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The SEN Information Report for Sherborne Primary School should also be read in conjunction with the school’s SEN Policy and our school local offer. Both of these documents are also available on the school website. Sherborne Primary School has high aspirations for all children identified as having SEND in our school. We strive to ensure that all children achieve their best, that they become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training. We aim to: • • • • • • • •

To create an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance, respect of achievements and sensitivity to individual needs, in which all children can thrive. To identify at an early age, individuals who need extra help and support. To enable each child to take part and contribute fully to school life. To develop individuals’ self-esteem. To provide access to and progression within the curriculum. To involve children and parents in planning to address and monitor their special educational needs and or disability. To work in partnership with parents and professionals to support children’s learning and health needs. To provide quality training for staff that suggests strategies that help them to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.

We pride ourselves in being able to respond to individual children’s needs, and have special educational needs provision for children with needs in the following areas: • • • •

Cognition and Learning Communication and Interaction Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties, and Sensory and/or Physical needs

We have highly skilled staff; as well as rigorous monitoring and assessment processes. These systems enable us to identify and then respond effectively to pupils with special educational needs. A cycle of SEN Planning Meetings ensure children’s, parent/carer and teachers views are fully considered; as well as reviewing whether the provision and intervention is being effective. This graduated approach may help children overcome their difficulties or it may lead to a future referral or a request for an Education Health Care Plan. All teachers have a responsibility to understand the special educational needs of individuals in their classes. They then adapt their teaching strategies to meet learning needs. An example of this might be providing objects such as numicon, bricks or diennes sticks to support concepts in maths.

Some children may need a higher level of support in class or around the school and if appropriate a Teaching Assistant may be deployed to help the child engage in the activities of the school. The school has two ELSAs (Emotional Support Teaching Assistants) who meet with children either in small groups or as a one-to-one SEN TAs. This intervention may resolve a child’s anxiety or further intervention from CAMHS may be necessary. We have over twenty Teaching Assistants working at Sherborne Primary School. Many of these TAs have specific SEN responsibilities and three are employed as Senior SEN TAs. They have all have training to teach children will specific literacy difficulties, some have attended Write Away training, Learn to Move. Move to Learn training, reading Inference and Autism training. As relevant we will adapt teaching and learning environments to meet children’s needs. At Sherborne Primary School we work in close liaison with our colleagues in the health and social care profession. We also draw on the expertise from our advisory teachers in the fields of behaviour, Literacy difficulties and sensory needs. The Governor with SEN responsibilities works together with the school to ensure our SEN Policies are in line with the Special educational Need Code of Practice 0-25 years (July 2014) For further information the SENCo at Sherborne Primary School is Mrs Sarah Stent who can be contacted via the school office on 01936 812619

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