Optimist Print Edition 05.09.24

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Seniors receive Mr. ACU, Miss ACU, other honors

Student Government Association announced Mr and Miss ACU at the Senior Candlelight Sendoff on Sunday.

Alli Dimmit, senior political science major from Naples, Florida, received the Miss ACU award. Dimmit shared she was grateful to receive the award from her fellow students.

“I just feel really honored,” she said. “I’m just thankful it gives me a chance to talk to people that I wouldn’t have talked to otherwise because people have come up to me and just said congratulations, and I

say thank you, but then it opens that door.”

Parker Carson, senior biology major from Turkey, won the Mr. ACU award. Carson said he was surprised to receive the award because he never thought he would go to school at ACU.

“I tell all my friends that ACU is part of my testimony,” he said. “[Mr. ACU] is not something I really cared about at all or even wanted, but I love ACU just as much as anyone.”

Both Dimmit and Carson are involved heavily around campus.

Apart from being part of the honors college, Lynay, and doing re -

search, Dimmit served as the SGA president for the 2023-24 school year.

“I’ve done a lot of different things in SGA,” she said. “I’ve been freshman class president. I was a sophomore senator, and then I was chief of staff on the executive team during my junior year.

“It’s given me a lot of like-minded friends who want to advocate for others, and it’s also provided me with the most opportunities to practice serving and practice leadership.”

Carson is a member of Galaxy, has participated in research, and works

as a volunteer at World’s Backyard.

“World’s Backyard has been a really impactful experience for me and my time here,” he said.

“Just getting to reach out to the community, spending time with students at ACU but also in different places in Abilene and getting to administer and share the gospel and just love people around Abilene.”

The Mr. ACU and Miss ACU awards recognize two seniors for their character, involvement, and service.

Student Life also awarded seniors with the Spring 2024 Honor Awards.

Student Life pauses search for new chaplain

Five months after the departure of former university chaplain Cyrus Eaton, the Office of Student Life is still not close to finding his replacement.

Dr. Ryan Richardson, vicepresident for student life, said that while the chaplain search committee has looked through resumes and conducted interviews with potential candidates, the committee decided to pause and reconsider the spiritual needs of students.

“We just felt like as a committee that the decision of who’s going to come and help steward this process of

With the official closure of Mabee Hall, the renovated Sikes Hall will take on the title of Mabee Hall.

Abilene Christian University’s new Mabee Hall will be open to house freshman women and men students in August 2024.

This hall is the third and final installment of the Freshman Village project. Initiated in 2020, a series of residence hall renovations occurred on the south side of campus on East North 16th Street. Beginning with the reconstruction of McDonald Hall, now Bullock Hall, the Sikes Residence Hall is the last remodeling on the agenda. With the generous help of the Mabee Foundation, come the fall semester of 2024, the refurbished residence hall will debut as the new Mabee Hall.

There will be several updates to the Sikes building, which was built in 1977.

spiritual care on our campus is too important to rush,” Richardson said.

Describing it as a “season of discernment,” Richardson said the university may make changes to the position, including shifting the chaplain’s job title to “minister” or something similar. Despite the potential change to the title, Richardson said the role’s core priorities will remain the same.

“We have to have ministers in that space who are able to navigate the gospel message without getting enamored by political divisiveness,” Richardson said. “In other words, people who are able to help our students see that the gospel transcends

anything that might take our attention off of Jesus.”

Eaton spent more than five years in the position and served as the university’s first chaplain, coordinating Chapel and mentoring students. He left the role in November to take a job as next gen pastor at Ethos Church in Nashville, but his time in the role still shapes students’ attitudes toward the job.

Isabelle Brenning, sophomore marketing major from Parker, Colorado, said she thinks it is difficult to find someone who can live up to the expectations set by Eaton during his time as chaplain.

“Everybody knew him

because he was so involved,” Brenning said. “He just loved the students – the way that he was able to connect with them on a personal level.

She said hiring someone who already knows about the campus culture but also loves it would be beneficial.

“When I think of a chaplain,” Brenning said, “I think of somebody that just loves the Lord and loves his people because that’s what one of God’s commandments is: to love God and love people.”

Ty Szydlowski, freshman agribusiness major from Argyle, said students need someone they want to listen to and who can deeply con-

Kevin Campbell, senior vice president for operations, revealed that there will be a complete renovation of the interior with new flooring, lights, a paint job, and an elevator to make the three-story

building wheelchair accessible. Another major addition is the creation of new common spaces, which Campbell acknowledged has not been a strong suit for Sikes. “Sikes has lacked com-

munity space that the new residence halls have,” said Campbell. “That new lobby will create a common space for students to hang out.”

Renzhi (Bob) Jin, junior psychology major from Al-

nect with them. That could be accomplished by hiring an alum.

“Someone could walk up on stage and say some really good stuff, but those kids have no idea what kind of person that actually is,” Szydlowski said.

He said he hopes to see a chaplain who can tell students, “I’ve been in your shoes.”

“So having a constant and stable kind of person to be there and give those talks and draw from their experiences to be able to relate to the students,” he said.

Richardson said he believes the role will be filled by the start of the fall 2024 semester.

len, is one student grateful for the common spaces provided by the original Mabee Hall.

A former resident, Jin lived in the residence hall during his freshman year from 2021 to 2022.

“I lived on the first floor on the North side,” said Jin. “The people were kind, and I really liked the first floor for studying and making friends. I hope the remodeling will provide the same opportunities for the new residents.”

The Mabee Foundation celebrates 75 years of funding influential institutions such as children’s hospitals and theological seminaries. Their first gift to the university was the Mabee Hall in 1952, a residence hall for male freshmen. Its renovation and relocation is their latest donation, and they are thrilled to continue the Mabee legacy on campus. ACU also looks forward to continuing honoring the Sikes name in the new hall’s lobby.

ACUOPTIMIST.COM | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 1 A student publication of Abilene Christian University since 1912 Volume 111 Issue 4 FEATURE Wildcat Rewind PAGE 7 @acuoptimist The Optimist @acuoptimist FOLLOW US SPORTS Wildcats to face GCU PAGE 12 NEWS 40th annual Kirk Goodwin Run PAGE 3 SPORTS New faces join Wildcats for second UAC season PAGE 8
NEWS Debate team excels at IPDA PAGE 2
BY STEVEN INFANTE | PHOTOGRAPHER Seniors gather on the steps of Beauchamp Amphitheatre for Senior Candlelight Sendoff.
Sikes Hall to become new
for freshmen
BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Scaffolding lines the Sikes Lobby of the new Mabee Hall.
Mabee Hall
Honor Man Blake Hoybach Honor Woman Alli Dimmitt Trustees Award Audrey Dykhoff Darcy Stiefer Erin Hodgson Meeyah Davis B Sherrod Scholarship Evan Babb Matthews Mills Juan Mendoza Dean Adams Achievement Award Alyssa Phillips Jaylynn Ward Shiori Iimuro Carson Zimmerman

Debate team excels at IPDA national championship

At the International Public Debate Association’s National Championship Tournament (IPDA), ACU’s debate team ranked first in the nation in the Team IPDA sweepstakes. The team ranked second in both overall sweepstakes and scholastic sweepstakes.

The team’s achievements were further highlighted by individual triumphs, with three members claiming national championship titles.

Bryson Frank seized victory as the varsity division champion. Bryson and his partner, Thaddeus Stringer, dominated as the team IPDA champions. Emy Pablico also stood out as the champion novice speaker.

Frank, a junior international relations major from Plano, attributes his successes to his partner, team and opponent.

“I am really proud of Thaddeus for achieving his dream and becoming a national champion,” said Frank.

“I could not have done any of this without him. And truly, my success comes from having the best team in the nation.

My opponent was an amazing debater, and it

was an honor to compete against her.”

Stringer, a senior global studies major from Houston, said he is equally grateful for his partnership with Frank.

“We trusted in our unique styles and the skills we have learned,” Stringer said. “More importantly, we supported each other inside and outside of round.”

The tournament, which took place at Mississippi State University, showcased the skills of collegiate debaters from across the nation. The competition saw 50 top schools and more than 350 competitors. Among them were 20 division one schools, highlighting the caliber of talent present.

This year, the IPDA style of the event attracted

over 200 colleges and universities, marking it as the largest collegiate debate style in the country.

With a total of 29 awards, the ACU debate team of 15 students surpassed opponents such as SMU, GCU, and LSU. While Mississippi State University edged ahead in overall and scholastic sweepstakes, ACU’s dominance in team IPDA sweepstakes underscored their ex-

ceptional performance.

The remarkable success achieved at the tournament reflects individual talent, as well as the collective effort and perseverance of the entire team.

After participating in debates for nearly a decade, Stringer encourages students to hone their skills by never giving up.

“Just stick with it,” Stringer said. “There were

so many times I thought about quitting, but the process matters more than the result. Overall, I have learned much more in rounds I lost than in rounds I won.”

Students interested in joining the debate team may contact Sheila Ritchie, the director of forensics and debate coach, for opportunities to judge and debate.

NEWS | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 2
BY SARAH EUNYOUNG THOMPSON |PHOTOGRAPHER The debate team includes Emma Horn, Emy Pablico, Emma Jaax, Thomas Sorenson, Meeyah Davis, Matheo Vergara and Stephanie Newberry.

40th annual Kirk Goodwin Run supports Dr. Cindy Roper

The 40th annual Kirk Goodwin Run took place on Monday and benefited Dr. Cindy Roper, professor of communication, who suffered a stroke last year.

Roper has been a professor at ACU for 30 years and recently suffered from a rare spinal stroke that left her paralyzed from the waist down. The Kirk Goodwin run raised money to cover Roper’s medical expenses and retirement. Over $15,000 has been raised.

Caleb Bichard, junior biology major from Lubbock, serves as director of the Galaxy Charitable Foundation and coordinated the event.

“We’ve had the most sponsors this year than we’ve ever had before,” Bichard said.

The Kirk Goodwin Run was established in 1984 after Goodwin, who was a Galaxy member, fell asleep behind the wheel and was involved in a car crash. He died in the hospital shortly after. The members of Galaxy have hosted this run every spring since to fundraise for the local community.

Roper said she and Goodwin were enrolled at

ACU at the same time, she was completing her master’s while he was a junior. Even though they never met, they still crossed paths. She had the opportunity to meet his sister and mother recently and was touched by his story.

Before coming to Abilene to teach, Roper was a missionary for many years. She said she has been overwhelmed by the support from the members of Galaxy.

“I’m so used to being on the other side of that,” she said.

“It’s very strange being on the receiving side.”  March 25, 2023, started like any other day for Roper. While eating dinner, she was having some back

pain. She went to lie down and realized that she needed some help because she found that her legs weren’t going to hold her up.

“I’ve been amazingly calm the whole time,” she said, adding her faith has gotten her through this experience. “Things happen to everybody, nobody gets through life without stuff. This is just the one I have to work through, and so I will.”

Bichard said the Kirk Goodwin run is different from other fundraising runs because of the personal connection Galaxy members have to this run.

“There are a lot of other fundraising things that are for great causes,” Bichard

said. “Ours is for a great cause, as well. But it hits a little bit differently whenever it’s got a name on it that you’re connected to in some way.”

Bichard said this year’s run was special because, in addition to honoring Goodwin and fundraising for Roper, the fraternity also unveiled a plaque for Corbin Stiefer, a Galaxy member who died in a car wreck in 2021.

“We were in contact with his family, and they designed what they wanted the front of the plaque to look like,” Bichard said.

“So we got it made for them and used funds from another fundraising event we had in the fall.”

NEWS | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 3
BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Payton Dove and Jayton Pimentel begin the race. | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Dr. Cindy Roper, professor of communication, talks with a student. BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Runners await for the beginning of the run. BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Peggy Goodwin, Kirk Goodwin’s mother, thanks the attendees for their support. BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Participants walk around campus during the Kirk Goodwin Run.

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Communication and Sociology

Mary Heather Johnson (M.A.) Communication Claude, Texas

Tyler James Welch (M.A.) Communication Henderson, Nevada Language and Literature

Kelsea Renae Abston (M.A.) English Lubbock, Texas

Sarah Jo Blankenship (M.A.) English Abilene, Texas School of Education

Alexa Aponte Bojorquez (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Abilene, Texas

Rebekah Lee Curry (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Robinson, Texas

Allison Nicole Dale (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Willow Park, Texas

Aubrie M Hutson (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning San Antonio, Texas

Leighton Sydney Meyer (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Abilene, Texas

Abriyah Simone Skull (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning El Paso, Texas

Audra Jo Smith (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Garland, Texas

Caitlyn Renee Woodman (M.Ed.) Teaching and Learning Abilene, Texas

College of Biblical Studies

Bible, Marriage and Family Therapy

Brandon Hunter Gardenhire (M.M.F.T.) Marriage & Fam. Therapy Thesis Abilene, Texas

Courtney Fay Hunter (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family Therapy Pleasant Grove, Utah

Noah Daniel Kelsch (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family Therapy Abilene, Texas

Ashley Sade Miller (M.M.F.T.) Marriage & Fam. Therapy Thesis Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Gabrielle Ashley Pendleton (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family Therapy Channelview, Texas

Elise Danielle Torres (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family Therapy Synder, Texas

Ying Zou (M.M.F.T.) Marriage & Fam. Therapy Thesis Flower Mound, Texas

Graduate School of Theology

Beth Ann Fisher (D.Min.) Christian Ministry Abilene, Texas

Garrett David Harper (D.Min.) Christian Ministry Kingston Springs, Tennessee

Jennifer Estrada (M.A.) Global Service Allen, Texas

George Obeng Asare

(M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Accra, Ghana

Emmanuel Boadu Ayeboafo (M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Sunyani, Ghana

Phillip Douglas Cochran (M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Midland, Texas

Emmanuel Danful (M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Accra, Ghana

Mark Penfield Eichorn (M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry New York, New York

Lane Andrew Jackson

(M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Gonzales, Texas

Ashli Sain Komistek

(M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Knoxville, Tennessee

to Degree Abbreviations



Candidates for Graduate Degrees

Joseph Edward Waggoner (M.A.C.M.) Christian Ministry Alpine, Texas

David Gregory Brooks (M.A.T.S.) Theological Studies Abilene, Texas

Vuyo Yeggie Adams (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Manzini, Eswatini

Sibusiso Samuel Adontsi (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Maseru, Lesotho

Kelly L. Bolin (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Liberty Hall, Texas

Shelby Ryane Coble (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Louisville, Kentucky

Lamonica D. Garner (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Dallas, Texas

Austin Charles Hackel (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Abilene, Texas

Joel Robert Moschetta (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Cypress, Texas

Olivia Rose Nabb (M.Div.) Master of Divinity Lincoln, Nebraska

Mariesha Roshel Shaw (M.Div.) Master of Divinity McKinney, Texas

College of Business

Accounting Gabriele Hannah Cervantes (M.Acc.) Accounting San Jose, California

Estefany Carolina Hernandez (M.Acc.) Accounting Abilene, Texas

Makayla Paige Howell (M.Acc.) Accounting Amarillo, Texas

Courtney Lee Latham (M.Acc.) Accounting Amarillo, Texas

Sydney Marie Meyers (M.Acc.) Accounting Weatherford, Texas

Brandon Kyle Michaelis (M.Acc.) Accounting Trophy Club, Texas

Kaylee Victoria Smoot (M.Acc.) Accounting Corona, California

Morgan Grace Wade (M.Acc.) Accounting Amarillo, Texas

Accounting and Finance

Mitchell Scott Jennings (M.Acc.) Accounting Yorkville, Illinois

Grace Elizabeth Mihills (M.Acc.) Accounting Arlington, Texas

Ashlyn Kate Peters (M.Acc.) Accounting Arlington, Texas

Matthew Dale Roberson (M.Acc.) Accounting Weatherford, Texas

Jose Alberto Rodriguez Cisneros (M.Acc.) Accounting Fort Worth, Texas

Anson Neil Stephens (M.Acc.) Accounting San Antonio, Texas

College of Graduate and Professional Studies

School of Health and Human Services

Miranda Kay Lund (M.H.A.) Healthcare Administration Madison, Wisconsin

Linley Renee Pierce (M.H.A.) Healthcare Administration Arlington, Texas

Marianna B. Romero (M.H.A.) Healthcare Administration Phoenix, Arizona

Victor H Sanchez (M.H.A.) Healthcare Administration San Antonio, Texas

Erica Rachelle Allen (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Glenn Heights, Texas

Tristan Breane Bowers

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Pearland, Texas

Rachel Cude

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Munday, Texas

Laura Angelica Derry

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family Therapy Shallowater, Texas

Nita Garcia (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Grand Prairie, Texas

Isaiah Marquail Glenn

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Cypress, Texas

Kyle Matthew Greenhalgh (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Ormond Beach, Florida

Lawrence Thaddeus Hackman

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family


Port Orchard, Washington

Angela Ren’E Hall

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family


South Jordan, Utah

Amy Elizabeth Hansen (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Schertz, Texas

Tranisha Hawkins

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Schertz, Texas

Felisha Marie Ibarwen

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Houston, Texas

Krystal Kay Ruth Jones (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Quinlan, Texas

Jory Kaiser

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Salem, Utah

Nancy Kannampuzha-Prince

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Plano, Texas

Melissa Macdonald (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Conroe, Texas

Amelia Melendez (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Granbury, Texas

Brandi R. Phillips

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Texarkana, Arkansas

Mark C Porter

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Lubbock, Texas

Stacy Reynolds (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Abilene, Texas

Felicia Renee Richardson

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Iowa, Louisiana

Karina Rocha

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy El Paso, Texas

Solice Yvonne Surles-Ingram (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Arlington, Texas

Amber Renee Treybig (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Schulenburg, Texas

Samantha Elaine Wade (M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy San Antonio, Texas

Daisia Brijon Walker

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Killeen, Texas

Rochelle Ward

(M.M.F.T.) Marriage and Family

Therapy Bacliff, Texas

Allison Rene Borrego

(M.S.) Nutrition Fort Worth, Texas

Kenyon Owen Gaar

(M.S.) Nutrition Omaha, Nebraska

Leah M Hansen (M.S.) Nutrition Maypearl, Texas

Isabella Houston (M.S.) Nutrition Houston, Texas

Tori L. Naiser (M.S.) Nutrition Round Rock, Texas

Marina Owusu-Ansah (M.S.) Nutrition Mansfield, Texas

Mary Elizabeth Roberts (M.S.) Nutrition Abilene, Texas

Elizabeth Helena Sargeant (M.S.) Nutrition Abilene, Texas

Takoyia Oniece Thompson (M.S.) Nutrition Jacksonville, Texas

Anna Carroll Trammell (M.S.) Nutrition Valley Mills, Texas

Ariana Celestina Trevino (M.S.) Nutrition Schertz, Texas

Marissa Faith Wilks (M.S.) Nutrition Fort Worth, Texas

Graysen Isabella Wright (M.S.) Nutrition Abilene, Texas

Valerie Alvarez (M.S.) Precision Medicine McAllen, Texas

Ian Bergfeld (M.S.) Precision Medicine Phoenix, Arizona

Lorenza Black (M.S.) Precision Medicine Phoenix, Arizona

Genna Gallas (M.S.) Precision Medicine Avondale, Arizona

Carolina Martinez Murphy (M.S.) Precision Medicine Abilene, Texas

Daniel Angelo Nogara (M.S.) Precision Medicine Malverne, New York School of Organizational Leadership

Konstance Necole Crownover (E.D.S.) Organizational Leadership Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

LaTronda Karol Phanor

(E.D.S.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

James Michael Smith (E.D.S.) Organizational Leadership Abilene, Texas

Charmon Latwan Barksdale (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership DeSoto, Texas

Jessica Lee Boyer

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Great Falls, Montana

Jacob Charles Braddock

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Lubbock, Texas

Jacqueline Wykeshia Jonea Brazile

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Pensacola, Florida

Tiffany K Chenier

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Amanda Jo Childress-Kannan

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership McKinney, Texas

Sonya Dee Coe

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Tonya Patrice Dixon

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Richmond, Texas

Shari Donch

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Erie, Pennsylvania

Keith K Douglas

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Dayton, Ohio

Bianca Adele Dugas

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Bobby F Durst (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Crosby, Texas

Scott Tyler Faust

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Apple Valley, Minnesota

Tara Wade Franklin

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Plano, Texas

Christopher Allen Frazier (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Longview, Texas

Trisha Clay Giacomazzi

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Canyon, Texas

Lashae Rene Grottis

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Flower Mound, Texas

April D Hall

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Norman, Oklahoma

Darrin Lamont Hemphill

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Garland, Texas

Naquiyah Hodges

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Arlington, Texas

Silian Molly Hornsby

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Trophy Club, Texas

Ebony D Johnson (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Fresno, Texas

Rose Johnson (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Mesquite, Texas

Sonia Denise Jordan (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Michael R Lugo

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Corpus Christi, Texas

William Gardner Maxwell

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Colorado Springs, Colorado

Barton Douglas Morrison

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Brandi Renee Munoz

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Mary Athena Newton

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Irving, Texas

Adebusola Obafemi

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Carrollton, Texas

Trapper Kay Pace

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Highland Village, Texas

Parker Sanderson

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Pearland, Texas

Lori Anne Shaw

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Woodway, Texas

Michael Snapp (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Springville, Utah

Jeffrey M Stear

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Houston, Texas

Jordan Gabriel Tate

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Trophy Club, Texas

Bashelia H Ward

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Fresno, Texas

John Henry Weaver

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership San Antonio, Texas

Casey Richard Whittle

(E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Wylie, Texas

Alexandria M Widener (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership Overland Park, Kansas

Tamika Vanessa Taylor Young (E.D.D.) Organizational Leadership El Paso, Texas

James Rhodes (M.A.) Conflict Management & Res. Haslet, Texas

Tara Therese Sheehan (M.A.) Conflict Management & Res. Crowley, Texas

Sheryl Lynn Thomas (M.A.) Conflict Management & Res. Abilene, Texas

Brenda Yenkole (M.A.) Conflict Management & Res. Gardnerville, Texas

Jordan Michelle Dale (M.Ed.) Higher Education


Organizational Development Frisco, Texas School of Professional Studies

Farrin Davis (M.B.A.) Business Administration Harris, Texas

Juan Jose De la Cruz Rodriguez (M.B.A.) Business Administration Plano, Texas

Monica Elizabeth Gallaga (M.B.A.) Business

Isaiah Davis
Higher Education
Oswaldo Garcia
Higher Education
Higher Education
Taylor Delaney
Abilene, Texas
Higher Education Fort Worth, Texas Mirana Rabemananjara (M.Ed.) Higher Education Dallas, Texas Dana Marie Simmons (M.Ed.) Higher Education San Antonio, Texas Kelia K. Thao (M.Ed.) Higher Education Coon Rapids, Minnesota Angela Mechelle Chapman (M.S.)
Terry Christopher McBeth (M.Ed.)
Administration Baytown, Texas Renata Gonzalez Leon (M.B.A.) Business Administration Zapopan, Mexico Dustin Inness (M.B.A.) Business Administration Phoenix, Arizona Karlyrose Bolinao Kaaihue (M.B.A.) Business Administration Dyess Air Force Base, Texas Kristen Hope Kesner (M.B.A.) Business Administration Plano, Texas Patrick Leger (M.B.A.) Business Administration Warren, Texas Ethan David Long (M.B.A.) Business Administration Tempe, Arizona Kevin Douglas McClure (M.B.A.) Business Administration Tom Bean, Texas Christy Michelle Mercado (M.B.A.) Business Administration Dickinson, Texas Dax Riley Neece (M.B.A.) Business Administration Albany, Texas David Sanchez (M.B.A.) Business Administration Kentwood, Michigan Jack Schultz (M.B.A.) Business Administration Granada Hills, California Graham Sensing (M.B.A.) Business Administration Abilene, Texas Roscelee Lubina (M.S.) Information Technology Dallas, Texas Joseph Elijah Pleasant (M.S.) Management Overland Park, Kansas 4| Thursday, May 9, 2024 | GRADUATES CONTINUED ON P. 6
D.Min. Doctorate of Ministry D.N.P. Doctor of Nursing Practice E.E.D. Doctor of Education E.D.S. Education Specialist Degree M.A. Master of Arts M.Acc. Master of Accountancy M.A.T. Master of Athletic Training M.A.C.M. Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
Master of Theological Studies M.Ed. Master of Education M.B.A. Master of Business Administration M.Div. Master of Divinity M.H.A. Master of Healthcare Adminstration M.L.A. Master of Liberal Arts M.M.F.T. Master of Marriage and Family Therapy M.S. Master of Science M.S.S.W Master of Science in Social Work S.S.P. Specialist in School Psychology A.A. Associate of Arts B.A. Bachelor of Arts B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Fine Arts B.M. Bachelor of Music B.S. Bachelor of Science B.S.En. Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Faculty Senate recognizes 50 as University Scholars

The Faculty Senate honored 50 students on Thursday with the University Scholars Award.

Dr. Larry Isenhower said faculty nominated students in their department. Isenhower is in one of the faculty senate subcommittees choosing the scholars.

“University scholars are representing students who have had the greatest success academically,” said Isenhower, “while also showing the most engagement with scholarship in the field that they’re in.”

To be eligible for the award, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA, demonstrate knowledge and skill in research in their field, and complete at least 90 credit hours.

After meeting these requirements, a faculty senate subcommittee reviews the students to decide which should receive the honor.

Erin Hodgson, a senior political science major from Lubbock, shared her gratitude to ACU for receiving the award and the critical impact the political science department played in her time at ACU.

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Department of Art and Design

Madison Warren

Department of Communication and Sociology

Hansen Penya

Chanlor Pursley

Ashlee Reed Megan Roos

Department of History and Global Studies

Lauren Angle Alessandra Rosales

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Annie Kay Palasota

Brenna Raffels

Jaylynn Ward

Department of Language and Literature

Micah Bryant

Araliya Dooldeniya

Eowyn Stewart

“There’s so many great students within every department,” said Hodgson. “The fact that I’ve been picked as an outstanding scholar in political sciences just means a lot to me.”

Hodgson is not only a University Scholar but will also be working as an English teaching assistant in Germany next year as a Fulbright scholar.

“It’s just been a wonderful experience, Hodgson said. “I felt nothing but support

Department of Music

Emily Fulton

Jenna Rickerhauser

Department of Political

Science and Criminal Justice

Isabel “Erin” Hodgson

Hannah Maniscalo

School of Education

Darby Elizabeth Ice

College of Biblical Studies

Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry

Emma Daman Grace Sukach

Department of Marriage and Family Studies

Avery Cottrell

Audrey Dykhoff

College of Business Administration

Department of Accounting

Annie Carter

Dukes School of Finance

Madison Hopcus Robert (Bobby) Serfass

from my department and from just the ACU community as well. It’s a unique experience to be at ACU, and I’m very grateful for it.”

Darby Ice, a senior biology major with a concentration in teaching from Abilene, has also been chosen to be a University Scholar. The edu-

Department of Management


Emiley Hale

Blake Hoybach

School of Information

Technology and Computing

Bailey Kimmel

Lily Yaro

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Department of Communication

Sciences and Disorders

Brooke Stemple

Railey Holley

Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition

Jaden Sivley

Kyla Welch

Department of Psychology

Anna Chen Macie Pope

School of Nursing

Lynlee Gotaas

Victoria Heare

cation department played a significant role in her time at ACU, said Ice.

“I feel honored because the education department means so much to me,” said

Robert and Kay Onstead

College of Science and Engineering

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Elizabeth Locke

Emily Thornock

Department of Biology

Evan Babb

Noah Bales

Adam Thomas

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Madison Chedester

Aspen Malone

Sophia Neale

Emily Osborn

Department of Engineering and Physics

Jesse Becker

Skylar McLerran

Colby Smith

Kaden Vasquez

Ice. “I felt seen by my department and valued, considering there’s a million other education majors. I think it’s just a testament to how professors really care.”

Upon receiving recognition as a University Scholar, students also get a medal, which can be worn at graduation to show their achievement.

NEWS | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 5

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Kaylee Lynn Adams (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Wichita Falls, Texas

Carol Addimando (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Whittier, California

Mary Claire Loring Banks (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Richardson, Texas

Torey Ann Bradshaw (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Alyssa Nicole Campos (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Fort Worth, Texas

K’lynne Rae Carroll (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Lauren Brooke Clevenger (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Farmers Branch, Texas

Rebecca Lynn Collier (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Farmers Branch, Texas

Madeline Denise Collins (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Addison, Texas

Lauren Nicole Corbett (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Fort Worth, Texas

Carissa Celeste Correa (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Dallas, Texas

Bailey Marie Davies (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Garland, Texas

Camryn Elizabeth Davis (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Clifton, Texas

Amanda Nicole Deno (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Pembroke Pines, Florida

Crystal Marie Dolan Delgado M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Watauga, Texas

Morgan Lynn Dyson (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Grapevine, Texas

Sarah Draughon Fream (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Plano, Texas

Julia Elizabeth Free (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Ashton Faith Garner (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Stephenville, Texas

Ellie Grace Gribble (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Dallas, Texas

Emma Elizabeth Haston (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Carlsbad, New Mexico

Abigail Marie Huizenga (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Roseville, California

Madison Renee Kean (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology McKinney, Texas

Kaitlyn Dawn King (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Kayley Nicole Koenig (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Emily Reine Larrea (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Austin, Texas

Autumn Marie Laterra-Robinson (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Rockwall, Texas

Anna Listmann (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Addison, Texas

Sarah Caitlin Mathews (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Nicole Mattern (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Sherman, Texas

Grace Meskerem Mekonnen (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Rowlett, Texas

Abbey Ann Miller (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Addison, Texas

Keeley Moore Mungia (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Ashlen Joelle Planes (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Charlotte Abigail Pounds (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Madison M Ratliff (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Albany, Texas

Hollee Elizabeth Rogers (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Coppell, Texas

Olivia Victoria Romanko (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Franklin, Tennessee

Shelby Santos (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Dallas, Texas

Jalyn Nicole Scott (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Alyson L Smith (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Carollton, Texas

Emma Catherine Soth (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Kaleigh Brooke Tom (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Elizabeth Bailey Tutt (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Emily Lauren Vallis (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Hoover, Alabama

Allison Leigh Zitek Waterman (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Sarai Zamora (M.S.) Speech-Language Pathology Abilene, Texas

Kinesiology and Nutrition

MeKaela Alyssa Bell (M.A.T.) Athletic Training San Antonio, Texas

Anne Elizabeth Bonham (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Abilene, Texas

Brianna Lyn Brauner (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Seabrook, Texas

Courtney Nicole Bynum (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Abilene, Texas

Brandon Wayne Garcia (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Anthony, Texas

Halie J Hall (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Bakersfield, California

Maria Fernanda Rodriguez (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Donna, Texas

Mackenzie Elizabeth Sellmyer (M.A.T.) Athletic Training Amarillo, Texas

Jaci Delaine McElyea (M.S.) Strength, Conditioning, & HP Sweetwater, Texas

Jonathan David Jay Olsson (M.S.) Strength, Conditioning, & HP Emporia, Kansas

Rece Michael Stafford (M.S.) Strength, Conditioning, & HP Frisco, Texas

Occupational Therapy

Anjaly Theresa Abraham (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Diana Adame (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Kirsten D. Boaz (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Bakersfield, California

Caylee Michelle Brown (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Alexis Jade Burns (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

McKenzie Nicole Creamer (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Sarah A Gawehn (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Whitney, Texas

Faith Giles (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Shreveport, Louisiana

Mikayla Jaden Kirsch (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Carlsbad, California

Raquel Julia Lira (M.S.) Occupational Therapy The Colony, Texas

Ashley Danielle Lugo (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Big Spring, Texas

Marisa Alyse Martinez (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Caroline Grace McGavock (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Lubbock, Texas

Hannah Leigh Clay Olsson (M.S.) Occupational Therapy West Jordan, Utah

Sarah H. Radtke (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Alexis Nicole Rule (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Anna, Texas

Vincent Antwine Scott (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Savannah Marie Seipp (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Alleyton, Texas

Summer Claire Snively (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Winter Haven, Florida

Micah Ann Thompson (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

Valerie Lorraine Vaccari (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas

6 | Thursday,
May 9,
From all of the events this year, here’s some of our
flicks REWIND
COLTON DIXON BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Colton Dixon belts into the microphone. SOFTBALL BY STEVEN INFANTE | PHOTOGRAPHER Sammie Shelander, sophomore first basemen from Sugar Land, celebrates with her team after hitting a home run.
BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Prince Charming, played by senior vocal performance major Ryan Young, dances with Cendrillon, played by sophomore vocal performance major Poppy Teague, at the ball. HOLI
BY SARAH EUNYOUNG THOMPSON | PHOTOGRAPHER Students throw chalk up into the air at Holi. HANNAH PARK | PHOTOGRAPHER Willard, played by freshman theatre major Matthew Lietz, befriends Ren, played by junior theatre major Will Thompson, at his new school. BY RILEY FISHER | PHOTOGRAPHER
Cirby Coheley, junior linebacker from Iowa Park, chases down his opponent. BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER
Hunter Jack Madden, senior guard from Sydney, Australia, defends against his opponent.
Abbey Baker, junior marketing major from Sugar Land,
SING SONG BY DANIEL CURD | CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER The women of Ko Jo Kai put on their Sing Song face before starting their act. HOMECOMING
dresses as
from “Beauty and
Berry, senior kinesiology major from Burleson, waits for the results of Homecoming Court.

Abbye Vessell (M.S.) Occupational Therapy Abilene, Texas


Haleigh Alyse Albrecht (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Grapevine, Texas

Ella Tua-Talvikki Anttila (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Helsinki, Finland

Michael Edward Arruda (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Abilene, Texas

Jonathan Barber (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) McDonough, Georgia

Samuel Austin Britten (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Abilene, Texas

Hannah Lynee Cummings (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Sugar Land, Texas

Taylor Rose Eldridge (M.S.) Clinical Psychology Abilene, Texas

Julia Francisco (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) San Antonio, Texas

Caitlyn Ariel Irene Harvey (M.S.) Psychology (General) Burleson, Texas

Hannah Marie Holst (M.S.) Clinical Psychology Abilene, Texas

Alexis Monay Miles (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Abilene, Texas

Marlen Solis (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Fort Worth, Texas

Sierra Laine Thompson (M.S.) Psychology (Counseling) Merkel, Texas

Kathyanne Margaret Best (S.S.P.) School Psychology Carrollton, Texas

Jacob Emerson Hanson (S.S.P.) School Psychology Grand Prairie, Texas

Mariah Bridget Primm (S.S.P.) School Psychology Fort Worth, Texas

Jessica Lynn Rickard (S.S.P.) School Psychology Abilene, Texas

School of Nursing

Helen Adewole (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Cypress, Texas

Kristie Lynn Buchanan (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Cibolo, Texas

Ashley Calverley (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Midlothian, Texas

Ngufor Fube Divine (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Colombia, Maryland

Marcy Iamay Harris (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Austin, Texas

Lisa Melanie Henry (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Kingston, Jamaica

Robin Elizabeth Roberts (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Athens, Texas

Lauren Elise Rosenthall (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Memphis, Tennessee

Olive K. Tariah (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Houston, Texas

Christine Natasha Thorpe-Gilpin (D.N.P.) Nursing Practice Houston, Texas

School of Social Work

Rihan Katherine Carty (M.S.S.W.) Social Work San Antonio, Texas

Keziah Kunnel Chacko (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas

Gloria Elizabeth Chappell (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Rio Hondo, Texas

Ella Mckay Crimmings (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Fort Worth, Texas

Anna Nicole Ecklar (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Euless, Texas

Efrain Frank Ellin (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas

Madelyn Valleen Maxwell (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Junction, Texas

Hannah Elizabeth Mercer (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas

Dakotah Lynn Orear (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas Ashley

COMMENCEMENT Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees

Daniel Eduardo Mejia Ochoa (B.S.) Graphic Design/ Advertising Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Jacquelyn Wanyee Seiple (B.S.) Interior Design Carrizo Springs, Texas

Carly Marie Stewart (B.S.) Graphic Design/

Advertising Flower Mound, Texas

Westin Dane Brown (B.S.) Graphic Design/ Advertising Fort Worth, Texas

Gena Rose Cabrera (B.S.) Graphic Design/ Advertising Stockdale, Texas

Malinda Nicole Campbell (B.S.) Interior Design Blanco, Texas Noelle Ries Hess (B.S.) Interior Design Waco, Texas

Emily Louise Kimball (B.S.) Interior Design Lantana, Texas

Jacquelyn Hayley King (B.S.) Interior Design Crowley, Texas

Brianna Lezah Van Sickle (B.S.) Interior Design Cedar Park, Texas

Haley Alyce Warmsley (B.S.) Graphic Design/ Advertising Mansfield, Texas

Madison Grace Warren (B.S.) Interior Design Abilene, Texas

Liberal Studies

Joel Thomas Bell (B.S.) Liberal Studies Lovington, New Mexico

Cameron Wayne Byrom (B.S.) Liberal Studies Valley View, Texas

Jochebed Oduro (B.S.) Liberal Studies Abilene, Texas

Thomas Wallace Sorensen (B.S.) Liberal Studies Lewisville, Texas

Yunxi Wei (B.S.) Liberal Studies Shenyang, China College of Arts and Sciences

Joseph K Baluti (B.S.) Liberal Studies Grand Prairie, Texas

Paige Madison Bevers (B.S.) Liberal Studies Weatherford, Texas

Matthew Brian Crisp (B.S.) Liberal Studies Dallas, Texas

Benjamin Dewayne Greer (B.S.) Liberal Studies Pearland, Texas

Shiori Iimuro (B.S.) Liberal Studies Ibaraki, Japan

Faith Rachelle Johnson (B.S.) Liberal Studies Dallas, Texas

Kaylin Jo Johnson (B.S.) Liberal Studies Blaine, Minnesota

Amanda Hailey Klimisch (B.S.) Liberal Studies Waco, Texas

Luke Tony Krkovski (B.S.) Liberal Studies Woronora, Australia

Hunter Jack Madden (B.S.) Liberal Studies La Junta, Australia

Alyssa V Phillips (B.S.) Liberal Studies Westlake, Texas

Alyssa J Powell (B.S.) Liberal Studies La Porte, Texas

Caleb Averill Queen (B.S.) Liberal Studies Abilene, Texas

Doris Matea Sepulveda (B.S.) Liberal Studies Edinburg, Texas

Acailah Dyann Taylor (B.S.) Liberal Studies Fort Worth, Texas

Timothy Alexander Yanta (B.S.) Liberal Studies Hobson, Texas

Communication and Sociology

Jessica Dale Boaz (B.A.) Communication Stephensville, Montana

Megan Renee Roos (B.A.) Communication Robinson, Texas

Abigail Marie Kallas (B.S.) Communication McKinney, Texas

Christine Faith Kuenzi (B.S.) Communication Abilene, Texas

Terrance Donald Marshall (B.S.) Sociology Fresno, Texas

Kylie Nicole Patton (B.S.) Communication Sachse, Texas

Kayla Nicole Pedroncelli (B.S.) Communication Austin, Texas

Hansen Alexander Penya (B.S.) Sociology Abilene, Texas

Chanlor Lawryne Pursley (B.S.) Sociology Abilene, Texas

Ashlee Avery Reed (B.S.) Communication Cibolo, Texas

Social Work Abilene, Texas Hannah Oceanna Rivera (M.S.S.W.) Social Work New Braunfels, Texas Mackenzie Diane Stevens (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas Grace Elizabeth Taylor (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Abilene, Texas Anna Elizabeth Wasson (M.S.S.W.) Social Work Corinth, Texas
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Art and Design Noelle Ries Hess (A.A.) Architecture Waco, Texas Jacquelyn Hayley King (A.A.) Architecture Crowley, Texas Brianna Lezah Van Sickle (A.A.) Architecture Cedar Park, Texas Madison Grace Warren (A.A.) Architecture Abilene, Texas McKenna Brooke Albrecht (B.F.A.) Art Boerne, Texas
Samantha Corinne
Leander, Texas
Lainey Elizabeth
(B.F.A.) Art Hamilton, Texas Leah Jeannine Hanson (B.F.A.) Art Gatesville, Texas
Mary-Margaret Utter (B.F.A.)
Carmel, Indiana
Christina Nicole Zuzu (B.F.A.)
Haslet, Texas
McKenna Brooke Albrecht (B.S.) Graphic Design/ Advertising Boerne, Texas Rebekah
Allcorn (B.S.) Interior Design Spring, Texas
8 | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | GRADUATES

History and Global Studies

Emily Jean Van Dyke (B.S.) Sociology

Lathrup Village, Michigan

Elizabeth Anne Barkus (B.A.) History Escalon, California

Mackenzie Beth Aduddell (B.S.) Social Studies Garland, Texas

Lauren Eloise Angle (B.S.) Social Studies Princeton, Texas

Dayton-Turner K Billington (B.S.) Social Studies Arlington, Texas

Kaleigh Brianne Martin (B.S.) History (One-Field Cert) Abilene, Texas

Journalism and Mass Communication

Jaylynn Corey Ward (B.A.) Journalism Abilene, Texas

Joseph Aidan Chapman (B.S.) Multimedia Andrews, Texas

William Grant Dalton (B.S.) Journalism North Richland Hills, Texas

Jennifer Kate Dement (B.S.) Multimedia Baird, Texas

Jose Angel Enamorado (B.S.) Multimedia Houston, Texas

Hailey Sarah Fletcher (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations League City, Texas

William Roland Fulbright (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations Fort Worth, Texas

Jalen Jordan Garrett (B.S.) Multimedia Richardson, Texas

Damion St. Albert Hart (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations Shertz, Texas

Caroline Elizabeth Helm (B.S.) Journalism Coppell, Texas

Amelia Lou Henderson (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations Boerne, Texas

Kaylee Rae Kahn (B.S.) Journalism Wichita Falls, Texas

Ryland James Mallett (B.S.) Multimedia Arlington, Texas

Bintu Raissa Malu-Malu (B.S.) Journalism Garland, Texas

Mariana Rosela Martinez Sandoval (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations Tatumbla, Honduras

Ella Faith Orlie (B.S.) Advertising/Public Relations Arlington, Texas

Travis Poncho (B.S.) Multimedia Houston, Texas

Brenna Faith Raffels (B.S.) Multimedia Magnolia, Texas

Holly Noel Reichling (B.S.) Multimedia San Antonio, Texas

Zachary Robert Vogl (B.S.) Multimedia North Richland Hills, Texas

Alaina Faith Willmon (B.S.) Journalism Lufkin, Texas

Austin Scott Woomer (B.S.) Multimedia Grapevine, Texas

Language and Literature

Micah Delaney Bryant (B.A.) English Joshua, Texas

Iveth Gabriela Bustillo-Herrera (B.A.) English Comayaguela, Honduras

Madison Lynn Chedester (B.A.) Spanish Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Brahlee Renee Chesnut (B.A.) English Midland, Texas

Araliya Jennai Dooldeniya (B.A.) English Austin, Texas

Genevieve Faith Graessle (B.A.) English Austin, Texas

Gabrielle Ellen Lucas (B.A.) English Grapevine, Texas

Emily Grace Mazar (B.A.) English Austin, Texas

Katherine Elizabeth Spruce (B.A.) English-Teaching Flower Mound, Texas

Eowyn Fair Stewart (B.A.) English Abilene, Texas Music

Jessica Shelby Gorski (B.A.) Music Fulshear, Texas

Jalyn Monique Thomas (B.A.) Music McKinney, Texas

Hannah Faith Yeates (B.A.) Music Conroe, Texas

Evelyn Cree Anderson (B.M.) Vocal Performance Grapevine, Texas

Aislinn Kristine Luther (B.M.) Music-Teach. Voice-All Level York, Nebraska

Jenna Marie Rickerhauser (B.M.) Music-Teach. Voice-All Level Fredericksburg, Texas

Ryan Mitchell Young (B.M.) Vocal Performance Haslet, Texas

Political Science and Criminal Justice

Alli Nicole Dimmitt (B.A.) Political Science Bonita Springs, Florida

Isabel Erin Hodgson (B.A.) Political Science Lubbock, Texas

Hannah Rose Maniscalo (B.A.) Political Science Spring, Texas

Sabrina Molina (B.A.) Criminal Justice Kerrville, Texas

Stephanie Enya Newberry (B.A.) Political Science Socorro, Texas

Jackson James Smith (B.A.) Political Science Abilene, Texas

Allison Anne Vogt (B.A.) Political Science Abilene, Texas

Jaylynn Corey Ward (B.A.) Political Science Abilene, Texas

Savannah Nicole Alaksin (B.S.) Criminal Justice Big Spring, Texas

Tristan Drue Edwards (B.S.) Criminal Justice Pottsboro, Texas

Virginia Jacqueline Galindo (B.S.) Criminal Justice Dallas, Texas

Trenton Owen Lacewell (B.S.) Criminal Justice Fort Worth, Texas

Tia Chambray Morris (B.S.) Criminal Justice Humble, Texas

Jazilyn L Torres (B.S.) Criminal Justice Abilene, Texas

Emily Jean Van Dyke (B.S.) Criminal Justice Lathrup Village, Michigan

Veronica Presley Vernon (B.S.) Criminal Justice Clyde, Texas

Madison Faith Williams (B.S.) Criminal Justice Abilene, Texas

Carson Kent Zimmerman (B.S.) Criminal Justice Beaumont, Texas School of Education

Alexis Grace Alvarez (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Killeen, Texas

Kaylee Lauren Bentle (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Abilene, Texas

Annie Kate Bruck (B.S.) Special Education Elementary McKinney, Texas

Cally Renee Cook (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Wylie, Texas

Kelsey Louise Davis (B.S.) Special Education Elementary San Antonio, Texas

Taylor Marie Forestiere (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Clovis, California

Kaylyn M Hays (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Kaufman, Texas

Ashley Janine Jacobson (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Austin, Texas

Abigail Ann Jameson (B.S.) Middle School Education (4-8) Mansfield, Texas

Lauren Elizabeth McMahon (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Hurst, Texas

Audrey Elizabeth McReynolds (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Burleson, Texas

Anissa Marie O’Dell (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. San Antonio, Texas

Elizabeth Claire Pitcock (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Katy, Texas

Erin Samantha Schlotzhauer (B.S.) Special Education Elementary Burleson, Texas

Kaitlyn Michele Sears (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Rockwall, Texas

Katy Elizabeth Wall (B.S.) Middle School Education (4-8) Midland, Texas

Vanessa Gail Williams (B.S.) Int.Stud:Early Child/Elem. Arlington, Texas


Samantha Shea Brant (B.F.A.) Theatre Abilene, Texas

Ryan Po Kiu Chu (B.F.A.) Theatre Cedar Park, Texas

Nouwen Katarina Craft (B.F.A.) Theatre Murphy, Texas

Melissa Ann Henderson (B.F.A.) Theatre Abilene, Texas

Joshua Roy Hervey (B.F.A.) Theatre Abilene, Texas

Rose Ralston Lee-Alliston (B.F.A.) Theatre Bedlington, Northumb

Gabriella Mackenzi Lopez (B.F.A.) Theatre Haslet, Texas

Chloe Noelle Munson (B.F.A.) Theatre Grapevine, Texas

Morgan Lee Whitley (B.F.A.) Theatre Georgetown, Texas

College of Biblical Studies

Bible, Missions, and Ministry

Brayden Walker Ashorn (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Sealy, Texas

Amanda Grace Barrett (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation San Antonio, Texas

Lane Carpenter Bloomer (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Lubbock, Texas

Hannah Nicole Brooks (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Liberty Hill, Texas

Ryan Tyler Burks (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Double Oak, Texas

Emma Sue Daman (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Midland, Texas

Abigail Duran (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Las Vegas, Nevada

Madelyn S Guerra (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Georgetown, Texas

Hailee Elizabeth L Holtz (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Kaufman, Texas

Emma Grace Hurst (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Southlake, Texas

Hannah Marie Irby (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Celina, Texas

Ashley E Kearns (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Houston, Texas

Isaiah Joseph McDaniel (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Boerne, Texas

Dan Rainey Owen (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Lindale, Texas

Rivers Kayden Rich (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Boerne, Texas

Michael Alexander Roberts (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Liberty Hill, Texas

Oscar Angel Rocha (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Abilene, Texas

Genevieve Grace Sukach (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Grapevine, Texas

Sunshine Aurora Taylor (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation Abilene, Texas

Nadyne Elizabeth Wilson (B.A.) Ministry and Vocation San Antonio, Texas

Tyler Davis Young (B.A.) Bible and Ministry Chattanooga, Tennessee

Marriage and Family Studies

Brianna Marie Arnold (B.S.) Child and Family Services Marble Falls, Texas

Logan Jaye Bourland (B.S.) Child and Family Services Abilene, Texas

Zoe Grace Dalessandri (B.S.) Child and Family Services Glendale, Arizona

Payton Leechele Dove (B.S.) Child and Family Services Lubbock, Texas

Audrey Grace Dykhoff (B.S.) Child and Family Services Austin, Texas

Alexis Jade Flores (B.S.) Child and Family Services Celina, Texas

Gabriela Nicole Garcia (B.S.) Child and Family Services San Antonio, Texas

Marlee Ryane Goode (B.S.) Child and Family Services Abilene, Texas

Sage Monet Kroeger (B.S.) Child and Family Services Keller, Texas

Amberly MaRee McCright (B.S.) Child and Family Services The Colony, Texas

Zoe Kathryn McMillen (B.S.) Child and Family Services Rowlett, Texas

Paige Renee Petree (B.S.) Child and Family Services Abilene, Texas

Hannah Megan Reynolds (B.S.) Child and Family Services El Paso, Texas

Madison Kate Ross (B.S.) Child and Family Services Ada, Oklahoma

Andie Jae Sheppard (B.S.) Child and Family Services Midland, Texas

Mya Alexia Sifuentes (B.S.) Child and Family Services San Antonio, Texas

Nikki Leanne Smith (B.S.) Child and Family Services Sadler, Texas

Darcy Elizabeth Stiefer (B.S.) Child and Family Services Tyler, Texas

Olivia Grace Weatherford (B.S.) Child and Family Services Mansfield, Texas

Ceci R Widder (B.S.) Child and Family Services Abilene, Texas

Jessica Loren Wright (B.S.) Child and Family Services Delaware, Ohio College of Business Accounting and Finance

Landon Scott Bible (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Taylor Samuel Blankenship (B.B.A.) Accounting Burleson, Texas

Peyton Michael Bruce (B.B.A.) Financial Management Keller, Texas

Micah Matthew Burrow (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Annie Catherine Carter (B.B.A.) Accounting North Richland Hills, Texas

Eunsu Choi (B.B.A.) Accounting Yangsan, Korea

Mihaly Adam Deli (B.B.A.) Accounting Budapest, Hungary

Zachary David Dodson (B.B.A.) Financial Management Plano, Texas

Lacy Noel Dowdy (B.B.A.) Financial Management New Braunfels, Texas

Jared Edward Farmer (B.B.A.) Financial Management San Antonio, Texas

Neal Bradley Helgerson (B.B.A.) Financial Management Temple, Texas

Dennis Byron Herrold (B.B.A.) Financial Management Fort Worth, Texas

Reid Evan Heuerman (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Mathew Carey Hiscock (B.B.A.) Accounting Abilene, Texas

Madison Lynn Hopcus (B.B.A.) Accounting Seguin, Texas

Emma Kaye Jaax (B.B.A.) Accounting Boerne, Texas

Yuliana Jaramillo (B.B.A.) Financial Management Grand Prairie, Texas

Matthew Ryan Madison (B.B.A.) Financial Management Midland, Texas

Nathan Thomas Marshall (B.B.A.) Financial Management Whitewright, Texas

Benjamin Leon McDonald (B.B.A.) Accounting Plano, Texas

Katelynn Olivia Oksanen (B.B.A.) Accounting Wylie, Texas

Austin Cade Petree (B.B.A.) Accounting Abilene, Texas

Hayden C Poorman

(B.B.A.) Financial Management Buffalo Gap, Texas

Jeremiah K Presley (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Madalyn Zana-Jean Rickert

(B.B.A.) Financial Management Granbury, Texas

Hannah Elizabeth Ruf

(B.B.A.) Accounting Frisco, Texas

Conner Ryan Ruffin

(B.B.A.) Financial Management Buffalo Gap, Texas

Carlee Hope Schaeffer

(B.B.A.) Accounting Allen, Texas

Robert Springer Serfass (B.B.A.) Finance Austin, Texas

Destini Tranise Smith

(B.B.A.) Accounting Dallas, Texas

Shannon Grace Sosebee (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Sarah Elizabeth Trollope (B.B.A.) Accounting Leander, Texas

Matthew Harold Trow

(B.B.A.) Financial Management Spring, Texas

Chaney Brock Tucker (B.B.A.) Financial Management Abilene, Texas

Nathaniel Payne Webb (B.B.A.) Financial Management Benbrook, Texas

Brandon Lee White (B.B.A.) Financial Management Keller, Texas

Derick Ryan Willis (B.B.A.) Accounting Anson, Texas

Yeshun XU (B.B.A.) Accounting Zhejiang, China

Donovan Grant Young (B.B.A.) Financial Management North Zulch, Texas Dukes School of Finance

Carter Jay Sanders (B.B.A.) Finance Abilene, Texas Management Sciences

Julia Faith Alfinito (B.B.A.) Marketing Trophy Club, Texas

Bader Alsahli (B.B.A.) Information Systems Kuwait City, Kuwait

Clayton Ryan Arnett (B.B.A.) Information Systems Argyle, Texas

Benjamin Jace Brandon (B.B.A.) Management College Station, Texas

Bay Donald Brannan (B.B.A.) Information Systems Buffalo Gap, Texas

Thomas Anderson Bridges (B.B.A.) Information Systems Willow Park, Texas

Brooke Ainsley Bullock (B.B.A.) Marketing Magnolia, Texas

Zion Thomas Burton (B.B.A.) Marketing Abilene, Texas

Bryan Josiah Campbell (B.B.A.) Management Converse, Texas

Bridget Elizabeth Clem (B.B.A.) Management Abilene, Texas

Mason Daniel Cochran (B.B.A.) Marketing Midland, Texas

Rolando Rafael De La Cruz

Rodriguez (B.B.A.) Management Newark, New Jersey

Madison Jaymes Dobecka (B.B.A.) Marketing Leander, Texas

Garrett Wesley Fowler (B.B.A.) Management Spring, Texas

Johnni LeAnn Fuller

(B.B.A.) Management Waxahachie, Texas

Kimberly Elizabeth Guido (B.B.A.) Management Farmers Branch, Texas

Emiley Morgan Hale (B.B.A.) Marketing Hamilton, Texas

Alyssa Leanne Hix (B.B.A.) Management Westlake, Texas

Blake Christopher Hoybach (B.B.A.) Marketing Manvel, Texas

Charles Alexander Jackson (B.B.A.) Marketing Norman, Oklahoma

Anna Lee Johnston (B.B.A.) Management Woodway, Texas

Marcayll Jones (B.B.A.) Management Warner Robins, Georgia

Calvin Palmer Landis

(B.B.A.) Management San Antonio, Texas

Natalie Elizabeth Lewis (B.B.A.) Marketing Spring, Texas

Riley Scott Mankins (B.B.A.) Management San Antonio, Texas

Tatum Denae Mcclellan

(B.B.A.) Marketing Abilene, Texas

Matthew Paul Mills

(B.B.A.) Marketing New Braunfels, Texas

Abigail Dawn Mitchell (B.B.A.) Management Burleson, Texas

Michael Dax Morris

(B.B.A.) Management Abilene, Texas

Rapha Shemeza Nsenga (B.B.A.) Information Systems Fort Worth, Texas

Jessica Pam Pam (B.B.A.) Management Princeton, Texas

Chloe Pryor (B.B.A.) Marketing Colleyville, Texas

Chloe Breann Robinson (B.B.A.) Management Garland, Texas

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Rodriguez (B.B.A.) Management Collinsville, Texas

Katelyn Millicent St. John (B.B.A.) Information Systems Hamlin, Texas

Jackson K Stevens (B.B.A.) Management Abilene, Texas

Luke Benjamin Susud (B.B.A.) Management Plainfield, Indiana

Erin Michelle Venette (B.B.A.) Management Houston, Texas

Matheo Manalang Vergara (B.B.A.) Management Abilene, Texas

Bethany Emma Watt (B.B.A.) Management Tomball, Texas

Hannah Rae Wetz (B.B.A.) Marketing Orland, California

Garrett Walker Williams (B.B.A.) Management Grand Prairie, Texas Mickaela E’layne Williams (B.B.A.) Management Fort Worth, Texas

Jack Taylor Wilson (B.B.A.) Management Grapevine, Texas

School of Information Technology and Computing

Benjamin Aidan Briggs (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Austin, Texas

William Hendrix Chism (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Celina, Texas

Ethan Steele Clayton (B.S.) Computer Science San Antonio, Texas

Brian Patrick Culpepper (B.S.) Computer Science San Antonio, Texas

Colleen Mae Gostomski (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Pipe Creek, Texas

Ronald Taylor Hotchkiss (B.S.) Computer Science Live Oak, Texas

Cynthia Kamikazi Mumararungu (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech


Josephine Meredith Mueller (B.A.) Music Conroe, Texas

Grace Elizabeth Thielen (B.S.) Middle School Education (4-8) Lakewood, Colorado

Haley Lynn Hanson (B.S.) Child and Family Services Baird, Texas

Emma Kate Schecter

(B.B.A.) Finance North Richland Hills, Texas

Jackson Christopher Nielsen (B.B.A.) Management Southlake, Texas

GRADUATES | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 9
Kicukiro, Rwanda Natalie Anne Lynch (B.S.) Computer Science North Richland Hills, Texas Charles Ernest Mckell (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Abilene, Texas Lauren Alexis Najera (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Abilene, Texas Aimen Redi Nesru (B.S.) Computer Science Wylie, Texas Kelli Anne Norris (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech Texas City, Texas Francisco Allan Ortiz (B.S.) Computer Science Balch Springs, Texas Joseph Ryan Perez (B.S.) Digital Entertainment Tech El Paso, Texas Matthias Aren Schrock (B.S.) Computer Science Midlothian, Texas Ethan Cole Spindler (B.S.) Computer Science Austin, Texas Hunter Ryan Vaught (B.S.) Computer Science Burke, Virginia College of Graduate and Professional Studies School of Health and Human Services Acidalia Tristan Mancinas (B.S.) Child and Family Services San Antonio, Texas Mariah Cheyanne Melton (B.S.) Child and Family Services Bullard, Texas Gracie Lynn Morgan (B.S.) Child and Family Services Azle, Texas Carolyn A. Bocanegra (B.S.) Communication Disorders Houston, Texas Juanita Marie Castro (B.S.) Communication Disorders Houston, Texas Debra Denise Deptawa (B.S.) Communication Disorders New Braunfels, Texas Maricela Escobedo (B.S.) Communication Disorders Wasco, California

Nancy Viviana Gomez-Fajardo

(B.S.) Communication Disorders Abilene, Texas

Claire Elizabeth Headings (B.S.) Communication Disorders Amarillo, Texas

Laura Jean Minor (B.S.) Communication Disorders Denison, Texas

Carly Jo Printy (B.S.) Communication Disorders Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Hannah G Pruitt (B.S.) Communication Disorders Valdese, North Carolina

LaPrencess Andrel Reynolds (B.S.) Communication Disorders Stafford, Texas

Jessica D Urbina (B.S.) Communication Disorders Wylie, Texas

Hailegh Brianne Wingo (B.S.) Communication Disorders Baytown, Texas

Stephen Matthew Bryant (B.S.) Health & Human Performance College Station, Texas

Mary Jane Garza (B.S.) Health & Human Performance Corpus Christi, Texas

Kisha D. Barnes (B.S.) Healthcare Administration Crowley, Texas

Lexie Jill Crawford (B.S.) Healthcare Administration Fort Worth, Texas

Alyssa Marie Hernandez (B.S.) Healthcare Administration Corpus Christi, Texas

Brittany Boggess (B.S.) Psychology Bellville, Texas

Teresa Renee Moreno (B.S.) Psychology Edinburg, Texas

Ryder Smith (B.S.) Psychology Miles, Texas

Summer Ann Stephens (B.S.) Psychology Fort Worth, Texas

Estela B. Tobar (B.S.) Psychology Troy, Texas

School of Organizational Leadership

Imani Nicole Vaughan

(B.S.) Organizational Leadership Warner Robins, Georgia

School of Professional Studies

Paige Lee DeFoore (B.S.) Business Management Abilene, Texas

Trevor Jordan Graham (B.S.) Business Management Dallas, Texas

Cason Kuper (B.S.) Business Management Burleson, Texas

Jerad Mitchell (B.S.) Business Management Conroe, Texas

Kimberly Cecilia Prosser (B.S.) Business Management Auburn, Georgia

Olivia Alexandria Sanford (B.S.) Business Management Tomball, Texas

Mariah Nicole Hernandez (B.S.) Criminal Justice Harlingen, Texas

Elizabeth Ashton Stokes

(B.S.) Integrated Studies Abilene, Texas

Amanda Joy Trafton (B.S.) Integrated Studies Austin, Texas

James E Williams (B.S.) Integrated Studies American Canyon, California

Sonny John Oliveria Wilson (B.S.) Integrated Studies Bertram, Texas

Paige Lee DeFoore (B.S.) Marketing Abilene, Texas

Alexa Victoria Gandy (B.S.) Marketing Fort Worth, Texas

School of Undergrad Studies

Reuben D Montemayor (B.S.) Business Management Ennis, Texas

Jessica Mae Moreno (B.S.) Business Management Merkel, Texas

Mekiyah Dewayne Brooks (B.S.) Health & Human Performance Abilene, Texas

Tavon Calvin Ousley (B.S.) Health & Human Performance Yorkville, Illinois

Jennifer Rene Smith (B.S.) Health & Human Performance Houston, Texas

Alejandro S Guerra (B.S.) Healthcare Administration San Angelo, Texas

Cossandra Nicolas (B.S.) Healthcare Administration Savannah, Texas

Lashenda M Smith (B.S.) Healthcare Administration Temple, Texas

Logan C Lucas

(B.S.) Information Technology Admin Commerce, Texas

Kaitlin Elizabeth Martin (B.S.) Integrated Studies Stamford, Texas

Michelle Velasquez (B.S.) Integrated Studies Dripping Springs, Texas

Christian Matthew Saleh (B.S.) Organizational Leadership Parker, Texas

Madeleine Blue Dupré (B.S.) Psychology Conroe, Texas

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Naomi Jadyn Benitez (B.S.) Communication Disorders Granbury, Texas

Meghan Joyce Brummell (B.S.) Communication Disorders Frisco, Texas

Daley Anna Clark (B.S.) Communication Disorders North Richland Hills, Texas

Madison Lee Cole (B.S.) Communication Disorders Abilene, Texas

Hallie Nicole Crabtree (B.S.) Communication Disorders Allen, Texas

Karsyn Marie Delforge (B.S.) Communication Disorders Birnamwood, Wisconsin

Amaryah Adah Gonzalez (B.S.) Communication Disorders Triangle, Virginia

Railey Ann Holley (B.S.) Communication Disorders Fate, Texas

Ava Mae MacMiller (B.S.) Communication Disorders Dallas, Texas

Kelsey Martin (B.S.) Communication Disorders Bogata, Texas

Jagneris Griselle Penson-Colon (B.S.) Communication Disorders San Antonio, Texas

Noah Garner Rafalski (B.S.) Communication Disorders Waco, Texas

Brooke Dawn Stemple (B.S.) Communication Disorders Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Hannah Jordan Valk (B.S.) Communication Disorders Liberty Hill, Texas

Elizabeth Mae Watts (B.S.) Communication Disorders McGregor, Texas

Abigail Jane Weiss (B.S.) Communication Disorders Lititz, Pennsylvania

Kinesiology and Nutrition

Alden Leigh Allen (B.S.) Kinesiology The Woodlands, Texas Psychology

Blake Andrew Anderson (B.S.) Kinesiology Royse City, Texas

Hannah Michelle Bane (B.S.) Kinesiology Boerne, Texas

Sara Star Becker (B.S.) Nutrition Helotes, Texas

Ellie Amanda Berry (B.S.) Kinesiology Burleson, Texas

Zachary Wayne Binkley (B.S.) Kinesiology Abilene, Texas

Peyton Marie Brenner (B.S.) Kinesiology Aledo, Texas

Priscilla Joy Browne (B.S.) Kinesiology McKinney, Texas

Chloe LeeAnn Cavitt (B.S.) Nutrition Clyde, Texas

Cady Elise Chance (B.S.) Kinesiology Lumberton, Texas

Clifford Wayne Chance (B.S.) Kinesiology Lumberton, Texas

Lindsay Anne Christian (B.S.) Nutrition Keller, Texas

Alley Breann Collett (B.S.) Kinesiology Sulphur Bluff, Texas

Candace Lauren Crownover (B.S.) Kinesiology Newbury Park, California

Sema’J Earl Davis (B.S.) Kinesiology Midland, Texas

Zachary Alec Delgado (B.S.) Kinesiology Kerrville, Texas

Peyton R Dockray (B.S.) Kinesiology Canadian, Texas

Renee Nicole Elliott (B.S.) Nutrition Midlothian, Texas

Miranda Betzabeth Flores Torres (B.S.) Nutrition Mesquite, Texas

Anali Hernandez-Ruiz (B.S.) Kinesiology Leander, Texas

Zachary M Hoffman (B.S.) Kinesiology Clyde, Texas

Brooke Ashley Jessen (B.S.) Kinesiology Spirit Lake, Idaho

Byeonghun Kang (B.S.) Kinesiology Seoul, Korea

Dario Pio Kmet (B.S.) Kinesiology Phillip, New South Wales, Australia

Josephine Beatrice Lara (B.S.) Kinesiology Bedford, Texas

Bella Leatherwood (B.S.) Kinesiology Lubbock, Texas

Zeke Minor Lott (B.S.) Kinesiology Lubbock, Texas

Eric Gregory Martin (B.S.) Kinesiology Kitchener, Ontario

Hector Luis Melendez (B.S.) Kinesiology Granbury, Texas

Derrick Anthony Moreno (B.S.) Kinesiology Mico, Texas

Cameryn Elizabeth Plemons (B.S.) Kinesiology North Richland Hills, Texas

Abigail Victoria Ramsbottom (B.S.) Kinesiology Grapevine, Texas

Jose Maria Rastrojo Llatas (B.S.) Kinesiology Bormujos, Spain

Bradley Derek Robinson (B.S.) Kinesiology Zephyr, Texas

Victoria Ann Rose (B.S.) Nutrition Abilene, Texas

Lauren Callese Sandoval (B.S.) Nutrition Tomball, Texas

Natalie Lizbeth Silva (B.S.) Kinesiology Kyle, Texas

Jaden Cruz Sivley (B.S.) Nutrition Lawn, Texas

Johnie Jean Snyder (B.S.) Kinesiology Phoenix, Arizona

Shaelyn Avery Spidle (B.S.) Nutrition Paradise, Texas

GraceLinn S Steeger (B.S.) Kinesiology Weatherford, Texas

Ariel Elise Summeril (B.S.) Kinesiology Divide, Colorado

Emma Claire Taylor (B.S.) Kinesiology Edmond, Oklahoma

Kyla Lynn Welch (B.S.) Kinesiology Escondido, California

Molly Renee White (B.S.) Kinesiology Le Roy, Illinois

Riley Jordan White (B.S.) Kinesiology Liberty Hill, Texas

Adam S Woodward (B.S.) Kinesiology Fort Worth, Texas

Lauren Ella Woolfolk (B.S.) Kinesiology Keller, Texas

Gareth David Young (B.S.) Kinesiology Harker Heights, Texas

Hallie Kate Anderson (B.S.) Psychology Arlington, Texas

Loren Francisco Avila (B.S.) Psychology Mesquite, Texas

Noah Matthew Caldwell (B.S.) Psychology Electra, Texas

Damaris Cantu (B.S.) Psychology Edinburg, Texas

Aidyn Moranne Carnes (B.S.) Psychology Florence, Kentucky

Anna Victoria Chen (B.S.) Psychology Chino, California

Cade Paul Clyne (B.S.) Psychology Trophy Club, Texas

Peyton Jane Deffenbaugh (B.S.) Psychology Argyle, Texas

Stephen Sebastian Donnellon (B.S.) Psychology Thorndale, Texas

Camille Isabella Flach (B.S.) Psychology Comfort, Texas

Anna-Li Gardner (B.S.) Psychology Conroe, Texas

Shelby Christine Gesin (B.S.) Psychology Santa Clarita, California

Xhalli La’Ren Greer (B.S.) Psychology Fort Worth, Texas

Paige Elizabeth Harris (B.S.) Psychology Rockwall, Texas

Maci Breanna Johnson (B.S.) Psychology Fort Worth, Texas

Jacey Caden Lam (B.S.) Psychology Lubbock, Texas

Claire Beth Lang (B.S.) Psychology Austin, Texas

Amaia Faith Martin (B.S.) Psychology Wichita Falls, Texas

Naomi C McCracken (B.S.) Psychology Abilene, Texas

Alazaeh M Menjivar (B.S.) Psychology Carrollton, Texas

Mattie Lynne Millwee (B.S.) Psychology Clovis, California

Avery Jean Miloch (B.S.) Psychology Georgetown, Texas

Macie Joy Pope (B.S.) Psychology North Richland Hills, Texas

Rebecca Caroline Ramos (B.S.) Psychology San Juan, Texas

Jamal Kriston Rucker (B.S.) Psychology McKinney, Texas

Gracie Abigail Smith (B.S.) Psychology Abilene, Texas

Aubrey E Taylor (B.S.) Psychology Lovington, New Mexico

Spencer Glade Weilert (B.S.) Psychology Abilene, Texas

Daniel Philip West (B.S.) Psychology Ballinger, Texas

Kodi Lane Woods (B.S.) Psychology Dallas, Texas School of Nursing

Sahar Nizar Ali (B.S.N.) Nursing Spring, Texas

Seth Michael Astilla (BSN) Nursing San Antonio, Texas

Beaux Neal Brownlow (BSN) Nursing Colleyville, Texas

Megan Elizabeth Colwell (BSN) Nursing Abilene, Texas

Reilly Meagan Davis (BSN) Nursing Cleburne, Texas

Cassedy Michelle Fuselier (BSN) Nursing Dripping Springs, Texas

Lynlee Paige Gotaas (BSN) Nursing El Paso, Texas

Alyssa Faith Hammond (BSN) Nursing Cisco, Texas

Victoria Kay Heare (BSN) Nursing Flower Mound, Texas

Meredith Kate Hill (BSN) Nursing Arlington, Texas

Kylie Mckenna Hollander (BSN) Nursing McKinney, Texas

Jared David Ivy (BSN) Nursing Sunnyvale, Texas

Rylee Louise Layton (BSN) Nursing Poolville, Texas

Caitlyn Nicole Mackrell (BSN) Nursing San Antonio, Texas

Rylie Anne Michael (BSN) Nursing Medford, Oregon

Emily Ann Miller (BSN) Nursing Plano, Texas

Monica G Molina (BSN) Nursing Edinburg, Texas

D’yani Vinese Moon (BSN) Nursing San Antonio, Texas

Taylor Leigh Morgan (BSN) Nursing Fort Worth, Texas

Jaycee Morgan Pruitt (BSN) Nursing Odessa, Texas

Kyle Stephen Rodriguez (BSN) Nursing Waco, Texas

Anna-Marie Rupprecht (BSN) Nursing Pflugerville, Texas

Victoria D’Lynn Schmidt (BSN) Nursing Abilene, Texas

Callee Grace Stephens (BSN) Nursing Argyle, Texas

Nicah Edrizia Coladilla Valdoria (BSN) Nursing Taichung, Taiwan

Alexandra Jewell Van Epps (BSN) Nursing Fredericksburg, Texas

Avery Grace Wilson (BSN) Nursing Keller, Texas

Cassidy Elizabeth Duke (B.S.) Social Work Bowie, Texas

Emely Nicole Hernandez (B.S.) Social Work Shullsburg, Wisconsin

Addie Jane McDaniel (B.S.) Social Work Round Rock, Texas

Madeline Grace Quintero (B.S.) Social Work Frisco, Texas

Mallory Elaine Sinquefield (B.S.) Social Work Conroe, Texas

Taylor Leeann Stewart (B.S.) Social Work San Angelo, Texas Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Teresa Irene Alegria (B.S.) Animal Science Saginaw, Texas

McKensey Marie Cleek (B.S.) Agribusiness San Antonio, Texas

Rylee Ann Fick (B.S.) Environmental Science Richmond, Texas

Brissa Marie Guzman (B.S.) Environmental Science Abilene, Texas

Avy Marie Langston (B.S.) Environmental Science Colleyville, Texas

Elizabeth Anne Locke (B.S.) Animal Science Franklin, Tennessee

Ian James Massey (B.S.) Environmental Science Benbrook, Texas

Rafael Orozco (B.S.) Agribusiness Abilene, Texas

Kendyl Grace Rogers (B.S.) Environmental Science Arlington, Texas

Taylor Anne Stephen (B.S.) Animal Science Southlake, Texas

Emily Brooke Thornock (B.S.) Environmental Science Shawano, Wisconsin Biology

Evan Tyler Gordon (B.A.) Biology Arlington, Texas

Gentry Olivia Lamberth (B.A.) Biology Fort Worth, Texas

Macy Elizabeth Alexander (B.S.) Biology Ledbetter, Texas

Evan Milton Babb (B.S.) Biology Lubbock, Texas

Noah David Bales (B.S.) Biology Valley Center, California

Parker Cooke Carson (B.S.) Biology Turkey, Texas

Maryjoe Rachel Crisologo (B.S.) Biology Surrey, Canada

David Randal Denton (B.S.) Biology Tioga, Texas

Gabriel John Embree (B.S.) Biology Decatur, Texas

Lily Michele Foster (B.S.) Biology Couer D’Alene, Idaho

Daniel Joshua Garton (B.S.) Biology College Station, Texas

Victoria Eve Haynes (B.S.) Biology Garland, Texas

Joshua Ryan Holt (B.S.) Biology Fort Worth, Texas

Darby Elizabeth Ice (B.S.) Life Science Abilene, Texas

Juandedios Angel Mendoza (B.S.) Biology Odessa, Texas

Cayden Job Meyer (B.S.) Biology Salado, Texas

Bianca Selene Porras (B.S.) Biology Midland, Texas

Ramon Ernesto Ramos (B.S.) Biology Flower Mound, Texas

Andrea Alejandra Saravia (B.S.) Biology Converse, Texas

D’anna D Smith (B.S.) Biology Burleson, Texas

Cameron Lofness Steele (B.S.) Biology Excelsior, Minnesota

Adam Kendall Thomas (B.S.) Biology Austin, Texas

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Jessica Shelby Gorski (B.A.) Biochemistry Fulshear, Texas

Evan Milton Babb (B.S.) Biochemistry Lubbock, Texas

Brookelynn Nicole Burks (B.S.) Biochemistry Anchorage, Alaska

Oscar Giovanni Caballero (B.S.) Biochemistry Mesquite, Texas

Madison Lynn Chedester (B.S.) Biochemistry Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Christopher Preston Combs (B.S.) Biochemistry Austin, Texas

Miranda R Davila (B.S.) Biochemistry Belton, Texas

Meeyah L Davis (B.S.) Biochemistry Teague, Texas

Aspen Sienna Malone (B.S.) Biochemistry Amarillo, Texas

Sophia Faith Neale (B.S.) Biochemistry Denton, Texas

Emily Estella Osborn (B.S.) Chemistry San Antonio, Texas

Allison Paige Roberts (B.S.) Biochemistry Boerne, Texas

Ryan Jackson Rogers (B.S.) Biochemistry Argyle, Texas

Adam Kendall Thomas (B.S.) Biochemistry Austin, Texas

Engineering and Physics

Ziyu Gao (B.S.) Physics Shanghai, China

Kathryn Jean Hise (B.S.) Physics McKinney, Texas

Skylar Gage Mclerran (B.S.) Physics Corinth, Texas

Nganizi Theodore Mirimo (B.S.) Physics Kicukiro, Rwanda

Aubrey Johnette Trumbo (B.S.) Physics Hawley, Texas

Kaden P Vasquez (B.S.) Physics Wichita Falls, Texas

Jesse David Becker (B.S.En.) Engineering Springtown, Texas

Jared Michael Beltran (B.S.En.) Engineering El Paso, Texas

Lawson Dean Berry (B.S.En.) Engineering Granbury, Texas

Matthew Santos Castillo-Flowers (B.S.En.) Engineering Canutillo, Texas

Dawson James Cate (B.S.En.) Engineering Boerne, Texas

Jonathan D Creel (B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

John Carter Dalton (B.S.En.) Engineering Little Rock, Arkansas

Katelyn Victoria Graham (B.S.En.) Engineering Roswell, New Mexico

Ashton Elizabeth Guerry (B.S.En.) Engineering Carrollton, Texas

Rylie Lorraine James (B.S.En.) Engineering Aubrey, Texas

Sydney Michelle Kaiser (B.S.En.) Engineering Pflugerville, Texas

Scott Matthew Marston (B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

Keelin Rose McKeon (B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

Zacchaeus Caleb Morphew (B.S.En.) Engineering Devine, Texas

Makayla Rose Moulton (B.S.En.) Engineering Burleson, Texas

Carson John Noack (B.S.En.) Engineering Manvel, Texas

Julia Grace Parker (B.S.En.) Engineering Dallas, Texas

Wyatt Lee Reeves (B.S.En.) Engineering Runaway Bay, Texas

Kaleb Jared Reyna

(B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

Cornelio Christopher Rodriquez (B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

Bertha Carolina Sanchez (B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

Colby James Smith (B.S.En.) Engineering Weatherford, Texas

Evan James Stone (B.S.En.) Engineering San Antonio, Texas

O’Brien David Verdin (B.S.En.) Engineering Carlsbad, New Mexico

Nicholas Michael Viola

School of Social Work

Hyungjin Kim (B.S.) Psychology Uijeongbusi, Korea

Tayghan F Boyd (B.S.) Social Work Benbrook, Texas

Evan Milton Babb (B.S.) Chemistry Lubbock, Texas

(B.S.En.) Engineering Abilene, Texas

10 | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | GRADUATES

New faces join Wildcats for second UAC season

After finishing sixth in a respectable conference last year, the Wildcats are looking to improve in their second year of United Athletic Conference play.

Going into this new season, some big-time players will have to make big-time plays in big-time moments. One versatile player who is welcoming the new limelight is senior wide receiver Blayne Taylor. Taylor was one of the first additions brought on by then-new head football coach Keith Patterson.

Since being acquired from Cisco College in 2022, Taylor has improved every year. In his sophomore campaign with the Wildcats, he finished with 289 receiving yards and two touchdowns. And during his junior year, he was able to lead the team with 620 receiving yards and seven touchdowns, including a career-longest 75-yard touchdown against Prairie View A&M.

Now going into his senior year, Taylor looks to use his speed and quick adjustments, making him an almost lock for wide-open opportunities against any man-to-man or one-on-one coverage.

Sophomore defensive lineman Sean Dubose Jr., calls teammate Taylor “a show stopper.”

“At any point of time defensively you have to be aware of where he is at,” Dubose said. “His ability to change a game at any point and vertically spread out the defense is why he is such a lethal weapon for our offense.”

An offense that, at a glance, is one of the best in the UAC, aver -

aging just over 26 points per game, but was not enough.

In early January, ACU added long-time coach Rick Bowie as its new offensive coordinator. He takes over from previous OC, Ryan Pugh, who is still on staff for the Wildcats, serving as the offensive line coach. Bowie, heading west from Valdosta State University, comes with a promising pedigree. His team was Top 10 in Div. II, passing and scoring last year and averaging just over 37 points per game. Bowie brings a different type of offense that

will lead to greater creativity.

“Coach Bowie comes from a background that I’m very familiar with,” Patterson said. “He plays an explosive style and brand of football, and I’m looking forward to him bringing that here.”

Patterson, a defensive-minded head coach, is going through his third offensive coordinator in his three years at ACU. Notably, the Patterson and Bowie dynamic goes back to 2012. Patterson was defensive coordinator while Bowie was the offensive graduate assistant coach at University of

West Virginia.

A new season is bringing some additional new faces. Following the trend of many NCAA Football Championship Subdivision schools, ACU enters the offseason looking into the transfer portal. The team added nine new transfers this spring.

Former Tulane University quarterback Carson Haggard was leader at his Miami high school, with 3000 passing yards and 35 touchdowns while only giving up six interceptions. Despite the ACU starting QB spot looking to be pretty locked with the continued presence

of rising senior Maverick McIvor, Haggard’s quick decision-making and athleticism will make him a great secondary option.

Another notable addition on the offensive side, wide receiver J.J. Henry, comes from University of Mississippi.

“I am excited to play a bit more,” said Henry, junior from McKinney. “I cannot wait to show some more of my raw talent and abilities and help this team win.”

The 5’9”, 170-lbs. receiver who can play the inside slot position or outside will prove valuable in offensive coordi -

nator Rick Bowie’s new playmaking scheme. Some notable defensive signings include Javen Ware, safety out of Texas State University, defensive end Chris Wright from University of North Texas, cornerback Marvin Covington, out of University of New Mexico, and R.J. Myles Jr., a linebacker out of University of Northern Illinois. ACU will look to face off against a prominent Texas opponent in week one. To start the season, a drive down the road to take on the Texas Tech University Red Raiders on Aug. 31, in Lubbock.

SPORTS | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 11
BY DANIEL CURD | PHOTOGRAPHER Izaiah Kelley, junior linebacker from Lubbock, high-fives his teammates after getting an interception.

Wildcats to face GCU before WAC tournament

ACU will face off against Grand Canyon University on its final road trip of the 2024 season Friday through Sunday in a series that will feature the top two teams in the Western Athletic Conference just nine days before the conference tournament.

ACU will enter as the two seed with a 15-9 conference record, while GCU holds the No. 1 seed at 195, riding a seven-game win streak after sweeping California Baptist. Both teams have had successful seasons, leading to their high WAC

rankings. Grand Canyon’s 25-18 record includes impressive wins over Power Five conference schools, including The University of Southern California, Ohio State University, University of Nebraska, and Arizona State University, and two wins over University of Arizona, the second of which ended in a run-rule, 24-8 in seven innings.

ACU’s Power Five wins this season include Baylor and TCU. It overcame a late deficit in Waco to win 6-4 while beating up on TCU with a final score of 8-3 in Abilene. The Wildcats also played games against Oklahoma State University, Texas

Tech University, Brigham Young University and the University of Texas.

The identity of the Wildcats during Power Five games isn’t placed solely in the result, rather in the fight and effort displayed against a high-level opponents, said head baseball coach Rick McCarty. As an example, he pointed to the Wildcats’ late rally that came up short against BYU on March 29, in which they fell 8-6.

“There’s been a good standard set here,”McCarty said. “Gotta get us out 27 times – 27 hard outs.”

The record against Power Five conference schools may not look

‘Not done, yet’: Women’s

Finishing in first or second place in eight out of eleven tournaments this season, the women’s golf team could not have asked for a better inaugural season.

In the program’s first season, the team finished second in the conference tournament, ending two strokes behind the Seattle University Redhawks. Ryann Honea, a sophomore from San Angelo, finished first overall, and entered every day with the same mindset.

“I just thought of it as another tournament,” she said. “I didn't think of it as a conference championship.”

After winning the conference tournament by 3 strokes in Payson, Arizona, Honea earned a spot in the NCAA Div. I

impressive for ACU this year, but the experience gained through those games has propelled McCarty’s squad to where they are now.

The Power Five games early in their 2023 season forced the Wildcats to adapt and focus on team culture, said Gino D’Alessio, senior utility from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

“We’ve had some tough road stretches,” D’Alessio said. “I think that’s really helped us to build that camaraderie.”

The difficult road games the team played in will come to fruition as ACU travels to play a talented GCU team, said

Miller Ladusau, graduate outfielder from Heath.

“Once we go to GCU, it’s going to be important that we’re all aligned,” Ladusau said.

The adversity will help ACU against a tough GCU team. Its biggest strength as a team is going to be its pitching.

McCarty attributed the success as a pitching staff to the variation and work of his starters.

“I do think we’ve got a rotation that can pitch in Arizona,” McCarty said.

Pitching in the postseason will come down to the starters getting off on the right foot and having the bullpen come in af -

terward closing the deal.

“I think we’ve also got some bullpen pieces that can go out there, when called on, and pound the strike zone with some pretty good stuff,” said McCarty. He said he’s confident in the team’s pitching overall while also acknowledging the depth and versatility of the athletes individually.

“It always starts with starting pitching,” McCarty said. “I do think we’ve got a starting rotation that can pitch in Arizona. We’ve been able to play quite a few games in Mesa the last two years. The next step for us is to win it.”

golf exceeds expectations in first season

Regional Tournament in Bryan, which was scheduled to take place until Wednesday.

Head coach Rob Bennett was hired in the summer of 2022, which brought him back to Abilene from Louisville,

where he was the assistant coach for women’s golf. Before his year at Louisville, he was the Wildcat’s men’s golf assistant coach.

Building a program from scratch is no small task. Bennett believes the

team’s success is a result of its chemistry and the hardworking culture.

“We have a lot of skill, but we got along so well that we were able to, I think, reach our full potential,” he said.

Bennett said he knows

this culture helped to build a foundation for future seasons.

An important factor in this culture was the leadership of the experienced transfers that Bennett recruited, he said. Delaney Martin, a senior from

Boerne, joined the Wildcats with three years of experience at the University of Houston. Honea had been recruited by Bennett to play at Louisville, and so he drew on that bond to bring her to ACU.

Bennett and Honea each said their first tournament, the A-Ga-Ming Invitational in Michigan, was their favorite moment of the season. They both enjoyed how every member of the team got to travel for the tournament and got to make memories together.

Bennett said he knows there is more to be done even though the Wildcats came a close second in conference play this year. “Focus on good game plans, focus on good strategies to get ourselves ready for tournaments, the end result will take care of itself,” he said.

Softball swept by Grand Canyon in season finale, ending WAC bid

ACU will miss the Western Athletic Conference tournament after being swept in its weekend series at Grand Canyon University. The Wildcats entered the weekend series hoping to clinch a spot in the WAC conference tournament but fell short of their goal. In the first game of Friday's doubleheader, sophomore outfielder Olivia Marble led the game with a home run. Unfortunately for the Wildcats, that would be the lone run they scored in game one. Game one was a pitcher's duel, as the Wildcats only tacked on two hits through the rest of the game. GCU would take game one, scoring two runs on six hits. The second game had a much different feel. After both teams went scoreless through the first three innings, the Antelopes got the ball rolling with a four-run fourth

inning. ACU began the fifth inning with a single from Marble that allowed graduate shortstop Skylar Padgett to score. ACU tacked on five additional runs in the fifth inning to take a 6-4 lead. It wasn't long before GCU regained the lead with a six-run outburst in the bottom of the fifth. Alongside a three-run sixth inning, consistent hitting and solid defense propelled GCU to a 13-8 win in the second game of the series. The Wildcats were in a must-win situation going into game three. GCU came out swinging, scoring nine runs through the first three innings. ACU answered in the fourth with a two-run home run from senior catcher Avery Miloch.

GCU added a run in the fourth, giving them an eight-run lead, which they maintained through five innings, ending game three in a run-rule.

With the conclusion of ACU's season, head

12 | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | SPORTS
BY JOHN STAI | PHOTOGRAPHER Brett Lanman, freshman pitcher from Fairview, throws to the home plate.
next season. “Over
got a new strength coach and are working really well
get stronger and
sure that they're healthy.”
coach Abigail Farler will now look to the offseason to improve and prepare
the summer, the girls will train,” Farler
PHOTO COURTESY OF ACU SPORTS The women's golf team won a two-stroke victory at the Oral Roberts Invitational. BY STEVEN INFANTE | PHOTOGRAPHER Kaydee Bennett, sophomore middle infielder from Caddo Mills, throws the ball to first base.

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