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Why I chose to celebrate Canada Day each and every year

By Roslyn Kunini

Canada isn’t big on flagwaving and drum beating. From our beginning 156 years ago, we have avoided heroics and concentrated on the quiet goals of peace, order and good government. Unlike so many other countries, we have largely achieved our aspirations

In Canada, we take peace for granted. In over a century and a half, we’ve had one little land war here –the war of 1812 against the United States. The heroine was Laura Secord, a woman who went out with her cow to warn troops of oncoming enemies. Her name is commemorated as a brand of chocolates. The results of the war were sufficiently indecisive that both sides claimed victory.

Very few countries haven’t experienced wars, whether from invasions or violent civil insurrections. Peaceful Canada is very special.

Peace is a major component of order. Two other ele- ments of an orderly society are safety and plenty. Rape and robbery are rare and the perpetrators are almost always caught and punished under the rule of law. Children are taught to go to police officers if they’re in danger. In many other places, the police are the danger.

Too often we forget to enjoy the plenty that we have in Canada. The lack of sufficient supply to meet one’s needs continuously disrupts people’s lives in so many places. Basic things like food, water, fuel or power aren’t always at hand and can’t be relied on.

We can say much about Canada’s government – not all positive. However, our government has been good enough to provide peace and order and protect the basic freedoms we enjoy. One other factor that makes Canada so special is that, for over 150 years, we’ve peacefully changed our governments at federal, provincial and local levels.

People and political parties can oppose government policies and present alternatives without fear of being arrested, exiled or shot by those in power.

Any citizen can stand for election. We can freely vote for whom we choose or even choose not to vote. We can rely on our vote being counted and, when a leader or government is defeated at the polls, they actually step down. A cursory glance at the media tells us that this isn’t the case everywhere.

Canada is a great country, as all the people who have chosen or aspire to come here can remind us. Let’s fix what needs fixing but appreciate what we have.

Troy Media columnist Roslyn Kunin is a consulting economist and speaker.

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