Sherborne Area Schools Trust (SAST)
Accessibility Policy & Plan Date: Revised January 2020
LA Responsible Officer Kelly Lambert (Specialist Teaching and Advice) Chris Viglar (Finance Officer)
Contact Details Tel:
01305 224063
e-mail: SAST HQ
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Sherborne Primary School (Part of Sherborne Area Schools Trust - SAST)
Accessibility Plan & Policy 2020 to 2023
1. Introduction All schools must have an Accessibility Plan. This is required by law (the Equality Act 2010). Accessibility Plans set out how, over time, a school will: a) increase access to the curriculum for disabled pupils; b) improve the physical environment of the school to increase access for disabled pupils; and c) make written information more accessible to disabled pupils by providing information in a range of different ways. A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. This is the Accessibility Plan for Sherborne Primary School
1. Other policies Our Accessibility Plan complements and supports our: ● ● ●
Special educational needs and disability policy and related SEN information report; policy for Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions; and our Equality Information and Equality Objectives.
It should also be read alongside the following school policies, strategies and documents: ● ● ● ●
Curriculum Policy & Vision Health & Safety Policy (including off-site safety) Policy relating to Behaviour School Development Plan
2. Our vision and aims Sherborne Primary School wants everyone within our school to feel welcome, valued and included in the school community. We are committed to providing a fully accessible environment to enable this to happen.
Our pupils are provided with high quality learning opportunities so that each child achieves all that they can. We want all our pupils to feel confident and have a positive view of themselves. We want our pupils with a disability to access all elements of school life, including school clubs, activities and trips. We recognise that we may have to do things a little differently to make this happen. We are committed to taking positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010, by removing disadvantage faced by pupils with a disability and eliminating discrimination. We will ensure that through whole school training, all staff and governors will be aware of our duties to support children with disabilities, in line with the Equality Act 2010. In implementing our Accessibility Plan, we will take into account the views, wishes and feelings of our pupils and their families.
3. Current good practice Identification Sherborne Primary School asks for information on any disabilities or health conditions in early communications with new parents and carers. We also carefully observe our pupils’ progress and behaviour and will discuss any concerns with parents and carers, as necessary. This will be in various forms such as verbal communication, admission forms and contact with the previous school / education setting (e.g. nursery / playgroup), other agencies such as Portage Worker, Education Psychologist or Behaviour Support Service (BSS). This list is not exhaustive. Curriculum Sherborne Primary School has improved access to the curriculum for disabled pupils through the following means: ● ● ● ● ●
using multimedia activities and interactive IT equipment (Interactive Whiteboards and iPads) to support specific curriculum areas, e.g. numeracy and literacy; providing a differentiated curriculum, designed according to need and where necessary with specialist input, for those pupils that require this; offering a Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme to ensure that all staff are knowledgeable of the impact of [ASD] [ADHD [attachment disorder] on learning; organising classrooms so that they promote the participation and independence of all pupils; staff INSET training regarding sensory impairments and the school environment;
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modifying worksheets and curriculum content into large font for pupils with a visual impairment (VI). ensuring that classrooms which contain children with hearing impairments are self-contained to reduce noise reduction (& staff have access to appropriate equipment for hearing impairment children) have particular areas of the school to support ASD & anxious children with access the curriculum e.g. a Sensory Room links to other professionals (such as Educational Psychologist, BSS - Behavioural Support Services, CAMHS - Children & Mental Health Service) to support pupils, parents / carers and staff with children with disabilities a Parental Support Advisor (PSA) to support pupils, parents / carers of disabled children with various items such as access to other services (e.g. School Nurse, Social Care, DFM - Dorset Families Matters) curriculum is taught for pupils to understand, be aware and be welcoming & tolerant to others with disabilities
Physical Environment Sherborne Primary School has already improved the physical environment of the school to increase access for disabled pupils by: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
providing flat access to all school entrances; whole school one floor (ground floor) for easy access to all; dedicating parking bay within the main school car park for pupils and families, and visitors with a disability; providing two accessible toilet, one with shower and changing facilities; ensuring that there is good lighting throughout school, making use of natural light where possible and reducing glare through the use of blinds in the hallway and classrooms; removing and fixing of potential trip hazards and keeping all floor spaces uncluttered; applying acoustic panels to walls and ceilings to improve sound quality for pupils with a hearing impairment; providing fabric blinds, curtains, carpets and rubber seals to doors to improve sound quality; ensuring data projectors, plumbing and heating are regularly serviced and not too noisy wherever possible. also See Curriculum Section Above
Information Sherborne Primary School already makes written information more accessible to disabled pupils through: ● ● ● ● ●
modifying written information so that this is available in large print for pupils with a visual impairment; adhering to guidelines from specialists (such as the Hearing and Vision Support Services) regarding the presentation of all written information, paying attention to layout and colour; ensuring that all school policies available on our website can be accessed via our office; providing ‘easy read’ versions of our school policies (on request); using social stories and picture symbols (including visual timetables) to explain school rules for pupils who benefit from this.
4. Implementation
Our Accessibility Plan shows how access to Sherborne Primary School will be improved for disabled pupils (and for staff and visitors to the school) and anticipates how we will make reasonable adjustments to support them whenever possible. We will ensure that we do so within a reasonable timeframe. Reasonable adjustments are positive actions that help pupils with a disability to fully participate in school life. In doing this, we have thought about: ● ● ● ● ●
how to ensure disabled pupils are as prepared for life as their non-disabled peers; how we can encouraging pupils with a disability to take part in after school clubs, leisure and cultural activities and school visits; how we might provide auxiliary aids and services (something or someone that provides help or support) to pupils with a disability to support their access to the curriculum; adding specialist facilities to our school as necessary and improving the physical environment; how we can improve the delivery of written information, including making this available in various preferred formats and within a reasonable timeframe.
Our Accessibility Plan has been written based upon information from the Local Authority / SAST and in liaison with pupils, parents, staff and local governors of the school. It will advise other school planning documents. Sherborne Primary School will work in partnership with the Sherborne Area Schools Trust (SAST) & appropriate advice from our LA & other agencies in developing and implementing this Accessibility Plan and will adopt in principle the Local Authority Strategy for Accessibility. Environmental or physical works undertaken in the school to improve access will follow and be guided by the relevant building regulations as advised by the Site Surveyor (SAST Health Safety Lead – Mr Mick Clarke) and the Local Authority Strategy for Accessibility. We will consult with experts when new situations regarding pupils with disabilities are experienced. Sherborne Primary School’s Accessibility Plan will be implemented by Mr Ian Bartle (Headteacher) & Mrs Stephanie Beatson (SENCO). Sufficient resources will be allocated by Sherborne Primary School to implement this Accessibility Plan.
5. Monitoring Sherborne Primary School’s Accessibility Plan covers a three year period but will be reviewed regularly and updated if needed. It will be monitored through the Local Governing Body and the SEN Governor (Mrs Natalie Gray). The governing body, or proprietor will monitor Sherborne Primary School’s activity under the Equality Act 2010 (and in particular Schedule 10 regarding Accessibility and Schedule 13 regarding Reasonable Adjustments) and will advise upon the compliance with that duty.
The Accessibility Plan may be monitored by Ofsted during Inspection processes in relation to Schedules 10 and 13 of the Equality Act 2010. The Sherborne Primary School complaints procedure covers the Accessibility Plan.
Sherborne Primary School - Local Governing Body
Tuesday 28th January 2020
Review date
Spring Term 2023
SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL - ACCESSIBILITY PLAN - 2020 to 2023 : Improving access to the curriculum Converted to Academy (Part of Sherborne Area Schools Trust) - 1st June 2017 What needs to be done?
How will this be achieved?
Timescale / Who?
Current Progress?
Ongoing All Staff
All staff fully meet the requirements of disabled children’s needs with regards to accessing the curriculum planning of work to cover all needs SEN provision (Support Plans) Pupil progress. Behaviour log, Parents / pupils views (questionnaires). Fully inclusive school to meet the needs of our pupils
Parents / carers meetings twice a year with SEN pupils having a longer dedicated meeting with SENCO / Class Teacher
Target To enable all staff to receive appropriate CPD training to ensure that they are knowledgeable in terms of the needs of pupils with disabilities and are able to support pupils appropriately
1. 2. 3. 4.
Staff training : Staff meetings LA & SAST training Inclusion & other Network Briefings 5. Training led by outside agencies (Ed Psych etc.) 6. Linked to staff Performance Management
Local Offer on school website Dedicated SEN SAST wide Thread Group to discuss issues & support CPD Dedicated SENCO to support SEN pupils (who has dedicated time) PSA to support parents / carers with disabled children
To enable pupils with hearing impairment to access fully the curriculum
To enable as many pupils from all groups to access the wider curriculum Extra-curricular activities trips
To work closely with the other services (LA / SAST Hearing Service etc.) to enable improvements in the classroom/school acoustics
1. Ensure all school staff are aware of the duties on schools set out within the Equality Act 2010 and the need to provide reasonable adjustments through INSET training 2. Review all upcoming out of
As appropriate / ongoing
All classrooms which contain children / staff with hearing impairment enable full curriculum access for pupils with hearing impairment
All classrooms (except Ladybirds) are able to accommodate children / staff with hearing impairments
Ongoing (including training)
● ●
SENCO / Class teachers
No out of school activities are planned without consideration of how pupils with a disability will be included; All out of school activities (including residential) will be conducted in an inclusive environment with providers that comply with all current and future legislative requirements;
Several pupils have attended SPS very successfully with hearing impairments + excellent relationship with Hearing Support Service See Pupil Premium budget statement present year (also previous & future statements) Data held by SENCo & PE Coordinator Huge range of children access
Working alongside SAST colleagues to enable disabled pupils to fully access to the curriculum & increase opportunities
school activities ensuring that sites are suitable for all children with a disability, whether this be for physical access, to ensure sensory needs can be catered for, etc. 3. Consider any reasonable adjustments required to enable pupils with a disability to take part in the out of school activities, including travel requirements. 1. SAST SENCO Thread meetings to discuss ways forward for disabled pupils & ensuring inclusive schools as part of our MAT. This will also include increased opportunities 2. Discuss within ELG (Executive Leadership Groups - Heads CEO etc.) This will also enhance best practice and ensure equal opportunities in all schools 3. Discussion & access to other professional & CPD etc.
Annual timetabled meetings
Pupils with a disability have access to all school activities such as trips out, residential visits, extended schools activities and sporting events Pupils and their families feel included in out of school activities.
our large amount of visits, trips & extra-curricular activities
Meetings with SAST SEN Thread Group timetabled and SENCO’s meet (led by a HT)
● HT’s & SENCO’s ●
All pupils (including disabled & other vulnerable groups) can access activities at school Improvement in further knowledge & understanding of disabled inclusivity within all schools Increased opportunities for all linked to curriculum & extra-curricular activities
Extra CPD has already been implemented including mostly joint training in various areas to improve staff knowledge of disabled children
SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL - ACCESSIBILITY PLAN - 2020 to 2023: Improving the physical environment Converted to Academy (Part of Sherborne Area Schools Trust) - 1st June 2017 This plan is structured in conjunction with the school’s Asset Management Plan, the school Safeguarding File, Health & Safety Audits (RPA - DfE & previously LA). The plan considers the essential work necessary to ensure reasonable adjustments have been made to the fabric of the main buildings to accommodate accessibility issues. In some cases Health & Safety issues necessitate more prompt action. What needs to be done? Target The outside areas of the school require improvement; specifically the areas of: ● ● ●
access to the main playground; external lighting (for H & S). Sensory Garden
To establish a room/area where pupils with diabetes can be tested safely and privately – this to be a “liquid” medical room
● Ensure security for all pupils including disabled children
How will this be achieved? Strategy 1. To consider installing hand rails to enable access to playground down the steps 2. To consider a ramped access for wheelchair & movement impairment users 3. Ensure lighting outside of school is operational, adequate and considers pollution and local issues. This will include security & H & S issues (to avoid slips & trips); 4. Paths within Sensory Garden to be accessible to all
1. To consider the most appropriate area/room of the school to be used Link closely with the First Aiders. This might vary according to age of the child (location of their classroom within the school) 1. All pupils (including disabled children) are safe & secure within the school premises. This includes staff & visitors
Timescale / Who? HT / LGB / SAST
HT & All Staff
Cost (est.) £
Current Progress?
- The areas outside of the school building are safe and welcoming and the physical environment is improved by removing any hazards linked to lighting; - Pupils with disabilities and their families are easily and quickly able to access the main playground & Sensory Garden
- Lighting part of a CIF – Summer 2019 & installed - Awaiting quotes & install + funding for upgrade to whole school internal lighting – Spring Term 2020 onwards - Sensory Garden has bespoke path which is generally accessible to all
N/a - use of existing room
- Safe & suitable space for diabetic to test & administer appropriate medicines in a private space
- Extra security fencing for EYFS playground, other entrances & external gates (including SCAPA entrances)
- At present diabetic children have used private areas such as disabled toilet, staffroom & reprographic rooms without issue at an appropriate time - First-aid staff trained to support diabetic children - CIF bid successful – Summer Term 2019 – new fencing, gates & CCTV all installed
SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN - 2020 to 2023 : Making written information more accessible Converted to Academy (Part of Sherborne Area Schools Trust) - 1st June 2017 What needs to be done? Target
How will this be achieved? Strategy
Timescale / Who?
Availability of written material in alternative formats
1. All written information available to pupils and their parents will be considered in detail by the SLT, parent links and the school council. Parents of pupils with a disability will be asked to take part in this activity and give their feedback on how well this information meets their needs (via Parental Forums (Inspire Mornings) / SEN Meetings. The school will consider the needs of both its current and future pupils during this exercise; 2. The school will make itself aware of the services available through local charities, providers and the LA for converting written information into alternative formats (e.g. the use of symbols, large font, listening aids, EAL etc.) and will research good practice in other schools. 3. EAL pupils & parents have access to translation of key information via translator or IT
Senior Leadership Team, SENCO, parents, pupils and other staff where appropriate (e.g. Reception staff).
1. Whole school awareness training regarding methods of communication to aid learning/understanding for pupils with different needs via CPD internal & external (e.g. SAST); this would include advice for other agencies such as SALT
The awareness of adults working at and for the school needs to be raised, regarding the importance of using a range of communication systems according to individual need
Outcome ● ●
● Headteacher and SENCO
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Current Progress?
All future written information is designed with the specific needs of disabled pupils in mind; Disabled pupils and their parents have an increased awareness of all matters usually communicated via written means; Delivery of said information to disabled pupils and their parents is improved and meeting their requirements. School has access to various translators via links with LA & have apps etc. within IT to support EAL parents & pupils
- Text to Schools - used (simple language) - Links with LA Syrian Refugee Liaison Officer for translation of materials - Use of family members to help translate for EAL families - Use of technology to help translate materials - Use of technology for easy access of information(e.g. to help pupils read & access information
Staff are aware of the different ways in which pupils take on and learn new information; Thought is given to all future communication with disabled pupils in mind; The school is more effective in meeting the needs of pupils with a disability;
- Links with other professionals including Ed Psych / SALT / BSS / Social Care already part of good practice - Links with SAST colleagues to discuss good practice - Already have a use of communication systems
Appropriate staff aware of parental / care needs and requirements i.e. know our parents / carers
1. All staff are aware of the need of our parents / carers, particularly those with specific need (e.g. EAL, anxiety, mental health, literacy or numeracy)
All staff, but particularly class teachers, SENCO, office staff, SLT
Pupils with a disability and their parents feel welcome and confident that their needs are being met.
- Office have notes on file if any parent / carer has a particular need or requirement - All aware of this need (as appropriate linked to GDPR considerations) - Any appropriate support via outside agencies as appropriate (e.g. DFM / BSS / EAL / LA Syrian Refugee Advisor / Ed Psych)
including Text to Parents System / Facebook Page / Class Dojo / Verbal / HT & DHT available to discuss start & end of the day (as well as teachers + office staff) / Website / Information whiteboard & other display boards - Notes already on file as appropriate for certain parents / carers - Link with LA Syrian Refugee Advisor - Links already in place with other agencies (e.g. DFM / BSS / EAL / LA Syrian Refugee Advisor / Ed Psych)