SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH
July 2016 Dear Parent / Carer Please find our Extra-curricular Clubs List for the Autumn Term 2016 overleaf. I hope you will agree that we have a wide selection of clubs for your child/ren to enjoy. I would like to thank my staff for kindly providing so many free opportunities to enhance our pupils’ education (in addition to the privately run clubs). If your child wishes to participate in any of our clubs, please complete the form attached (please note – ONE FORM PER CHILD) and return to the office by Monday 12 September 2016, 3:30pm. Please note that lunchtime clubs do NOT require a club permission slip as they are within the school day. Our clubs will start the week commencing Monday 19 September 2016 and finish on Friday 2 December 2016 (10 weeks) [Inset day Fri 21 October and half term 24 – 28 October incl]. For those clubs with limited numbers, you will be informed if your application has been successful (some clubs have limited spaces due to health & safety reasons). As with all of our activities at school, behaviour and safety are of the utmost importance and we expect our pupils to exhibit the highest standards of behaviour during our extra-curricular activities. Any issues surrounding behaviour and safety might result in your child being immediately sent home and not being able to attend that club, although I hope this will not be the case. Each club will have a register for safety so please inform our office / club leader if your child cannot attend. If you book your child/ren into SCAPA, please note the start and finish dates of the clubs. Please inform SCAPA staff or the Office of any changes (this also applies to sporting events eg. after school matches) – thank you. If you have any questions concerning our clubs, please do not hesitate to contact the club leader for more information (indicated on the club timetable overleaf). A copy of the Extra-curricular Clubs list will also be available on our website and outside the school office. Yours sincerely Mr Ian Bartle Headteacher