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Metzger + Lefever | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

is a social network providing musicians with an opportunity to travel and perform with one another throughout the world. We are passionate about encouraging artists to reach their full potential. Creativity | Passion | Personal Expression | Pride | Community Responsibility

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010










Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Research Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

John Coltrane

Culture Influences


The scope of Ufonia’s research is based on music notes, band dynamics and performances and music instruments. The strong connection of all of these elements are vital to the developmental process.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Musical Instruments

The iconic image of a musical instrument speaks to all musicians and music lovers. These images provide an in-depth examination that establishes and defines who a musician is and what they think is important. For most, the strings of a guitar symbolize a music device that has been identified with a variety of different types of music. Our choice of abstracting the guitar came from looking at several guitar images.


The images illustrate accoustic guitars.

Musician Research

The third component of our research was compiled from images of musicians. The images shown are some of the best band’s throughout music history and are seen by the public as musician icons. Their dynamic work relationships are evident in their music as well as the album photographs that illustrate their friendship and camaraderie. 1 Lead guitarist and songwriter Kirk Hammett, Matallica 2 Acoustic/Rock/Jam band Dave Matthew Band (top) 3 Punk Rock, The Clash The Grateful Dead (bottom) 4 Rock Band, Tool (top) Keith Urban (bottom)

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Location Photography

The office building is located in an emerging urban neighborhood. Its adjacent to Denver’s new transit hub at Union Station, and nearby to the Lower Downtown Historic District and neighborhood bars, restaurants, retail and office spaces as well as Coors baseball field and the Pepsi Center.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


This top floor office affords splendid views of Denver and the Rocky Mountians. The building’s location encourages community connection and tapping into creative ideas from nearby businesses such as The Center for Visual Art, OZ Architecture, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, and Blues on Black Supper Club.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

IDENTITY Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


Mind Mapping Location Photography

Mind Mapping led us through the combination of words that are associated with music. Through a series of branches, there was one name that stood out to us– Euphonic. A musical sound or quality was something that we felt captured our values.

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Name Development

The name development for Ufonia started out with a mind map. It then extended further into lists of musical sounds. This allowed us to arrive at a variety of name choices.







We decided to go with euphonia because it was unique and best described the essense of our company. Eu–pho–ny: Pleasing or sweet sound; especially the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear. A harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

IDENTITY 15 | 16

In three variations of the spelling we examined the suffix of the word and to decide upon Ufonia.

Rough Picture Marks

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Ufonia’s experimental stage is based around music. Therefore the identity was encouraged to develop into a system of beautiful but simple marks. The musical note speaks volumes to all music types. It demonstrates in a simple mark–music as well as becomes the U in a name. It also is playful yet conservative. The mark captures the spirit of Ufonia.

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Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Finalized Vector Mark

Ufonia’s identity involves a culmination of music and community. We felt that by utilizingthe musical not, we would be speaking to every musician–young or old, rock or country. The music note shaped like a “U” also works as both a picture mark and a functional letter.

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Name Tests (fonts and weights)





Gill Sans light, regular, bold, bold Italic





ITC AvantGarde book, medium, bold




Futura medium, medium italic, condensed extra bold





Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

IDENTITY 19 | 20

Verdana regular, italic, bold, bold italic

Finalized Type Choice

We decided on ITC Avant Garde. We found that the medium weight fit the Ufonia best because it establishes a contrasting line weight that is distinct to the Ufonia logo.

Ufonia Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Logo picture mark and type

The experimentation of type lead to the choice of an Avant Garde, medium weight and a type design that mirrored the curving shape of the musical note. This was done by curving the terminals on all of the letter forms. The “n� was exchanged for the upside down musical noted to simplify the character as well as unifying the shapes.

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Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Color Palette

Ufonia’s color palette derived from several ideations associated with concert-like environments. The collection of several images acted as a reference for a variation of warm and cool colors. Ufonia’s signature color is maroon with the contrasting yellow. It is used liberally throughout the design systems. Collective Color Identity Pantone 143C: R: 242, G: 175, B: 50 Pantone 1685C: R: 133, G: 57, B: 31 Pantone 180C: R: 193, G: 56, B: 50 Pantone 1385C: R: 215, G: 118, B: 0 Pantone 7499C: R: 238, G: 232, B: 197 Pantone Process Black C: R: 29, G: 29 Pantone 653C: R: 32, G: 85, B: 138 Pantone 533C: R: 34, G: 49, B: 78 Pantone 2767C: R: 22, G: 43, B: 72

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Logo picture mark with color




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Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

3D Model Transportation

3D Model Designs

Ufonia’s identity is encompassed within several designs that are derived from the logo mark. During the development of the interior space we decided to focus on the receptionist area. As an entry way into Ufonia, it must assume the role of the entertainment arenas. The concept of the receptionists space was created to illustrate a stage–a place where a musician would play. The design of the propeller was exerpted from the dot of the U music notes. They were then trasnfered to a circular pattern to create both movement and a central point of the stage.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

3D Model Designs

Wall designs presented Ufonia with the opportunity to introduce another great design derived from the logo. In this case, the “U� note was used by duplicating and overlaying the shape which provided an interesting and simple design.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

3D Model Designs

The first phase of the 3D model of Ufonia’s reception space depicts the wall and floor designs. The wood ribbing introduced into the concept acts as a divider for the other office spaces as well as provides an excellent use of natureal light from the surrounding windows. The wood ribbing also illustrates the theme of a stage.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

3D Model Designs

The panaramic view of the space illustrates how the elements exist in harmony. The addition of the “goons� (Bon Jovi and Yoko Ono and John Lennon) in the model give the element of perspective. The desk emmulates the floor pattern that allows for a continuity of elements to co-exist.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


The design of transportation graphics are unique both in vehicle choice and graphics. We chose a scion convertable and a simple overlayed “U� as a graphic to represent Ufonia.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


The Ufonia tour bus affords the company the ability to provide transportation for performers to travel to concerts. The overlay design derived from portions of the logo creates a dimentional graphic.



Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010


The old Volswagon bus delivers a nostalgic and iconic image of a traveling band. In this iteration of transportation graphics, we thought this would be a playful example of a limousine.

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Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

COLLATORAL MATERIAL Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Letterhead + Business cards

343 Van Gordon St. Lakewood, CO 80228 801.949.2240 ufonia.com

Jody J d Metzger Creative C a v Director 8 - 4 800-345-4567 jmetzger@ufonia.com m t g w wu www.ufonia.com

343 Van Gordon St. Lakewood, CO 80228


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

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Promotional Posters

We felt the target customers “musician’s” of Ufonia would be enclined to notice concert events and inspiring images of great musicians. Image one announces a music festival. Image two shows Jerry Garcia playing a guitar.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Web Presence

Ufonia’s website is a site that welcomes new talent while also allowing the music community to connect to one another. Here a visitor may access their personal profile, view others, send musician requests and post their latest songs.

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Ufonia bathroom signage demonstrates the versatility of the logo mark. In these two examples of male and female symbols have been simplified by only legs and the logo mark for their upper torso.

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

INTERIOR DESIGN Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Furnature Research Key areas Programming Schematics Design Codes Sustainability

Contemporary Furniture Research

We felt contemporary furnature would best represent the Ufonia name. Ufonia is a dynamic music and web company that is seeking to push boundries and be innovative. It is only natural for us to want to entice Ufonia’s clients with the experience of simplistic lines and vibrant color palette.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Key Areas

These floor plans are a bird's eye view of some key rooms in the Ufonia offices. They help to illustrate thefinishes and furnishings in the Reception Area, Shared Workspace, Waiting Room and Music Studio, and Break Room.

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Key Areas

The Waiting Room features a variation of comfortable and flexible furniture configurations that allow for both resting, and impromptu meetings. The view into the Music Studio provides an ongoing connection to the work of the company.

The Art Team workspace gives employees both private desk/work spaces and easy collaboration. Large windows provide both light and views.


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Rendered Perspective

The receptionist point of view depicts the design derived from the Ufonia logo on the wall and the floor design.


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Schematic Design


Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Floor Plan


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Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great; some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

William Shakespeare, 12th Night

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

Metzger + Lefever | Sign + Symbol / Office Design | Summer 2010

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