Sherborne County Primary School School Development Plan – September 2019 – October 2020 Initial Plan - September 2019
3 x FOCUS AREAS 1) QUALITY OF EDUCATION- Embedding new improved curriculum and continuing to improve Teaching and Learning with a focus on MATHS & EARLY READING 2) PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE- To improve the overall wellbeing of pupils and staff at Sherborne Primary School 3) LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT- At all levels leaders design and deliver the learning. Improve the methods used to engage with their staff and to support outstanding teaching and learning.
Pink = completed / Yellow = started & ongoing / Updates in Red
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Maths attainment across the school is the lowest of the core subjects and early reading and phonics is below national averages. Formal Interview Early Reading - KS1 Phonics Checks (even after our re-test) was below the National Average / KS1 Reading - below National Average Embed an exciting new school curriculum to ensure an up to date learning opportunities for our pupils
A. To continue to improve teaching & learning with a focus on MATHEMATICS & EARLY READING LEAD PERSON- Jess Babiy & Lucie Durrant (Maths) / Liz Maskew & Felicity Griffith (Reading / Phonics)
Improve Maths teaching, learning and outcomes for all pupils
Create robust planning structure for Maths using appropriate Schemes of Learning to support planning and assessment (e.g.Singapore Maths / White Rose etc.) to match the needs of our pupils Improve level of challenge in Maths through problem solving and mastery activities. Include target resources, CPD for teachers & observation of high quality maths teaching (via in-house & visiting other schools / courses)
Autumn Term 2019 & Ongoing
£2,000 - Maths budget
Autumn Term 2019
Regular monitoring of Maths progress via work scrutinies / pupil interviews / lesson observations / moderations / learning walks & targeted pupils via our ‘Game Changers’
As above This includes meeting time with Staff & Team Meetings Staff time / PPA / Team Meeting
Support Years 1 - 4 with Maths Teacher to enable smaller groups which spit 3 x classes into four - more intensive support
Spring Term 2019
Enhance the teaching of early reading Improve the quality of phonics teaching in each group, including TA’s by high and phonics across EYFS and KS1 quality CPD and improving resources Monitor and assess children in Y2 that have not made the expected standard for phonics, providing appropriate and targeted interventions for them- including Reading Eggs
Spring Term 2020 Ongoing
0.4 Teacher - £15K (fixed term contract) £1000 (including Espresso) Staff time
Ensure assessment in EYFS (including Baseline) and KS1 is coherent and tracking supports children with their phonics and reading from EYFS to Year 2 To be involved in the Dorset Phonics Hub to help improve standards.
B. To embed a new WHOLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM LEAD PERSON- Phil Sales & Felicity Griffiths
Staff time
Potentially £6K of income funding to utilise for phonic & reading resources Staff Meeting & CPD time
INTENT Develop & apply an explicit intent & VISION for the whole curriculum.
Develop a clear shared vision for our school and curriculum to move our school towards Outstanding (ensuring staff ‘buy-in’ & awareness) September INSET Day and review at the end of year Design a Curriculum Policy to clearly state the intent of all areas of our By end of school curriculum Autumn Term 2019
IMPLEMENTATION To implement our high-quality, knowledge rich, subject driven 2 year rolling curriculum
Use Cornerstones Maestro Online planning tool to team plan an effective, challenging and adapted curriculum that best suits our community of learners includin ● SMSC and FBV (linked to Cornerstones units and Yoimoji) ● School and Community Week ● Host Inspire mornings for parents and carers To purchase and use high quality texts across the school & support reading: ● To support topics and move towards whole class guided reading. ● To provide high-quality relevant texts for reading scheme and library. ● Implement ‘Dorset Reading Partners’ within each team
Autumn Term 2019
£4,700 (1st year only & then £500 pa ongoing costs)
To continue to narrow the gap between our disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged (including SEN) children by: ● Embed outdoor learning and offering bespoke Forest School Provision ● Specialist teaching where needed as part of nurture groups and intervention groups. ● High quality resources to support gaps in learning such as reading eggs / Reading Partners. ● Maths nurture groups with dedicated teacher ● Dorset Reading Partners to support children ● Reading subscriptions from Pathenaeum books for children to support curriculum
By the end of Spring Term 2020 (Forest School) By the end of Autumn Term 2019 ( Reading Partners & Part-time KS2 Nurture Teacher) Ongoing
£2000 for books for each topic over the year £2000 from PTA for reading books (£4K totol) Reading Partners - £450 £4600 FE 1 afternoon a week (0.1) Reading Partners - £1000 (one per team), including resources / new books New Nurture Teacher - 0.4 = £15K
IMPACT To effectively measure the effectiveness of our curriculum in all subject areas
Expectations, attainment & progress in Core Areas Review and consolidate practices for MNP Y1-4 for split year groups. Consider timetable implications
By the end of Autumn Term 2019
See below
£1200 for Pupil Insight £4000 for ongoing resource costs for books
IMPACT & Ongoing review
Autumn Spring Summer
Rationale - 2. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE ● Ensuring that the great progress in behaviour is maintained and pupils exhibit OUTSTANDING behaviours & attitudes for themselves and ALSO their ● Rewards & sanctions systems is clear to all & leads to OUTSTANDING behaviours across the school ● School recognising the staff well-being & work / life can be a retention issue OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES KEY TACTICS Timescale A. To improve To ensure that staff and pupils well Staff CPD training to support all staff’s attitude to managing behaviour. INSET Day Sept the overall being is prioritised at all levels. Positive language and behaviour management strategies to be used by ALL 2019 & Ongoing wellbeing of staff. CPD pupils and staff To develop teachers and support Improve organisation of transition times particularly, playtime, lunchtime and Immediately at Sherborne staff behaviour management assembly time. All staff to take on responsibility of managing behaviour by Primary School. techniques using positive behaviour management strategies. SLT to monitor behaviour across school through regular learning walks and By the end of observation. Regular review of number of serious incidents / patterns / the Autumn locations etc. to react pro-actively & reflectively Term 2019 LEAD PERSON- Improve well-being of all staff members by appointing a well-being By the end of Jess Babiy & representative & ensure workload is carefully monitored with active strategies September 2019 Ian Bartle to support this ( linking with a similar LGB Staff well-being link) To update the rewards and sanction Continue to use ClassDojo across school (including EYFS). Use a token system Introduced after system at Sherborne Primary School with Lunchtime Supervisors to ensure behaviour standards are high at CPD after 1/2 to help create a positive team ethos. transition times Term Autumn 2019 Year 6 pupils to be selected as House Captains and take on a mentor role for Autumn 2019 younger pupils. Promote strategies from Jigsaw and other resources to help all children to Ongoing self regulate at playtimes. Sports Apprentice to be organising activities at playtimes to help encourage Ongoing teamwork and positive behaviours.
IMPACT & Ongoing review
Reward system to be agreed and updated. Shared across all staff, pupils and parents. Utilise staff, parent and pupil questionnaires to review impact and attitudes towards school culture / ethos
Summer 2020
Create a bank of ‘resilient’ skills and use these as reward Dojo points
Costs Staff Meeting & CPD time Staff Meeting time Vet Certificate - £100 - TBC Resources & prizes - £1500 House Captain Badges - £10 Staff Meeting time £6K per year & Apprentice Levy £3K
Staff Meeting time
Spring Summer Rationale - 3.LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT ● New curriculum implemented - the need for HIGH QUALITY leaders to understand the depth & width of their subject areas ● Underperformance in Maths & Early Reading requires HIGH QUALITY leadership OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES Lead Person and Monitoring A. At all levels Leaders design and deliver the learning. The methods used to engage with their staff and to support outstanding teaching and learning. LEAD PERSON- SLT
High quality Leadership of Learning & Teaching matches our broad & balanced curriculum
Subject Leadership - k nowing their subject in depth & drive it forward . Check cornerstones curriculum for breath and progression (journey of a child from Y1-6). See Rational 1. Assistant HT & DHT overseeing EYFS/KS1 & KS2 EYFS continues to be a focus with further action planning & delivery
Ongoing from April 2019
Ensure contact time is part of high quality teaching practice between teachers and teaching assistants - Rota of TA meetings - one whole staff, one team and one specific class (CPD) - LD & SB Engaging Parents / Carers to understand the pupil’s curriculum, behaviour etc. & to be able to support the school’s aims - See Rationale 2 above
Start of Autumn Term 2019
- Each Co-ordinator has time - (10 x ½ days supply = £1 000 (although also covered by TA’s) During school day (no extra cost)
By the end of September 2019
High quality IT support for Learning & Teaching - Based on Strategic Review of IT
Learning & Teaching constantly monitored & reviewed to ensure outstanding outcomes & practice
IMPACT & Ongoing review
By the end of Autumn Term 2019 Maths is Co-ordinated via analysis, action planning & vision to ensure that the Ongoing vast majority of pupils meet National expectations for progress - see above Team Leaders monitoring (via data / drop-ins / staff meetings & work scrutinies) all aspects of the curriculum with a particular focus in MATHS and EARLY READING. This also supports our ‘Game Changers’ strategies that includes PP & SEN pupils Subject Leadership - action plan with a 2 year rolling programme (including shadowing of other subjects)
Organising ‘Inspire Mornings’ etc. Potential £8K from DFC to upgrade IT Maths Budget - £1000
No extra cost as during usual contract
Action Plans by the end of the Autumn Term 2019
PPA & Management Time (any extra time with HLTA / SLT cover)
Spring Summer Reading Improvement
Type of Measure
Target (July 2020)
End of Autumn 2019
End of Spring 2020
End of Summer 2020
Appropriate Progress +
Year 4
Appropriate Progress+
Year 2
Appropriate Progress+
Year 1
Phonics Check ARE+
EYFS Profile ARE+
Year Group Year 6
Maths Improvement Year Group
Year 6
Type of Measure
Target (July 2020)
End of Autumn 2019
End of Spring 2020
End of Summer 2020
Appropriate Progress +
Year 4
Year 2
Multiplication Check
Appropriate Progress+
EYFS Profile ARE+
All of the above needs to be within the allocated budget / costed & in a time of constraints & challenges
Appropriate Progress+
Years 3 to 5 -