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Kiwanis Club’s support for youth includes facilities in the community

By Ralph Tweedie ManoTick kiwanis cluB

For over 62 years the Kiwanis club of Manotick has been supporting major community projects in and around the village. Our pride in the community can be seen in our commitment to the development of the infrastructure which supports it. We have always done this by working with others to advance the vision of a neighborhood where our youth can prosper.

In 1964 the Kiwanis Club bought the Ayers building on the corner of Mill and Dickinson streets to house the Manotick Public Library. When the library outgrew this building, we sold it to acquire the funds to finance the current library building.

In the ensuing years we have continued to invest in public infrastructure. We have contributed to the Long Island Aquatic Club to help get it started. We contributed to the rebuild

Kiwanis News

Ralph Tweedie

fund of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 314 after its original structure was destroyed by fire. We continue to support the Manotick Legion by holding our meetings there from September until May.

In 1974 we helped to finance the Manotick Arena. More recently we donated $25,000 to the expansion of the arena and a further $25,000 for facility upgrades in Centennial Park.

Other recent facility investments include the Mahagany Harbour dock ($25,000), The roof at Watson’s Mill ($20,000) and the Kars Arena ($10,000).

Throughout the year we focus on community events. We try to be there for families or seniors in urgent need of help. We work with other community minded organizations, including ROSSS, Yoma, our four Key Clubs and local Scout and Cadet Troops to deliver these services. Does it take a village to raise a child? While many of our activities revolve around direct support to youth, we realize that by helping to provide the needed facilities to support these services we all prosper together. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

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