3 minute read
At Large Candidates (Vote for One)

Aimee Bissell of Bedford, Iowa
Aimee Bissell | Bedford, Iowa
Aimee Bissell operates a soybean and corn farm with her husband and two sons in southwest Iowa.
Bissell serves on the Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) Research Center for Farming Innovation (RCFI) advisory committee. She has also participated in ISA’s District Advisory Council, Experience Class and Communications Squad. She was a member of ISA’s Policy Leaders Fellowship and served as a voting delegate at ISA’s Winter Soy Summit. Bissell serves as treasurer for the Adams-Taylor County Corn Board and participates on its research committee. She has volunteered with Iowa CommonGround for the past five years.
A former registered respiratory therapist at Montgomery County Memorial Hospital, Bissell now volunteers on various boards and farms with her family.
Why are you interested in serving on the ISA board?
We have been blessed with an opportunity to assist in feeding the world’s population. ISA does a phenomenal job of supporting farmers, and I would be honored to serve as a voice for my fellow soybean farmers in Iowa.
What's the biggest issue facing Iowa soybean farmers right now, and how can the board address it?
The farm bill is the most impactful piece of legislation related to agriculture. We need to protect provisions in the farm bill to ensure we can continue to provide a safe and abundant food supply. Farmers deserve certainty in programs, such as crop insurance, disaster programs and voluntary conservation. Thanks to the dedication of board members, ISA is a trusted voice when tough discussions are taking place in Washington, D.C.

Rex Lawler of New Providence, Iowa
Rex Lawler | New Providence, Iowa
Rex Lawler and his wife Marilee grow soybeans and corn on 1,493 acres in Hardin County using no-till and minimum tillage practices. Additional acres are also enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program.
A graduate of Iowa State University, Lawler has been active in his community as a Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner and in various roles with the Honey Creek New Providence Church, Providence Township, New Providence Cemetery, Eldora Public Library Board and New Providence Community Club.
Why are you interested in serving on the ISA board?
Having been a full-time farmer for 45 years, I bring a wealth of experience to the board. I am fascinated by all the newer uses for soybeans, like aviation fuel. I would enjoy helping educate the people in other countries on the many uses of soybeans and increasing the exports of soybeans. It is important to keep increasing the demand and price of soybeans. Nearing retirement, I have more time to devote to Iowa Soybean Assocaion (ISA).
What's the biggest issue facing Iowa soybean farmers right now, and how can the board address it?
Educating the nonagricultural sector. With the smaller number of farmers, existing farmers must promote their products. I learned how important ISA is by being a member of the 2022 ISA Experience class. ISA members must be proactive in working with Iowa legislators to get bills passed that help agriculture. More educational programs on soybeans and their many uses would be beneficial in urban schools and adult service organizations.