3 minute read
Policy Update
Strength in numbers
Megan Decker, ISA Public Affairs Intern mdecker@iasoybeans.com
Wet grass, early mornings and 3.1 miles. There is no shortage of life lessons in the sport of cross-country.
Unlike most sports, each team member participates, regardless of their speed or experience.
Some parts of the sport are fun, like the dinner following a race with teammates. Other aspects, like the actual race, are much less enjoyable. Farming also comes with a set of challenges and occasional wins.
Endurance is Key
Much like working in the state and national policy arenas, endurance is what makes a successful race. When you feel like you are leading the “race,” a sense of humility keeps you in check. When policies favorable for agriculture are passed, we feel victorious. However, we know that uncertainty and obstacles often lie ahead, so we must stay on course, fit and ready to respond.
Because of the nature of cross-country, a strong sense of community is formed with teammates. Being an ISA Advocate is much the same. Strength in numbers provides unity, a broader perspective and greater wisdom to those making decisions at the state and federal levels.
Delivering Results
The 2022 legislative session was successful due to teamwork from farmers, stakeholders and commodity groups with the passing of the governor’s historic Biofuels Access Bill. While encouraging the sale of higher biodiesel blends through an incentive-based approach, this farmer-led legislation shows the importance of collaboration for a better future.
As Michael Dolch mentioned last month, a $1 million appropriation will update the maximum return to nitrogen (MRTN) modeling for fertilizer management. Continued research will modernize nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for corn-soy production in cropping systems in Iowa.
Join the Roster
This month’s edition of the Iowa Soybean Review highlights how members are the true MVPs when it comes to championing farmer-friendly policies. Checkoff dollars cannot be used for lobbying or legislative efforts; therefore, money generated through ISA Advocate membership is essential in ensuring that staff time, travel and other efforts are dedicated to positively influencing farmer-friendly policy.
In exchange for your investment, you won’t simply be a spectator to ISA’s work. You’ll be a critical member of the team with the ability to utilize our grassroots platform in order to simplify contacting your legislators and voicing support for significant issues impacting soybean farmers. You will also be among the first to know about ISA’s work on the state and federal levels.
Add your name to the growing list of nearly 1,700 ISA Advocate members. Becoming an Advocate Member means that you are not running the race alone. After all, there is no “I” in team.