SPS - Outbreak Management & Risk Assessment - Updated Autumn Term (September) 2021
Updated & linked to reopening (8/3/2021) after 3rd National Lockdown & LFD (Lateral Flow Device Home Testing) THIS PLAN NEED CLEAR COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS / CARERS / PUPILS & STAFF Communication systems via text / Class Dojo / Facebook Page & Web-site - constantly updated for ‘live’ risk assessment Schools guidance Link to Schools Guidance / Contingency Framework (Aug 2021)
Risk Rating: end of each section
N o.
Low Risk
Area of Risk / Operational Factor
Step Up Plan 1: A Single Covid Case within School (at least below 5 confirmed cases)
Medium Risk
Ways to Minimise Risk
Link with Track & Trace to minimise contacts Maintain (& increase) hygiene within the area Encourage any identified close contacts to access a PCR Test (school have some stock + 119 or the NHS web-site)
High Risk
Who? Time Scale? - HT / SLT
Step Up Plan 2: - 5 children, pupils, students or staff, who are
As above Revert back to Covid-19 Risk
- HT / SLT
Continually liaise with all re communication (parents / carers / Staff / Clean Team & Caretaker etc.) Ensure all social media / communication systems are available with simple to follow changes Supported by SAST H & S + PHE As above At all times have an
likely to have mixed closely, test positive for COVID-19 within a 10-day period; or 10% of children, pupils, students or staff who are likely to have mixed closely test positive for COVID-19 within a 10-day period -
Assessment Plan dated (19/4/2021); which includes the ‘Bubble System’ / Face Mask Coverings / Lunches in Classrooms / Stopping visits & visitors / Performances etc. DO NOT change start / end of the day times unless absolutely necessary Contact Local PHE & DfE for further actions / ways forwards & advice (see below)
updated Remote Learning Web-page available on our web-site DfE helpline (0800 046 8687, option 1)
Employers should call the Self-Isolation Service Hub on 020 3743 6715 as soon as they are made aware that any of their workers have tested positive. If cases amongst staff mean a setting meets the threshold, described above, employers will need to provide the 8-digit NHS Test and Trace Account ID (sometimes referred to as a CTAS number) of the person who tested positive, alongside the names of co-workers identified as close contacts. This will ensure that all workplace contacts are registered with NHS Test and Trace and can receive the necessary public health advice, including the support available to help people to self-isolate
Contact Joanne Wilson (Head of Programmes) 01305 225 894 joanne.wilson@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk Out of Office Hours & Weekends 01305 221000 publichealth-hp@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk If you are unable to contact either of these quickly, please ring Mark Blackman on 07885508000 Public Health England (ask for South West Region) - 0300 303 8162 (email: swhpt@phe.gov.uk) Covid-19 Risk Assessment Plan - Autumn Term 2021 (After Step 4 - Complete Re-Opening / Relaxation of Covid Rules) 1.
Parent / Carer - Drop-Off & Collection/Communication
Flow Around School: Start times for all children are now the SAME and so this means greater foot fall around SPS’ premises
All BELOW ARE EXTERNAL DOORS 8:45am - 3:20pm
Parents NOT to enter classroom - unless invited by staff / SLT)
One-way system in place with blue markings indicating direction of travel IB or PS / SLT Member - on duty before & after school to ensure flow of parents Communication with Parents To ensure parents are aware of our plans for at all stages and aware of any changes and risks HT provides weekly updates to staff, parents & carers on any Covid updates, school messages & Covid safe reminders - This has taken the form of either message or video message (to support the diverseness of our families)
Share information with parents in a variety of ways. Verbally speak to vulnerable families about the guidelines. This could also includes videos Detailed letter with information from this plan & Video for families who cannot access the letter
All Parents / carers
Communicate with parents / carers to reassure them that the school is a safe place to attend Re-send information prior to start of term (Dojo / Facebook / Website / Text System)
IB performs ‘weekly updates’ for parents & carers as a bare minimum to inform of all latest updates etc. (at times this will take the form of a video, so that all parents / carers can access this vital information) Offices & Work Areas - (See below as well for more information re visitors etc.)
Clear signage & messaging for parents to continue to use phone / IT etc. to communicate with school & have a face to face if necessary LP to work from home when possible to free up an additional space within the small office (only attends SPS on
Office Team
Electronic hand sanitizer available at the entrance to all on entry LP working from home leaves flexibility of office space and minimises office staff on site
Mondays) Medium Risk (due to possible numbers on site - based on the above & ALL follow instructions / advice HR & Staffing General HR Guidance: Clinically extremely vulnerable people (staff) - HT to discuss with individuals for best work placement (if required) - ALL Extremely Clinically / Clinically Vulnerable staff to have a dedicated risk assessment (including a meeting to discuss this with the HT) Clinically Vulnerable people & pregnant staff SAST HR to provide constant guidance & updates linked to DfE updates Shortage of Staff: Teacher shortage (illness / self-isolation / Covid related etc)
Can attend work. HT to complete relevant personal risk assessments. Pregnant staff to liaise with midwife & work from home after 28weeks, if advised to do so
Vulnerable Staff
Face Coverings - individuals may wear a mask / vizor if they wish.
Staff to be constantly aware via communications (staff meetings / verbally / email etc.) to think about hygiene etc.
Suitable TA’s can lead classes (under guidance from other teachers). Supply teachers can be employed to cover multiple classes
Individuals to discuss with IB or managers their personal situations
Staff can move between classes & bubbles (social distancing still very important) As always staff to liaise with IB / PS / FG & Team Leaders to inform of any absence
If overall staffing shortage
If staff are not available due to Covid or any other absence (illness, union action etc.) This could SEVERELY compromise our operations
HT has access to supply teacher agencies in an extreme shortage. Possible closure of selected bubbles (last resort)
SLT to use a staffing grid matrix to ascertain H & S as well as supervision of pupils (age related)
If staff numbers are not safe IB (or PS in his absence) to decide to either close classes, previous bubbles or the whole school (this will be via discussion with the Chair of LGB - Roy Towndrow & Colin Sinclair - CEO SAST)
This could enact Step-Up 1 or 2 Plan - see above
Staff accessing LFD’s Home Kits twice a week until at least the end of September 2021 Parents / carers can also access LFD’s Home Kits via a multitude of ways (NOT school) from 26/3/2021 onwards
Medium Risk - Based on ALL following appropriate guidance & advice 3.
Pupils within ‘Team Bubbles’ linked to the effective operation of the school General Guidance: End of previous bubble system / usual school operations
Uniform / Clothing
If a POSITIVE Covid-19 test occurs then HT will contact PHE for advice. This might enact Step-Up 1 or 2 Plans - see above
SLT to be able to support quickly as required (must have a radio)
Office to organise
SPS has regular supply teachers who know the school well
School jumpers / tops / usual trousers / skirts / shorts & usual school shoes from Autumn 2021
Communication All staff / classes / areas require access to a radio for safety & can radio for support etc. if required Supply Teachers / Sports Coaches & Peripatetic Teachers / Volunteers: All the group above can come into SPS to support learning Volunteers
Ensure that all understand the importance of social distancing. Try and maintain staff to one bubble
Volunteers can start to support SPS, if
Music teachers - can restart sessions following extra hygiene & performing twice
this supports the school e.g. readers etc. If regular volunteers, then to complete twice weekly LFD’s SCAPA (Before & After School Childcare Club) SCAPA will be organised within their usual area (outside KS1 classrooms)
Breakfast & After-School Club organised within the usual SCAPA Area
If Covid case/s occur linked to the criteria above then the Step-Up 1 or 2 plans might be enacted - see above
weekly LFD’s Dorset Reading Partners can restart from Autumn 2021 Emily C / SCAPA Team
Roxy Sharpe (Office Team) to support with admin Parents to be able to purchase different rates / time slots for both Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs Parents / carers to still utilise the ‘one way systems’ around school Thorough clean down after each SCAPA session
Medium Risk - Based on the amount of children in school and chances of cross-infection 4.
Room Allocation & Resources Required
Room Logistics:
To reduce door hand use & for ventilation
Doors propped open & windows open where possible Appropriate signage
Ventilation & adequate air flow
Communal Spaces: Hall / Music Room / Reflection & Fast Track Rooms / Library / KS1 Library etc.
Electronic Hand sanitizer installed in every room (or near to every room) - Caretaker / Clean Team to be in charge of refilling these
Staff to support with appropriate guidance & signage to help with directions / routines (hand washing) & other messages Staff to ensure a good airflow within rooms. This might mean windows & inner doors are opened. Staff to communicate with parents / carers that pupils need adequate clothing layers to stay warm during cold months or weather. Outer doors opened in suitable weather. Try and avoid large groups of children using these all at once to start with (at the beginning of term).
Staggered hall times to minimise large groups at lunchtimes NO Parental Assemblies until at least after October half-term 2021 Assemblies not with whole school until at least the end of September / half-term TBC Toileting: Usual pre-covid toileting for staff / students
Ensure good ventilation within each space; open windows & doors etc.
Clean Team member to perform extra cleaning at the start of his work pattern pm
Electronic Hand Sanitizers are now installed in every classroom (or near to their room). They are also within communal areas / rooms
Ensure rigorous hand washing after toileting Staff Facilities: As per pre-covid arrangements
Staff will be fully aware of social distancing rules
Rigorous hand washing applies & access to appropriate hand sanitizer
There are a variety of rooms staff could use to have a break, including staff room / SCAPA / Reflection Room / Library / Fast Track Room / Music Room etc.
Medium Risk - Based on the the amount of children and possible sharing of facilities 5.
Break & Lunch-times (Including School Flow) General Guidance: Staggered break & lunch-times to minimise contacts
EYFS - 2 classes using EYFS Playground & field KS1 Bubble - 3 classes using KS1 & other back playgrounds / field Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble - 3 classes using large front playground, right hand back playground / field Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble - 3 classes using large front playground, right hand back playground / field
Lunchtimes will be within the Hall, but staggered to reduce the amount of children all at once - see separate plans
Wet Play within own group (staff to organise a rota break between each other) Ensure we utilise all spaces available during playtimes & lunchtimes (spread children out) - staff allowing Team to enter hall in 4 x sittings to
Think about how to exit doors & flow around classrooms / school. TEAMS to organise playtimes between themselves
SPS appointed 2 x temporary LTS staff to support Covid safe systems at lunchtimes. This will help with supervision and in case of staff shortages
minimise children in space
Medium Risk - based on ALL following advice above 6.
Learning / Education Provision / Remote Learning Pupils / Groups NOT on Site - Home (Remote) Learning / Communication: Children NOT on site (due to positive Covid-19 Test & then self-isolation of 10 days as per guidance & update from PHE) will be delivered with roughly the same content / format as those on site (as much as possible)
Separate Remote Learning explanation & guidance available on a dedicated section of our web-site & via our Class Dojo platform School has purchased webcams for every classroom/ office & HT / DHT / SENCO & PSA to support home learning & various aspects of operations. This also ensure Covid-19 safe meetings to avoid staff meetings & gatherings
MUST consider staff well-being linked to monitoring home learning (particularly if they are unwell). If staff are unwell SLT (Team Leaders) to supervise home learning
Teachers / TA’s
SPS has sent out communication to parents / carers to explain home learning (remote learning) linked to different scenarios of absent due to Covid-19 (see relevant letter)
Continue with explanatory PowerPoint / PDF’s as families are use to these & we know they are generally effective Teachers to produce videos of key concepts to support remote learning in Maths & English in particular
Dedicated section for Remote Learning on our web-site & via our Class Dojo platform. This has been constantly updated & ready if required for any individual, bubble or whole school remote learnings scenario
‘Google Meet’’ Live lessons (MUST ensure this is safe, linked to safeguarding protocol)
Remote Learning Web-Page HERE
Possible Timetable for the Day / Curriculum: - Revert to usual full timetable - Understand & fill gaps which pupils will have missed - Ensure new SDP encapsulates ‘catch-up’ & ‘disadvantaged’ pupils as an emphasis
Curriculum leaders (SLT) to review ‘gaps’ within the curriculum from the national school closure & add / incorporate within the plan for the Autumn Term 2020 onwards & updated for gaps linked to the 2nd National Partial School Closure.
Possible contact of vulnerable families via PSA & Class Teachers via phone / messaging etc.
Remote Learning timetable to concentrate on Reading / Phonics / Maths & English (also include foundation subjects + mental health activities + Online safety focus)
This will include a new revamped curriculum which is part of a two year rolling programme (2021 - 2023). Utilise the Cornerstones Software to support this Ensure new SDP 2020 - 2021 has emphasis on ‘catch-up’ & ‘disadvantaged’ & includes ‘Online safety’ education as so many pupils have spent so much time online (& might do in the future) Adjust SDP 2021 - 2022 to reflect the changes in the school development linked to Remote (Joint ) Learning, e.g. the use of video technology & Google Meet. This will also include updating after the 2nd National Partial School Closure and our ‘catch-up plan’ going forward. A Recovery Curriculum
Low / Medium Risk - Based on the details above 7.
Cleaning & Ensuring Hygiene / 1st Aid / Risk Assessments / Covid Testing (LFD’s) PPE: No need for PPE (except 1st Aid / intimate care / cleaning) - No need for compulsory face masks or face covering EXCEPT for those staff that work closely with the children (i.e. 1 to 1 AND with intimate care needs). Face mask should also be used by staff that are supervising children that are ill / showing symptoms in school whilst waiting for collection by parents
Automatic Hand Sanitiser in ALL rooms & communal areas (away from younger children).
SAST (& SPS) are purchasing PPE equipment and appropriate hand sanitizer / cleaning equipment to support this
NB & Clean Team to ensure this happens and set up Clean stations for shared areas see action plan below
Mick Clark (SAST head of H & S) / Office / Caretaker / Clean Team
Caretaker / Clean Team - must place hand sanitizer in appropriate spaces / communal areas (must consider H & S with younger children of this potentially dangerous liquid)
Hand washing will be the norm (must continually check soap levels & functionality of the sinks etc.) Risk Assessments: Update this Risk Assessment as appropriate School protocol for ensuring rooms are safe / clean What happens if we have a suspected Covid 19 case? Protocol
Ensure ALL know the protocol for suspected Covid-19 case
If anyone does develop symptoms
They will be isolated in the following room: Main School Hall (this might change to the Music room if quicker / easier to manage) and leave via the main entrance. Staff will be notified if the area is out of use. Child sent home if the adult / parents called to collect immediately if the pupil. They will need to use a separate toilet (closed door if age appropriate / PPE for staff if required)
HT provides weekly updates to staff, parents & carers on Covid situation, school messages & Covid safe reminders
If a confirmed case, HT to inform PHE for advice & possible closure. HT & senior leaders to follow PHE advice (contact details are below)
Meet with ALL Staff (INSET Days Sept 2021) to go through Autumn plan & protocols
If someone has a temperature / cough / loss of taste or smell they will need to self-isolate for 10 days (tested as above) - DfE & PHE chart linked to the protocol for isolation within school
School have acquired temperature gun thermometers and will continue to randomly check pupils & adults DfE to deliver a small amount of Covid-19 home test kits for pupils who cannot access test centres Outside Contractors: Ensure Office / Caretaker has informed / updated
This could be maintenance personnel / hot lunches etc.
Office / NB
This is particularly relevant if they have any symptoms of
contractor / others of our protocols
Covid-19 etc. Office staff / Caretaker to challenge & ensure no Covid-19 symptoms before entering premises
Cleaning Arrangements: Adequate cleaning resources available
LP & NB (via SAST support) to ensure we have appropriate stocks of cleaning materials etc. (Mick C - Head of H & S to support)
Cleaning staff to wear appropriate PPE
This could include gloves / masks as a minimum
Hand Washing & Hygiene FREQUENT hand washing will take place for all children including on entry, before & after break times, after toileting etc.
Children need to get into a routine with hand washing and it to become second nature
Touching wall & communal areas
Clean Team to add extra requirements to daily duty to thoroughly clean the communal areas. Need to remind children not to touch unnecessary surfaces
As above re the automatic hand sanitizers in all classrooms (or near classrooms) and communal areas
Face Coverings are optional for all visitors / contractors etc. Clean Team / Office
NB & JK to ensure adequate supplies of hand wash
Covid-19 Testing (Lateral Flow Devices (- LFD’s): All staff Lateral Flow Devices (LFD’s) Home Testing Kits (Voluntary)- training from 18/1/2021 / delivery of kits to school from 20/1/2021 & roll-out to all staff from 1/2/2021 Staff to test themselves TWICE weekly (recommended Sundays & Wednesdays) however this will depend on their personal work pattern and can be adapted accordingly
If staff test positive with the LFD then self-isolate for until confirmed PCR Test & IB to inform PHE immediately. Follow DfE / PHE guidelines with isolation / Track & Trace Continue twice weekly LFD testing until at least the end of September 2021 (DfE to review for after this date)
If staff do not wish to take the LFD test it is not compulsory All staff
IB PS & Office Team attended DfE Webinar training on LFD testing (18 & 19th Jan 2021)
Parents / carers can also now access LFD’s (see above for details). Access to these was communicated via our Class Dojo parental & school communication system Fire Drills SPS to practise an early fire drill with current way of working from September 2021
Pupils to line up in the usual manner on the large playground
Need to practice near the start of term with whole school back on premises
Medium Risk - Based the possible infection risk (& infection rates from number of children) Vulnerable Children / Key Families / SEN General Guidance: Monitoring by meetings / other professionals (social care & Family Partnership Zone etc. / phone / messages etc.
SEN & Meeting Needs:
PSA to continue working with SENCO & HT to monitor this group IB (HT & DSL) to complete LA Monitoring document (electronic) weekly to link between school & social care
Led by AB & SB
Named children which SB & SLT are
SB to lead
List has already been generated & constantly reviewed PSA & SENCO continue to work within the same office space for consistency & communication SB to work with other
SPS (SB & IB) may need to carry out a risk assessment if a child may not be able to follow instructions; can measures be put in place to keep them all safe? In rare circumstances this child / ren should stay at home
aware Continue counselling for very vulnerable / trauma children via Hele Inman (Friends of Yeatman Hospital Project - if funding allows) ELSA Team to work with SB & all staff to target mental health needs etc.
professionals if required (Ed Psych, Behaviour Support Service etc.) Staff to access online & other CPD linked to pupil’s mental health & SEN needs returning to school & beyond to support their needs now & in the future
Medium Risk - Already monitoring successfully & reacting accordingly (however new Lockdown - Jan 2021 increases risk) Staff Liaison & Meetings etc. Staff Meetings: SLT Meetings Teaching Staff (at times includes WHOLE Staff Team) Meetings TA Meetings PPA
Mon pm (3:30pm - 4:30pm) Wed pm (3:30pm - 4:30pm) Thurs am (10am - 10:30am) - ONLY if possible with staffing As per normal with staff cover from within existing bubble
These will ALL take place face to face unless Step 1 ot Step 2 Plan is utilised Office / Clean Team Meetings: To be decided as appropriate by these teams, linked to the usual timings
Office Team to meet on Google Meet until further notice due to the restricted space within the offices and LP working from home at times. This is just more efficent Medium Risk
If staff unavailable for meeting could possibly Google Meet / read minutes from meeting
Office and visitors Office Staff - maintaining 1m+ social distancing Risk too close contact when answering hatch/phone.
LP to work from home unless IB indicates she is required on premises (once a week - frees up office space & supports her financial work which requires no interruptions)
Office team/IB
RS to use LP room KS to use the front desk. Daily short Google Meet ‘huddles’ to ensure 1 team approach continues. Agreed time of meetings
Frequent handwashing and gel Other staff to ONLY enter the offices if essential and communicate with the office staff via email / telephone or via the front entrance which is behind a shield / window barrier Visitors to school Gates buzzer contamination by visitors Gates buzier answering, by different members of staff
Cleaned frequently throughout day Consider if gates are left open (security risk) Less contact on pad / button
Hatch/gate phone one person
Office team
Post box to be used for handing things in.
Gate buzzer cleaning to be organised as part of the school day cleaning routine. Visitor badges to be printed
Signing in use of shared pens/lanyards. Hand gel in entrance.
LP to continue to work at home (in work one day a week)
Check stationery levels KG Design quick checklist for all visitors regarding any symptoms etc
Risk visitors have symptoms Use of school grounds Outside users of the sensory garden increased risk of additional children on premises.
Office/IB Minimise use of school grounds for the Autumn Term if possible Advise of requirements to use school
Communicate with Pear Tree as appropriate. Pear Tree to use the outside Sensory Garden gate and then utilise their own toilets in required (not within
grounds Use of School Hall - hiring of facilities Various organisations do hire SPS Hall (e.g. Ballet & Community Choir). This does involve members of the public & people from other schools entering SPS
Toilet - ONLY to use the disabled toilet outside of the office (when it is not our children) & this will need to be cleaned after use
SPS premises) Office
If chair / mats / equipment is used, this will need to be thoroughly cleaned after use
Each hirer to have their own risk assessment (Covid-19) and be aware that hiring might cease due to either Step 1 ot Step 2 Plan being enacted - ensure this is communicated to every hirer Attendance Recording of attendance accurately, in line with guidance. Monitoring any illness/symptoms/return to school appropriately
Attendance for SPS is return to DfE as per their requirements
JK Accurately recording by teachers on sims.
Communicate to parents action regarding reporting absence
Complete CV attendance form to System to monitor COVID absence/return to school Office team to complete the DfE returns daily and as required
Usual attendance requirements from start of Autumn Term 2021 - monitored by HT / PSA / SENCO / (Office JK)
Medium Risk - Based on ALL (staff, community & visitors) follow guidance above