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We should make our greetings meaningful when we meet people

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Community Calendar

Community Calendar


by Larry Ellis

We often begin a conversation with “Hi, how are you?” without any interest in an answer. Sometimes, we are shocked when the person responds with honesty and being willing to express the truth of the time or situation. The “National Can-

STORY continues from page X

Though this is a temporary measure and does not fully address the issue of truck traffic in Manotick, it is a step toward providing some needed relief for residents in the Village and the Mahogany Community. Our office will continue working with staff to ensure that every effort is made to continue reducing truck traffic in Manotick.

The principal challenge is that staff have argued that removing Manotick from the City’s truck route network would require a comprehensive truck route review. However, staff only plan to review the City’s truck route network when a bridge is built between Ottawa and Quebec. Put simply, the trigger that staff are using in considering a review is inadequate.

Our office is working with the Mayor’s office and Council colleagues to address this. During the 2023 budget cycle, one of only two priorities we brought to the Mayor’s office for attention and consideration was funding a truck route review with the goal of getting the trucks out of Manotick; it remains the top priority in communicating with the Mayor.

We have invited the Mayor, City staff, and several Councillors to come and visit Manotick this spring to observe the heavy traffic for themselves to better understand the issue. We believe that if Council saw the scale of this issue adian” greeting challenges our desire to be self-sufficient individuals. We are reminded that we become our best in a community, a community created by the people we meet along our path, a community of our friends, family, and neigh- firsthand, they would agree that action must be taken to address it.

Working with Council colleagues, we are attempting to secure votes to provide new direction to City Staff to do a truck route review sooner and more regularly. Once again, a comprehensive truck route review is necessary to make long-term changes to the existing truck route network to finally get the bours.

We must “work together” should run through our minds every time we shake hands, fist bump, or smile at someone. We should look for the joy in every relationship. Every relationship is a partner- trucks out of Manotick. ship. Together, we can partner to do things we are powerless to do alone.

The challenge in advancing a motion through Council is that Councillors often defer to staff recommendations and expertise to inform their decisions. As staff are recommending a different direction, it takes considerable time and effort to convince fellow Councillors that circumstances demand that action be taken despite staff recommendations.

We share our towns and cities with people who have different convictions than we do. Even when people are different from us, we can work together

It is important to note that if a matter is brought to Council and is voted down, it cannot be brought to Council again during this term. This means that if a matter is unsuccessfully advanced at Council, it will set back progress for years. We must therefore ensure that we have the votes necessary to succeed at Council before bringing motions forward.

Once again, we remain gladly. No matter what our background or beliefs, we all share in the same human condition. People and partnerships should always spark joy as we work together to build a community where everyone can flourish. committed to taking every reasonable action possible to get trucks out of Manotick. This most recent change is a step in the right direction and we will continue pursuing solutions that advance the goal of getting heavy trucks out of Manotick once and for all. For questions and comments, residents are encouraged to connect with my team and I at ward21@ ottawa.ca


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Heavy ice broke tree limbs onto wires, such as this one on Mitch Owens Road, contributed to the power outages.

Ice Storm was worst in South Carleton area since the major storm of 1998

Even though we are a few weeks into spring, winter has left an exclamation point on the snowiest season in 15 years.

A freezing rain warning left Manotick and surrounding area in a mess after the April 5 storm destroyed trees and knocked out power in one of the worst ice storms seen since the epic Eastern Ontario ice storm of 1998.

Pockets of Manotick, Richmond, North Gower, Kars and most surrounding communities were without power for two days or more, while some neighbourhoods experienced only light flick- ering as felled trees hitting power lines in the city and throughout the city caused problems with the grid.

Hydro Ottawa workers were working throughout Good Friday and were scheduled to work into the evening and night to restore power in the areas still in the dark.

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School buses were cancelled for two straight days – the first day because of the of fog. Manotick Dental clinic Always Accepting New Patients storm continues on page 11 storm continues from page 10

The City of Ottawa’s Forestry Services have received hundreds of requests regarding fallen trees or limbs across the city on the day of the storm. They and their partners were prioritizing work to address fallen trees and debris that were blocking streets or those that may be a hazard to residents or property. Once hazards broken limbs, non-hazardous removals, and brush/wood cleanup. It is expected that these weather-related service requests will be their focus for several weeks.

Residents are advised to stay safely away from broken and hanging branches/limbs or leaning trees. Please also be aware of ice chunks melting and falling from above.

LRT was once again a victim of winter weather. A total of five trains were stuck on the tracks after what OC Transpo tweeted was a power issue. It was the highest number of trains to ever be stuck on the line at once. One eastbound train had more than 100 passengers stranded on board until firefighters cut a fence and helped them get to throughout the day. More than 35mm of liquid precipitation was recorded at the Ottawa International Air- port, breaking the previous April 5 precipitation record of 34.4 mm set in 1984. Several flights in and out of Ot- tawa were cancelled, causing problems for travellers looking to get away for the Easter long weekend.

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