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Sherborne County Primary School School Development Plan – September 2017 – October 2018 Initial Plan - July 2017 SDP - Priority 3 – To ensure Behaviour is Outstanding within our school and beyond in the community Red = Additions & updates to plan throughout the cycle / Pink = completed / Yellow = started & ongoing Diagnosis


A. Consistent high standards behaviour through the teaching of social skills & citizenship across the school

1. Implement a new Jigsaw PSHCE Scheme across the school. Introduction by Steph Beatson during INSET Day - Sept 2017. This will include effective teaching of Circle Time as a reactive & pro-active behavioural strategy

Impact Expected ●

● ●

2. Continue to improve playtimes & lunchtimes for outstanding respect & behaviour. This will include a range of strategies (i.e. new MUGA / zoning with activities / increased provision)

3.School displays encourage right choices & direct appropriate behaviour

Lead Person




Teachers have adequate resources to effectively teach PSHCE consistently across the school Teachers feel confident in teaching PSHCE Children's behaviour, empathy & social skills continue to improve & they have the ability to discuss various choices & strategies via Circle Time etc.

SB to lead

INSET Day - 4/9/2017

Free Scheme INSET Day time


Children enjoy and engaged with their playtimes in a productive way School community feel mutual respect via School Council & Senior Pupils / staff meetings



Meeting & discussion time Possible playtime resources £200 MUGA - Circa £40K+


Autumn Term 2017

Time to produce displays


Children are signposted to Team appropriate choices & Leaders behavioural incidents are reduced Children & adults can utilise the displays to show


4.All levels of staff are provided with high quality CPD training in behavioural management. This includes playtimes / lunchtimes

● ● 5. RRS is an integral part of SPS. The school community understand their rights but also their responsibilities for a caring school. Led by the children (School Community Council)

LTS staff are provided with in-house (& external) behavioural CPD to improve their supervision of pupils Management is pro-active not reactive SLT ‘hands-on’ behavioural support is reduced

IB, SS & PS (SR LTS staff)

Autumn Term 2017

Cost of CPD e.g. £50 per LTS staff - possible £500


Pupils at all ages understand their rights & responsibilities within school & beyond Children can empathise & care for each other


Autumn Term 2017

Time to discuss with pupils via School Council & Senior Pupils



- Jigsaw implemented and utilised in classes - viewed and monitored (including Circle Time impact) - Staff & pupils indicate that playtimes & lunchtime have visibly improved (also indicated in amount of & frequency of pupils within Fast Track Log & Serious Incident Log) - Staff Questionnaire & CPD records indicate high quality skills and training for staff (again with lower incidents etc.) - School Review indicates journey towards outstanding behaviour throughout the school community

B. Building a kind & caring community within school, locally & beyond

1. Continue SPS’s Acts of Random Kindness. This will include more children with pupils leading the ideas of the projects e.g. bag packing, food bank support, gifts to the public, bookmarks in the library etc.

2. Raise funding for charity to support the local & wider community e.g ASHA Led by the School Council

Children can articulate that IB & giving & caring for others is staff important & more valid than thinking of themselves Children continue to improve their social skills in dealing with other people of all ages

Ongoing from last academic year

Time to discuss strategy INSET Day 4/9/2017


Children can understand their wider commitment to their community & beyond International links & view of the wider world


School Council time



3. Eco Schools - continue this commitment & host an Eco Event with visitors (e.g. Moth Man etc) Link to our National Eco Green Flag Action Plan

4. Ensure our Rewards & Sanctions Systems are adapted & enhanced to continue to improve behave. Communication with parents & carers is vital to ensure fairness, understanding & cooperation of our aims. Discuss with staff ‘fair’ distribution of rewards (e.g. ⅓ of children achieving 15 team points a week)

5. Continue & enhance links with twin town of Granville with further email and communication links. Link with MFL projects & local ‘Twinning Association’

Children engaged with their commitment to their eco responsibilities Children get hands on with eco learning



Eco Budget - £500 SLT from Castle Gardens for projects

Annual Parent Questionnaire indicates a good understanding of Rewards & Sanction Systems & that it is fairly applied Children realise being good is rewarded & where our line in the sand is

IB & all staff


£1 500 for prizes within PSHCE budget


Children starting to understand different cultures within the wider world Links with ‘Twinning Association’ strong and developing


Ongoing. Aim for KS2 email access to France by the end of Summer Term 2018

Time for Staff Meeting & ST time to organise



- Whole School Review by SAST recognises the community being created by SPS and pupils can articulate its importance - Rewards & Sanctions systems to be effective in improving behaviour & lowing incidents. Also clear to all (including parents / carers) - Charity, France and Eco links all embedded and ongoing

C. The school environment is of the highest standard to encourage outstanding behaviour &

1. Create child friendly art work on our new security gate to enhance our grounds. This might include other parts of the school & possibly link to our eco agenda e.g. mosaic to replace new castle picture/ murals / art work. Photos of children in action along corridors

School reflects an high standard and inspiring education (& child friendly) environment


Autumn Term 2017 & ongoing

Staff Meeting time to plan £500 for resources from Art budget


learning opportunities

2. Create a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) on our lower small field. This will mean more all weather outdoor space & enhance PE opportunities & funding generation with possible hire of this facility in the future

Creates more usable education space for PE, outdoor learning etc. Creates space to reduce behavioural incidents Creates additional finances as this can then be hired to the public


In place by the end of Autumn Term 2018

LGB Sub Group LGB & MAT Meeting time to plan and apply for various grants £40K - £60K depending on design etc.

3. Pupil of the Term - include short video / presentation to clearly identify to our school (parents / carers included) the celebration of the huge amount that takes place

Parents & carers can clearly view the exciting and engaging range of activities within & outside of the curriculum (gauged by Parental Questionnaire comments)


End of each term starting Autumn Term 2017

Time to create utilising Google Drive and shared areas


4. Continue to explore a change in hot school meals provision (Sherborne Boys School). Meanwhile engage (including parents / carers) with existing provider to improve quality

Parents & carers indicate an improvement with the quality of the hot school meals LGB fully explored & costed possible change of provider Improved uptake of meals


Autumn Term 2017

- Fully costed to ensure not detrimental to overall budget of SPS

LBG & Finance Group (SAST)

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● Outcomes

- MUGA in place by the end of Autumn Term 2018 & fully funded - Art work and ground enhances learning & behaviour as indicated by Whole School Review, Staff & Parental Questionnaires / comments - Hot Meals have been investigated and LGB have made appropriate decisions based on facts investigated

D.Learning sessions 1. ensure children are thoroughly engaged & excited about their learning

1. Themed weeks & events - Maths Week / Sherborne Literacy Festival / X Factor / Reading & Debating / Men Behaving Dadly Day - ALL linked to Creative Curriculum Planner 2017 - 18

● 2. To achieve the Space Education Quality Mark - Silver Award / Science Mark (having achieved bronze award last year)

Pupils feedback via interviews, comments & School Council that themed events are meaningful and enjoyable Continued improvements in pupil outcomes - See SDP 1

IB & Whole Staff


Staff Meeting time to discuss and place within Creative Curriculum Planner + implement


School achieves the criteria for Space Mark Silver Award School achieves the

PT leading both as they are linked in

Already started & ongoing Achieve

PT supply cover (all costed within grant from Area Science Group)


3. Activities Week - link in a host of Eco / Sporting & Arts activities to inspire the children


criteria for Science Mark Award

many ways

both by the end of Summer Term 2018

Engaging and exciting pupils with their high quality curriculum; meeting the needs of a huge range of children with their interests and skills

IB, PS & RL to lead

Implement by the end of the Summer Term 2018

4. Development of Google Classroom (See SDP 2) Outcomes


Continued improvements in pupil outcomes - See SDP 1 Creative Curriculum Planner has dedicated events planned well in advanced National Space Mark Silver Award National Science Mark Exciting Activities Week which engages pupils (via feedback)

Year 2 - Behaviour & Community -

Continue Acts of Kindness Extend links to Granville (possible exchange / visit / video web-link Embed Rewards & Sanctions System & keep enable parents & carers to access more information Work towards Space Mark Gold & embed Science Mark Continue to inspire pupils with themed events, visits, visitors & experience to excite our learners Continue to head towards outstanding behaviour within school and beyond Continue to find ways to support and work alongside the local community

Planning time to prepare via Staff Meeting time Possible ÂŁ1 500 in PE funding (RT to organise)


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