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SPS - Opening Plan & Risk Assessment - Updated Summer Term (19th April) 2021

Updated & linked to reopening (8/3/2021) after 3rd National Lockdown & LFD (Lateral Flow Device Home Testing) THIS PLAN NEED CLEAR COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS / CARERS / PUPILS & STAFF Communication systems via text / Class Dojo / Facebook Page & Web-site - constantly updated for ‘live’ risk assessment Schools guidance Link to Schools Guidance

ACTIONS / Amendments in (19/4/2021) - Summer Term 2021

Risk Rating: end of each section

N o. 1.

Low Risk

Area of Risk / Operational Factor

Medium Risk

High Risk

Ways to Minimise Risk

Who? Time Scale?


Parent / Carer - Drop-Off & Collection/Communication Staggered Entrance to School for ALL bubbles: Start times for each bubble to be put in place Parents & carers with multiple children to drop-off ONCE e.g. Yr 6 & Yr 3 child might need 8:45am - 3:15pm

All BELOW ARE EXTERNAL DOORS EYFS Bubble (2 x classes) - 8:45am Yrs 1 & 2 Bubble (3 x classes) - 9am Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble (3 x classes) - 9am Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble (3 x classes) - 8:45am


Parents to social distance outside (NOT to enter classroom - unless invited by staff / SLT) Classes will need to accept children at 8:45am with the ‘one drop-off’ strategy

One-way system in place with blue markings indicating direction of travel NO gathering of parents / carers at

Blue 2m social distancing arcs and one way system blue

gates / outside of doors / car park etc.

arrows remarked to remind parents / children (26/2/2021)

ALL parents / carers (& older siblings older than primary school age 11+) to wear face coverings at drop-off & collection (unless exempt)

Staggered Exit from School for ALL bubbles: Finish times to be put in place

All BELOW ARE EXTERNAL DOORS EYFS Bubble (2 x classes) - 3pm Yrs 1 & 2 Bubble (3 x classes) - 3:15pm Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble (3 x classes) - 3:15pm Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble (3 x classes) - 3pm

All parents / carers / visitors to wear face masks on premises (unless exempt)


One-way system in place with blue markings indicating direction of travel NO gathering of parents / carers at gates / outside of doors / car park etc.

Parents to social distance outside (NOT to enter classroom) - a blue semi-circle indicates this outside of each classroom door

Repaint blue semi-circles for 2m distance for outside of classroom doors & one way system arrows (NB) - completed (26/2/2021) IB or PS / SLT Member - on duty before & after school to ensure flow of parents / pupils & social distancing + face coverings are adhered too

Communication with Parents To ensure parents are aware of the plan for reopening at all stages and aware of any changes and risks

Share information with parents in a variety of ways. Verbally speak to vulnerable families about the guidelines. This could also includes videos Detailed letter with information from

All Parents / carers

Communicate with parents / carers to reassure them that the school is a safe place to attend Re-send information prior to

Updated Behaviour Policy to be communicated effectively with ALL parents & staff & on web-site

this plan & Video for families who cannot access the letter

start of term (Dojo / Facebook / Website)

Guidance with annex HT provides weekly updates to staff, parents & carers on Covid situation, school messages & Covid safe reminders - This has taken the form of either message or video message (to support the diverseness of our families)

Offices & Work Areas - (See below as well for more information re visitors etc.)

IB performs ‘weekly updates’ for parents & carers as a bare minimum to inform of all latest updates etc. (at times this will take the form of a video, so that all parents / carers can access this vital information) Clear signage & messaging for parents to continue to use phone / IT etc. to communicate with school & ONLY have a face to face as a complete last resort LP & JK can work within their ‘bubble’ with doors & screens closed KG & RS need to ensure 2m where possible LP to work from home when possible to free up an additional space within the small office (only attends SPS on Fridays. At present LP working from home full-time until further notice)

Office Team

Tape & signage to help identify no go areas / flow around school Only ONE person / family in the office front entrance at once Electronic hand sanitizer available at the entrance to all on entry

Medium Risk (due to possible numbers on site - based on the above & ALL follow instructions / advice HR & Staffing

General HR Guidance: Clinically extremely vulnerable people (staff) - HT to discuss with individuals for best work placement (if required) - ALL Extremely Clinically / Clinically Vulnerable staff to have a dedicated risk assessment (including a meeting to discuss this with the HT) Clinically Vulnerable people & pregnant staff

Maintain social distancing as much as possible for all staff

Shortage of Staff: Teacher shortage (illness / self-isolation / Covid related etc)

If overall staffing shortage

Can attend work, but need social distancing, may need a role away from others. Work from home if possible. HT to complete relevant personal risk assessments. Pregnant staff to liaise with midwife & work from home after 28weeks, if advised to do so

Individuals to discuss with IB or managers their personal situations Face Coverings - individuals can wear a mask / vizor if they wish. Requirement for masks within communal areas (in front of children, optional and can include vizors & face masks). Social distance is vital

Staff to be constantly aware via communications (staff meetings / verbally / email etc.) to think about social distancing. All staff (unless exempt) to wear face coverings whilst using staff communal areas or in transit around school. Not recommended when teaching children or on duty outside

Suitable TA’s can lead classes (under guidance from other teachers). Supply teachers can be employed to cover multiple classes

HT has access to supply teacher agencies in an extreme shortage.

Staffroom / SCAPA / Classrooms (within bubble) rooms to be used for staff relaxation - must consider numbers / social distancing / possible face masks etc.


Staff to stay with the same group of children where possible. However, staff can move between classes & bubbles (social distancing still very important) As always staff to liaise with IB / PS / FG & Team Leaders to

inform of any absence

Possible closure of selected bubbles (last resort)

If staff are not available due to Covid or any other absence (illness, union action etc.) This could SEVERELY compromise our operations

If staff numbers are not safe IB (or PS in his absence) to decide to either close classes, bubbles or the whole school (this will be via discussion with the Chair of LGB - Roy Towndrow & Steve Hillier - CEO SAST)

SLT to use a grid matrix to ascertain H & S as well as supervision of pupils (age related)

Staff accessing LFD’s Home Kits from 1/2/2021 (see below) Parents / carers can also access LFD’s Home Kits via a multitude of ways (NOT school) from 26/3/2021 onwards Staff Allocation: SAME staff to work with SAME groups where possible. However staff can work between bubbles & classes if this is essential to operation of the school e.g. PPA / staff absence etc.

SLT to organise staffing as appropriate. This means if a CONFIRMED Covid-19 case occurs then the WHOLE bubble will have to self-isolate for 10 days This will still be the case even with LFD Home Kits


This is ONLY if possible & probably linked to staff sickness etc. HT to contact PHE for advice if a positive test is confirmed

A positive LFD test will result in a staff member requesting a PCR test and self-isolating until this is negative Medium Risk - Based on ALL following appropriate guidance & advice 3.

Pupils within ‘Team Bubbles’ linked to the effective operation of the school General Guidance: Team Bubbles to match the operations of SPS:

NOT to mix with other bubbles.


The system needs to be clearly

EYFS Bubble (Ladybirds & Grasshoppers) - 42 children KS1 Bubble (Oak / Ash & Elm) - 90 children Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble (Hawks / Eagles & Owls) - 94 children approx Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble (Jaguars / Tigers / Leopards) - 92 children approx

Uniform / Clothing Communication

Timetabled break / lunchtimes away from each other & supervised by bubble staff / dedicated LTS.. Separate staff (where possible)

communicated to all (staff & parents / carers for confidence in our safety No social distancing within bubble necessary (not possible)

If a POSITIVE Covid-19 test occurs then ALL of the bubble will be closed & HT will contact PHE for advice. This will still be the case even with LFD testing

Staff MUST consider flow around school to avoid crossing bubbles (particularly transitions)

School jumpers / tops / usual trousers / skirts / shorts & usual school shoes from Spring 2021 (if parents / carers can afford)

SLT to be able to support quickly as required (must have a radio)

‘Bubbles’ require access to a radio for safety & can radio for support etc. if required Supply Teachers / Sports Coaches & Peripatetic Teachers / Volunteers: All the group above can come into SPS to support learning

Office to organise Ensure that all understand the importance of social distancing. Try and maintain staff to one bubble

SPS has regular supply teachers who know the school well and have worked at SPS during the pandemic & within the wider reopening in June (they know our systems / controls)

Music peripatetic teachers To only work with groups from the same bubble (strict hygiene when other bubbles utilise the room or equipment). Wash hands between lessons. Volunteers

All of the above will be minimised during an Covid

Volunteers can start to support SPS, if this supports the school e.g. readers

Music teachers - can restart sessions following extra hygiene & performing twice weekly LFD’s Dorset Reading Partners will not be onsite until further notice

outbreak or linked to National DfE Guidance e.g. National Lockdown - 22/2//2021

etc. If regular volunteers, then to complete twice weekly LFD’s

SCAPA (Before & After School Childcare Club) SCAPA will be organised within the 4 x bubbles above (EYFS / KS1 / Yrs 3 & 4 / Yrs 5 & 6) Attempt to staff with TA from same school bubbles whenever possible


Breakfast Club organised within the Hall so that the 4 x bubble can be separated (marked by an existing large red cross on the hall floor). The hall has immediate access to two different playgrounds and use of a kitchen hatch for serving etc. (1 hour max 7:45am - 8:45am). Children from the 4 x bubbles to enter the hall via different entrances to minimise crossing After-school Club to be organised in two rooms (as this is much longer in length (2.5 hours max - 3pm - 5:30pm). EYFS & KS1 to be within the SCAPA Room (& EYFS toilets) & Yrs 3 & 4 / Yrs 5 & 6 to use the hall & disabled toilet) Children to be seated when not directed to do so (e.g. going outside to the playground etc.) Staffing (where possible) to be linked to bubbles & where school staff do, during the usual school day, link with certain bubbles, this will continue within SCAPA if possible

Emily C / SCAPA Team

Roxy Sharpe (Office Team) to support with admin Parents to be able to purchase different rates / time slots for both Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs Parents / carers to still utilise the ‘one way systems’ around school Usual ‘snack time’ to take place Limit numbers to 45 children only Timings to be reviewed constantly to support working parents / carers Thorough clean down after each SCAPA session

Medium Risk - Based on the amount of children in school and chances of cross-infection 4.

Room Allocation & Resources Required

Room Logistics: Desks & equipment within room

Each group only uses 1 room a day (wherever possible / however this should not hamper ‘catch-up’ e.g. small phonics groups, ELSA etc.)

Staff EYFS & KS1 to be seated for usual operations. KS2 to all be seated in usual operations from start of Summer Term to support catch-up & social interactions (i.e. not in rows)

Ensure good ventilation within each space; open windows & doors etc. Make ALL children a pack of stationery & place in trays. Keep all individually labelled.

See room allocations, but bubbles can utilise other bubble rooms if required

KS1 to host phonics groups (but within the same bubble)

Equipment can be shared within the bubble, but MUST be cleaned if shared across the bubble

Careful thought be staff of equipment needed for learning. Particularly possible cross bubble equipment e.g. PE , Music & Science

KS2 to have maths groups which use the same teacher (potential cross bubble. Teacher MUST clean down between small group sessions)

Doors propped open & windows open where possible

To reduce door hand use & for ventilation

Appropriate signage

Ventilation & adequate air flow

Communal Spaces: Hall / Music Room / Reflection & Fast Track Rooms / Library / KS1 Library etc.

Equipment left for 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) will be deemed safe to use by a different bubble

TA to support with appropriate guidance & signage to help with directions / routines (hand washing) & other messages

Electronic Hand sanitizer installed in every room (or near to every room) - Caretaker / Clean Team to be in charge of refilling these

Staff to ensure a good airflow within rooms. This might mean windows & inner doors are opened. Staff to communicate with parents / carers that pupils need adequate clothing layers to stay warm during cold months or weather. Outer doors opened in suitable weather. All Try and avoid large groups of children using these all at once.

Cleaning stations near to communal rooms (away from children for H & S)

After use one of the adults will use disinfectant and clean area used (if children have touched item) before a further bubble enters Careful thought around equipment utilised within each room

Again, transitions to & from communal spaces needs to be considered by all staff & when directing children (keeping bubbles apart)

Staff to plan ahead what equipment will be used in the communal spaces e.g. the large apparatus in the hall to only be used by ONE bubble and at least 72 hours will lapse before the next bubble can use

Electronic Hand Sanitizers are now installed in every classroom (or near to their room). They are also within communal areas / rooms Communal room signage to indicate if the room is safe & cleaned. If staff need to prioritise supervising pupils, they will turn signage to ‘Not Clean’ & return to clean when possible. No group to use until this happens

Toileting: This needs careful considering & linking with staggered playtimes / lunchtimes EYFS Bubble - Own toilet units KS1 Bubble - Own toilet units Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble - Use the KS2 Girls Toilets (signage for separate boys & girls cubicles) Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble - boys use the KS2 boys toilets and the girls use the Staff Male toilet Principle of each separate bubble with their own designated toilet

Male staff to use the disable toilet outside of the

Pupils to understand the appropriate social distancing whilst in communal parts of the school e.g. toilets (no more than 3 / 4 at a time?) Staff discretion Clean Team member to perform extra cleaning at the start of his work pattern pm Ensure rigorous hand washing after toileting Label the toilets to make it clear and inform all staff + pupils


KS1 & KS2 Girls toilets to be painted a neutral colour (when possible) Instigate nominated ‘toilet times’ to reduce pupils in the spaces If the Clean Team member is not available for extra lunchtime clean; the office / HT try & replace (if possible)

office ONLY Staff need to utilise the same toilet whenever possible which is the closest to their bubble Staff Facilities: Staffroom to only be used by limited number

Staff will be fully aware of social distancing rules


Rigorous hand washing applies Team Leaders to direct their staff to specified staff rest areas I.e. EYFS (SCAPA far side, near their classrooms) / KS1 (SCAPA near side, near their classrooms) / Yrs 5 & 6 (top Fast Track (Turing) room / Yrs 3 & 4 (Staff Room) / Office Team (Staff Room, ensuring different time from Yrs 3 & 4)

There are a variety of rooms staff could use to have a break, including staff room / SCAPA / Reflection Room / Library / Fast Track Room / Music Room etc.

Staff are asked to use face covering when not in front of children i.e. moving in transit around the school and when using staff communal areas such as the Staffroom / offices / SCAPA areas Medium Risk - Based on the the amount of children and possible sharing of facilities 5.

Break & Lunch-times (Including School Flow) General Guidance: Staggered break & lunch-times to avoid each other’s bubble

SEE dedicated staggered timetable for ALL bubbles linked to start & end of the day / playtimes &

EYFS Bubble - 2 classes using EYFS Playground & field KS1 Bubble - 3 classes using KS1 & other back playgrounds / field Yrs 3 & 4 Bubble - 3 classes using large


Think about how to exit doors & flow around classrooms / school. TEAMS to organise playtimes between themselves

lunchtimes (separate doc for staff)

front playground, right hand back playground / field

Groups DO NOT mix with each other (except if required in an emergency)

Socially distancing via being only in hub group (away from other groups)

Yrs 5 & 6 Bubble - 3 classes using large front playground, right hand back playground / field

EYFS & KS1 - use their own play frames Yrs 3 & 4 / Yrs 5 & 6 - utilising the play trail & outside gym on a rota basis (one weekly on & one week off - leaving 72 hours between use)

Wet Play within own group (staff to organise a rota break between each other) Lunchtimes SLT & LTS link to certain bubbles to provide breaks for staff

SPS appointed 2 x temporary LTS staff to support Covid safe bubble system at lunchtimes. This will help with supervision and in case of staff shortages (it minimises moving staff between bubbles)

Ensure we utilise all spaces available during playtimes & lunchtimes (spread children out) - staff allowing

Food & Eating EYFS & KS1 - Eating within the Hall for hot lunches (from Spring Term 2021 - see separate Hot Food Risk Assessment & organisation - December 2020)

IB & SR to update ALL LTS with routines, risk assessments & protocols

All KS2 bubbles to eat within classrooms with ‘trolley service’ to deliver hot meals safely

EYFS - 12:05pm - 12:30pm - Hall Thorough clean - 12:30pm - 12:45pm KS1 - 12:45pm - 1:10pm - Hall Thorough clean - 1:10pm - 1:25pm

Outside Play Equipment: KS1 Playtrail / KS2 Playtrail / KS2 Multi-gym

See above

KS2 Hot food plated up, then delivered to pupils in their rooms by adults (LTS’)

Medium Risk - based on ALL following advice above


Office to confirm Hot Food expectations from Chartwells Whenever possible link LTS staff to bubbles


Learning / Education Provision Education Guidance: Plan outdoor lesson where possible

Teacher to liaise to discuss areas of the school they might use during the day to avoid other groups

Equipment should not be shared between groups

IF equipment does need to be shared / cleaned thoroughly afterwards

Off-site trip need to be essential & thoroughly planned beforehand

Careful planning of any organised trip / visit


Designate each year group an outside space for learning. Avoid mixing bubbles KS1 Phonic Check / Yr 4 Multiplication Check / KS1 & KS2 SATS to go ahead next academic year (additional Yr2 Phonic Check - 2nd half Autumn Term)

NO overnight visits To support all pupils in re engaging in school day. Marking

Teachers / TA’s can mark books within their bubble

Visual Timetables

On board in each class

Separate dedicated web-page for Remote (Joint) Learning on our school web-site (just in case bubble closure or child having to work from home) www.sherbornepri.dorset.sch.uk SPS is receiving ongoing donations of laptops from kind community members & groups (e.g. Sherborne Rotary Club). SPS will continue to distribute these devices to support home learning (which increases pupil’s chances of needing further catch-up Resources: Children to bring in limited items from home

Clear communication with parents around what children can bring to school e.g. bag / water bottle / lunch


Some SEN children might need additional items

box / coat / gloves / hats / reading books etc. (bags ONLY if essential)

Some medicines might need to be stored at school e.g. inhalers

Resource NOT to be shared between groups (NO stationery from home) Books / worksheets / specific items required

Reading Books & cross-contamination

PE Equipment

Direct staff to resources we are going to use (& NOT use) reducing cross -infection. Communicate to pupils too Photocopier access to be set up on card use. Each staff member has a ‘touch stick’ so that physical contact is not required on the buttons of our photocopiers Accelerated Reader & online ‘MyOn’ reading scheme to negate so many physical reading books. However, DfE Guidance (Sept 2020) is that books are allowed to move between school & home Each ‘Bubble’ to have a PE bag with basic equipment to use (playtimes / etc.) RL to share PE timetables / overview to gather & segregate PE equipment for the term to ensure no cross bubble contamination e.g. Tag Rugby / hockey

Music Equipment & lessons

From the start of the Summer Term (2nd week - W/c 26/4/2021 - SPS to start Extra-curricular Clubs. They must be ONLY bubble linked at all times (outside clubs whenever possible). This will include number limits to each club

All children to have in their tray as appropriate to age: Pencil, ruler, rubber and sharpener, glue stick and scissors for personal use. Include colouring pencils (small set of colours) FG RW & teachers

Reading books can go between home & school


Need to minimise entry to PE cupboards / store and wipe handles after use Staff to not use the indoor gym frames without thorough cleaning and informing other bubbles (again timetabled to ensure 72 hours between bubble use) Need to liaise with external music teachers to ensure Covid-19 safe practices Extra Sports Teacher hired from 22/3/2021 to support lunchtime physical activity &

(based on staffing & size of venue. Usually NO larger than a group of 30 from the same bubble. This will include careful planning of spaces and equipment used

linked to PE within a class. Finally to host an extra-curricular club (once a week)

No ensemble choirs at present. Singing aimed to take place outdoors if possible. If inside keep volume low & distance children. Brass & woodwind to only be taught is small spread out groups & NOT to share the instruments. Bubble/s NOT on Site - Home (Remote) Learning / Communication: Bubbles NOT on site (due to positive Covid-19 Test & then self-isolation of 10 days as per guidance & update from PHE) will be delivered with roughly the same content / format as those on site (as much as possible)

Separate Remote Learning explanation & guidance available on a dedicated section of our web-site & via our Class Dojo platform School has purchased webcams for every classroom/ office & HT / DHT / SENCO & PSA to support home learning & various aspects of operations. This also ensure Covid-19 safe meetings to avoid staff meetings & gatherings

MUST consider staff well-being linked to monitoring home learning (particularly if they are unwell). If staff are unwell SLT (Team Leaders) to supervise home learning Continue with explanatory PowerPoint / PDF’s as families are use to these & we know they are generally effective Messaging - Start of the day message on Class Story & answering personal messages after school If time prior to self-isolation print off worksheets / activities for 14 days to distribute to all as an alternative Teachers to produce videos of key concepts to support remote learning in Maths & English in particular

Teachers / TA’s

LGB to perform review of ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’ response & how SPS has performed. This will include interviews with staff / parents / pupils / SAST & SLT Possible contact of vulnerable families via PSA & Class Teachers via phone / messaging etc.

SPS has sent out communication to parents / carers (Oct 2020 onwards) to explain home learning (remote learning) linked to different scenarios of absent due to Covid-19 (see relevant letter) Dedicated section for Remote

Learning on our web-site & via our Class Dojo platform. This has been constantly updated & ready if required for any individual, bubble or whole school remote learnings scenario

‘Google Meet’’ Live lessons (MUST ensure this is safe, linked to safeguarding protocol)

Possible Timetable for the Day / Curriculum: - Revert to usual full timetable - Understand & fill gaps which pupils will have missed - Ensure new SDP encapsulates ‘catch-up’ & ‘disadvantaged’ pupils as an emphasis

Curriculum leaders (SLT) to review ‘gaps’ within the curriculum from the national school closure & add / incorporate within the plan for the Autumn Term 2020 onwards & updated for gaps linked to the 2nd National Partial School Closure. This will include a new revamped curriculum which is part of a two year rolling programme (2021 - 2023). Utilise the Cornerstones Software to support this Ensure new SDP 2020 - 2021 has emphasis on ‘catch-up’ & ‘disadvantaged’ & includes ‘Online safety’ education as so many pupils have spent so much time online (& might do in the future) Adjust SDP 2020 - 2021 to reflect the changes in the school development linked to Remote (Joint ) Learning, e.g. the use of video technology & Google Meet. This will also include updating after the 2nd National Partial School Closure and our ‘catch-up plan’ going


Remote Learning timetable to concentrate on Reading / Phonics / Maths & English (also include foundation subjects + mental health activities + Online safety focus)

No swimming until further notice

forward. A Recovery Curriculum Low / Medium Risk - Based on the details above 7.

Cleaning & Ensuring Hygiene / 1st Aid / Risk Assessments / Covid Testing (LFD’s) PPE: No need for PPE (except 1st Aid / intimate care / cleaning) - No need for compulsory face masks or face covering EXCEPT for those staff that work closely with the children (i.e. 1 to 1 AND with intimate care needs). Face mask should also be used by staff that are supervising children that are ill / showing symptoms in school whilst waiting for collection by parents

SAST (& SPS) are purchasing PPE equipment and appropriate hand sanitizer / cleaning equipment to support this

Automatic Hand Sanitiser in ALL rooms & communal areas (away from younger children). Hand washing will be the norm (must continually check soap levels & functionality of the sinks etc.)

NB & Clean Team to ensure this happens and set up Clean stations for shared areas see action plan below

Mick Clark (SAST head of H & S) / Office / Caretaker / Clean Team

Caretaker / Clean Team - must place hand sanitizer in appropriate spaces / communal areas (must consider H & S with younger children of this potentially dangerous liquid)

Parent / carers (& visitors) to wear face coverings (unless exempt) when within school ground (e.g. pick-up & drop-off)

Staff are welcome to wear face coverings (including vizors / face masks) when teaching (if they wish); we would discourage the use of face coverings for children as this mirrors national guidance

ALL STAFF to wear face masks when moving around the school, leaving their classrooms (this must also be kept to a minimum). ALL STAFF to attempt to maintain 2m social distancing at all times (when possible). Risk Assessments: Update this Risk Assessment as appropriate School protocol for ensuring rooms are safe / clean

Meet with Clean Team to go through September plan & protocols

What happens if we have a suspected Covid 19 case?

Ensure ALL know the protocol for suspected Covid-19 case

Both children & adults can be tested for Covid-19 at the local test centres (or given a test by school, when SPS receives these). If a POSITIVE test then ALL the bubble group to

Protocol If anyone does develop symptoms HT provides weekly updates to staff, parents & carers on Covid situation, school messages & Covid safe reminders

self-isolate 14 days off-site (including ALL in their homes) after PHE advice

They will be isolated in the following room: Main School Hall (this might change to the Music room if quicker / easier to manage) and leave via the main entrance. Staff will be notified if the area is out of use.

If a confirmed case, HT to inform PHE for advice & possible closure. HT & senior leaders to follow PHE advice (contact details are below) If someone has a temperature / cough / loss of taste or smell they will need to self-isolate for 10 days (tested as above) - DfE & PHE chart linked to the protocol for isolation within school

Child sent home if the adult / parents called to collect immediately if the pupil. They will need to use a separate toilet (closed door if age appropriate / PPE for staff if required) School have acquired temperature gun thermometers and will continue to randomly check pupils & adults

If negative test result - allowed back to school if no Covid-19 type symptoms (or chance of cross contamination of other diseases)

DfE to deliver a small amount of Covid-19 home test kits for pupils who cannot access test centres

Outside Contractors: Ensure Office / Caretaker has informed / updated contractor / others of our protocols

This could be maintenance personnel / hot lunches etc. Office staff / Caretaker to challenge & ensure no Covid-19 symptoms before entering premises

ALL essential outside contractors to

If positive test then 10 days self-isolation after test see PHE guidance) Office / NB

This is particularly relevant if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 etc.

wear face coverings when inside the school premises (5/11/2020 onwards) Cleaning Arrangements: EXTRA cleaning will be essential to make our school safe for all. Must consider areas that we use & equipment etc. that will need cleaning

Adequate cleaning resources available

Additional duties / extra hour for the clean team to support the school. Clean Team member to perform a brief clean of all toilet areas, door handles & common use areas, after lunchtime (started beginning of Oct 2020 onwards)

Could claim this additional expense via the government scheme? Further claims? Link with Chris V (Head of SAST Finance) DfE to deliver a small amount of PPE

LP & NB (via SAST support) to ensure we have appropriate stocks of cleaning materials etc. (Mick C - Head of H & S to support) Cleaning staff to wear appropriate PPE This will include gloves / masks as a minimum Hand Washing & Hygiene FREQUENT hand washing will take place for all children including on entry, before & after break times, after toileting etc. Touching wall & communal areas

Children need to get into a routine with hand washing and it to become second nature


Clean Team to add extra requirements to daily duty to thoroughly clean the communal areas. Need to remind children not to touch unnecessary surfaces

NB & JK to ensure adequate supplies of hand wash

Mick Clarke (H & S Head of SAST) to organise online training for Clean Team linked to Covid-19

As above re the automatic hand sanitizers in all classrooms (or near classrooms) and communal areas Hand Dryers / Water Fountains


Cost of hand towels is large at

Multiple hand dryers & water fountains on site

Turn off hand dryers & water fountains & add appropriate labels


Covid-19 Testing (Lateral Flow Devices (- LFD’s): All staff Lateral Flow Devices (LFD’s) Home Testing Kits (Voluntary)- training from 18/1/2021 / delivery of kits to school from 20/1/2021 & roll-out to all staff from 1/2/2021 Staff to test themselves TWICE weekly (recommended Sundays & Wednesdays) however this will depend on their personal work pattern and can be adapted accordingly Parents / carers can also now access LFD’s (see above for details). Access to these was communicated via our Class Dojo parental & school communication system

If staff test positive with the LTD then ALL close contacts self-isolate for 10 days & IB to inform PHE immediately (IB informs staff that Gryphon would inform him when tests are results are available and IB to inform staff). If a positive result from Home LFD Kit occurs then as above (10 days self-isolation etc.) Dedicated WHOLE Staff Meeting on 27/1/2021 to disseminate CPD & training by IB & Office

If staff do not wish to take the LFD test it is not compulsory All staff

IB PS & Office Team attended DfE Webinar training on LFD testing (18 & 19th Jan 2021) IB PS & Office Teammet on 25/1/2021 to discuss operations & CPD for SPS staff

Staff to access a dedicated CPD ‘pack’ in addition to the CPD training on 27/1/2021. This will include relevant information (reference guides, privacy notices etc.) Fire Drills SPS to practise an early fire drill with our new way of working from September 2020

Pupils to line up in the usual manner on the large playground (although further apart within their bubbles i.e. bubble children can be the usual distance / bubbles to be a good distance (need to practice several times to ensure all understand new protocol)

Need to practice near the start of term with whole school back on premises

Contact Joanne Wilson (Head of Programmes) 01305 225 894 joanne.wilson@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk Out of Office Hours & Weekends 01305 221000 publichealth-hp@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk If you are unable to contact either of these quickly, please ring Mark Blackman on 07885508000 Public Health England (ask for South West Region) - 0300 303 8162 (email: swhpt@phe.gov.uk) Medium Risk - Based the possible infection risk (& infection rates from number of children) Vulnerable Children / Key Families / SEN General Guidance: Monitoring by meetings / other professionals (social care & Family Partnership Zone etc. / phone / messages etc.

SEN & Meeting Needs: SPS (SB & IB) may need to carry out a risk assessment if a child may not be able to follow instructions; can measures be put in place to keep all safe? In rare circumstances this child / ren should stay at home

PSA to continue working with SENCO & HT to monitor this group

Led by AB & SB

IB (HT & DSL) to complete LA Monitoring document (electronic) weekly to link between school & social care Named children which SB & SLT are aware Continue counselling for very vulnerable / trauma children via Hele Inman (Friends of Yeatman Hospital Project - if funding allows) ELSA Team to work with SB & all staff to target mental health needs etc.

List has already been generated & constantly reviewed PSA & SENCO continue to work within the same office space for consistency & communication

SB to lead

SB to work with other professionals if required (Ed Psych, Behaviour Support Service etc.) Staff to access online & other CPD linked to pupil’s mental health & SEN needs returning to school & beyond to support their needs now & in the future

Medium Risk - Already monitoring successfully & reacting accordingly (however new Lockdown - Jan 2021 increases risk)

Staff Liaison & Meetings etc. Staff Meetings: SLT Meetings Teaching Staff (at times includes WHOLE Staff Team) Meetings TA Meetings PPA

Tues pm (3:30pm - 4:30pm)

If staff unavailable for meeting could possibly Google Meet / read minutes from meeting

Wed pm (3:30pm - 4:30pm) Thurs am (10am - 10:30am) - ONLY if possible with staffing

If staff need to discuss pupils or need to meet with others. This is always best on a radio or via email. If this is not possible then staff must NOT meet for more than 15mins in close contact and must wear face coverings, if not within the same bubble

As per normal with staff cover from within existing bubble

These will ALL take place on Google Meet until further notice Office / Clean Team Meetings: To be decided as appropriate by these teams, linked to the usual timings

Office Team to meet on Google Meet until further notice LP to continue to spend time working from home (during Autumn Term 2020 onwards) due to her excellent productivity at home & to ensure more space within the small office areas

Medium Risk Office and visitors Office Staff - maintaining 1m+ social distancing Main office is considered too small for 3 staff. Risk too close contact when answering hatch/phone.

Review anticipated work requirements Review work patterns of staff max 3 staff physically in the office

Office team/IB

LP to continue to work at home (in work one day a week) RS to use LP room KS to use the front desk.

environment at any one time. Reorganise lap top distribution if required to enable home working.

Work environments 1 main office, 1 JK room, 1 LP room. Doors/glass screens to remain closed when possible between areas

LP to work from home unless IB indicates she is required on premises

Daily short Google Meet ‘huddles’ to ensure 1 team approach continues. Agreed time of meetings

Frequent handwashing and gel

Hatch/gate phone one person

Other staff to ONLY enter the offices if essential and communicate with the office staff via email / telephone or via the front entrance which is behind a shield / window barrier Shared facilities Risk contamination on surfaces of shared items, e.g. hatch, gate phone, surfaces, safe, photocopier etc

Staff to use their own computers/phones etc, minimise contact with photocopiers etc.

Office team/ Clean team

Clean pack for each desk


Communicate to wider school, the office is here to help but you just need to ask us in a socially distant way.

Only 1 visitor / family within main entrance

1 MOS to manage the hatch/gate phone, when leaving/handing over then clean down. Desks/environment to be cleaned down fully at regular intervals Other staff visiting the office Physical space considered too small for other staff to ‘pop’ into the office.

Staff to communicate with the office via phone/email or via hatch. Office staff to relocate trays/signing in for staff to other locations to minimise need to enter office

Staff signing in/out of the office If you need to meet then do so where

Advise staff where signing in has been relocated.

2m social distancing can be applied. Create trays outside the office to receive work in.

Other staff photocopying will be placed in pigeon holes.

Signage regarding using the hatch and not entering offices to be placed on doors. Staff ordering of resources Requisition forms currently paper based process.

Requisitions to be made via shared google forms, reduce contact with staff

Increased timescales for goods, delivery and quarantine prior to opening to be allowed for.

Orders to be placed in good time so best value can be obtained.

Visitors to school Gates buzzer contamination by visitors Gates buzier answering, by different members of staff

Reception area size v ability to maintain 2 m social distancing. Signing in use of shared pens/lanyards. Hand gel in entrance.

Cleaned frequently throughout day Consider if gates are left open (security risk) Less contact on pad / button Parent contact at hatch to be limited to ONE person / family in the entrance area. NB to mark blue social distanced lines outside main front door for orderly queue of parents / carers - at present this is minimal and supported by IB & PS on duty at the start / end of every day


Share redesigned google requisition form. Communicate with staff.

Office team

Gate buzzer cleaning to be organised as part of the school day cleaning routine. Communication to parents, should consider to make contact via phone/email etc. Signage required for hatch, 1m+ tape and to wait outside Visitor badges to be printed Check stationery levels KG

Risk visitors have symptoms

See above regarding shared facilities in office, to be minimised where possible 1 person in reception at a time, hatch to only be open a small amount to be able to hear and MOS to stand over side.

Post box to be used for handing things in. Staff to sign in visitors and use sticky 1 time use visitors badges. Any pens handout not to be returned Design quick checklist for all visitors regarding any symptoms etc Can meeting be held on phone/video instead

Face coverings - masks to be worn by visitors if required as they need to meet / access confined spaces etc. office team / SLT to direct visitors as appropriate and signage to indicate this. This applies to the Office Team and visitors / delivery personnel / trades people etc. Delivery of goods Contact with visitors/delivery drivers

Minimise number of deliveries, i.e. all consortium 1 x week.

Unpacking goods Goods not signed for and deliveries not taken into school. Deliveries to be left in safe place for 72 hours prior to unpacking Hand washing before and after goods unpacked. Delivered to outside classrooms

Consider where the goods could be stored safely until opened and distributed

before/after children present. Use of school grounds Outside users of the sensory garden increased risk of additional children on premises.


Communicate with Pear Tree as appropriate. Pear Tree to use the outside Sensory Garden gate and then utilise their own toilets in required (not within SPS premises)


Outside clubs to be delayed until half-term is possible

Minimise use of school grounds for the Autumn Term Advise of requirements to use school grounds

Use of School Hall - hiring of facilities Various organisations do hire SPS Hall (e.g. Ballet & Community Choir). This does involve members of the public & people from other schools entering SPS

Toilet - ONLY to use the disabled toilet outside of the office (when it is not our children) & this will need to be cleaned after use

Pear Tree to continue to utilise our Sensory Garden which is an outside Covid safe space. They will be timetabled and not cross bubbles within our own pupils

If chair / mats / equipment is used, this will need to be thoroughly cleaned after use Ballet / other hirers are welcome to hire SPS facilities from 19/4/2021. This will require an agreed Covid Risk Assessment of their own (which is discussed and agreed with SPS - HT). The facilities will be cleaned down by the hirer after their use Attendance Recording of attendance accurately, in line with guidance. Monitoring any illness/symptoms/return to school appropriately

Attendance for SPS is return to DfE as per their

JK Accurately recording by teachers on sims.

Communicate to parents action regarding reporting absence

Complete CV attendance form to System to monitor COVID absence/return to school

Usual attendance requirements from start of Autumn Term 2020 - monitored

requirements Office team to complete the DfE returns daily and as required

by HT / PSA / SENCO / (Office JK)

Medium Risk - Based on ALL (staff, community & visitors) follow guidance above

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