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LocaL EvEnts
• Ottawa Futsal Club entering their 29th season indoor soccer. Youth boys & girls, women, men & coed. Players / teams wanted. All skill levels. League starts October ends April 2020. Please go online at www.futsalottawa.com. Early bird ends September 21st
February 3 & 4, - Shiverfest
Hosted by Manotick Village and Community Association (MVCA) Shiverfest | mvca
to the
• Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or by contacting newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com.
Thanks to the colder temperatures and hard work of volunteers at Manotick Culture Parks and Recreation Association (MCPRA), the outdoor skating rinks in the village are open! To keep everyone safe, the City has a list of rules for outdoor rinks. Go to https://ottawa.ca/en/
After suffering numerous concussions, Melita Wyche turned to coaching.

• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
Saturday; February 11 - Rural Youth Expo
Hosted by Youth of Manotick Association (YOMA)10 am to noon in the Kiwanis Community Hall, second floor at the Manotick Community Centre (Arena) For rural youth https://www.yoma.ca/ 613-296-1202.
• Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or by contacting newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com.
In thE communIty Ever wonder how to find out about what’s going on where and when? https://www.manotickvca. org/calendar info@manotickvca.org
After suffering numerous concussions, Melita Wyche turned to coaching.
It is fun to see everyone out tobogganing on the popular hill at Centennial Park affectionately known by all as “Manotick Mountain”. Enjoy the hill but please remember to stay safe. The City has a map of approved hills and some safety tips for you. Go to city of ottawa website - Sports fields and outdoor recreation | City of Ottawa
• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
Manotick Public Library activities for residents of all ages. https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/programming-calendar
• Friday Night Country Music & Dance Club The Greely Legion the fourth Friday of each month. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128.
MACAW hosts programs and activities at Manotick United Church - weekly puzzle library 10 am –Noon https://www.manotickmacaw.com/
• Thursday Fun Night for adults and children. An optional supper at 5:45 pm. Indoor soccer/games, crafts, or nursery for ages 0-11. Parenting course, Alpha course, or Growing in Faith/Hearing God course for adults, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. To try it out contact, discipleship@trinitybiblechurch.ca
YOMA – Youth of Manotick Association offers regular activities and resources for local youth in Grades 4-12. Check out the website for details or follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 0https://www.yoma.ca/
• Tuesday Dance Party The Greely Legion hosts live music on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613826-6128.
Watson’s Mill – Things are quiet at the Mill right now but the virtual tours are available all year round. https://watsonsmill.com/
• Friday the fourth play, Greely 613-822-1451 • Tuesday the 1st pm. listen Mitch 826-6128.
Ottawa’s LRT issues aside, Ward 21 has two primary bus routes that service Manotick, Richmond, Munster and Fallowfield Village.
Prior to the pandemic, many residents took advantage of these routes to commute to work. However, with many working from home, these last three years have seen extremely low ridership. Indeed, on some routes, ridership remains only at a third of its pre-pandemic levels. With federal employees returning to the office two to three days a week, OC Transpo anticipates an increase of ridership, but it is yet to be seen whether this increase will make our Ward’s transit system viable long term.
I’d like to hear from you about your plans to take transit.
1. I f you take the 283 or 176, does your current route meet your needs?
2. Would changing the timings of the route make it easier for you to take transit?
3. Would changing the route to add an alternate destination in Barrhaven with the option of a transfer downtown be of interest?
4. I f you were a user of transit before, do you plan on using transit again?
With the growth of our villages, I am receiving requests for increased bus service. One of the challenges is the cost and level of interest.
Residents in Munster, Richmond, Fallowfield and Manotick are charged the RT-A transit levy on their tax bills. This levy is assessed at $100 or every $100,000 of assessed property value, meaning if your home is assessed at $400,000, you are likely paying close to $400 a year on your property taxes.
I have received wideranging feedback from residents. Many are looking for better service so transit can become a viable option, whereas others do not use the service and would prefer to see a decrease in the transit levy on their taxes.
I’m looking for options, ideas, suggestions and comments about our transit service. Please visit my website at ward21. ca or call my office at
613-580-2491 to complete the short survey. Based on the feedback, I will be looking to host an in-person consultation meeting with transit staff so residents have an opportunity to express their opinions directly to transit staff.
Church Office 613-692-2082 Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9-4

The Reverend Kerri Brennan e-mail office@stjames-manotick.ca Web site: www.stjames-manotick.ca
Mass tiMes Saturday 4:30p.m., Sunday 9a.m. 11a.m Weekdays Wed., Thu. 9a.m., Fri. 9:30a.m. Office: 692-4254 www.stleonardsparish.ca Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. EMAIL: office@stleonardsparish.ca