SPS - SCHOOL CLOSURE LEARNING PLAN Communication - Class Dojo / Tapestry / Website / Facebook Page will be used as the main methods of communication. You will find all teachers can be contacted either via Class Dojo or Tapestry (Mr Bartle is also available on Class Dojo would love to see examples of children’s work from home). Wellbeing Contact - As ever, our first priority is the health and wellbeing of all our pupils. For this reason, your class teacher will give you a personal message (or call if required) a minimum once a week to check everything with you and your child/ren is OK. You can also contact Mr Bartle via the above class dojo at any time if you have any issues you need to discuss (he will happily call you if required). Microsite - We have set up a dedicated part of our school website that will be available to support you and your child with all of your home learning activities (as well as Class Dojo or Tapestry). http://www.sherbornepri.dorset.sch.uk/home-learning/ The microsite is a one-stop for everything your child might need while away from school. The site includes extensive online learning tools using sites all children are already familiar with. This page will continually be updated. Physical Resources - IF THE SCHOOL CLOSES - A pack of physical resources will be prepared for each child while they are away from school to cover several weeks of education. This will include a suggested timetable, Maths, English & other activities. This will take the form of an electronic page (if your child is already away from school) or a physical paper pack if they are still attending school. Daily Learning Challenge - A suggested daily learning challenge for children will be posted daily by staff on our school website. This will be a fun activity for all children to have a go at. Please share your photos of this with your teachers on Class Dojo. Staying in Touch - It is vital that you stay in touch with our supportive staff at school. Please Dojo / Tapestry your class teacher and / or Mr Bartle with any amazing work and also share on Class Dojo https://www.classdojo.com/en-gb/ . Remember you can also email our Office Staff Team in the school office with any concerns. office@sherbornepri.dorset.sch.uk PLEASE NOTE: IT REMAINS OUR POLICY THAT CHILDREN SHOULD ALWAYS ACCESS THE INTERNET WITH THE SUPERVISION OF A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. PLEASE KEEP E-SAFETY IN MIND WHEN ACCESSING OUR SCHOOL WEBSITE AND ONLINE LEARNING RESOURCES.
We sincerely hope all stay safe and please remember we are always here to help! Mr Bartle & the Team