SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH th
24 June 2020 Sherborne Primary’s Plan for ALL Children to Meet Their Teacher for a Final Day at School - July 2020 Dear Parent / Carer, We are very conscious that many of our children have not attended school for many weeks. Due to current restrictions we are unable to extend our provision to other year groups as there are no classrooms or staffing capacity left. We would like, however, to offer all children (whose families feel it is safe to do so) the chance to come into the school for one day to be with some of their classmates and spend time with their current class teacher from this academic year. This will still be observing the usual Covid-19 arrangements with no more than 15 children within a group. We feel this is important, as it will give children an opportunity to say goodbye to their current teachers and offer some “closure” as they prepare to make the transition to their next year group in September. This will only be able to happen in the last week of term (Monday 13th - Friday 17th July) when children will be invited to come in for one day in groups of no more than 15. This opportunity will apply to all year groups including those currently in school. If your child has been attending the Key Worker groups, they will be invited to join their normal class for this one day. To facilitate this process, the current arrangements for Year R, 1 and 6 will now end th on Friday 10 July, although all children will be invited to attend for their “Closure” day in the final week of term th (week beginning Monday 13 July). ALL key worker / vulnerable children groups will NOT be running for the final week to allow ALL the children to have their ‘Closure Day’ with their class teacher as we will not have enough staff to do this if they continue to run. Please be aware of our following plan for the final week of term (w/c Monday 13th July). There is a day left between the groups in classes to allow for the rooms to be thoroughly cleaned between groups. All groups will be from 9am - 3pm on the days below: -
Grasshoppers & Ladybirds will be in school EITHER Monday 13th or Wednesday 15th July Oak, Ash & Elm will be in school EITHER Tuesday 14th & Thursday 16th July Hawks, Owls & Eagles will be in school EITHER Tuesday 14th or Thursday 16th July ALL YEAR 5 CHILDREN IN Jaguars & Tigers will be in school either Monday 13th or Wednesday 15th July ALL YEAR 6 CHILDREN IN Tigers and Leopards will be in school on Friday 17th July (I will writing separately to Year 6 parents to explain this fun packed final day at SPS ALL parents / carers will be informed by TEXT message which day they are welcome to attend w/c MONDAY 29th JUNE. PLEASE INFORM US BY FRIDAY 3rd JULY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEND YOUR CHILD IN. Please email the school office:
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ
SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Harbour Way Sherborne Dorset DT9 4AJ Telephone 01935 812619 Fax 01935 817943 e-mail Website
Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH ● If you are a Key Worker and there is NO OTHER alternative whatsoever for the other four days in this final week. Please contact the school office ASAP. ● Because the groups are limited to 15, your child will not be able to see all of their classmates and may not therefore be with all of their friends. I hope you understand how difficult this would be to arrange, but we will endeavour to ensure your child is with other children they are close to. ● Year 6 will be our final group within school on Friday 17th July and we have an exciting final day package to include fun and treats to celebrate their career at SPS. This will include a ‘remote Leavers Service’ for all of their families to watch (further details to follow) ● After your child has attended their “Closure” day, their school year will effectively end th ● Home learning for all children will stop on Friday 10 July. ● As we are unable to do our normal transition day in school in June, we will allocate more time to transition activities with new teachers over the first two days of the new school year. ● I am informing ALL parents / carers of their new classes by letter the w/c - Monday 6th July What your child will need for their ‘Closure Day’: ● Wear school uniform and trainers (coat / sun cream / sun hat if necessary) ● Packed Lunch ● A snack for break ● Water bottle ● Come with suncream already on for the day- we can not do this school ● NO SCHOOL BAG OR PENCIL CASE IS NEEDED For this to work successfully, please understand children who have been attending school may be in a group with children who have not yet attended school. However, all our usual safety measures will be adhered to in order to reduce the risks involved. With this in mind, you as parents have the choice whether to take up this offer. Can I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your amazing support across the year and particularly during these challenges weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic. I hope you feel this will be beneficial for your child and will enable a positive end to their year for all! Best wishes and warm regards,
Ian Bartle Headteacher (Sherborne Primary School)
Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England with Company number 08130468 Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EQ