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Policy Update
Session Adjourned, Priorities Delivered
Michael Dolch, ISA Director of Public Affairs, MDolch@iasoybeans.com
Fulfilling our mission and promise to you, the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) delivered several key accomplishments on behalf of the state’s 40,000 soybean farmers during the 2022 Iowa Legislative Session.
Stretching five weeks beyond the 100th calendar day of session, year two of the 89th General Assembly adjourned May 25. This session was marked by legislation advancing Iowa’s growth through policies to cut taxes, invest in biofuels, modernize production tools and strengthen families and communities.
The major policy wins highlighted below were led by ISA farmer directors and powered by Advocate members across the state.
Iowa Biofuel Access Bill
(HR 2128) – Signed into law by Gov. Reynolds on May 17, the comprehensive biofuels legislation expands the state’s existing suite of tax credits and incentives, encourages the sale of higher blends of biodiesel through an incentive-based approach, expands E15 (ethanol 15%) access across the state and makes significant investments in cost-share opportunities for fuel retailers to upgrade biofuel infrastructure.
ISA and the Iowa Biodiesel Board, alongside hundreds of farmers, Advocate members and industry partners, worked tirelessly to deliver this landmark legislation. The bill is set to take effect on July 1, 2022. However, advocacy efforts will continue as the rules implementing the legislation are discussed and developed. The rulemaking process will unfold over the next several months, culminating with a public comment period this fall.
All-Systems Weight Permit
(SF 2376) – Establishes a new 90,000-pound all-systems permit for vehicles of excessive weight on non-interstate highways year round, not just during planting and harvest season as permitted by governor proclamation. Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the change (12.5% heavier than currently allowed) provides long-term certainty for the efficient, cost-effective transportation of agriculture products and bulk inputs.
MRTN Calculator Appropriation
(SF 5153) – Allocates $1 million for FY23 to update the maximum return to nitrogen (MRTN) modeling for fertilizer management. Continued research will modernize nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for corn production in cropping systems across Iowa.
This year’s appropriation is critically important as continued research will help modernize nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for corn-soy cropping systems across Iowa. These updates, coupled with publicly available and predictive modeling results, can inform nitrogen management based on weather, soil and management variables to reduce potential losses to water resources.
While the 2022 legislative session shrinks in the rearview mirror, the progress and gains realized over the past four months will be enjoyed for decades to come. From all of us at ISA, thank you for your engagement during this legislative session.
To learn more about ISA Advocate membership and how your investment will positively influence policies and regulations impacting your farm’s competitiveness, visit www.iasoybeans.com/ membership/advocate.