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Campus to pull plug on Pepsi in favor of Coke


Coke or Pepsi? Beginning Monday, the university will begin making the switch from the latter to the former.


A five-year contract with Pepsi has came up for renegotiation this semester, and Kevin Campbell, senior vice president of operations, said with students’ input and corresponding financial benefits, the decision to switch to Coca-Cola products was “a no-brainer.”

“When we put the survey out to the students, Coke was the clear winner,” Campbell said.

“Historically, Pepsi has offered a stronger financial offer for the institution, but this year Coke evened the playing field. We were also able to negotiate the ability to still have Dr. Pepper on cam - pus, and those were the main things that prompted the change.”

Students, faculty and staff were sent a survey to voice their opinion on their beverage product preferences in late January.

Responses varied but the majority voted to get rid of the current Pepsi prod - ucts, showing love for Coca-Cola.

“Pepsi was good for the first month but now I am ready for some Coke products,” said Gaby Montes, sophomore nutrition major from Santa Fe, New Mexico.

“I have learned to appreciate Coke so much since ACU has been a Pepsi school.”

While the majority is satisfied with the new change, some students do not support the switch.

“This decision upsets me a lot because I love Pepsi, and I do not think that Coke compares,” said Kamryn Boriack, fresh -

Looking forward to the future, Moody Coliseum is expected to be completed in June of 2022.

“This year the alumni is just happy to be able to host a graduation without COVID-19 on ACU’s campus,” Powell said.

“I think we will finally feel completely back to normal once we are back in Moody.”

“Definitely being back on campus is a big step in the right direction but we’re just really proud of those graduates.” man advertisement and public relations major from San Antonio.

“I feel like ACU is taking away my pride and joy when I go to the Bean.”

Although the main dispute is between the two brands, many students appreciate that Dr. Pepper is able to remain on campus.

“I am happy Dr. Pepper is staying because I drink it all the time,” said Meghan Brummell, sophomore communication disorders major from Frisco.

Coca-Cola products include Sprite, Fuze, Fanta, Minute Maid, Powerade and Barqs Root Beer.

Students can expect to start seeing their favorite Coca-Cola products in all beverage providers located in the Campus Center and all of campus will be supplying Coca-Cola beverage choices at full capacity by the fall semester of 2022.

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