FAUST FRIDAY 21. 6. | 9:00, 18:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 75 MIN | OD 9 LET TOMÁŠ JARKOVSKÝ, JAKUB VAŠÍČEK DIVADLO DRAK | HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ In baroque contrasts, straddling between a farce and a tragedy, decadence and morality, we present a theatre of the world, both small and large, just like the small and large world of the theatre.
Headspace is a automated miniature theater for 1 spectator at the time, an installation with robotic actors and programmed mechanics. The concept is to provide a quiet little space for the public. For 2 minutes the spectator puts on a new giant head, it slides gently over his old head and it shuts him off from the outside world.
!O! FRIDAY 21. 6. | 19:30 | STUDIO | 55 MIN LECTURE / PERFORMANCE TANTEHORSE | PRAHA | CZ “Madness? Just the ultimate freedom” A reflective piece of devised theater one and half years in the making that explores Reason and Unreason as ways of attaining a different understanding of reality.
ORCHESTRA OF THE LAST DAY / CONCERT FRIDAY 21. 6. | 21:00 | ŠAPITO | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ PRAHA | CZ Orchestra of the Last Day was founded to commemorate the cabaret Vícezrnný koláček štěstí (Multigrain Lucky Cake) at Minor Theatre in 2007. After its derniere the group decided to carry on as a regular band with irregular, even accidental concertizing.
LOG LEG SATURDAY 22. 6 | 10:00, 15:00 | STUDIO | 45 MIN | OD 4 LET DOMINIKA ŠPALKOVÁ A KOL. DIVADLO DRAK | HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ An original production about the unwavering desire to move and dance. An adventure of the imagination and the love of the game can begin, blending fantasy and reality! A tenderly erce and true story about the joy of movement for children and the children in us.
THE MATEJ’S CAROUSEL SATURDAY 22. 6. AND SUNDAY 23. 6. | 10:00–18:00 Same as last year carver Matěj (Martin Holub) will arrive in Hradec with his original wooden carousel, rocking animals and a store where you can find a varied selection of carved wooden toys.
ART WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN SATURDAY 22. 6. AND SUNDAY 23. 6. | 10:00–18:00 | PLENÉR All the weekend there will be various art workshops in front of the Drak Theatre. Artists from Hradec Králové will help children to create their own little art pieces.
THE TRIP SPECIÁLNÍ PROGRAM V PLENÉRU | OD 16 LET SATURDAY 22. 6. AND SUNDAY 23. 6. | 11:00–13:00, 14:00–16:00, 17:00–19:00 TONI TOMÀS TOMBS CREATIUS | KATALÁNSKO “Almost every second minute, someone disappears into Tombs Creatius’ trailer – the departure point for a fascinating, mysterious voyage, a trip to the self and to the fragile boundary between life and death. A strange and unique experience!”
PAINTERS SATURDAY 22. 6. AND SUNDAY 23. 6. | 11:00 | PLENÉR | 35 MIN | OD 4 LET BRATŘI V TRICKU| PRAHA | CZ Two painters – and dont excpect the chaplin grotesque with the ladder only…The Trick Brothers in the performance Painters leave all comedy clichés behind and elevate them to a new acrobatic forms. 30-minute show put a smile on the faces of children and adults.
CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING ODYSSEY SATURDAY 22. 6. 13:00 AND SUNDAY 23. 6. 17:00 PLENÉR | 50 MIN | OD 6 LET BRATŘI V TRICKU | PRAHA | CZ The trip is a race whose main award is an experience. In this respect, these men are the best competitors – real champions. They are even better than they have ever thought. Ski poles ready, wax your moustache, an encouraging shot of tea and let´s start!
JUGGLING WORKSHOP WITH BROTHERS IN TRICK SATURDAY 22. 6. 14:00 AND SUNDAY 23. 6. 13:00 PLENÉR | 45 MIN | OD 6 LET BRATŘI V TRICKU | PRAHA | CZ Juggling duo Bratři v tricku (Brothers in Trick) specialize in the fuses of technically demanding juggling with movement and expression to create a modern show. Both jugglers also participate in another project called Artists 4 children - a cooperation with children via workshops based on the world-renown model called Social circus. Join us to learn a few tricks with the greatest pros.
THINGS E ASILY FORGOT TEN SATURDAY 22. 6. 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 SUNDAY 23. 6. 10:00, 15:00, 21:00 MONDAY 24. 6. 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 PŮDA | 75 MIN | OD 12 LET XAVIER BOBÉS | ŠPANĚLSKO “Easily Forgotten Things” is a photographic show that transforms memories and, like forgetfulness, invents other, new ones. A brief history of Spain in the second half of the twentieth century. Like a magician, or medium at a séance, Xavier Bobés manipulates both past and future.
ODDBALL SATURDAY 22. 6. | 16:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 45 MIN | OD 6 LET TOMÁŠ JARKOVSKÝ, JAKUB VAŠÍČEK DIVADLO DRAK | HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ Travels through outher space with a hero who is just a little bit different. Production inspired by the fate of children with Asperger syndrome.
GUIDED TOUR OF THE EXHIBITION NONPERFETKNE VOD MATASA SATURDAY 22. 6. | 17:00 | MUZEUM LABYRINT | 45 MIN | OD 6 LET TEREZA VAŠÍČKOVÁ Close encounters with the legendary visual artist and stage designer Petr Matásek from the perspective of Tereza Vašíčková, his former student. Original exhibition created uniquely for our space.
PRESS PARADOX SATURDAY 22. 6. | 19:00 | STUDIO | 75 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ KALD DAMU | PRAHA | CZ The original production of the collective 8lidí (8people) is based on recent events which shook the media. The Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko living in Ukraine has been murdered. What is threatening journalists nowadays? When to favour security, or when, despite all the risks, adhere to journalistic ethics? Who actually is Arkady Babchenko?
JACEK BUILDS THE HOUSE SATURDAY 22. 6. 23:00, SUNDAY 23. 6. 22:00 | AUTOBUF PRO DOSPĚLÉ | 60 MIN DAISY MRÁZKOVÁ, LARS VON TRIER, JAN KAČENA DIVADLO BUFET | PRAHA | CZ Fight-specific theatre on the border of poetics. What is it? This is not the way to do it! Watch Jácíček and Squirrel from a Daisy Mrázková book visiting Lars von Trier, say.
THE GOLDEN FISH SUNDAY 23. 6. | 10:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 45 MIN | OD 3 LET TOMÁŠ JARKOVSKÝ, KAMIL BĚLOHLÁVEK DIVADLO DRAK | HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ The original production based on the classical fairy tale about a fish who in exchange for freedom grants wishes and follies to those ignorant of what they want to wish.
CLAY, PLAY AND MONKEYSHINES SUNDAY 23. 6. | 14:00, 18:00 | STUDIO | 35 MIN | OD 4 LET THALIAS KOMPAGNONS | NĚMECKO A visual art adventure for anyone aged 4 and up. Joachim Torbahn has managed to create an internationally acclaimed, innovative synthesis of visual art and theatre. His new piece is devoted to one of humankind’s earliest means of expression: clay offers a myriad of creative possibilities and handling it is a very primal, sensuous pleasure.
GUIDED TOUR OF THE EXHIBITION A CO POTOM, SLONE? SUNDAY 23. 6. | 15:00 | MUZEUM LABYRINT | 45 MIN | OD 6 LET JANA NECHVÁTALOVÁ, KLÁRA ZÁŘECKÁ Join us in exploring the poetic world of Daisy Mrázková, the author and illustrator of children’s books.
HOW DADDIES PLAY SUNDAY 23. 6. | 16:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 50 MIN | OD 5 LET JOSEF KROFTA A KOL. DIVADLO DRAK | HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ Five daddies / handymen get together in a workshop and tell the fairy tale about Snow White each in their own way while using all kinds of tools.
TEMPERATE TROTTERS IN SOUR CHERRY COULISSES / CONCERT SUNDAY 23. 6. | 19:00 | STREČOVÝ STAN | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ PRAHA | CZ Merry boys playing sad songs full of love and hope, which dies the last. Music, improvisation, poetry, fantasy…
PLATNOMER SUNDAY 23. 6. | 20:30 | Š APITÓ | 50 MIN | OD 5 LET LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE MARIBOR | MARIBOR | SLO The Slovenian troupe presents a puppet production connecting elements of circus and live music. The performance based on the novel by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy takes place in a circus arena where one of the best and fastest studhorses comes alive.
ALFA FARM MONDAY 24. 6. | 9:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 70 MIN | OD 14 LET TOMSA LEGIERSKI A KOL. VOLNĚ INSPIROVÁNO DÍLEM G. ORWELLA DIVADLO ALFA| PLZEŇ | CZ The world of famous Orwell’s fable applied on a true story which took place in the 1950s in the countryside in Czechoslovakia. The theatrical means – and in particular the means of puppet theater – highlight the allegoricalness and at the same time the power of the story.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS MONDAY 24. 6. | 10:00, 19:00 | STUDIO | 45 MIN + DISKUZE | OD 14 LET NIE | NORSKO Drawing on the audience feedback from the NIE classic Museum of Memories we have developed our new performance Brothers & Sisters – a performance based on young people’s experiences about dealing with mental health issues. The performance is made for ages 14+ and is devised from documentary material from young people that have experienced mental health issues or have supported friends and family that have. The performance Brothers & Sisters is supported by The Norwegian Arts Council and is a coproduction performance between NIE and Brage Teatret in Norway.
ACROSS THEATRICAL EUROPE MONDAY 24. 6. | 10:00 | PLENÉR | 60–90 MIN | OD 5 LET LEKTOŘI DIVADLA POLÁRKA, JIHOČESKÉHO DIVADLA A DIVADLA DRAK Join us for a moment to become a part of strolling acting company wandering across theatrical Europe to gather experience. Travel with us to Italy, France, England and even further! Discover the magic of theatrical traditions in various countries and return as an experienced globetrotter. Only those can enter the stage which actually is all the world.
THREE LITTLE PIGS MONDAY 24. 6. | 17:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 40 MIN | OD 3 LET VÍT BRUKNER A BUCHTY A LOUTKY BUCHTY A LOUTKY | PRAHA | CZ Come, see and hear of a wolf that once blew and hooted and you wouldn’t believe what mischief it caused. And how he lures the little pigs out with promises of beet, sweet apples or a market. All because he wants to wolf them down.
FORTEL / CONCERT MONDAY 24. 6. | 20:30 | ŠAPITÓ | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ DIVADLO ALFA | PLZEŇ | CZ Experimental recycling swing-bluegrass-folk performed by actors and technicians of the Alfa theater from Pilsen. All songs and lyrics have already been composed. And it would be a shame to throw them away…
LITTLE MOUSE IN CIRCUS TUESDAY 25. 6. | 9:00 | STUDIO | 40 MIN | OD 3 LET TEATTERI MUKAMAS | TAMPERE | FINSKO Theatre Mukamas’s new play is about Little Mouse who ends up in a circus – a place unlike anything Little Mouse has ever imagined. Little Mouse’s adventures in the circus entertain and surprise the whole family.
A FAIRY TALE ABOUT THE LIAZ TRUCK TUESDAY 25. 6. | 10:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 50 MIN | OD 5 LET TOMÁŠ SYROVÁTKA NAIVNÍ DIVADLO| LIBEREC | CZ The creators of the successful production A Tale about Raška returned after years to a “sporty” story. The modern author’s tale is freely inspired by the achievements of the LIAZ truck on the tracks of the famous desert Paris-Dakar Rally in the 1980s.
THE SMALLEST OF THE SAMITRUCK TUESDAY 25. 6. | 16:00 AND 17:30 | STUDIO | 40 MIN | OD 8 LET KALD DAMU | PRAHA | CZ Behind the polar circle, where the frosts and coldness reign, there is a land of Lapps. They look after their reindeer herds and, when the animals have nothing to eat any more, the herdsmen join them and set off for a journey seeking food. One day, even the youngest Sami joins the others on the journey. He does not know what’s awaiting him, but he courageously heads on.
FAIRY TUESDAY 25. 6. | 17:00 | STREČOVÝ STAN | 50 MIN | OD 4 LET MAREK BEČKA A BUCHTY A LOUTKY BUCHTY A LOUTKY| PRAHA | CZ In a forest, on a meadow or maybe just out of a village, in places where no people can see them, the fairies have their homes. They are neither many, nor few, just enough…
SONGS FROM FINLAND / CONCERT TUESDAY 25. 6. | 18:30 | ŠAPITÓ | 40 MIN | PRO CELOU RODINU TEATTERI MUKAMAS | TAMPERE | FINSKO The merry singing journey will take us across Finland, giving us a taste of different cultural heritages. The beautiful Finnish folk songs and dance steps will win over audience members of all ages.
SONJA VECTOMOV / CONCERT TUESDAY 25. 6. | 20:00 | Š APITÓ | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ Vectomov is a determined sound explorer with classical music background. Her spontaneous narrative draws inspiration from literature, life and science, a one-woman power show with devastating beats, synths and conjugal visits from violins and vocals that skim across the lake.
VERONICAS DJ SESSION TUESDAY 25. 6. | 21:00 | Š APITÓ | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ We end the Finnish day with a dance with DJ VeekanVisio from Finland leading the music. Musically we travel through disco, funk and electro musics wonderful world accompanied by Finnish sound scene. DJ VeekanVisio is a familiar sight on the dancefloor, but this is her debut as a master of music. Let’s dance!
AERO WEDNESDAY 26. 6. | 9:00 AND 11:00 | STUDIO | 30 MIN | OD 1,5 LET ODIVO | BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA | SK Aero is about flying, moving in the air => flowing moves different materials => air vibration sounds like music => air laboratory for children from 1.5 to 5 years old, their parents and all who want to fly away =>
ANNA FRANK WEDNESDAY 26. 6. | 10:00 AND 19:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 80 MIN | OD 12 LET ŠIMON SPIŠÁK A VERONIKA GABČÍKOVÁ NOVÉ DIVADLO | NITRA| SK Performance based on the book The Diary of Anne Frank. 13 year-old Anne Frank with her family and other seven people were in hiding for two years at the annex of a building in Amsterdam during the second world war. Ann recorded everything that was happening.... DOSKY 2017 – 3 x nomination for the Best Actress Performance of 2016/2017 season.
CHELM FOOLS WEDNESDAY 26. 6. | 17:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 35 MIN | OD 6 LET ANNA KLIMEŠOVÁ, BORIS JEDINÁK STUDIO DAMÚZA | PRAHA | CZ Production based on the book by Singer Isaac Bashevis. Merry stories about human stupidity, naivety and love. As the Jewish proverb says: The goat is dangerous from the front, the horse from behind, the fool from all sides.
PLI WEDNESDAY 26. 6. | 21:00 | STUDIO | 45 MIN | OD 4 LET VIKTOR ČERNICKÝ | PRAHA | CZ/SK PLI is a new dance/circus performance created by Viktor Černický. In strictly limited space and with 22 conference chairs, a single performer confronts the fragile structures of architecture and design of our thoughts with an endless human dynamics. Viktor Černický was awarded the main prize of Czech Dance Platform in 2019 for original approach to choreography and outstanding performance in the production PLI. The same production was also awarded with the Audience Award.
ME, YOU AND THAT THURSDAY 27. 6. | 9:00 AND 11:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 35 MIN OD 10 MĚSÍCŮ DO 3 LET KAROLÍNA KŘÍŽKOVÁ STUDIO DAMÚZA | PRAHA | CZ Abstract dance performance about the roundness of the world for toddlers from 10 months to 3 years and their parents. The production offers the first theatrical experience to children; it respects their needs and sensitively initiates them to the world of movement, sound and touches. Since their 10 months, babies begin to remember the surrounding world as well as to understand the existence of the world they do not directly see.
H M…/ C O N C E R T F OR C HIL DRE N THURSDAY 27. 6. | 16:30 | ŠAPITÓ | 60 MIN | OD 3 LET PRAHA | CZ Three daddies and a boy will show you, besides cheerful songs, what decorators are doing during rock concerts, or what mothers deal with spectres at night. They are helped by their associate poets František Hrubín, Josef Hiršal, Pavel Šrut and others. And you can join them in all the shenanigans. The concert of Hm… band featuring songs from the album Klukoviny. For very little and very big ones.
VU THURSDAY 27. 6. 17:30 AND FRIDAY 28. 6. 18:00 | STUDIO | 50 MIN | OD 7 LET CIE SACEKRIPA | FRANCIE A manipulator of everyday objects with a meticulous character, delicate and outrageously meet and tidy, finds himself on the crossroads between object theatre, miniature circus and involuntary clowning. « Vu » is a silent show about the small obsessions of life. Those small obsessions which can become siclky obsessions fed by excessive attention to detail, making us completely lose our minds.
SIMONA BABCÁKOVÁ AND HER IMPROVISATION COMPANY NO A! THURSDAY 27. 6. | 18:30 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 90 MIN | OD 15 LET PRAHA | CZ The improvisation group NO A! came about as a result of the experiments of Simona Babčáková’s laboratory. Their performances are loose improvisations and are created in front of the viewer. Over 15.
H M… / C O N C E R T THURSDAY 27. 6. | 21:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ PRAHA | CZ Hm ... is more or less the Prague Czech musical group. So far released four albums and one demo album (download from website). Their songs are usually set to music texts by Czech poets,, as well as translations of French poetry.
B O M B A R Ď Á K FRIDAY 28. 6. | 12:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 50 MIN | OD 3 LET BRNO, PRAHA | CZ Devised by the theatre-maker Jirka Jelínek, Bombarďák is an interactive concert for children. The highly acclaimed concert is aimed primarily for children but well-suited also to accompanying adults.
SOMEWHERE ELSE FRIDAY 28. 6. | 16:00 | HLAVNÍ SCÉNA | 45 MIN | OD 7 LET ZALA DOBOVŠEK, NINA ŠORAK, TIN GRABNAR, ASJA KAHRIMANOVIĆ BABNIK LJUBLJANA PUPPET THEATRE | LUBLAŇ | SLO Somewhere else is a shocking story about the absurdity of war and its horrors. We see through the eyes of a little girl a changing city, filled with atrocities, violence and fear. But, hope too. Using a variety of modern technological approaches, this visual and animated experience, blurs the boundaries between different genres.
BOX BEAT FRIDAY 28. 6. | 17:00 | PLENÉR | 45 MIN | OD 6 LET MATIJA SOLCE A STUDENTI KALD DAMU KALD DAMU | PRAHA | CZ Physical-concert object-theatre huge-puppet installation HomoBox machine will blow your mind! Installation of 10 miniature punk baroque theatre boxes for 1 spectator. Short object theatre shows, that will include speciall effects for all senses and massage your thoughts with black humourus politicly incorrect views and prepare you for revolution.
SESSION BULGAKOV FRIDAY 28. 6. | 19:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 60 MIN | OD 14 LET LJUBLJANA PUPPET THEATRE | LUBLAŇ | SLO Session Bulgakov is a reconstruction of the novel, set up on the dynamics of contrasts between burlesque and abstract images of object theatre, which remained on the ruins of the confusion, left behind by Satan and his accomplices.
TRIO KATASTROFA / CONCERT FRIDAY 28. 6. | 20:00 | STREČOVÝ STAN | 60 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ Wild Balkan and heavy polskas! With improvisation as the base Trio Katastrofa cook up melodies from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and the Nordics. The trio consists of the accordion virtuoso Matija Solce from Slovenia, violinist Sofia Högstadius from Sweden who has specialized in Bulgarian folk music and the multi genre Swedish-Chilean percussionist Stefan Hedborg.
BEING DON QUIJOTTE FRIDAY 28. 6. | 22:00 | ŠAPITÓ | 45 MIN | PRO DOSPĚLÉ MATIJA SOLCE & CERVANTES & TEAM TEATRO MATITA | SLO Two-men one-puppet show. Espectáculo maravilloso! Do not miss! It will change your life forever! Or maybe…it will not. Object theatre show for two actors, one marionette a table and bunch of nonsense objects. Buildon motifs of Cervantes novel, visual poetics of Švankmajer, and some facts from everydays puppeteer’s life, the show “Being Don Quichotte” confronts past and present, the individual and the society, the puppeteer and his puppet, the puppets and objects.
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