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Work, Learn & Respect Together


SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL In April 2012, the school celebrated its centenary as the original school was established in 1912, in buildings facing Simons Road to accommodate the northward expansion of the town. It was subsequently enlarged during the Second World War when the infant school in Tinney’s Lane was bombed. The school lost its senior children in the late 1950s when secondary education was reorganised. The current school was completed in July 1998 and was officially open by HRH the Prince of Wales in April 1999. It is comprised of eleven classrooms with a nominal capacity of 330 pupils together with a hall, music room, a special needs department, a library and other excellent spaces for a range of exciting activities. Summer 2011 saw the completion of an exciting project by the Governors – the extension of the western wing of the school to provide an additional, multipurpose room. Other recent additions include a purpose-built outdoor classroom that was constructed using, as far as possible, sustainable and locally-sourced materials. This stunning facility was opened by Mr M J Sandy, retiring Head, in July 2008. Recently the Reception/KS1 outside learning space has been developed to maximise the opportunities for pupils’ physical development and enhanced imaginative play. The outdoor space is well utilised with room for a soccer pitch, training areas, netball courts and space for cricket, hockey, athletics and many other outdoor sports. The school uses local facilities for swimming and other sports as and when required. The school governors appointed a new Headteacher in September 2015, Mr Ian Bartle, an ex-pupil of the school! who’s family have lived and worked within Sherborne & the surrounding area for many generations.

Our school motto:

Work, Learn & Respect Together

Headteacher: Mr Ian Bartle BA Ed (Hons) NPQH, Sherborne Primary School, Harbour Way, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4AJ. Telephone: 01935 812619. Fax: 01935 817943 Email: Website: Sherborne Primary School is administered by the Children’s Services Directorate, County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ. Telephone: 01305 221000


WELCOME On behalf of the Staff and Governors, I am very pleased to present the School Prospectus. The School’s principal purpose is to provide the best possible foundation for the children, and their life in today’s and tomorrow’s exciting and rapidly changing world. We hope that you as parents will take up this challenge in partnership with us, and share with the School your child’s journey through his or her primary education. The School continues to develop in many areas. On the academic front, the School’s latest excellent academic results reflect the consolidation of the efforts of the staff to continually improve the learning opportunities for each and every child. The staff continue to provide a very impressive selection of sporting and other after school clubs and activities – all intended to encourage the children to explore new opportunities and support a healthy lifestyle. Finally, I wish to thank the governors for their hard work and support for school life, the wellbeing of the School and its future development within the Sherborne community. The governors are all volunteers who are dedicated to providing their experience, energy, commitment and time, to ensuring that the Headteacher and staff have the facilities they need, and that the complete school operation is as efficient as possible delivering the environment and education that our children deserve, in their preparation for life in the world of the 21st century. Mr Tim Bartley, Chairman of the School Governors.



OUR MISSION STATEMENT The Governors, together with the teaching and support staff of Sherborne Primary School, are committed to educate each pupil to his or her full potential within a happy, secure school environment. High standards of achievement and behaviour are sought from a broad and balanced curriculum taught in an atmosphere which fosters a caring attitude of tolerance and respect between children and their peers, adults and the community.

Admission Policy

Parents should register their children with the school office as early as possible within the guidelines of Dorset County Council. The children start at the beginning of the school year in which they are five. Foundation Stage children are admitted for the full school day. Good liaison exists between the school and the local pre-schools/ nurseries. Staff visit the pre-schools/nurseries, and the preschool leaders also visit school. Children and parents due to start school are offered an extensive package for introduction. Parents' are invited to a meeting at the beginning of the last term prior to starting school at which information on the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is shared. Children visit school throughout the last half term prior to starting school with pre-school key workers. Additionally there is an induction morning at school during the summer term prior to starting, and Foundation Stage teachers conduct a home visit for every family before the child starts school in September. The school admission limit is 48 children per academic year group and – providing the year group is not oversubscribed – places can be offered to children living outside the catchment area. Parents living inside and outside the area should apply directly to the school as early as they can if they wish to seek a place for their child. To apply for a place at Sherborne Primary please visit www.


School Curriculum

At Sherborne Primary School we pride ourselves on offering a broad and balanced curriculum with the emphasis on cross-curricular learning tasks where possible. We aim to cater for a range of individual learning styles to encourage children to achieve their best in all areas. The school follows the National Curriculum incorporating all subjects in a creative way through topics. Parents / Carers receive information of the topics & curriculum covered each term within our ‘Topic Jigsaws’, these also includes possible links for further investigations outside of school to extend learning.


Design and Technology

This area of the curriculum encourages children to investigate, generate ideas and develop designs, using a wide variety of materials and components with increasingly sophisticated tools and processes. Design & Technology involves identifying and solving practical problems, providing opportunities to learn and develop a variety of new skills. Projects are often linked to topic work allowing pupils to undertake relevant tasks which become increasingly challenging as they progress through the school, extending their skills, knowledge and understanding.


We believe that developing a love of our language in our children is vital in achieving success at school and later in life. Children who read for pleasure gain a richer vocabulary, more knowledge, and critical thinking skills and become selfdirected learners. We aim for our children to be independent writers; discriminating, reflective readers; and confident speakers – thereby becoming efficient learners across the curriculum. Amongst the opportunities we offer are two very popular children’s book clubs; a Young Writer’s Club; Drama Club; home learning support; and a reading group for parents.

The exploration and enjoyment of the English language is our priority and we value all its aspects – speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Computing is taught through cross-curricular, class-based activities and through sessions in the ‘Learning Lounge’. Disciplines include control and monitoring, databases, multimedia presentations, internet research as well as word processing skills. Children are taught to use the internet safely and to consider when and where technology can be used to aid their learning.

History and Geography

Humanities-based topics often provide the theme for a term’s work, especially at Key Stage 2. This produces valuable opportunities for a range of fieldwork and crosscurriculum studies. Children experience a variety of teaching and learning styles through which they develop research, interpretative, analytical and fieldwork skills.



Mathematics is taught daily to all pupils incorporating mental methods, a main teaching focus and plenaries delivered throughout the lesson. Maths has a high priority within the school and teachers aim to provide lessons with a real life context alongside problem solving activities to ensure that all lessons are fun and enjoyable for the pupils. One of our main aims is to develop the children’s ability to calculate using written methods and this is outlined in our calculation policy which runs throughout the school and ensures progression from Foundation to Year Six.

Modern Foreign Languages

In line with Government policy, French is taught in Key Stage 2 from year 3. Spanish is taught through school clubs, to years 5 and 6. The school believes that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them to develop communication skills including key skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.


Music is taught by class teachers using a range of resources. Children have the opportunity to sing, play and perform


together and will often present work in music at class assemblies. There are various extra-curricular activities offered and individual instrumental lessons are available covering a range of instruments.

Personal Social Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

Health education is part of PSHCE, which encompasses citizenship, race and environmental issues. All staff follow the Dorset Rainbow scheme for PSHE which is part of SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning). Health education is carried out mainly by class teachers and forms part of the pastoral care of the school. Issues such as, drug awareness and stranger danger are given appropriate emphasis at various stages, and a School Health Team now offers a confidential drop in service for parents, which provides opportunities to discuss issues and concerns relating to a child.

Physical activities and Physical Education

The school provides activities in which children have the opportunity to experience games, dance, gymnastics and – from Year 4 onwards – swimming. Ball skills are taught throughout the age range with team activities being introduced in Key Stage Two. Key Stage One follows a

scheme of work called ‘Leap into Life’, which incorporates fundamental movement skills, manipulative skills, movement concepts and aesthetic movement. There are a wide range of sports activities which take place after school so children who are keen can further develop their skills.

Religious Education

Religious Education remains a vital entitlement in every child’s education. It develops the skills needed to enable young people to engage with the spiritual and moral issues they will encounter in their lives; it enables to develop their own spirituality and will contribute to their own personal growth. They will learn to appreciate what it means to have a religious faith and to respect, understand and enter into discussion with those of other faiths and of no faith.


‘I see and I remember, I do and I understand’. We aim to support the children in developing their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts through exploration. We aspire to develop enthusiastic children who question the world around them in order to learn about new ideas, whilst also ensuring that through this process they develop sound subject knowledge. Children will often explore science through other subject areas, supporting them in gaining a holistic approach to their learning.





SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL School Council & Rights Respecting Schools

The School Council provides a voice for pupils. Every year, classes from Y1 to Y6 select two children to serve on the Council, which meets regularly to discuss issues raised in individual classes during Circle Time. In October 2008 the school achieved the Eco-Schools top Green Flag award, having achieved Silver in 2009 and Green in 2010. Sherborne Primary School is now well on its way to reaching ‘Ambassador’ status. At present are working towards our Rights Respecting School Award which is a UNICEF-led initiative. The main focus is the rights and responsibilities that all children have. In class we learn that not all children have these rights due to poverty.

The Environment, Eco Committee & Nature Club

Saving energy We are lucky the school is modern, with double glazing, self-closing doors, an efficient heating system, and thermostatically controlled radiators. In addition, solar panels help to generate electricity. Every class uses ‘light switch stickers’ to ensure lights are not switched on unnecessarily. Eco-Monitors check everything is switched off when not in use.


Environment and healthy lifestyle To encourage wildlife there are many trees and hedges in the school grounds as well as bird feeders, bat box, hedgehog box, and ladybird towers. Students take care of the Wildlife Area and keep it clean and litter-free. Taking part in outside activities reduces the amount of energy used in the classroom, and students make good use of both the Outdoor Classroom and the newly-developed Sensory Dome. The cycle racks in school are well used. The 3 Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle The school recycles paper, card, plastic and reuses materials for Design and Technology and Art projects wherever possible. The successful introduction of the ‘Rag Bag’ clothing bank – which involves sending clothes to Africa for reuse. The Parent Teacher Association organises the sale of used school uniform, and there is also a book exchange box. Nature Club is an extra-curricular group which is run by one of our teachers and links with our Eco agenda to support pupil’s awareness to our environment and the greener world.

Senior Pupils – Year 6

Our Senior Pupils scheme is now running very successfully at Sherborne Primary. Year 6 students are invited to apply, and successful applicants undertake training every year, which involves a dedicated award scheme that supports our pupils on their road to independence and responsibility. Parents are informed of the award as part of a dedicated Year 6 Parent Information Evening and support the scheme with outside

information concerning their child’s responsibilities and hobbies / achievements. The final award is presented to our successful students at the end of the year with a senior member of the Gryphon staff to support transition. The children are very enthusiastic and particularly enjoy the added responsibility that being a Senior Pupils brings.

School Visits

The school organises day visits for pupils of all ages and residential visits for pupils in Years 5 and 6. These all offer a first-hand educational experience that enhances the more formal aspects of school work whilst also helping to further their personal and social learning. Parents / Carers are asked to contribute to the cost of these trips but no child is excluded from participation due to an inability to pay (if possible). Full details of the school’s Charging Policy can be found on the school website or from the school’s Finance Officer.

School Clubs

The school prides itself on the range of lunchtime and afterschool clubs for children in both key stages who wish to further and broaden their education and learning experiences. The clubs vary from term to term, and full details are sent home at the beginning of each term. Occasionally, specialist skills are brought in to provide the children with additional expert coaching and for these clubs a nominal fee is charged.

Clubs currently offered include: Book Club, Cookery Club, Circus Skills, Cricket, Film Club, Football, Girls Football, Nature Club, Gymnastics, Lego Club, Lunch Club, IT & iPad Club, Netball, Writing Club, Rounders, Recorders , Running Club, School Band, School Choir, Spanish, Tag Rugby, Table Tennis






SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL The School, The community and The Governors

The school aims to be involved with our local environment as much as possible, and key examples include: • Community groups that use school facilities • Fundraising activities by children and staff • Hosting students from the Gryphon school who wish to experience working in the classroom • Links with various faith groups in Sherborne, as well the museum and local library.

Class allocation

Sherborne Primary School is a ‘Community Primary’, and as such it is wholly maintained by Dorset County Council. The Governors ensure the School is run in accordance with the aims and policies of the County Council, and it strives to continually improve standards in all areas. The Governing Body meets twice each term, with two main committees, covering finance and the educational aspects of school (including health & safety). Governors are drawn from the parents, the community, the staff and the Local Education Authority.

School Uniform

Parental involvement, complaints, and discipline

Parents are always made welcome in school to help with reading, extra-curricular activities and visits. Foundation Stage


parents are encouraged to join their children in their new class to settle in their learning environment. If there is a need to make contact over concerns the usual procedure is to make a mutually convenient appointment with your child’s class teacher concerning school work. The Headteacher and senior staff are also available if required. Parents are encouraged to make immediate contact with the school if a child is unhappy about an incident during the school day.

At the end of each summer term parents are advised of the class into which their child will be moving. Each child is discussed with their current teacher to ensure that they are placed in the class that will benefit them in the forthcoming academic year. Although class sizes may appear to be large the size of teaching groups are often smaller (i.e. SEN withdrawal groups, IT, modern foreign languages and games groups along with groups helped by the teaching assistant).

There is a school uniform, which increases the sense of belonging to the school community. The uniform consists of a bottle green sweatshirt with the school logo which is worn with a collared white polo-shirt or shirt, and grey trousers for boys and grey skirts for girls. Alternatively girls have the option of wearing grey or black trousers. In the summer, the

Questions and Answers Is Reception the same as Year 1?

No, Reception is different to Year 1. Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation curriculum, and the school structure is as follows: Reception - age 4/5 Yr 1- age 5/6 Yr 2 - age 6/7 Yr 3 - age 7/8 Yr 4 - age 8/9 Yr 5 - age 9/10 Yr 6 - age 10/11

Why do classes have names instead of numbers?

Names have been given to give more interest to the classes and each team has been given a category, thus: Reception = insects/bugs Yr 3/4 = birds of prey Yrs 1/2 = trees Yr 5/6 = big cats

How many year classes are there?

There are 11 classes in SPS; two in Reception, three in Years 1 and 2; three in Years 3 and 4; and three in Years 5 and 6.

Why do some classes contain children from two different year groups?

With an admissions number of 48, this means we have a 1.5 form intake. This means that there are mixed age classes across the school.

What do Key Stage 1 and 2 refer to?

Key Stage 1 (KS1) refers to children in Years 1 and 2 (aged 5-7). Key Stage 2 (KS2) refers to children in Years 3 to 6 (aged 7 -11).

When will my child/children be sitting tests, and what are these tests?

Year 1 has a Phonics screening in May. Year 2 has Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) as part of the overall teacher assessment of pupils, usually carried out during the spring and summer terms. Year 6 also sits SATs – these are statutory and take place during May.


SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL girls wear green gingham check dresses and the boys are encouraged to wear shorts. Shoes must be black and practical for school use (no open toes, high heels or sling backs). Sweatshirts and fleeces are available from Sporting Classics, 27 Cheap Street, Sherborne. A uniform grant is available to children in receipt of free school meals. For full details please contact the school office. PLEASE LABEL ALL SCHOOL UNIFORM & SHOES

School Meals

School Times First session

Those parents wishing their child to stay during the school lunch period can either sign up for hot school meals or provide them with a packed meal and a non-fizzy drink (in an unbreakable container please). Hot school meals that are well-balanced and healthy are provided each day by a company called Chartwells. A fortnightly menu is produced with a vegetarian option, and the minimum commitment is for three meals per week. Please provide a drink, otherwise water will be offered. If you are interested in your child having hot meals please contact KS1 pupils access the Universal Free School Meals scheme, run by the government and are entitled to have a free hot meal everyday (although this is optional). Those pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) are provided with a hot school meal. Application forms are available from the school office or you can contact Dorset


County Council (tel: 01305 221000) or visit their website At Key Stage 1 there is a free “school fruit and vegetable scheme” which provides the morning snack. At Key Stage 2 children are allowed to bring in fruit or vegetables for their snack, no sweets, chocolate or chewing gum please.



Morning break



Second session








Third session

Children are not allowed to arrive before 8.45am and are welcome to enter their class straight away through their class door. Children going home to lunch are not to return until 1.15pm. The school office is open between 8.45am and 4.00pm. The car park is to be used only for picking up and dropping off children. Please show consideration to other drivers and do not double park or park on the double yellow lines.

School Attendance

Pupil truancy at Sherborne Primary is very rare. Unexplained absences are followed up by the school at an early stage. Certificates are awarded for full attendance each term and weekly to classes. As in line with current legislation, holidays are NOT permitted during term time unless there is an EXECPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE. Unauthorised holidays or late attendance could result in a fine.


In line with national recommendations, parents are required to contact the school as soon as possible if their child is absent. A phone call or a note via a friend or sibling is best; any verbal message needs to be followed by a note on the child’s return to school. Similarly, please notify the school if a child has to leave early during the school day, e.g. to visit the dentist. The school office email can be used as an alternative if required.


No school can function without discipline. Parents receive a clear ‘Rewards & Sanction System’ (including a Home & School Agreement) when they take a place at our school. A particularly strong line is taken on bullying (including cyber bullying). Children are given advice through stories, assemblies and other teaching on what bullying is and what to do if experiencing unfair behaviour from others.

SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL WEBSITE The new school website (went live June 2016) has been designed to further develop links between parents, students and teachers. The new homepage enables users to navigate their way around the website with ease. On the website are important dates and links to current letters and bulletins. In the ‘Parents’ section of the website there is everything that parents and carers will need to know about the school. Here you can find out information on school policies, uniform, safeguarding and much more. Also in this section is the ‘classes’ area where you will be able to get a closer look at the fantastic work going on in your child’s class. Alongside the amazing photos, parents are provided with information about PE kit, homework (including Internet links) and any special events that are taking place. The Headteacher reserves the right to exclude children at lunchtime or during the school day if necessary. Positive behaviour is always emphasised, fostered and rewarded.

School Security

The building has been built with security in mind. Adult access is through the main entrance through a controlled entry system and all other doors are locked at 8.55am to ensure the children’s safety. The children are never unsupervised and members of staff on duty in the playgrounds are in contact with other staff by two-way radios. The school has three members of staff who follow up, with appropriate action, any incidents of a Child Protection (Safeguarding) nature. The named staff are clearly displayed throughout the school for reference. All volunteers and Governors are cleared by the Disclosure Barring Service - DBS (when appropriate or required) before being allowed in contact with children.

Parents’ Evenings and Special Meetings

Two parents’ evenings are organised each year with one written report: • November/December – to review children’s work, discuss progress with the teacher and share targets for each child; • March – to review progress towards set targets;


SHERBORNE PRIMARY SCHOOL • July – School reports with test results and attendance figures are sent home with parents being given an opportunity to meet staff if required.

Parents are informed of school events at the beginning of each 1/2 term via the school bulletin. Further notes home give detailed arrangements. The school possesses a very informative website ( From time to time parents are consulted about the work of the school through questionnaires. Parents are encouraged to attend and share their views at Parental Forums, which are hosted once a term and always start with an ‘Open Agenda’, then followed by a themed discussion. All are welcome. At the beginning of each term parents receive a synopsis from class teachers of the programme of work for the term (we call this a ‘Jigsaw’). Thus parents know what is being taught and can support homework and other curriculum initiatives. Most Fridays the school organises a ‘Parents / Carers Assembly’, this takes the form of the amazing achievements our children have performed across the week and can include class performance, music concerts and contributions our pupils have made outside of school.

Parent Teacher Association

The Friends of Sherborne Primary School (known as the PTA) is made up of parents and teachers past, present and future who come together to organise social and fundraising


events. Through these events the school raises a significant amount of money each year which can then be spent on improving facilities for our children e.g. special visitors / shows and outdoor equipment. Events throughout the year include various sponsored activities, the Christmas Bazaar, a Quiz and Chilli Night, the Children’s Disco – and of course – the Summer Fete. Support of the events is vital whether that be coming along and enjoying them or getting involved in the organisation. Your help, however big or small, is always hugely appreciated. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year and if you would like to find out more please leave your details with the school office.

Cool Club

Cool Club is an occupational therapy group run by one of our Teaching Assistants and overseen by the SENCO and the senior occupational therapist from the Children’s Centre in Dorchester. This weekly group gives those children with coordination, organisational, visual and spatial difficulties an opportunity to address those difficulties in a fun and interesting way. There is a designated Governor who liaises and supports parents and teachers with SEN matters as and when necessary. An initiative within the school offers gifted and talented children extra activities designed to further enhance their learning experiences. The school holds a register for those children who are gifted and talented.

Provision for the disabled

Sherborne Primary welcomes applications from parents of children with disabilities so that they can learn in a mainstream environment. Teaching assistants and specialised learning aids are available to any child in the classroom. A broad and balanced curriculum is provided and pupils are treated on equal terms in the school. The school meets the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and has subsequently implemented the Sherborne Primary School Accessibility Plan. As the school building was constructed in 1998 it was designed to make wheelchair access easy for both pupils and parents alike.

Special Educational Needs

The Special Needs Educational Coordinator (SENCO) coordinates the special provision for those children in school with additional needs. In liaison with a range of outside professionals, parents and teachers, the SENCO ensures that these children receive the support they are entitled. A specific programme of support is put in place for all those children with general or specific learning problems (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, literacy or language difficulties) at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. At Key Stage 2 some children may be withdrawn from their class for these lessons and taught in the SEN room, which is currently called the ‘FastTrack’Room. The programmes of work provided are designed to enable them to access the curriculum more effectively. At Key Stage 1, children requiring extra support are taught in small withdrawal groups or one-to-one, or are supported in class by the class teacher or teaching assistant (TA). Parents / Carers are fully involved with their child’s learning & development with termly meetings alongside the class teacher / SENCo (& at times support assistants) to monitor progress made by our SEN pupils. There are also social skills and social communication sessions for small groups of children. These are known as Emotional Literacy (ELSA) or Nurture Groups and are delivered by two specially trained TAs. These sessions are regularly monitored by the SENCO, via regular, half-termly liaison.

EXTENDED SCHOOLS PROVISION Sherborne Care and Play Association (SCAPA) Sherborne Primary School is proud to be able to offer help to busy parents to manage their work commitments during term time and school holidays. The Sherborne Care and Play Association (SCAPA) is accommodated within a purpose-built facility in the school complex, providing a safe and fun place for children between the ages of four and fourteen. SCAPA operates as a department of Sherborne Primary School (Extended Schools Provision) and thus has full use of its playground and facilities. SCAPA is supported by its own Manageress & Deputy, alongside its highly experienced staff (many of whom work within the school). SCAPA Times and costs Breakfast Club – 8am - 8.55am – £3:50 After-school Club – 4:30pm - 5:30pm – £3:30 / 5:30pm - 6:00pm – £1:65 Holiday Club – 8am - 1pm – £10 / 1pm - 6pm – £10 Breakfast is provided to children during Breakfast Club and children are encouraged to enjoy some quiet time before the busy day begins. A healthy snack and drink is provided at the After School Club, but during school holidays parents are required to provide a pack lunch. SCAPA activities are wide ranging, from card playing, painting, playing with sand and clay, to football, cricket, tennis, singing and instrument playing. During the holiday period many day trips and additional special themed activities are planned.

To find out more about SCAPA, or to book a place, please contact SCAPA directly on 01935 810001 (during outings use 07790 761125)



In conclusion

We hope that you have found this useful. As with any written document some things may change during the year so please check with the school office for any updates. The school continues to embrace new initiatives and to provide new opportunities for our children.

After Sherborne Primary School

Most children pass to the Gryphon School, the secondary school serving the Sherborne Area. Close links exist between Sherborne Primary, The Gryphon and other receiving secondary schools to ensure curriculum continuity and a smooth transition that takes into account all children’s needs. Extra transition opportunities will also be put in place for pupils who require this e.g. SEN pupils. During the summer term children are visited by secondary staff and they participate in an induction day where they have the opportunity to meet their new tutor, some teachers and make new friends. In the evening there is a parents’ evening which enables parents to meet their child’s tutor. Parents are notified about the transfer procedures early in a child’s final year.

Sherborne Primary School, Harbour Way, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4AJ. Telephone: 01935 812619. Fax: 01935 817943 Email:


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