1 minute read
Viewpoints on facts can get us in trouble and cost a lot
The Editor, There is nothing wrong with a diversity of viewpoints. I for one don’t think much of any of our federal political leaders and I think Doug Ford has done quite well: these are all valid viewpoints.
But let us not confuse the value of differing viewpoints on contestable issues with arguments about well established facts. Those who are vaccinated, for example, are far less likely to be seriously ill and hospitalized when they get
COVID. In other words, they are far less likely to cause a needless expense to our health system.
Yes, there are some risks associated with any vaccine and some people with certain medical conditions can justifi- ably be excused from taking it but compared to the benefits the risks are miniscule. What gives a fellow citizen the right to cause needless expenses to our health care system paid for by our taxes?
I don’t see the anti-vaxers
(or their supporters) offering to pay for these hospital expenses! Laws have been enacted that require the use of seatbelts in cars, speed limits, obeying stop signs, and yellow fever vaccination if you have entered a country where that disease is present, and you then wish to enter almost any other country in the world. These are all to protect us from ourselves and others. Is a vaccine for COVID any different?
Bob Ryerson,PhD, FASPRS