2 minute read
The Last Word
The Final Word
I am blessed beyond measure. After nearly 24 years, I am transitioning away from my role at the Iowa Soybean Association. I’m incredibly excited about my new opportunity, but moving on comes with great gratitude for where I’ve been.
Writing these words is hard because this column has truly been the highlight of my tenure as editor of the Iowa Soybean Review. Thank you for all the feedback you’ve given me. I’ve been delighted by your emails, calls and handwritten notes. Anytime someone would say, “I start reading at the back of the magazine,” my heart would nearly explode with pride.
I will miss this page very much, and I will miss knowing you in this way.
Working on your behalf has been an absolute honor. Thank you for trusting me to tell your story for more than two decades. Please know I’ve prayed for you, cheered for you and will forever advocate your life’s work. I deeply respect what you do every day.

Ann Clinton’s family recently joined her at the Iowa Soybean Association’s office to celebrate 23 years of employment. Pictured left to right: Josephine, Grace, Scott, Ann, Faith and Jennifer.
Additionally, I would like to send light and love to my parents. The life and legacy they’ve created embody everything good about agriculture. The experiences I’ve had and the words I’ve gotten to write are only because I was raised in a home that encouraged hard work, faith and total dedication to family. If you know them, and you’re one of the readers who have told them you enjoy my column … thank you. You have no idea how much that has meant to them and me.
Thank you for giving my role as editor so much meaning. I’ll never take for granted the awesomeness and responsibility of serving as a spokesperson for our industry. This magazine ends up in the mailboxes of more than 37,000 farmers in Iowa, but I was always only focused on talking to you. I hope you felt my sincerity.
The next stage of my career keeps me firmly rooted in agriculture. You’ll see my name and read my words in the future. But in the meantime, if my messages resonated with you over the years, I would appreciate it if you dropped me an email at aclinton00@gmail.com. I’ll let you know where you can find me and how we can stay connected. Your story is my favorite. Be well, my friends.