Barrhaven Independent March 17, 2023

Page 9

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We are temporarily reducing our opening hours during the pandemic to reduce the strain on our staff & so we can continue to provide an essential service in helping you stay healthy.

More than 300 cm of snow have now fallen in Barrhaven this winter, which is the most since 2007-08. While the skiers and snowboarders are loving it, the high snowfall comes at a high cost to the city, and has also caused the RVCA to start talking about spring flood risks. For the complete story, see page 2.

BARRHAVEN Year 33 • issue 6 F r ee F r idaY • March 17 • 2023 SAVE TIME. SHOP ONLINE. Open Sunday-Saturday 7am-9pm 3777 Strandherd Dr. Nepean 613-843-9413 Lyne and Dave

Heavy snowfall brings high costs, potential for flooding

Will it ever end?

With the snowstorm that dumped more white stuff in Barrhaven in the first week of March, the total snowfall for this season has reached 308 cm. To put that in perspective, the rim on a regulation basketball court and the cross bar on a football goalpost are both 10 feet, or 304.8 cm.

This year’s snowfall is the most we have had in 15 years. In the winter of 2007-08, the community saw a ridiculous 432.7 cm of snow. The record snowfall for a season is 463.8 cm of snow, set way back in 1886-87 more than 75 years before Barrhaven was even a thing.

While the skiers and snowboarders are having the springtime of their dreams, the rest of the community is in a mess. Snowbanks are not only high but they are extending further onto residen-

tial streets than they usually would. As a result, parking on most Barrhaven residential streets is limited, and traffic on many side streets is one way only. The snowbanks have made it difficult for motorists to see oncoming traffic or pedestrians, including children walking home from school, as they back out of their driveways.

The City of Ottawa snow removal budget went up to $85 million from $82 million this year. Councillor

Tim Tierney, the Chair of the city’s Transportation Committee, says a snowstorm can cost the city anywhere from one to five million dollars. When there is this much snow, there are additional costs in removing snow and banks.

Barrhaven homeowners are already battling the highest snowbanks in 15 years.

There is no more room to put fresh snow that has fallen on driveways, and on many streets, there is nowhere to park. Snow that is being removed is ending up in the Barrhaven snow yard.

“We recognize the snow has to go somewhere,” said Tierney in an CTV Ottawa interview. “When it comes to street snow and where we’re putting them in dump trucks, our snow yards are successful. We have room for them.”

Barrhaven’s snow yard is in the southwest corner of the community near the bend on Strandherd Drive.

“They are out there; it is a very labour-intensive way of doing things,” Tierney added. “When you cut back banks, it requires a lot more effort and a lot more money.”

Residential homes have had the highest snowbanks in 15 years along sidewalks and driveways. snowfall continues on page 3

snowfall continues from page 2

Spring Flood Potential

While the warm weather will eliminate one problem as the high snowbanks melt down, another problem is on the horizon. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority’s Flood Forecasting team is working closely with its municipal and agency partners to prepare for potential spring flooding. As discussed below, it is important to be prepared for possible flood conditions over the next few weeks as spring returns to the Rideau Valley watershed.

The current short-term forecast indicates limited precipitation and seasonal temperatures (slightly above zero temperatures during the day and below zero at night); however, the daily temperature will begin to increase and there will likely be some rain as we move through March.

City of Ottawa crews have begun the annual ice removal program on the Rideau River between Rideau Falls and Bronson Avenue. Crews will work to keep the ice from

reforming until the spring freshet occurs

Based solely on the fact we have above-average snow water content and abovenormal water levels in some upper watershed lakes, there is potential for above-average flooding this spring across the Rideau Valley watershed, especially in low-lying areas which have flooded in the past.

Precipitation and temperature are two other key factors influencing actual flood conditions as we move through March and into April, which staff will monitor closely.

The short-term forecast suggests a slow melt with little precipitation, which is favourable for limited flooding for at least the first half of March.

With changing levels expected over the coming weeks, ice cover on lakes, ditches, local streams and rivers will continue to be unstable. Extreme caution should be exercised by everyone when near local waterbodies. Parents should inform

their children of the risks and provide appropriate supervision.

As the temperatures start to warm up, ice jams are possible in local streams and rivers, as flows could quickly increase before the ice can melt. Residents are advised to monitor their local waterbody closely for signs of ice jams as spring progresses. RVCA staff will be monitoring conditions, but they always welcome observations from watershed residents.

Potential flooding along roadways is also a concern due to current snow/ice buildup on roadside ditches and some roads.

Residents in flood-prone or low-lying areas historically susceptible to flooding should take the necessary precautions to protect their property, such as:

- Ensuring sump pump is clear, in good working condition and has a backwater valve

- Ensuring easy access to a portable backup generator and pump

- Ensuring downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 metres from the dwelling

- Securing items that might float away as flows increase

- Removing valuable

items from basements or lower floors that could be subject to flooding

- Keeping emergency phone numbers handy

- Familiarizing yourself with your municipality’s Emergency Preparedness


More information including the RVCA’s Flood Contingency Plan and real-time water level and stream flow data can be found at www.

“I loathe your sweet fart.”

“I swear is what I heard my wife say at the restaurant this past valentine’s day” explained a patient of ours as we discussed what motivated him to have his hearing assessed. As much as that time made them laugh, the errors were more often frustrating than fun. Addressing the hearing problem was overdue. He was also motivated by the new studies showing a link between untreated hearing loss and memory, cognition, and falls. And, he came to us for the customization – if he was going to do this, he was doing it right.

Hearing is surprisingly complex and individualized and so finding that right solution is not as simple a process as one might think. What works for one may not necessarily work for another. The good news is that there are many manufacturers allowing for a great variety of solutions to meet the multitude of unique hearing needs. The key to finding your needle in the haystack is to consult an Audiologist in an independent clinic where all brands are offered. Only then is a truly customized

solution possible.

Offering just that are our clinicians. They will research all of the product lines to find the one that is right for you, your hearing needs and the feature set you want. This approach is surprisingly rare in today’s retail settings, larger clinics and manufacturer owned chains. It has set Hearing Freedom apart for over 20 years.

It all started when a young new Audiology Graduate, Rosanne McNamee, interviewed seeking employment. She was left shocked and disheartened. The discussions had little to do with clinical knowledge and skills. They rather focused on the sales targets, the need to keep assessments short for efficiency and the requirement to limit prescriptions to one or two “preferred Manufacturers” for greater profit margins. That was not her idea of proper hearing health care. She felt strongly that everyone deserves what is best for them and their unique needs. The assessment being the foundation of everything needed to be most thorough. In addition,

she wanted to always consider everything available in the market in order to find the ideal solution for her patient. And so, she decided to set up her own business, doing it her way and putting patients first.

At Hearing Freedom, our patients are an active part of the whole process and there is no predetermined product or plan. Each and every patient’s intervention plan is truly as unique as they are. The experience begins with a 90-minute hearing assessment which is followed by a detailed needs assessment. Then, keeping both the assessment outcomes and the unique individual needs in mind, the Audiologist will take the time to research the market, considering ALL makes and models, so as to select the right product for that specific individual. This is followed by a 90-day trial period. This extensive trial ensures that the right solution is found.

In addition, there are no Hearing Instrument Practitioners or Hearing Instrument Specialists at Hearing Freedom. Patients are rather seen by experienced bilingual Audiologists, University

trained clinicians qualified to service both children and adults, whether they are private pay or third party supported (WCB, VAC, etc.).

Not only is hearing complex, so are today’s hearing aids. And, manufacturers differ greatly in what they offer. Dealing with the most qualified health care professional, in the most independent setting, is crucial to successfully addressing hearing loss. At Hearing Freedom you can be certain that you have chosen the best place to trust with your hearing needs.

So, if you, like our patient who now hears his wife’s “I love you sweetheart” properly, believe in your right to the best, fullest and most customized service available, make sure you book your appointment with one of our clinicians at Hearing Freedom. You’ll never regret your short drive to Manotick.

Parking is free. Home visits & Remote Care is available. Location is wheelchair friendly. For more information visit

BARRHAVEN INDEPENDENT F RIDAY, MA R c H 17, 2023 Page 3 Your Customized Hearing Care Experience Awaits! 613-692-7375 5528 Ann St., Manotick We are the right choice because we give you choice. Book now and support your locally owned clinic.
Snow removal workers have had a challenge in parking lots like the Minto Rec Centre.

Barrhaven’s Borrisokane Road is a long way from Tipperary Borrisokane is not a person, it’s a town that is home

the families that settled the area

Members of the original families to settle South Nepean laughed when they asked who Borris O’Kane was.

“Borris O’Kane is not a person,” Betty Clarke said. “Borrisokane is a town in Ireland where our families all came from. They all settled in the same area in what is now Barrhaven.”

In October, 2016, members of the Clarke, Houlahan, Moloughney and O’Neill families were at the Royal Oak to celebrate the renaming of what is now Borrisokane Road.

Located in Tipperary County in the province of Munster, Borrisokane is a small farming town of about 1,200 people located along the Ballyfinboy River in central Ireland.

“These families settled the

area in the 1840s, and what is amazing is that their descendants are still here, living in the community,” said former Councillor Jan Harder as she joined the members of the families after their trip to Borrisokane nearly seven years ago.

When the city unveiled its Legacy Project to rename parks after local families, the first farming families of South Nepean were included.

“We have Tierney Park, Nesbitt Park, Clarke Fields, Monahan Forest, Moloughney Park, Houlahan Park – these were all the original families that settled this area,” said Harder.

When Cedarview Road’s southern extension from Strandherd to Barnsdale Road needed a new name, Harder called Betty Clarke looking

for an idea. The Clarke family farm is on the road.

“It took me a few hours to come up with something,” said Clarke at the 2016 meeting. “I thought about all the names and then I thought about Tipperary Road, but there already was a Tipperary in Ottawa. Then I thought that since all of the families came from Borrisokane, that would be a perfect name to reflect the heritage of the original families here.”

The Clarke family visited Borrisokane in 2006 and it was a trip to the cemetery that really made the connection between the Irish town and Barrhaven hit home.

“We went to the Borrisokane Cemetery, and we were amazed that the names there and the names at the St. Patrick’s Church Cemetery in Fallowfield are almost all the same,” said Glenn Clarke.

While the Clarke farm is still intact, Barrhaven grew around the old Houlahan house, located next to the old Jockvale School.

“I remember when there was nothing around us,” said Pat Houlahan. “From my bedroom, you would just see land. Then, by 1980, I would look out and see rooftops.”

Houlahan shared a story about adjusting to his new life in the suburbs instead of life on the farm, despite his home never changing.

“It was in the late 1970s,” he said. “There was a groundhog in our garden eating everything. I grabbed my gun and shot at it. I missed it so I shot again. There were some French guys working on the

roofs of some houses, and they scattered for cover. I realized what had happened so I went over and banged on the door where they were hiding but they wouldn’t answer. So I just yelled at them that I was shooting at a groundhog, not at them. I’m not sure if they understood me, but eventually they started working again. Those were just things you did in the country back then, but we had to remind ourselves that we weren’t in the country anymore. I haven’t shot my gun since then.”

Several members of the original families went to an official renaming of the road before retreating to the Royal


“The renaming of the road

is a great tribute to the heritage of our community,” Harder said.

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for cake and some old fashioned Irish fellowship. Glenn Clarke visited the Borrisokane Cemetery in Ireland in 2006. He commented that many of the family names are the same as the ones at the St. Patrick’s Church Cemetery in Fallowfield.
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After the renaming of Borrisokane, members of Barrhaven’s original settling families joined Councillor Jan Harder, seated at front, for cake at the Royal Oak. Pictured with Harder are, middle row, Betty Clarke, Joan Houlahan, Phyllis O’Neill and Glenn Clarke. In the back row, left to right, are Linda Houlahan, Ron Houlahan, Pat Houlahan and Carmen Moloughney.

Feds grant $429,000 for accessibility projects at RVCA properties

Baxter and Chapman Mills conservation areas are fast becoming some of Ottawa’s most inclusive natural parks thanks to more than $429,000 in recent funding from the federal government.

Nepean MP Chandra Arya announced the funding through FedDev Ontario’s Canada Community Revitalization Fund at the Manotick headquarters of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), which it shares with its charitable foundation, the Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation (RVCF).

Baxter Conservation Area in Kars will receive a total of $279,900 from the fund to help replace its decommissioned marshland bridge with a stateof-the-art accessible span over the Baxter marsh. The funding also supports wheelchairaccessible learning platforms attached to the bridge to make the site’s outdoor education programs more inclusive.

Chapman Mills Conservation Area in Barrhaven will receive $150,000 from the same fund to replace its north-end pedestrian bridge with a safer, more accessible span.

“These projects would not have been possible without this incredible federal support,” said RVCA Chair Pieter Leenhouts. “We are excited to reopen both bridges to so we can properly welcome people of all ages and abilities to our beautiful sites.”

Work has already begun on both projects.

Nature For All

A dedicated volunteer committee has spearheaded the Nature For All project at Baxter Conservation Area, pursuing their goal to create Eastern Ontario’s most accessible nature destination.

Those efforts have included liaising and advocating within the community to increase support for the project. We thank

our valued community and corporate sponsors for their support, including generous financial contributions from:

- 100 Women Who Care

- 1st Greely Cubs

- City of Ottawa (Rural Community-Building Grant)

- Fjällräven

- Fedex Canada

- Girl Gone Good

- The Gosling Foundation

Being in nature is good for body and soul, but people with disabilities are disproportionately excluded from outdoor spaces because they’re inaccessible, unsafe or both. The RVCA has worked with renowned accessibility consultant Marnie Peters to create a matrix of the world’s best outdoor accessibility solutions and apply them to their infrastructure projects where possible going forward.

“Nature and wilderness should be for everybody,” said Mike Nemesvary, founder of the Nature For All commit-

tee and long-time accessibility advocate. He has been visiting Baxter in his power wheelchair for 20 years, after a training accident in his 20s left him paralyzed on his path to becoming a world champion freestyle skier. His motivation to transform Baxter began with “a sincere desire to share with everyone of all ages and abilities this underutilized gem of a local

park with its 80 hectares of interpretive education centre, boardwalks, trails, sandy beach, camp site, wilderness and multi-layered ecosystemsall within Ottawa’s city limits,” Nemesvary said at the funding announcement on Dec. 15.

“Every idea starts with a dream, and that dream must be manifested by bringing together the right group at the right

time who share attainable objectives,” said Nemesvary. “We fundamentally knew it would be a challenge, but we plowed ahead methodically with our planning and research. Slowly but surely, others started to see how much more we could do.” To learn more or donate to the Nature For All project, visit

Baxter and Chapman Mills conservation areas received more than $429,000 in recent funding from the federal government. Nepean MP Chandra Arya announced the funding through FedDev Ontario’s Canada Community Revitalization Fund at the Manotick headquarters of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), which it shares with its charitable foundation, the Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation (RVCF).


The old Tim Hortons we all know is just fading away

The ongoing internal feud at Tim Hortons between some franchisees and Restaurant Brands International, Inc. (RBI), Tim Hortons’ parent company, is nothing short of epic.

RBI stormed into the lives of Tim Hortons franchisees in 2014 by way of a multibillion-dollar merger between American fast food restaurant chain Burger King and Canada’s top coffee shop and restaurant chain, Tim Hortons. After it acquired Popeyes in 2017, it became the fifth-largest fast-food operator in the world.

Brazil’s 3G Capital, which focuses on cost management and penny-pinching measures, was behind the deal, along with the famous Warren Buffett.

The group creates value by cutting, restructuring, and leveraging the value out of its supply chain to support global brands. When 3G Capital acquired Tim Hortons, the aim was to do just that and make Tim Hortons a successful global brand.

But early on, ideologies clashed between the old guard and the newly formed company. Franchisees prided themselves on being incredibly community-focused. And they were. Tim Hortons dominated the market by monopolizing hockey rinks, soccer fields, and small-town Canada.

RBI’s series of marketing blunders included several new products on the menu which made little sense. The delayed loyalty program launch, the introduction of meatless products – the disasters just piled on.

But RBI turned the marketing fortunes around and has had a few marketing coups of late: several appropriate seasonal changes to the menu, the incredibly successful “Tim Biebs” campaign, and the launch of highly successful breakfast cereals.

The franchise now has stores in 15 countries, including India and Pakistan. Tim Hortons will have 3,000 stores in China by 2026. The chain currently operates a little over 3,500 stores in Canada. Tim Hortons will have more stores outside of Canada than within Canada in just a few years.

The goal for RBI is this: the parent company wants Tim Hortons to be more like the Burger King franchise structure, which is another RBI division. A Burger King franchise owner will operate 150 restaurants on average, not just two or three. This comes with much less corporate and personal pampering, higher supply chain efficiencies and sound cost-management practices. When most franchise owners operate around 150 restaurants, consensus on these features is easily attained.

Bottom line: when someone purchases a franchise, especially in the food sector, that person is simply buying a sponsored management position within a larger network, which comes with some support and moderate perks. That support will change with different ownership; when ownership changes, franchisees should also expect rules to change. In food franchising, particularly, franchisees are rarely in control, no matter how successful their stores are.

Since Subway is now for sale, store franchisees around the world should take note.

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is senior director of the agri-food analytics lab and a professor in food distribution and policy at Dalhousie University.

© Troy Media


Fear and loathing in Rivière-du-Loup

The following events happened between May 27-28, 2012.

May 27, 10:30 a.m. – I call the court house in Rivière-du-Loup, QC. “You will be in court at nine o’clock tirty,” says the clerk in her thick French accent.

May 27, 1:15 p.m. – I fill up the Arctic Stallion and look at the three original tires that have not exploded on the highway yet. They are looking bald and nasty.

and graphs. I’m screwed.

May 28, 9:56 a.m. – They call my name, and I approach the bench. I am informed that the translator did not show up, and the court will have a break.

from the other side

May 28, 10:20 a.m. –

We are called back in. No translator. The clerk – Miss nine o’clock tirty herself –calls me into a side room.

May 27, 3:37 p.m. – I’m just about on my way. Sheila the Australian GPS lady tells me it’s a seven-hour drive.

May 27, 6:12 p.m. – I am idling in the parking lot known as Montreal. “Traffic ahead,” Sheila says in her Aussie accent. Thanks Tips.

May 27, 8:04 p.m. – I am almost through Montreal. I look at the speed limit sign. The minimum speed limit is 60 kmh. I am going three.

May 27, 9:44 p.m. – I am somewhere past Drummondville in R.R. 2 Ville de Nowhere. Bang, pop, loud shaking. Mon Dieu, I thought. Mon tire a blasté.

May 27, 10:14 p.m. – Okay, this is awkward. I have to go to the bathroom. Number 2. And it’s not just any number 2. I can tell by the gurgling in my stomach that this is not going to go well. I am driving through the woods for 700 km, and the one moment I have the runs I am stuck in the most welllit, unprivate stretch of highway in Canada. I see a bundle of newspapers on the back seat. It’s not quite Cottonelle, but it will have to do.

May 27, 11:02 p.m. – A tow truck shows up. Maxime had to use a sledge hammer to get the remnants of the exploding tire off the car, but I was on my way. I still had more than 300 km to go but, evidently, the spare is only good for 100 km and I can only go 70.

I am told that there will be no trial today, and instead of having to come all the way back, I am going to be made an offer. The ticket will be reduced to 125 in a 100 zone instead of 125 in a 70 zone. I was going to explain to her that my cruise was set at 115 and there were no indications that the speed limit was 70 instead of 100, but she stopped me in my tracks. “Two points, $90 fine,” she said. Where do I sign?

May 28, 10:28 a.m. – I walk back to Canadian Tire, praying and thanking God for what just happened. Seriously.

May 28, 11:03 a.m. – I get the paperwork, and walk to the line at the cashier at Canadian Tire. OMG! Who is in line in front of me but le grand Officeur, Monsieur Ouellette, himself. He sees me, and he is furious. I want to toss a greeting his way, but I am guessing he is not in the mood. He looks me in the eyes and points in my face. “I will be watching you all the way home,” he said. What was he doing at Canadian Tire anyway? Wouldn’t the rage medication be at Jean Coutu?

5567 Manotick Main St., P.O. Box 567, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

News and Editorial:

Advertising and Marketing:


Staff/Contributors: Gary Coulombe, Larry Ellis, Skyler Fraser, Goldie Ghamari, Wilson Lo, Jeffrey Morris, Greg Newton, Irene Staron.

The Barrhaven Independent is published every other FRIDAY in Manotick, Ontario. Letters will be edited for length, clarity and libellous statements. Display rates are available on request. The Barrhaven Independent is not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other material used for publication purposes.

May 28, 4 a.m. – I pulled into to Rivièredu-Loup. There is a Canadian Tire two kilometres from the courthouse. I pulled in, set my cell phone alarm clock for seven o’clock tirty, and slept in the car.

May 28, 8 a.m. – I take my clothes, toothbrush and razor to McDonald’s across the road and pull myself together in the men’s room. I walk back to Canadian Tire and struggle through the language barrier as I ask for new tires. I start walking to the courthouse.

May 28, 9:30 a.m. – It’s nine o’clock tirty and we are sheepled into the courtroom. Monsieur Ouellette, the cop who ticketed me, is there and he brought two cops with him. They have easels and charts

May 28, 11:05 a.m. – I pull out of the parking lot of Canadian Tire, and from out of nowhere, Le Grand Officeur, Monsieur Ouellette, pulls out and is tailing me. I am white knuckling the steering wheel. I put cruise control on for 10 km below the speed limit. He is following me – tailgating me –and he is like three feet behind my car. I am ready to crap myself. I glance in the back. I still have lots of newspapers.

May 28, 11:23 a.m. – Le Grand Officeur Monsieur Ouellette finally pulls the rip cord. I hear a woop from the siren, see his lights flash, and he turns around at a U-Turn thingy in the highway. So long, butt face.

May 28, 12:35 p.m. – I stop for gas and head into A&W. I’m not even out of the parking lot yet and I am covered from head to toe in ketchup stains. So predictable.

May 28, 6:58 p.m. – I arrive home, having made sure that I did not go any faster than 102 kmh during any stretch of the drive home. Next time I go to Nova Scotia, I think I will drive on the American side rather than go through Quebec.

FOR ALL ADVERTISING IS THURSDAY PRIOR AT 12PM All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by employees of Manotick Messenger Inc. are protected by copyright invested in the publishers of the Barrhaven Independent.

Op Ed: Flirting with nuclear war over Ukraine

As a child in the early 1960s, I recall being instructed by my public school teacher on how to assume the “turtle position” under my desk in case of an incoming nuclear missile. The Cuban missile crisis had brought the USSR and the United States to within a hair’s breadth of nuclear war over Cuba.

Six decades later, we’re hearing echoes of similar nuclear madness. Russian

President Vladimir Putin started it by making references to the possible use of nuclear weapons after encountering strong resistance to his invasion of Ukraine last year. Last week, he upped the ante by suspending Russia’s only nuclear arms control pact with the U.S., the New START agreement.

Others are piling on. Last week, the Alphen Group, a network of prominent European security thinkers, released A Comprehensive Strategy to Secure Ukraine’s Future. On nuclear weapons, it recommends that “responding in kind should

remain an option”, though “a range of sub-nuclear responses should be designed, including a massive cyber-attack on Russian forces and/or the Russian Government or the possible destruction by conventional means of Russia’s ability to conduct the war.”

What’s making diplomacy so difficult? It’s the challenge of resolving the core geopolitical contradiction: the new world order still coexists alongside the old world order. Great Powers and others still have the coercive power to assert national interests over international law.

Following the Second World War, the new world order was meant to operate on UN legal principles such as peoples’ self-determination and the inviolability of sovereign borders. “Spheres of Influence” was not at all a legally recognized principle.

During the Cold War, the U.S. and the Soviet Union carved out exclusive spheres anyway. Because of the cataclysmic potential of war between them, any competition

could only occur by proxy in other countries, notably Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East. And it came dangerously close to disaster over Cuba.

Unfortunately, Great Powers and others still operate this way when it suits their interests. Ukraine is the latest case in point. Russia wants its neighbour Ukraine back inside its sphere, while NATO and its allies defend Ukraine based on modern legal principles. In the Russian version, NATO is a tool for expanding America’s own sphere of influence. It believes the west only invokes law when it suits our interests.

Last week’s UN resolution calling for Russia’s complete withdrawal, supported by 141 countries, is ignored.

Russia points accusingly at American interventions around the world, and the U.S. points at Russia in Syria, Africa and elsewhere. While the Ukrainian people fight desperately for their security and freedom, neither side trusts the other enough to enter peace talks.

China adds a third challenge to diplomacy. It, too, plays the

Spheres of Influence game when national interests are at stake. Its Belt and Road expansionism, dominance over Tibet, border clashes with India, oppression of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, retaking of Hong Kong, claim to the entire South China Sea, and demand to possess Taiwan all fit the mould.

So can there be any hope for peace? Actually, yes. Ultimately, in waging proxy wars, nuclear powers normally see that peace is preferable to mutual annihilation.

Amid all the warmongering, peace signals have recently emanated from two very different sources. First, the Chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, reiterated his view that the conflict will almost certainly result in stalemate and end in negotiations.

Then, last week, China announced its own 12-point peace plan for Ukraine. Though it did not call for Russian withdrawal – and was thus dismissed by the Biden Administration –China’s plan did assert that “The sovereignty, independ-

ence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld.” Ambiguous on other points, it declared that: “Nuclear weapons must not be used and nuclear wars must not be fought. The threat or use of nuclear weapons should be opposed.”

Coming just days after China also released its little noticed Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, it appears that the country is determined to take the high road on global peace. Unfortunately, with its threats against Taiwan, such positioning cannot be seen as entirely sincere. Indeed, China’s proposal came amid reports that it was considering supplying Russia with drones as the next step in deepening relations. Still, it was enough to encourage Ukrainian President Zelensky to start planning a visit to Beijing.

We must, nevertheless, remain wary of miscalculation when nuclear options are brandished.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy gave good advice after the Cuban crisis: “Above all,

while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy--or of a collective deathwish for the world.”

The U.S. and Russia reached an accommodation over Cuba, which, to this day, remains a sovereign state just off the coast of Florida.

Unless we want our children hiding under school desks again, it’s time for the parties involved to begin concerted diplomatic efforts to avert further escalation and achieve peace and security for the Ukrainian people.

Randolph Mank is a former Canadian diplomat and business executive. He currently heads MankGlobal consulting, serves on boards, and is a Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and the Balsillie School of International Affairs.

Braid disagrees with column, says ‘Just Transition’ is a win-win LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

The Editor,

So the right-wing Canadian Taxpayers Federation is warning us that the “Just Transition comes with big costs.” Like so many pro-oil voices on Canada’s rightwing fringe, our friends at the CTF seem to have the unfortunate habit of staring into the wrong end of the telescope. They’re expressing concern over the costs associated with the Just Transition, but those pale in comparison to the costs of not addressing Climate Change, which remains an existential threat. In the words of Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s Minister of Climate and the Environment, “think whatever you like, but this is going to change. Because the world is not going to commit collective suicide. And if we don’t decarbonize, that’s what we’re

doing.” (Globe and Mail, February 17, 2023.)

Listening to the CTF and some of Canada’s Luddite Premiers, one could easily get the impression that continuing with the status quo is actually an option, when clearly it is not. In fact, the transition to a low-carbon economy is already underway. Sadly for this country, years of foot-dragging by useless politicians has left Canada scrambling to catch up. Like the Globe and Mail article states, “Norway already has the lowest perbarrel carbon emissions in the world among major producers,” whereas “Canada is highest.” With investors increasingly reluctant to fund carbon-intensive projects, Canada needs to start decarbonizing--and quickly.

What is profoundly ironic about this entire so-called

“debate” is that the major players in the Oil industry are already onside with decarbonization. The six companies forming the Pathways Alliance organization represent 95% of Canada’s Oil Sands production and they say they have a “plan to achieve our goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.” The feds are completely onside, as indicated by their recent introduction of a 50 percent investment tax credit. That move earned rare praise from the Albertabased Pembina Institute’s Jan Gorski, who recently stated, “this is an important signal from the federal government that, far from unfairly targeting the industry for punishment, it is willing to work with the sector to achieve decarbonization in a way producers themselves have identified as workable

and non-damaging to their operations.”

Despite what the CTF might think, that sounds like a win-win! Andy Braid

Letters to the Editor welcome at

No injuries after firefighters battle garage blaze in Half Moon Bay

There were no injuries as a fire that started in a garage was quickly and successfully put under control by local firefighters.

At approximately 11:19 a.m. on Sat., March 4, the Ottawa Fire Communications Division received a 911 call from a home owner who reported a fire in the attached garage of their two storey single family home on Russet Terrace off of Alex Polowin Avenue and River Mist Road.

The homeowner told the dispatcher that all the occupants had exited the home. The homeowner also advised that in the garage were two cars, a propane tank and cans of gas. The first Ottawa Fire Services apparatus arrived on scene four minutes after being dispatched and confirmed heavy smoke coming from the double garage.

At 11:24 a.m., a “working fire” to dispatch additional apparatus to the scene. Firefighters began a fast attack

to extinguish the flames in the garage. At 11:29 a.m., Firefighters began a search through the home to confirm there were no occupants inside. At 11:38, Firefighters had completed two full searches of the home and confirmed there were no additional occupants inside. At 11:52 a.m., the fire was declared under control. Firefighters checked the attic and confirmed there was no extension inside the attic. Fire crews used high pressured

fans to ventilate all the residual smoke out of the home.

Due to the quick response, combined with the fast attack, Firefighters contained the fire to the attached garage before it could spread to the rest of the home. A fire investigator has been dispatched to the scene to determine the cause and origin of the fire.

Ottawa firefighters battled a garage fire in Half Moon Bay March 4.

New program could help local students get a career in trades

As local construction companies struggle to find and then retain employees during the current and projected housing boom in the area, a new provincial program has been introduced to encourage young people to enter the trades.

The Ontario government is preparing young people for indemand and well-paying careers by allowing students in grade 11 to transition to a fulltime, skilled trades apprenticeship program. Upon receiving their Certificate of Apprenticeship, these young workers can apply for their Ontario Secondary School Diploma as mature students. At a time when the province continues to face historic labour shortages, this change means that more students will be able to enter the trades faster than ever before to help build Ontario.

“These changes provide students with exciting pathways to good-paying jobs and rewarding careers and support our government’s ongoing work to attract more young people into the skilled trades,” said Premier Doug Ford. “Whether it’s enhancing trades education in our schools, breaking down barriers for newcomers or upskilling workers, we’re leaving no stone unturned to train the skilled workforce that will build Ontario.”

In the construction sector alone, 72,000 new workers are needed in Ontario by 2027 to fill open positions because of retirements and expected

job growth. To help deliver the province’s infrastructure plans, including building 1.5 million homes by 2031, more people are needed in the skilled trades.

“For far too long, parents and students have been told the only path to succeed in life is by going to university, which is simply not true,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “When you have a career in the skilled trades, you have a career for life. Our government will continue to provide students with the tools they need to land well-paying and life-long careers.”

The government will begin consultations in fall 2023 with employers, unions, education stakeholders, trainers, parents, and others about ways to make it even easier for young people to enter a career in the trades. This includes the potential of lowering entry requirements for some of the 106 skilled trades that currently require a grade 12-level education.

“To ensure all students can get ahead in this province, we are accelerating pathways from high school to apprenticeship learning and ultimately, a career in the skilled trades,” said Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. “Our government’s mission is to fill the skills gap by better connecting Ontario students to these good-paying jobs, helping many students who may not have graduated, now gain a credential that leads them to meaningful employment.”

Locally, this is big news as the area continues to see growth in housing starts. For the past few years, Barrhaven has rivalled Vaughn in the Greater Toronto Area as the fastest growing suburb in the province, while just across the 173-metre Vimy Bridge, neighbouring Riverside South is still experiencing growth. For the past few years, the City of Ottawa has been pushing growth to housing projects in the villages of Richmond and Manotick. Minto’s Mahogany Community in Manotick has several hundred units planned, while the Caivan and Mattamy developments in Richmond are expected to see well over 1,000 new homes built.

“This program will be an important part of the growth in our community,” said Carleton MPP Goldie Ghamari, whose riding includes Riverside South, Findlay Creek, Stittsville and the rural villages of Manotick, Richmond and Greely among others. “We are in a high-growth area of the province, and this apprenticeship program will play an important role in addressing the shortage of skilled workers available to local construction companies and developers. It will also provide an exciting opportunity for high school students wanting to work in the skilled trades.”

MPP Ghamari also said the program will provide opportunities for young people to work closer to home.

“While many professionals in the public and private sector commute into the city to work,

the trades offer employment opportunities right here in our community,” she said. “The chance to work close to home without having to commute an hour or more both ways downtown Ottawa is good for the employers, good for the workers, and good for the local economy in the communities surrounding Ottawa.”

The Ministry of Education is working to recognize up to 30 credits required to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) for individuals with a Certificate of Apprenticeship or equivalent.

It takes between two to five years to complete an apprenticeship.

- 1.2 million people are working in Ontario’s skilled trades. Many of them are set to retire over the coming years.

- There are over 140 skilled trades in Ontario.

- Recently, there were nearly 285,000 jobs in Ontario going unfilled, while about one in five job openings in Ontario are projected to be in the skilled trades by 2026.

- Since 2020, Ontario has invested nearly $1 billion to make it easier to learn a trade, breaking the stigma, attracting youth, simplifying the system, and encouraging employer participation.

“Young Ontarians who are contemplating their future career options should know that working in the construction trades by starting a registered apprenticeship on track towards becoming a Journeyperson can offer a lifetime of

opportunity and prosperity,” said Marc Arsenault, Business Manager and SecretaryTreasurer – Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario. “Meeting growing demand for skilled construction labour in order to secure Ontario’s housing and infrastructure needs will demand better attraction and retention of apprentices. Jobsite health and safety is best ensured through apprenticeship training and today’s announcement can bring us a step closer towards securing the next generation of safe and productive construction trades professionals.”

“The new ‘Grade 10 to Apprenticeship Pathway’ announcement by Minister McNaughton, Minister Lecce and the Ontario Government will help thousands of clients we serve, most of whom are barriered youth. The trades are not only an ‘in-demand’ opportunity but provides a well-paying long term career. We are so pleased that the government continues to invest in Ontario’s future

through our youth and innovative programs like this,” said Timothy Lang, President and CEO, Youth Employment Services.

The program will combine academic learning with hands-on experience, apprenticeship allowing young people to develop valuable skills, earn money, and gain a sense of pride in their work. It is intended to open doors to endless opportunities and empowers young people to shape their own future.

“Today’s announcement further highlights the provincial government’s commitment to promoting careers in the skilled trades. By allowing students after grade 10 to pursue apprenticeship opportunities is a clear signal to both students and parents that a career in the skilled trades is a career for life. Over the next decade, Ontario’s housing, transit, and infrastructure objectives will be built by those beginning their apprenticeship journey today,” added Steven Crombie, Chair, Ontario Skilled Trades Alliance.

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Ottawa Fire Service p

Maddy’s Gala returns, tickets for 14th annual event on sale

Tickets and tables are now on sale for the 14th Annual Maddy’s Gala.

The fundraiser for Roger Neilson House is hosted by the Otto family of Barrhaven as a celebration of Maddy Otto, who passed away from an inoperable tumour at Roger Neilson House at the age of 5 in 2007.

Maddy was entering senior kindergarten at Jockvale Public School.

The first Maddy’s Gala was organized by a group of friends in 2008. At the time, the goal of the event was to raise $10,000 for Roger Neilson House. Heading into this year’s event, the Otto’s and their team of friends and supports have raised more than a million dollars as a legacy to Maddy.

The last Maddy’s Gala took place in the winter of 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic began. The last two events had to be cancelled because of the pandemic and restrictions.

“There were times when we wondered if there would be another gala,” admitted Jeanine Otto, Maddy’s mother. “But we have surpassed a million dollars and there is still a lot of momentum. People are interested in the gala and they are looking forward to the event.”

Maddy’s Gala has grown into one of the premier fundraising events of the year in Ottawa. Dean and Jeanine Ottawa, and their oldest daughter Hannah, have become one of Ottawa’s best known philanthropic families.

“There will be some changes to the gala this year,” Jeanine said. “We won’t be showing the video of the photos of Maddy that we have in the past. We also have an 80s theme for this year’s gala.”

Maddy’s Story

On July 15, 2007, the Otto family was at the lake, building their family cottage. Maddy had a nap, and when

she woke up, she was speaking with a slur and there was something not quite right. They decided to take her to CHEO. They learned that she had a seizure during her nap.

Maddy had another seizure shortly after arriving at CHEO. A CT scan showed that she had a brain tumour that had ruptured. It was inoperable. The little five-yearold girl that had been the spark of their lives and the life of every room she had ever been in was now being given 24 to 48 hours to live.

Within a day, the Ottos were surrounded by family members. They came from Peterborough, where Dean was from. They also came from New Brunswick, where Jeanine was from. They even had relatives arrive from Alberta and the Yukon.

Two days after her initial seizure, she was moved to Roger’s House, where she passed away surrounded by family and friends. She died peacefully at Roger’s House,

surrounded by a strong and loving family. A sudden death of a child would crush a typical family, but there is nothing typical about the Ottos. They have celebrated her life by creating a legacy of fundraising that has been driven

by the strength, courage and love of their little girl.

From its humble beginnings, the event has grown through the years to become one of the premier events of the year for the Sens Foundation and Roger Neilson

House. This year’s event takes place at the Infinity Centre Sat., April 29.

For more information on Maddy’s Gala or to purchase tickets or a table, visit www.

BARRHAVEN INDEPENDENT F RIDAY, MA R c H 17, 2023 Page 9 Contact Beverly McGrath to book your visit | 613-515-5105 Our Westpointe community offers residents a new path for living. Providing peace of mind and freedom, so you can focus on living your best life. MORE THAN JUST SENIOR LIVING. IT’S A NEW LIFE. OPENING SOON INBARRHAVEN We o er a Full Continuum of Care Independent, Assisted Living & Memory Care Inclusive Care Options BOOK YOUR PRE-OPENING SUITE PRICE TODAY! NOW OPEN PRESENTATION CENTRE
The 14th annual Maddy’s Gala takes place at the Infinity Convention Centre April 29.

Manotick Art Association

The Manotick Art Association is thrilled to announce that its annual spring show and sale, “Inspirations”, will be back again this April 21-23.

The show will take place at the Curling Club in Manotick, 5519 South River Drive, and will feature the works of 41 area artists. The show runs Friday, 6-9 PM; Saturday, 10-4:00; and Sunday, 10-4:00. Entry is free and there is plenty of parking, as well as an accessible entrance.

The show brings a breath of fresh air into the community after a long winter through a feast of vibrant colours and images. Visitors can enjoy viewing landscapes, abstracts, florals, and wildlife painted in oils, watercolours, acrylics, pastel, batik, and wood. There are also several photographers showing their art.

Many of the artists will be familiar to long-time patrons of Inspirations, but we are excited to welcome several new and exciting artists to the line-up this year. We are also pleased that

the new layout adopted in 2022 was much appreciated by both patrons and artists, and so we will keep to what worked well for everyone.

“The show will also feature live music on each of the three days,” said Giedre Abromaitis, President of the Manotick Art Association.

“Scott Voelzing will entertain our guests on Friday evening. Saturday 1-3, will feature Chad Wolfe on fiddle and Patric Hamelin on piano, and on Sunday, Velvet Touch will be playing light jazz from 1-3:00. Try your luck at winning a gift card to some of Manotick’s favourite establishments. Just fill out a ballot with name, phone number, and email so that we can contact you when you win!”

This year the Manotick Art Association is also introducing a People’s Choice award on each of the show’s three days. Each visitor will be able to complete a form indicating which painting they liked the best. Each day, these ballots will be tallied and the artist acknowledged.

The show also has a philanthropic element as it continues to support local and area charitable organizations.

“The Manotick Art Association has always taken pride in supporting charities through the proceeds of our

spring show,” said Abramaitis. “This year we will be supporting The Ottawa Mission.; their need is great

lovers, but it is for everyone.

“Come out to the spring show! We would love to see

inspiring, and family friendly. Art, in any of its forms, beautifies and enriches our world. The painting that

Page 10 FRIDAY, MA R c h 17, 2023 B ARR h AVEN INDEPENDENT CALL 613-825-0099 GRANT FINANCIAL KEN GRANT, CFP 41B Fable St., Barrhaven Income Tax Preparation • Personal, self emPloyed, Business • esTaTes • CurrenT & laTe TaX reTurns • GsT/HsT Barrhaven Needs Crossing Guards Join us at 613-238-1513
Inspirations Art
returns April 21-23
The Manotick Art Association’s Inspirations Art Show returns to the Manotick Curling Club in April.
BARRHAVEN INDEPENDENT F RIDAY, MA R c H 17, 2023 Page 11 We’re so excited to see you all. Thank you for your constant support over the last years. You have no idea how much it is appreciated. Cheers to you all! 2364 ROGER STEVENS DRIVE SpecialS Mon-Sat 11:30am-9:00pm Sun 11:30am-8:00pm 613-489-2278 Monday Wings • Tuesday Burger Mania • Wednesday riBs • Thursday: Fish & Chips • Friday-sunday our FaMous priMe riB Delivery Monday to Sunday within 7 km radus of the pub Seatsonourheated coveredporch! Wednesday-Sunday 8am-2pm Monday and Tuesday closed 613-838-2222 6152 Perth Street, Richmond, ON, K0A 2Z0 All dAy breAkfAst! lunch stArts At 11Am We do cAterings And privAte pArties As Well! SHOP and dine LOCaL Marlene L. Grant Professional Corporation Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Certi�ed General Accountant (CGA) Marlene L. Grant 23 Montavista Avenue Nepean ON K2J 2P2 Tel: 613-823-6878 Fax: 613-440-5180 Email: Are you ready for tax time? Contact us for all your corporate and personal accounting and taxation needs. "IT ALL ADDS UP " Are you ready for tax time? Marlene L. Grant 23 Montavista Avenue Nepean ON K2J 2P2 Tel: 613-823-6878 Fax: 613-440-5180 Email: Contact Marlene L. Grant Professional Corporation for all your corporate and personal accounting and taxation needs. CPA, CGA


1. Belonging to a thing

4. Pass or go by

10. Partner to cheese

11. Subjects

12. U.S. State (abbr.)

14. Bits per inch

15. Forestdwelling deer

16. Illinois city

18. A salt or ester of acetic acid

22. Wholly unharmed

23. Cuddled

24. Bane

26. Global investment bank (abbr.)

27. Oh my gosh!

28. Arrive

30. Famed Spanish artist

31. Home of “Frontline”

34. Group of quill feathers

36. Keyboard key

37. Army training group

39. Detail

40. Pole with flat blade

41. Football play

42. Makes unhappy

48. Island in Hawaii

50. Back in business

51. Of an individual

52. Painful chest condition

53. Tropical American monkey

54. Matchstick game

55. For instance

56. Even again

58. Popular beverage

59. Evaluate

60. Time units (abbr.)


1. Stain one’s hands

2. Nocturnal hoofed animals

3. Back condition

4. Popular movie alien

5. City of Angels

6. Peaks

7. Infantry weapons

8. Left

9. Atomic #99

12. Told a good yarn

13. Vale 17. Resistance unit

19. Aquatic plant

20. Bluish greens

21. About some Norse poems

25. Reinforces

29. Egyptian mythological goddess

31. Supportive material

32. Subatomic particle

33. Expired bread

35. Cereal grain

38. Goes against

41. Walkie __

43. One who does not accept

44. Beliefs

45. Indicates near

46. Brazilian NBA star

47. Grab quickly

49. Romantic poet

56. College dorm worker

57. Set of data


Raiders drop weekend pair, wrap up season Sun., March 19 at home

The Nepean Raiders opened the month of March with a 3-2 win at home over Pembroke but then dropped a pair of Central Canada Junior Hockey league games over the weekend.

The Nepean Raiders hosted the Pembroke Lumber Kings at the Nepean Sportsplex Steve Yzerman Arena on Wed., March 1.

Ben Forget got the nod in goal for Pembroke while Joshua Branton defended the goal for Nepean.

The two teams traded chances in the first but it was Jordan Graham with the best chance for Nepean taking a Brayden Potvin pass and entering the Pembroke zone on a mini breakaway but his deke attempt was blocked by Forget.

The Raiders set the pace in the second period and ended their 147-minute scoring drought on a goal by Shane Moodie who finished a great play by Owen Hardy. Luke Posthumus picked up his 23rd assist on the play.

Posthumus made it 2-0 Nepean after a truly highlight-reel goal where he beat the entire Pembroke team before fooling Forget with a cheeky goal. The goal was officially credited as unassisted but Wade Bolton made the initial pass.

Pembroke tied it up with a pair of goals by Pratt Stetson and Sacha Trudel. The first goal came on a 5-on-3 PowerPlay with Tristan Caldwell (Cross Checking) and Wade Bolton (Roughing) in the box. Trudel’s goal came just as the 5-on-4 PowerPlay had ex-


Nicholas Papineau was the hero for Nepean swatting home a pass from Brandon Reinisch to put Nepean up 3-2. Anthony Rivard had the other helper on the goal.

Pembroke pulled Forget for the extra attacker and it almost paid off early but Cam Hicklin rang a shot from the high slot off the far post. The Lumber Kings were buzzing but Branton made the stop with one second left on the clock to force a faceoff to his right.

On Sat., March 4, the Raiders travelled to the Ed Lumley Arena to take on the Cornwall Colts. It was a must-win game for the Colts, who are fighting for a plyoff spot. The Colts had little trouble with the visitors, winning 10-1.

Joshua Branton started in goal for Nepean while Dax Easter got the start between the pipes for Cornwall.

Caden Eaton opened the scoring for Cornwall rifling a shot from the high slot over the glove of Branton to make it 1-0 Colts. Nathan Garnier picked up his 18th of the season on the PowerPlay with Nicholas Larkin in the box for Slashing. Kobe Tallman snuck a sharp-angle shot by Branton to give Cornwall a three goal lead.

The middle frame started well for Nepean as Curtiss Sturgeon picked up a shorthanded goal after Tristan Caldwell’s Boarding penalty late in the first period carried over into the second. Nicholas Larkin fed Sturgeon on a long lead pass that gave him a breakaway where his shot low to the glove side beat Easter to put Nepean within striking


Cornwall had other ideas though as they struck for six unanswered goals in the second. Bradley Fraser scored twice, followed by Keanu Krenn, Nathan Garnier, Justin Ouellette, and finally FernandOlivier Perron to make it 9-1. Branton was chased after the second Fraser goal and Luca Sandu came in to relieve Branton. The line on Branton was 13 saves on 18 shots.

The third period was quiet with only Keanu Krenn finding the back of the net.

On Sun., March 5, the Nepean Raiders visited the Navan Memorial Centre to take on the Navan Grads and lost 7-3.

Luca Sandu got the start between the pipes for Nepean while the league leader in wins, Braedyn McIntosh was in goal for Navan.

Tio D’Addorio got things started for Navan with his 18th of the season beating Sandu high over the blocker on a shot from the high slot.

Blake Butler made it 2-0 after pouncing on a shot that carombed off the back boards and beat Sandu to the near post. Michael Urgo picked up a short-handed goal with Max Donohoe booked for Cross Checking. Gabriel Crete won the race to the puck behind the Nepean goal and sent it out in front to Urgo who had his initial shot blocked by Sandu before roofing the puck over a prone Nepean netminder.

Nicolas Papineau got Nepean on the board with a shot from the left faceoff dot beating McIntosh through the fivehole for his ninth of the season. Anthony Rivard picked up the assist.

D’Addorio picked up his second of the game on some good lateral puck movement by the Grads that had Sandu moving from side to side but the blast beat the Raiders’s keeper to the far post. Blake Hall made it 5-1 on a breakaway beating Sandu low blocker side. Owen Parsons put Navan up 6-1 on a PowerPlay goal with Luke Posthumus in the box for Slashing. The Raiders made a goaltending change with Joshua Branton coming in to relieve Sandu.

Papineau then picked up his second of the game on the PowerPlay with Calum Chau in the box for Interference.

The goal came on a howitzer from the left-handed shot at the right-faceoff dot. Jackson Barnes and Seamus Lockhart had the helpers.

Owen Parsons scored his second of the period and 28th of the season to put him in a tie for fifth place in CCHL goals.

Jack Matsukubo picked up his tenth goal of the season in the third on a sharp-angle shot after Luke Posthumus made a nifty move in the neutral zone to give himself a mini breakaway. Posthumus’ attempt was thwarted by defenseman Cameron Vassos but the puck found Matsukubo at the edge of the right faceoff circle and he made no mistake burying it

past McIntosh.

The Raiders wrap up the season Sun. March 19 at home as they face the Hawkesbury Hawks. Face off at the Stevie Y is 2:30 p.m.

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Owen Hardy leads an attack for the Nepean Raiders. The Raiders play their final game of the season at home Sun., March 19 at 2:30 p.m. against Hawkesbury at the Steve Yzerman Arena.
programs for amputees.

Saint Patrick’s Day’s Irish origins date back more than 1,000 years

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17, the Saint’s religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick’s Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. people would dance, drink and feast–on the traditional meal of Irish


bacon and cabbage. Saint Patrick, who lived during the fifth century, is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. Born in Roman Britain, he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at the age

of 16. He later escaped, but returned to Ireland and was credited with bringing Christianity to its people. In the centuries following Patrick’s death (believed to have been on March 17, 461), the mythology surrounding his life became more in the Irish culture: Since around the ninth or 10th century, people in Ireland have been observing the Roman Catholic feast day of St. Patrick on March 17. Interestingly, however, the first parade held to hon-

or St. Patrick’s Day took place not in Ireland but in the United States. On March 17, 1762, Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City. Along with their music, the parade helped the soldiers reconnect with their Irish roots.

Today, people of all backgrounds celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, especially throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. In modern-day Ireland, St. Pat-

rick’s Day has traditionally been a religious occasion. In fact, up until the 1970s, Irish laws mandated that pubs be closed on March 17. Beginning in 1995, however, the Irish government began a national campaign to use interest in St. Patrick’s Day to drive tourism and showcase Ireland and Irish culture to the rest of the world. Today, approximately 1 million people annually take part in Ireland ‘s St. Patrick’s Festival in Dublin, a multi-

day celebration featuring parades, concerts and fireworks shows.

A few Irish “Toasts”“May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door”. - “May you die in bed at 95 years, shot by a jealous wife”. “May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live”.

Erin Go Bragh (Ireland Forever)

Barrhaven O’Barrhaven has a strong Irish heritage

Go around Barrhaven, and you’re likely to encounter Barrhaven’s Irish roots.

Our brief history is populated by names like Berrigan, Long, Madden, Mulligan, Nesbitt, Stinson, Tierney, plus those we now spell differently, like Neill and Gleeson, originally Neil and Gleason.

Poorer farmers from the British Isles, including many from Armagh,

East Barrhaven Ward Report

Wilson Lo,

Mountshannon, Shandon, and Tipperary, Ireland, settled in what’s now Barrhaven on plots of land with less fertile soil and fewer transportation links. The wealthier farms

were located closer to the Ottawa River along modern-day Richmond Road, where the more fertile soils and better transport links were located.

As I wrote two weeks ago, Barrhaven’s history is short, but it’s worth learning about. It’s not all Irish, but much of it is.

The land the poorer settlers were able to afford, the eventual need for a road connecting the

Rideau River with Richmond Road (what’s now Jockvale Road), and a pivot from the original plans for a racetrack by

Mel Barr on the Larkin farm (two more Irish names) culminated in what’s now our home.

Barrhaven is going

through some truly monumental growth. It’s the luck of the Irish catching up with us. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

BARRHAVEN INDEPENDENT F RIDAY, MA R c H 17, 2023 Page 15 Summer Season Youth & Adult 75% full - register soon! Use the code: MULTI to receive a $20 discount when registering a participant for a second season Spring Season Ages 3-15 SOLD OUT IN 2022 Soccer registration is now open Register by March 30 to guarantee a place in the Spring Program Register by April 16 to receive the early-bird rate for the Summer Program EARLY BIRD PRICING Two great options for U3-U15: Want to join both seasons? Visit to register &








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