Tuesday 21st April 2020 phonics
Today in we are going to learn a new phoneme. It is the ‘y’ phoneme as in ‘baby’, ‘daddy’, ‘funny’ and ‘Billy’. Write all the words you can think of with a y that says ‘ee’. You could draw a picture next to some of your words.
Is the ’ee’ phoneme spelt with the letter y always at the end of the word?
Tuesday 21st April 2020 Dear Grasshoppers and Ladybirds. We have such fun at school ‘Making Stories’. You did an amazing job of retelling ‘The Little Red Hen’, ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘The Bear Hunt’. Today Mrs Beatson is going to tell you a simple version of one of our favourite stories that you will probably know well.
The Billy Goats Gruff. Now watch Mrs Beatsons video teaching you the version of The Billy Goats Gruff that we will be using this week. This will be on Tapestry on Tuesday.
Today your activity is to listen to the story told by Mrs Beatson and practise telling the same version of the story using our storytelling actions. Have fun from Mrs Rose, Mrs Beatson, Mrs Batty, Mrs Rousell, Mrs Green, Mrs Rigden and Miss Bright.
This is the version of the Billy Goats Gruff we would like your child to tell, act out, memorise.
These are the storytelling actions we use.
Maths Dear Parents please help your child to practise counting (reciting out loud) across tens numbers (bridging ten). E.g. start on 18 stop on 23, start on 37 stop on 44, etc. Choose numbers that your child is confident with. For some children this will be up to 20 for other it will be over 100. Children who need to consolidate numbers up to 10 could play the game below.
https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/standalone/activity_html/item648680/index.html?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fcentral. espresso.co.uk%2Fespresso%2Fmodules%2Fey_0to10%2Ffind.html&bgcolor=ffffff
Children who can confidently work with numbers above 10 could play the game below. https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/standalone/activity_html/item648742/index.html?r eferrer=https%3A%2F%2Fcentral.espresso.co.uk%2Fespresso%2Fmodules%2Fey_0to10%2Ffind.ht ml&bgcolor=ffffff
Toilet roll challenge
1001 Things To Do With Empty Toilet Paper Rolls What can you do with your empty toilet rolls? Please share you super creations.