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Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





Spring Term - So Many More Exciting Events The first part of the spring term has been very busy with many exciting events! We have had the Dorset Fire Brigade visiting our KS1 and Year 5 children to support them with Fire Safety education, our intergenerational project has continued with visits to the Abbey View Care Home and our work for charity has also continued with the school raising money to support the animals affected by the awful Australian bushfires. Finally, our sports teams have taken part in an area Hockey Tournament (coming 3rd) as well as credible runners-up at the area Basketball Tournament. The second part of the spring term is equally as busy with many exciting learning opportunities! These include a whole school Reading, Reciting & Debating Competition, Year 5 will be singing in an area wide ‘Sing Up’ Concert at the Gateway Community Church in Yeovil, a chemistry trip to Sherborne Girls School for our Year 5 group to learn about gases, and an Area Maths Competition for Year 6. We are also continuing on with our community kindness projects with visits to local care homes. The children will also be very busy with sporting events such as an area Cross-Country competition, a Year 5 Area Tag Rugby Championship (held at Sherborne Primary) and an area Football & Netball Competitions for Years 3 to 6. Finally our fantastic PTA will have an Easter Egg Hunt and egg decorating competition! We hope everyone enjoys this half-term! Parental Consultation Evenings - Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th March We welcome all of our parents / carers to attend the Spring Term Parental Consultations at school. Education is a partnership between home and school. It is important that parents consider the importance of this dedicated session to relay information about your children’s progress. Alongside the chance to discuss your children, you will also be given their ‘Spring Term Report Card’ which will also provide brief evidence of your child’s achievements and their attitude to learning. Please see the office / entrance hall for booking arrangements (from Monday 2nd March) Chartwells Tasting Session The school caterers Chartwells will be holding a tasting session for parents and carers on Tuesday 17th March from 3:45pm-4:45pm in our school hall. The session will run alongside our Parents Consultation Evening and is linked to the parental questionnaire regarding the quality of the food. A representative from Chartwells will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns that parents may have. PTA - Upcoming Events Thanks to Emma and her brilliant PTA Committee & helpers who organised an excellent ‘Family Bingo’ in February raising just under £130. Thank you to everyone who kindly attended. The PTA will be holding a fun family ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ on Friday 27th March straight after school at 3:20pm (weather dependent) as well as a ‘blown egg’ Easter decorating competition. More details to follow! This year our PTA have funded a considerable number of new books for all our children to enjoy as well as supporting the new Road Safety signs at the bottom of Harbour Way & Wootton Grove

Thoughtful Parking Unfortunately, I have received several complaints from local residents politely requesting that we ensure that there is enough space for emergency vehicles to get through the surrounding roads and that their driveways are not blocked. I am usually very proud of the way that our parents and carers park their vehicles. I understand that while the car park (& surrounding estates) will never be large enough, we ask that you are mindful where you park. Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





Internet Safety As part of a recent focus on internet safety we sent out a parental questionnaire. Thank you to all those that responded. We have looked at all the responses and have taken some actions as a result. We have developed a new internet safety page on our website which has some useful advice and links to excellent resources: We will also be providing a short article in each newsletter with ideas and resources to help you at home. Here is the first article: Gaming. Three steps for parents:

1. Understand the capabilities of gaming devices and how you as a parent can support your child to be smart and safe in their gaming. 2. Find out about the parental controls available - it helps if you are the one to set up the gaming device so you are in control of these. Gaming devices have parental controls to help parents manage their children’s gaming, for example, to prevent internet browsing or restrict access to age-restricted games 3. Talk with your child about safe and responsible gaming and agree on a set of family rules. Perhaps you could agree rules with your child about how long they are allowed to play for, how they should behave towards other gamers and agree rules about not meeting up with people they have only met online. Remember that gaming devices like Xbox, Nintendo and Playstation connect to the internet, so the same advice and rules for keeping safe online apply. For more information and lots of helpful guides, visit:

Coronavirus Update Our school is pro-actively receiving and following the DfE and government advice linked to the Coronavirus and will continuously engage with parents and carers as soon as required based on the latest information. We strongly encourage all parents to subscribe to our Class Dojo / School Web-site ( and Facebook pages Please refer to the following websites for advice for schools: oronavirus_advice_for_education_settings_poster.pdf SCAPA The Easter Holiday programme is now live and available to book online via School Money. It includes an exciting range of activities including trips to the park, Easter Egg hunt, Relax Kids with Hollie, making Chocolate Nests plus much more (see the School website for the full programme)! If your child has not been before please visit the School Office to get registered and set up. Booking will close on Friday 3rd April at 12 noon. To ensure that we can provide appropriate staffing, please make all bookings online before the deadline. SCAPA bookings close at 12noon on Friday for the following week.

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





Any late bookings will be subject to availability and incur a late fee. Please inquire at the school office if you require any support with using our online system. World Book Day Thursday 5th March, 2020 (please also view separate letter sent home) We will be celebrating world book day on Thursday 6th March. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character for a £1 donation (which will go towards updating & replacing the exciting school book stock.) Children are also encouraged to take part in our Extreme Reading competition. Take a photo of your child reading somewhere extreme and send it to school by Friday 6th March. There will be prizes for the two best extreme readers. Potential School Closure in Extreme Weather (This time of year!) The school has only closed a few times during the history of the school, each time due to heavy snowfall and linked to the amount of safe staffing available to keep our pupils safe. The advice is that the school will open if at all possible but that if there is a snowfall… - Children arrive as usual at school at 8.45. - Children are properly clothed – Wellingtons, coats, gloves, hats (all named please). - Contact numbers are current. If the school closes during the day, parents will be contacted first (school text system) – children may be sent to “safe” (friends’) house(s) etc by agreement. - No child will be sent home without a safe arrangement being in place. - Parents of the youngest children may choose to keep their children at home if they feel this is appropriate. - No bicycles/scooters etc are to be brought to school. - In case Chartwells are unable to provide hot meals, please send your child to school with a packed lunch. - When the decision is made to close the School a text message will be sent to all parents as early as possible on the day. This will also be placed on the front page of our web-site & our Facebook Page. Clubs for the Spring Term 2020

You should have received a list of the new extra-curricular clubs available to our pupils during the Spring Term 2020. All clubs will run until Friday 27th March. However, selected clubs will not run on our parent consultation evenings on 17th March and 19th March. A letter regarding clubs for the summer term will be available in late March. Drop-Off Before School - 8:45am Just a quick reminder that drop-off is from 8:45am (with our final bell sounding at 8:55am). If you do require children to be supervised at an earlier time SCAPA is available to book from 7:45am. We do not wish our children to come to any harm / incidents due to premature & unsupervised drop-offs. Thank you.

NEW Parent App & Booking Extra-Curricular Clubs Online! We will be introducing the SIMS PARENT APP this half term. This is a new convenient way for you to access, review and request changes to the data the school holds. We are planning for extra-curricular clubs to be available to book on the SIMS PARENT APP for the Autumn term so it is important that parents register. A letter detailing the instructions will be going out to parents shortly. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – Spring Term 2020

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





As known at the time of printing




Wednesday 26th Feb

4.15pm - 5.15pm

Sherborne Area Cross-Country Championship - The Gryphon School

Friday 28th Feb

8:30 & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘KS2 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’

Tuesday 3rd March

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Sherborne Area - Year 5 & 6 Netball Tournament - Leweston School

Wednesday 4th March


EYFS & KS1 Reading Competition

Thursday 5th March

All day

World Book Day


Year 5 & 6 Debating Competition

8:30am & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘EYFS & KS1 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’

Monday 9th March

4:15 - 5:15pm

Youth Makes Music - Choir Concert - Gryphon School. Sherborne Primary School on from 4:30pm

Tuesday 10th March

All Day

Sherborne Area - Year 6 - Maths Competition

Thursday 12th March


Year 3 & 4 - Reading & Reciting Competition

Friday 13th March

8:30am & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

12:30pm - 3pm

Sherborne Area - Year 5 Tag Rugby Tournament - Sherborne Primary

2:45pm - 3:20pm

NO Parent’s Assembly - Due to Tag Rugby

Tuesday 17th March


Chartwells Tasting and Information Session

Tuesday 17th & Thursday 19th March

3:40pm onwards

Parental Consultations & Spring Term Report Cards NO CLUBS ON THESE DATES

Friday 6th March

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





8:30am & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Year 5 and 6 Swimming Gala

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘KS2 Show & Tell’ - ALL WELCOME

Monday 23rd March


Hawks Class Visit to Abbey View Care Home

Tuesday 24th March

All day

Year 5 - ‘Sing Up’ Workshop & Concert - Gateway Church Yeovil

Thursday 26th March

3:45pm - 5:30pm

Sherborne Area - Year 3 & 4 Football Tournament - Sherborne Abbey School

Friday 27th March

8:30am & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘EYFS & KS1 Show & Tell - ALL WELCOME’

3:20pm Onwards


Thursday 2nd April

4pm - 5:30pm

Sherborne Area Year 3 & 4 Netball & Year 5 & 6 Football Tournaments - Sherborne Abbey School

Friday 3rd April

8:30am & 9am

Year 4 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

2:45pm - 3:20pm

Parent’s Assembly - ‘Pupil of the Term’ - ALL WELCOME

Friday 20th March

Easter Holidays - Saturday 4th April - Sunday 19th April Monday 20th April

All Day

1st Day of Summer Term

Friday 24th April

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly

Wednesday 29th April


Year 5&6 Visit to SS Great Britain

Friday 1st May

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly


Sherborne Area Yr 5&6 Girls Football Tournament-Abbey School

Tuesday 5th May

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





Friday 8th May

All Day

Bank Holiday - No School

Monday 11th May

All Week


Friday 15th May

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly

Wednesday 20th May

10am - 2.30pm

Year 3/4 Area Tennis - Sherborne Tennis Club

Friday 22nd May

8:30am & 9am

Year 5 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly

Summer Half-Term - Saturday 23rd May - Sunday 31st May Friday 5th June

8:30am & 9am

Year 6 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly

Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th June

All Day

Y6 Residential to Brenscombe Outdoor Education Centre

Friday 12th June


Achievement Assembly

Friday 19th June

8:30am & 9am

Year 6 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Achievement Assembly


Year 5&6 Area Rounders Tournament - The Terraces

Tuesday 23rd June

All Day

Year 6 Transition Day - Gryphon / Moving Up Day - New Classes

Wednesday 24th June

9:30am - 11:30am

KS1 Sports Day - School Field

Thursday 25th June

1:30pm - 3:20pm

KS2 Sports Day - School Field

Friday 26th June

All Day

INSET Day - No School

Friday 3rd July

8:30am & 9am

Year 6 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





From 3:20 onwards

PTA Summer Fair

Thursday 9th July


Sherborne Area Swimming Gala-Oxley Sports Centre

Friday 10th July

8:30am & 9am

Year 6 Swimming - Sherborne School for Boys


Grasshoppers Class to visit The Hayes Care Home


School Art Exhibition in School Hall


Area Cricket Tournament-The Terraces

Monday 13th July

All Week

World at Work / Community Week

Friday 17th July

11am - 12pm

Year 6 - Leavers Service - School Hall (followed by Year 6 Family Picnic - Outdoor Classroom)

Summer Holidays - Saturday 18th July - Wednesday 2nd September Thursday 3rd September

All Day

Inset Day - No School

Friday 4th September

All Day

Inset Day - No School

Monday 7th September


1st Day of Autumn Term

Spring Term 2020 - So Far...Hockey Team / Fruit Tasting / Forest School / New Head Boy & Girl

Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





Sherborne Primary School

1st Half - Spring Term 2020 Bulletin – No.50





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