2 minute read
Introducing ISA’S New President: Tim Bardole
Introducing ISA’s New President: Tim Bardole
Photos by Joseph L. Murphy

A letter from the President
It is an honor to be addressing you as president of the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) for the first time. It is a privilege to serve the soybean famers of Iowa.
I have been farming for 29 years. Along with my father, brother and son, I operate a no-till/strip-till soybean and corn operation and also raise hogs near Rippey. My wife, Lori, and I have been married for 31 years and have three kids. Cassie is a 6th-grade teacher and Gabe works for a tech support company. Schyler, his wife Lauren, and their son (and soon-to-be big brother) Adam, farm with us. I am proud to have the sixth generation working with us on the three century farms our families operate.
I have served on the ISA Board of Directors since 2015. I have also served as ISA Executive Committee Secretary, Demand Committee Vice Chair, Public Affairs Vice Chair and have been involved in the ISA Policy Advisory Council and ISA District Advisory Council as well as the American Soybean Association World Initiative for Soy in Human Health committee. I graduated from Iowa State University with a major in ag studies-farm operations. I deeply value our community. I have served 16 years on the local school board and coached high school football for 20 years.
As your new president, I will continue to work on behalf of Iowa’s soybean farmers alongside my fellow board members. These are challenging times in agriculture, with many things happening beyond our control. We’re facing tight financial times, but we’ll continue to work with ISA members and staff to keep the organization running smoothly.
I can also assure you that ISA is working very hard to make sure our government leaders know and understand our concerns about the trade war with China, the need for certainty in the biodiesel industry, the importance of passing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and more.
I wish all of you a safe and productive harvest as you wrap up the season.

Tim Bardole

Tim's farther, Roy Bardole

Harvest on the Bardole farm

Harvest on the Bardole farm

Tim Bardole, ISA President