going to do this?” 2. Analytics – “How do we measure success?” 3. Budget and Considerations – “How much will this cost?” For budget calculations, I used an industry standard of $50/hour for a social media specialist and an estimate to the amount of time each task may take. If you plan to have an existing employee take on the social media tasks, replace the calculations with that person’s hourly cost.

Par tner Restaurant Campaign The wholesale branch of your business can provide both fresh content and increased exposure for all of your current social media platforms. Once a week a different partner restaurant will be featured on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Not only will this make your customers aware of restaurants serving your chickens but hopefully encourage followers of the partner restaurant to also follow Griggstown Farm. This campaign will also result in a bump of followers for your partner restaurants, strengthening the business relationship. Implementation While implementing this campaign requires a bit of planning every week, each action requires minimal effort. The first action is to contact the partner restaurant’s public relations officer or owner with a standard email explaining the campaign and asking for cooperation. The next action gathering the visuals for the posts. This can either come directly from the partner restaurant or a screen capture from their website. Finally, coordinating posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, hopefully with cooperation from the partner restaurant. I recommend using a product like Hootsuite to organize and schedule the posts across all three platforms. Cooperation with the partner restaurant includes providing visuals and their own posts the week of your campaign. While this is optimal, the restaurant’s direct cooperation is not required. I recommend making it as easy as possible for the restaurants by sending pictures and text for Griggstown Farm that they can quickly cut and paste into a post, such as this post as an example from Rocky Hill Inn (RHI). In addition you should include in all posts the hashtags #GriggstownFarm or #GriggstownChicken and #RestaurantsGriggstownChicken.

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Below is an example of the schedule for one month of the campaign: TABLE 1 PARTNER RESTAURANT CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE




Week One

Contact Blue Bottle

Create pictures/text Send Griggstown for Eno Terra Farm posts to White Dog Café

Post campaign materials for White Dog Cafe

Week Two

Contact Rat’s

Create pictures/text Send Griggstown for Blue Bottle Farm posts to Eno Terra

Post campaign materials for Eno Terra

Week Three

Contact Rocky Hill Inn

Create pictures/text Send Griggstown for Rat’s Farm posts to Blue Bottle

Post campaign materials for Blue Bottle

Week Four

Contact The Fat Ham

Create pictures/text Send Griggstown for Rocky Hill Inn Farm posts to Rat’s

Post campaign materials for Rat’s

Time Estimates

15 minutes

45 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes


The day of the week and time of day for a social media post does make a difference in user engagement. For this campaign, I recommend posting at 3:00 on Thursdays. Studies indicate that Thursday afternoon is a peak time for both Facebook and Instagram.4 As the day before the start of a weekend, which is the prime time that people go to eat, Thursday works well for recommending a partner restaurant. Analytics The goal of the campaign is to create interesting posts that followers will like and share, as well as add new followers each week. A simple analytic would be to keep track of the number of likes and shares the partner restaurant post get each week, as well as the number of new followers for each platform within three days of the post. This can be achieved with a standard spreadsheet. Hootsuite has analytic reports for Facebook and Twitter that will do the work for you by gathering the same data as well as more detailed information such as likes by demographic (age and gender) and likes by source (such as mobile). You can also use your page’s Facebook Analytics directly. The hashtag #RestaurantsGriggstownChicken will also serve as a point of reference for analyzing results. Success for the campaign should be defined by higher user engagement – likes and shares – and specifically new followers on all three major social media platforms. Budget and Considerations Ideally your partner restaurants will post to their social media pages at the same time as you post, getting the most exposure for both your businesses. This is not necessary but encouraged. It is also

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possible a restaurant may not want to be part of the campaign. However, I believe since you are providing the materials for the posts, most restaurants will be happy to fully participate. The monthly budget for the campaign is as follows: Social media coordinator’s time Hootsuite

7 hours @$50 $9.99 (½- used for all Social Media)

$350 $4.49

Instagram Focus Strate gy As discussed in the analysis, Instagram is extremely popular and you are not currently using this platform. By focusing on Instagram, you achieve two things: 1) You increase your following on Instagram and 2) Use the Instagram pictures and videos for both Facebook and Twitter. One of the more popular features of Instagram are the built-in filters that add a professional flair to each image. There is no need to invest in expensive camera equipment or editing software. Implementation With Instagram you want to create a look and tone for your business. In general, I recommend consistently using the same two or three Instagram filters for your images. This will result in a clean and attractive Instagram feed. You can also use these images on both Facebook and Twitter. In addition to pictures, it is important to also include twenty second videos allowed by Instagram. As discussed in the analysis, videos have been shown to increase user engagement and are popular not only on Instagram but also Facebook. Therefore, the one implementation of this strategy is to post a twenty second video every Monday afternoon, which studies have shown to be the most optimal time and day for Instagram engagement. 4 The video will also be posted in Facebook and mentioned on Twitter. The following table is a sample of the work involved for video production during a typical week: TABLE 2 INSTAGRAM VIDEO SCHEDULE


Tuesday or Wednesday

Thursday or Friday

Sample Week

Post video to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Plan video

Take video, crop and upload

Time Estimates

15 minutes

30 minutes

30 minutes

The content for both images and videos will change throughout the year, highlighting seasonal products or farm activity. You already do this for Thanksgiving, Christmas and general summertime, but you can also post on lesser holidays or have fun with pop culture events. Also you can promote your products as gifts, not only during the holiday season but throughout the year. Your social media coordinator can determine if and when extra posts are desired. The following websites provide some ideas for off-beat holidays and food related holidays:    (they post a list at the beginning of each month)

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Analytics As of right now you have 229 followers but have not used Instagram in nine months. The success of this campaign is the consistent use of Instagram as part of your social media profile and an increase in followers. Budget and Considerations Budget considerations for this campaign mainly have to do with the time of the social coordinator and whether you use a product like Hootsuite. The estimated monthly budget for the campaign is as follows: Social media coordinator’s time Hootsuite

5 hours @$50 $9.99 (½-used for all Social Media)

$250 $4.49

Location Review Campaign It is vital that you maintain a good rating on both Yelp and Zomato. Location based review platforms allow users to rate your retail store and direct new customers to the store. Implementation The first step is to create a Zomato page for Griggstown Farm through their website. You will need to provide basic information such as location, email, phone and hours. I recommend you provide all the information that they request, including Twitter handle and Facebook page. Next, I propose that you create two QR codes – one that links to Yelp and the other that links to Zomato. I recommend printing an equal number of Yelp and Zomato stickers and using them randomly. Put these codes on stickers that you can place on your products and bags. This hopefully encourage customers to ‘check-in’ and rate the products, whether they use the QR code to do so or not. Here is an example of a QR code sticker which links directly to your Yelp page. The products you sell in your retail market are prepared foods that are consumed at home, sometimes long after purchase. The sticker will act as a reminder to review your products on social media. While QR codes are not ubiquitous and may not be used by the majority of purchasers, it is a stark visual reminder. Analytics The success of this campaign is defined by more reviews on Yelp and reviews on Zomato. There are no direct analytic tools you can use to create reports, but simply monitoring Yelp and Zomato for an uptick in reviews will offer insight into the effectiveness of the campaign. Budget and Considerations The creation of the QR code is free. Several sites offer the service – I used to create the sample. The proposed sticker is purposely black and white to keep costs at a minimum. You should be able to print them in-house, using a product such as Avery® White Laser/Inkjet Specialty Square Shaped Labels with TrueBlock (22806), which costs $16.49 for 300 per box at

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GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND POSTING SCHEDULE Based on your social media analysis and considering the social media campaigns suggested, I have the following general recommendations for your overall social media strategy: 1. Platforms to abandon – These are social media platforms are not worth the effort at this time: a. Pinterest - This is not a useful platform for your business and I do not think at this time it is worth maintaining Pinterest at all. b. Website Blog - It may be more effective to abandon the blog entirely in favor of better communication through your existing social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram. 2. YouTube should be maintained but only as a repository for short Instagram videos – All Instagram videos should be upload to the YouTube channel. These can be used for Twitter and as a YouTube presence. This is not particularly vital to the social media strategy but can be used as needed. There is no need to develop the YouTube channel as a separate endeavor. 3. While Instagram and Facebook are the focus of your business, keep an eye on Twitter. You may need to rearrange posts to fit Twitter’s format. You may also need to address or respond to specific Twitter hashtags as they come up in the medium. Keeping a schedule of when to post will ultimately save you time and effort, particularly if you use a product like Hootsuite, which allows you to schedule posts for a specific time and day. It means you can concentrate your social media efforts into a block of time at your convenience. The following table is a suggested schedule for posts, including both the Partner Restaurant Campaign and the Instagram Focus Strategy: TABLE 3 WEEKLY SCHEDULE






Post Instagram Focus Video @ 3:00*

Plan and Analyze

Post an Instagram picture @ 3:30*

Post Partner Restaurant campaign materials to all three social media platforms @ 3:00

Post to Twitter @ 5:00 *

*Also posting in all other social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – is recommended.

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SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY A social media policy lays out exactly how you want your company to appear on social media and provides a framework for how you will use social media for your business. You may already have such a policy in place. Because the proposed campaigns rely on strictly scheduled posts, there are several adjustments that I would recommend specifically related to this proposal and your company: 1. The person designated as the social media coordinator should be the only one to post or respond to posts on all platforms. This will prevent repeated information or conflicting responses. 2. The social media timetable will be maintained by the social media coordinator. 3. All posts are released according to the timetable. In the event that an issue needs to be addressed outside the schedule of posts, the social media coordinator and managers will determine the nature and schedule of the outlier post.

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OVERALL BUDGET Good social media presence is a constantly moving target. It is important to keep an eye on what works and what doesn’t to make sure you are getting the most value for time and money spent. While budget was addressed at the campaign level, I would like to add it all up and include some of the time you already spend on social media so you can get a clear picture of the cost of maintaining your social media presence. This will be useful when going over analytics and deciding what to keep and what to abandon, as you move forward in expanding your social media marketing efforts. As stated earlier, I am using an industry standard of $50 per hour for the time a social media coordinator spends on social media projects. I added two hours to what you would have already spent. You can scale this for your exact business, but the following table gives you an idea as to your social media budget: Social Media Coordinator

Online Products

Other products

Monthly Expenditures

$50 per hour @ 13 hours

Hootsuite @ $9.99

Avery product @ $16.49 per 300







I must stress that this figure is only an estimate and also a monthly expense. Also, as you become more familiar with the nuances of any new social media platforms, such as Instagram, they will be become easier, therefore faster, to implement.

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LINKS TO GRIGGSTOWN FARM SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES As social media is an ever-changing medium, all Griggstown Farm social media statistics and screen shots date from October 22, 2015. Fluctuations to the actual number of followers and posts may occur after this date. Website: Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Yelp : Pinterest : YouTube :

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SOURCES 1. Brandwatch, 2015. “Social Listening in the Restaurant, Food, & Beverage Industry.” Accessed October 29, 2015. 2. Brynley-Jones, Luke, 2014. “8 Useful Social Media Statistics for 2015,” Our Social Times, Dec 22. Accessed October 30, 2015. 3. Duggan, Maeve, Nicole B. Ellison, Cliff Lampe, Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden. 2015 “Demographics of Key Social Networking Platforms,” PewResearchCenter, January 9. Accessed October 28, 2015. 4. Niedlinger, Julie, 2015. “What Ten Studies Say About The Best Times to Post on Social Media” CoSchedule Blog, Accessed December 1, 2015. 5. Peterson, Zachary, 2014. “Instagram Blows Away Twitter on Brand Engagement By Almost 50x,” Socialbakers, Dec 17. Accessed October 30, 2015. 6. Specialty Food, 2014. “Today’s Specialty Food Consumer 2014.” Accessed October 29, 2015. 7. Smith, Craig, 2015. “By the Numbers: 200+ Amazing Facebook User Statistics,” DMR, Oct 16. Accessed October 30, 2015.

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