The Ottawa Carleton District School Board trustees voted to no longer have a police presence in their schools, but they have no problem calling the police to come to their meetings.
For the second time this winter, the Ottawa Police Service was summoned by the OCDSB during one of its public meetings.
A Manotick father was in the middle of speaking to the board when he was abruptly shut down by Trustee Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, who was acting board chair for the meeting. He was in the middle of a four-minute presentation when he was cut off by Kaplan-Myrth, who then called for a recess.
The presentation made
by the Manotick parent was ended because the board considered it transphobic. The board’s Chair, Lyra Evans, who is trans gender, had already walked out of the meeting.
The OCDSB released a statement following the meeting.
“In making a written submission to be a delegate at the March 7th meeting, the individual asked to speak about issues regarding inclusivity in the context of helping defuse conflict and bullying and ensuring the safety and mental health of students,” the statement read. “Once the individual began their presentation it was clear the intention was to speak in opposition to trans students using washrooms according to their gender identity, which was not the topic pre-
sented in the delegate’s submission. Due to concerns that the presentation was transphobic and could be used to promote hate or discrimination against trans youth, the chair ruled the delegation out of order.”
Following KaplanMyrth’s ruling made in consultation with staff, the meeting went into recess. A group of adults attending the meeting was angry about the ruling and were asked to leave.
The Ottawa Police Service was notified and went to the OCDSB office. The individuals left before police arrived.
“The OCDSB reaffirms our commitment to cultivating safe working and learning spaces where trans and gender-diverse students, staff, family members and community can express their
authentic self and feel welcomed and belonging. Individually held beliefs or feelings of discomfort are not a justifiable reason for discriminating against trans and gender-diverse community members,” the OCDSB said in the statement.
Nick Morabito responded by creating a post on YouTube, which included footage of his presentation and an explanation of what he was trying to say and why he does not consider it offensive.
“I was given four minutes to speak,” Morabito said. “I was cut off a minute in. I was told that my comments were endangering gender diverse folks.”
continues on page 4
I would like to thank everyone who came out to Carleton’s International Women’s Day Breakfast held at Danby’s Restaurant in Richmond March 8.
International Women’s Day began in 1911 and was first recognized in Denmark, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. More than one million women and men attended IWD rallies campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination.
It wasn’t until 1975 that International Women’s Day was marked by the United Nations.
Today, the world has witnessed a significant change and attitudinal shift in both women’s and society’s thoughts about women’s equality and emancipation. There are more women
in the boardroom, greater equality in legislative rights, and an increased critical mass of women’s visibility as impressive role models in every aspect of life. The unfortunate fact is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women’s education, health and the violence against them is worse than that of men.
However, great improvements have been made. Events like our breakfast may be small, but when there are countless breakfasts like ours held
around the country and around the globe, the world takes notice.
Talking to people at local events is one of my favourite parts of being an elected official. I was able to spend time with teachers who came in for breakfast before the school day, professionals on their way to work, and retired women who are relentless volunteers in the community with organizations like the Richmond Lions Club, the Manotick Legion, Osgoode Youth Association and many other local organizations.
I would also like to give a heartfelt thanks to Danby’s Roadhouse on Perth Street for providing exceptional food and service while in the midst of renovations.
goldie continues from page 2
It was truly a great day for the women of Carleton, and it gave us a chance to raise awareness for the rights and accomplishments of women local, nationally and internationally.
Personally, the breakfast made me reflect on my own journey and how humbled, fortunate and honoured I am to be a woman elected to serve all people at Queen’s Park.
Ontario is expanding the province’s new employment services to five more regions to help more people who can and are able to work find better jobs and earn bigger paycheques for themselves and their families. The improved system will help thousands of unemployed people in London, Windsor-Sarnia, Kitchener-Waterloo-Barrie, Durham, and Ottawa find rewarding jobs close to home.
These new employment services are already in place in Peel, Hamilton–Niagara, Muskoka–Kawartha, Halton,
York, Stratford–Bruce Peninsula and Kingston–Pembroke. By the end of 2023, expansion will be underway in Toronto and Northern Ontario.
Early results from the regions that launched first with these new employment services shows they are helping those who need it the most:
- Of the 63,233 people on the path to a job, over 23,000
Quick Facts
are social assistance recipients
- More than 2 in 5 are people with disabilities
- Nearly 1 in 5 are disadvantaged young people, often with prior involvement in the criminal justice system These changes build on the government’s ongoing mission to build a stronger Ontario for the next generation
- The system managers for the new regions are: City of London in London; City of Windsor with Workforce Development Board Windsor Essex in Windsor–Sarnia; Serco with Deloitte Inc. and Thrive Career Wellness Inc. in Kitchener–Waterloo—Barrie; The Regional Municipality of Durham with Durham Workforce Authority and
Durham College in Durham; International APM Group/ WCG in Ottawa.
- As of the third quarter of 2022, 364,045 jobs were going unfilled in Ontario. In the Windsor-Sarnia area, there were 13,060 vacant jobs.
- Employment Ontario is supported through labour market transfer agreements between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
Office Notice:
My office is open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. If you require assistance on any matter, please contact me at any time. My staff and I will be happy to assist. Even if it’s not a provincial issue, I’ll make sure to connect you with the proper office.
Your voice at Queen’s Park
oCDsb continues from page 1
Morabito says that his comments were not targeted at the transgender and non-binary population. Rather, they were aimed at protecting his children from potential predators.
“The main point I was trying to make, and I would still like the opportunity to make this point, is that under this current bathroom inclusion policy, anyone from the general population – not a trans person or a non-binary person, but anyone – can pretend to be something they are not and identify as something they are not to get access to these bathrooms and these change rooms for whatever reason. That is a risk that I don’t think is fair for them to ask us parents to accept. There is a solution, and we should be able to talk about it.”
During his presentation, Morabito raised concerns that a teenager who was assigned the gender of male at birth, would be able to use the same washroom as his 12-year-old daughter without supervision.
“I wasn’t present at the board meeting that pushed this policy through, and I can’t figure out when this was done,” he said.
Morabito said he is concerned for the safety and inclusivity of all people. He added that “this is about having appropriate and safe boundaries for progression, and doing things in line with the parental community’s wishes.”
At that point, he was interrupted by Kaplan-Myrth.
“On the grounds that this creates an unsafe en-
vironment for people who identify as gender diverse, I’m going to have to ask you to end your delegation.”
Morabito reacted by asking how he was creating an unsafe environment, Kaplan-Myrth did not respond, but called a recess.
Morabito then responded by saying, “You guys are cowards, honestly. I have 10 and 12 year old daughters. I have every right to speak.”
At that point, members of the audience began to vocalize their support for Morabito’s right to speak at the meeting.
“He had four minutes to speak,” yelled one member of the audience. “Who are you to stop him? You work for the public. He’s a member of the public and a concerned parent and you’re not even listening to him.”
While Morabito was not able to finish his presentation at the meeting, he did read the rest of it on his YouTube post.
“I wonder how many parents know that trans female students, traditionally classified as male in gender, are allowed in their daughters’ bathrooms and change rooms unsupervised when each school has a gender neutral private bathroom that can be used instead,” he said.
Morabito held up a copy of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s policy on gender identity and gender expression.
“The gender policies in this document that I am holding were first drafted in 2016,” he said. “I can’t
seem to find the board meeting minutes where the parents were involved and agreed to any of these policies. Yes these policies are a reflection of the On-
tario human rights code, but they could have been implemented in such a way as to satisfy the entire community.”
Morabito said that the
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actions of the board contradict the fundamental tone of its own policy.
oCDsb continues from page 4
“The first line of this document states that all students and families of students need to feel physically and emotionally safe. A gender-neutral bathroom seems like the safest and most comfortable place for a student who identifies as trans or non-binary,” he said. “Pretending that sexual predators don’t exist, and that someone can simply pretend to be trans or non-binary to take advantage of this loop hole, or concerning that there is no risk or reason to be concerned that a student with a 14-yearold young man’s body is in the bathroom unsupervised with our daughters as young as 12, or pretending to change in the change room naked, and being exposed to unsuspecting girls of all ages, is not a cause for concern or at the very least an infringement on those girls’ safe spaces, comfort and rights, is the issue I am speaking to.”
Morabito asked that if and
when a sexual harassment, indecent exposure or safety incident does occur, how does this help the trans community?
“When you have angry parents who are forced to pick a side on this, when they would typically support all things related to inclusivity but have no choice but to object to this, how does that help the trans community? It doesn’t.”
Morabito is calling on the board to do two things. First, he would like to see the current policy revisited with an open dialogue involving parents and the community. Secondly, he would like to see, until this issue is resolved, a rule at schools put in place where transgender and nonbinary students use only the gender-neutral bathrooms.
In an interview with CityNews, BarrhavenKnoxdale-Merivale Trustee Donna Blackburn said that had he been permitted to finish his presentation, perhaps the
board would not have been so quick to dismiss him as a danger or threat to the transgender community.
“I didn’t see anything in what that gentleman was saying to be hateful or offensive,” she said. “I think he was just trying to share his concern. I think, at the end of the day, if he would have just been allowed to finish what he had to say, any of my colleagues could have asked him questions for clarification -- it probably would have been over and it wouldn’t have been a big hoopla. But, when you cut somebody off -- I did hear some people from the gallery shouting. I think people were legitimately upset.”
CityNews also got a comment from Kaplan-Myrth. They asked her if cutting off delegates set a bad precedent by not giving someone their right to freedom of speech.
“Actually, the bad precedent is that people think they
can intimidate, bully, harass and bring their hate into our space – that they think they can use boards of education as a locus for their racism and discrimination,” she said to CityNews Ottawa. “That’s the bad precedent.”
Two days after the meeting, Kaplan-Myrth received an anti-Semitic death threat referencing her actions at the ODCSB meeting.
She posted the threat on Twitter and wrote:
“At our @OCDSB meeting in #Ottawa March 7, I did my job. March 8, this arrived. Don’t look away. Don’t be indifferent. This vitriol is a threat to us all. #Antisemitism and #transphobia have no place in our society. #EnoughIsEnough #TransRightsAreHumanRights”.
Morabito shared her tweet and added a comment.
“Sickening and complete-
ly undeserved. When concerns surrounding children are present shutting down open dialogue creates anger but no excuse for this disgusting display of hatred.”
Kaplan-Myrth also received anti-Simetic threats
after a meeting in which she fought unsuccessfully to mandate the use of masks in all of the board’s schools. Morabito is planning on attempting to make another presentation to the OCDSB at their April 4 meeting.
Political attacks on the Indian Act are back in the news, and that is a good thing.
However, Canadian politicians, including First Nation politicians, need a credible plan about what to do before we pull out the champagne.
Attacking the Indian Act is not a big deal for these politicians. First Nation leaders routinely criticize this relic of our distant colonial past, but nothing seems to happen to make their lives better.
Recently, it was Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s turn to swing a stick at the Pinata.
“The Indian Act is a disaster. It is a racist, colonial hangover that gives all the
control to self-serving, incompetent politicians and bureaucrats and lobbyists in Ottawa and takes away control from the First Nations themselves,” Poilievre told Global News.
Of course, he is correct. Racist? Check. The architects of South Africa’s apartheid regime looked to the Indian Act for inspiration. Colonial? Check. The legislation removed control over political life and took resources away from First Nation communities and placed it in the hands of a colonial elite. Fast forward to now, and those colonial elite are federal bureaucrats.
The last time our politicians discussed a credible plan to repeal the Act was in 1969 with the infam-
ous White Paper. The government of Trudeau père proposed changing the relationship between Indigenous communities and the Canadian state in a fundamental way. Fear of the unknown and justifiable concern over abandoning treaties and collective rights caused First Nations at the time to come together to oppose the proposed changes.
Harold Cardinal, a young but prominent Indigenous leader from Alberta, said it best: “We do not want the Indian Act retained because it is a good piece of legislation. It isn’t. It is discriminatory from start to finish. But it is a lever in our hands and an embarrassment to the government, as it should be. No just society and no
society with even pretensions to being just can long tolerate such a piece of legislation, but we would rather continue to live in bondage under the inequitable Indian Act than surrender our sacred rights.”
However, it would be incorrect to say First Nations have not moved away from supporting the Act. First Nations can now remove themselves from some or even all of the provisions of the Indian Act through self-government agreements and various legislative escapes covering many areas of jurisdiction.
But moving away from the Act in its entirety would be a very big feat. They could attempt if Ottawa can create enough goodwill and political
capital with First Nations communities.
If Poilievre or another politician wants to repeal the Indian Act, it would be helpful to compare the debate with that over the Canada Health Act, which imposes a top-down system that undercuts innovation or reform at the provincial level. Both show how distant bureaucrats are unsuited to making decisions for local communities.
The Indian Act forced First Nations across Canada to adopt the same governance, community membership, and economic restrictions despite a high level of diversity among communities. One idea is to make it easier for First Nations to opt out of provisions in the Act that don’t
work for them. Or Ottawa could allow more regional decentralization on policy and service delivery. The principle of subsidiarity holds that every issue should be decided at the lowest level possible, involving all those affected. This should apply to Indigenous communities.
The federal bureaucracy overseeing First Nation communities should loosen its tight grip on Indigenous communities and allow them to experiment and innovate through local selfrule and decentralization. This is the first step on the ways towards abolishing the Indian Act.
Joseph Quesnel is a Senior Research Associate with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.
© Troy Media
We are four months into the next four years of this term of council. It has been a busy time for the Ward 21 team.
In the first few months
I’ve tried to meet with every community association, notfor-profit and registered charity that has reached out so I can understand the challenges they are facing. As I wrote in a previous Manotick Messenger article, most of the community activities in our villages are run by volunteer groups and associations.
These activities and events are a major part of the charm
of living in small rural villages, and so it is my goal to help them as much as possible.
Afterall, these are community events, run by community volunteers for the benefit of the community.
I’ve also been able to host a weekly drop-in day on Thursday at the old Rideau Town-
ship Townhall in North Gower for residents to stop by and raise concerns that they have. The level of interest from residents has been fantastic.
One of the best comments I have heard from numerous residents is how easy it is to speak with either myself or a member of my team. I’m fortunate to have a great team around me who believe in helping residents through their city challenges.
My number one goal is to be as accessible as possible. Meeting with residents at my office or at their homes is the best part of this job. I also believe that being able to get out and see the issues firsthand is the basic role of a City Councillor. Being where the rubber hits the road (or perhaps where our tires meet a pothole) to face the everyday issues that impact us and our families is why I ran for public office.
So here is my request to you:
If you have a problem with a city service, are looking for planning or development support, have an issue with one of our roads, need help accessing a city program or would like me to attend one of your meet-
ings or events, my team and I are only an email or phone call away.
One thing you will see me doing is getting out and door knocking during the summer months. I find this is the best way to be accessible and to hear about your issues
firsthand. I look forward to hearing from you about the issues that matter most to you. If you need help, my team and I are here for you.
David Brown is the Councillor of Ward 21 613-580-2491 or
With the snowstorm that dumped more white stuff in the Manotick are last week, the total snowfall for this season has surpassed 310cm. To put that in perspective, the rim on a regulation basketball court and the cross bar on a football goalpost are both 10 feet, or 304.8 cm.
This year’s snowfall is the most we have had in 15 years. In the winter of 2007-08, the community saw a ridiculous 432.7 cm of snow. The record snowfall for a season is 463.8 cm of snow, set way back in 1886-87 when Sir John A. Macdonald.
While the skiers and snowboarders are having the springtime of their dreams, the rest of the community is in a mess. Snowbanks are not only high but they are extending further onto residential streets than they usually would. The snowbanks have made it difficult for motorists to see oncoming traffic or pedestrians, including children walking home from school, as they back out of their driveways.
The City of Ottawa snow removal budget went up to $85 million from $82 million this year. Councillor Tim Tierney, the Chair of the city’s Transportation Committee, says a snowstorm can cost the city anywhere from one to five million dollars. When there is this much snow, there are additional costs in removing snow and banks.
“We recognize the snow has to go somewhere,” said
Tierney in an CTV Ottawa interview. “When it comes to street snow and where we’re putting them in dump trucks, our snow yards are successful. We have room for them.”
The snow is also costing many local residents who pay for snow removal services more. Most services charge a seasonal rate, but it only covers for up to 200 or 250 cm of snow. After that total is surpassed, there is a fee per clearance.
While the warm weather will eliminate one problem as the high snowbanks melt down, another problem is on the horizon. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority’s Flood Forecasting team is working closely with its municipal and agency partners to prepare for potential spring flooding. As discussed below, it is important to be prepared for possible flood conditions over the next few weeks as spring returns to the Rideau Valley watershed.
The current short-term forecast indicates limited precipitation and seasonal temperatures (slightly above zero temperatures during the day and below zero at night); however, the daily temperature will begin to increase and there will likely be some rain as we move through March.
City of Ottawa crews have begun the annual ice removal program on the Rideau River between Rideau Falls and Bronson Avenue. Crews will
work to keep the ice from reforming until the spring freshet occurs
Based solely on the fact we have above-average snow water content and abovenormal water levels in some upper watershed lakes, there is potential for above-average flooding this spring across the Rideau Valley watershed, especially in low-lying areas which have flooded in the past.
Precipitation and temperature are two other key factors influencing actual flood conditions as we move through March and into April, which staff will monitor closely.
The short-term forecast suggests a slow melt with little precipitation, which is favourable for limited flooding for at least the first half of March.
With changing levels expected over the coming weeks, ice cover on lakes, ditches, local streams and rivers will continue to be unstable. Extreme caution should be exercised by everyone when near local waterbodies. Parents should inform their children of the risks and provide appropriate supervision.
As the temperatures start to warm up, ice jams are possible in local streams and rivers, as flows could quickly increase before the ice can melt. Residents are advised to monitor their local waterbody closely for signs of ice jams as spring progresses. RVCA staff will be monitor-
ing conditions, but they always welcome observations from watershed residents.
Potential flooding along roadways is also a concern due to current snow/ice buildup on roadside ditches and some roads.
Residents in flood-prone or low-lying areas historically susceptible to flooding should take the necessary precautions to protect their property, such as:
- Ensuring sump pump is clear, in good working condition and has a backwater valve
- Ensuring easy access to a portable backup generator and pump
- Ensuring downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 metres from the dwelling
- Securing items that might float away as flows increase
- Removing valuable items from basements or lower floors that could be subject to flooding
- Keeping emergency
Because of the extreme snowfall this year, local residents with fire hydrants on their properties have had to continually dig them out to make them accessible in case of emergency.
phone numbers handy
- Familiarizing yourself with your municipality’s Emergency Preparedness Plan
More information includ-
ing the RVCA’s Flood Contingency Plan and real-time water level and stream flow data can be found at www.
The Manotick Horticultural Society (MHS) is celebrating Maxine Whelan’s contribution to the Manotick and surrounding communities. Maxine has been an active volunteer and contributor to the Manotick community for years. She is best known for her roles within MHS serving on the Board of Directors for 6 years, in which she brilliantly served as President for 5 years.
Maxine’s philosophy is to exceed expectations and go the extra mile. Whether it is in providing Garden Tour participants with a box full of sweet goodies or touching base with members during COVID with individual phone calls, Maxine has consistently demonstrated her love of people and the community at large and our members can attest to it.
Because of her welcom-
ing and generous personality, Maxine has had a transformative effect on MHS, growing the society membership to an unprecedented level, from 142 in 2018 to over 250 members. She has been an inspiration to members, both new and seasoned gardeners, with her positive attitude, friendly demeanour and the way she has injected herself into all of the MHS activities with enthusiasm and passion.
While many horticultural societies chose to put their programs on hold during the COVID pandemic, Maxine persevered. She surrounded herself with talented individuals and motivated others to be courageous and pursue new ideas. As Nicky Trudell, one of our previous board members put it, “I’m fortunate to have had such a good working relationship with Maxine” and added she was inspired by Maxine’s vision
and trust. A tireless volunteer and natural leader, Maxine managed to augment the horticultural program, using technology to positively engage Manotick residents and members throughout the pandemic.
As Maxine is stepping down from the Board, she will be recognized at an upcoming members-only MHS event on April 3rd , 7pm, at the Manotick United Church and zoom.
The MHS Board of Directors, members and surrounding communities would like to thank Maxine for her inspiration in the greater Manotick community.
MHS was established in 1930 and is one of 19 societies that make up District 2 of the Ontario Horticultural Society. Our local amateur gardeners share a passion for gardening, preservation of the environment, beautifying our commun-
ity, and furthering their horticulture knowledge. We are a “not for profit” organization under the auspice of
the Ontario Horticultural Association. For more information, please visit our website at - we would love to see you at our next event.
As local construction companies struggle to find and then retain employees during the current and projected housing boom in the area, a new provincial program has been introduced to encourage young people to enter the trades.
The Ontario government is preparing young people for in-demand and well-paying careers by allowing students in grade 11 to transition to a fulltime, skilled trades apprenticeship program. Upon receiving their Certificate of Apprenticeship, these young workers can apply for their Ontario Secondary School Diploma as mature students. At a time when the province continues to face historic labour shortages, this change means that more students will be able to enter the trades faster than ever before to help build Ontario.
“These changes provide students with exciting pathways to good-paying jobs and rewarding careers and support our government’s ongoing work to attract more young people into the skilled trades,” said Premier Doug Ford. “Whether it’s enhancing trades education in our schools, breaking down barriers for newcomers or upskilling workers, we’re leaving no stone unturned to train the skilled workforce that will build Ontario.”
In the construction sector alone, 72,000 new workers are needed in Ontario by 2027 to fill open positions because of retirements and expected job growth. To help deliver the province’s infrastructure plans, including building 1.5 million homes by 2031, more people are needed in the skilled trades.
“For far too long, parents and students have been told the only path to succeed in life is by going to university, which is simply not true,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigra-
tion, Training and Skills Development. “When you have a career in the skilled trades, you have a career for life. Our government will continue to provide students with the tools they need to land well-paying and life-long careers.”
The government will begin consultations in fall 2023 with employers, unions, education stakeholders, trainers, parents, and others about ways to make it even easier for young people to enter a career in the trades. This includes the potential of lowering entry requirements for some of the 106 skilled trades that currently require a grade 12-level education.
“To ensure all students can get ahead in this province, we are accelerating pathways from high school to apprenticeship learning and ultimately, a career in the skilled trades,” said Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. “Our government’s mission is to fill the skills gap by better connecting Ontario students to these good-paying jobs, helping many students who may not have graduated, now gain a credential that leads them to meaningful employment.”
Locally, this is big news as the area continues to see growth in housing starts.
For the past few years, Barrhaven has rivalled Vaughn in the Greater Toronto Area as the fastest growing suburb in the province, while just across the 173-metre Vimy Bridge, neighbouring Riverside South is still experiencing growth. For the past few years, the City of Ottawa has been pushing growth to housing projects in the villages of Richmond and Manotick. Minto’s Mahogany Community in Manotick has several hundred units planned, while the Caivan and Mattamy developments in Richmond are expected to see well over 1,000 new homes built.
“This program will be an important part of the
growth in our community,” said Carleton MPP Goldie Ghamari, whose riding includes Riverside South, Findlay Creek, Stittsville and the rural villages of Manotick, Richmond and Greely among others. “We are in a high-growth area of the province, and this apprenticeship program will play an important role in addressing the shortage of skilled workers available to local construction companies and developers. It will also provide an exciting opportunity for high school students wanting to work in the skilled trades.”
MPP Ghamari also said the program will provide opportunities for young people to work closer to home.
“While many professionals in the public and private sector commute into the city to work, the trades offer employment opportunities right here in our community,” she said. “The chance to work close to home without having to commute an hour or more both ways downtown Ottawa is good for the employers, good for the workers, and good for the local economy in the communities surrounding Ottawa.”
The Ministry of Education is working to recognize up to 30 credits required to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) for individuals with a Certificate of Apprenticeship or equivalent.
It takes between two to five years to complete an
- 1.2 million people are working in Ontario’s skilled trades. Many of them are set to retire over the coming years.
- There are over 140 skilled trades in Ontario.
- Recently, there were nearly 285,000 jobs in Ontario going unfilled, while about one in five job openings in Ontario are projected to be in the skilled trades by 2026.
- Since 2020, Ontario has invested nearly $1 billion to make it easier to learn a trade, breaking the stigma, attracting youth, simplifying the system, and encouraging employer participation.
“Young Ontarians who are contemplating their future career options should know that working in the construction trades by starting a registered apprenticeship on track towards becoming a Journeyperson can offer a lifetime of opportunity and prosperity,” said Marc Arsenault, Business Manager and Secretary-Treasurer – Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario. “Meeting growing demand for skilled construction labour in order to secure Ontario’s housing and infrastructure needs will demand better attraction and retention of apprentices. Jobsite health and safety is best ensured through apprenticeship training and today’s announcement can bring us a step closer towards securing the next generation of
safe and productive construction trades professionals.”
“The new ‘Grade 10 to Apprenticeship Pathway’ announcement by Minister McNaughton, Minister Lecce and the Ontario Government will help thousands of clients we serve, most of whom are barriered youth. The trades are not only an ‘indemand’ opportunity but provides a well-paying long term career. We are so pleased that the government continues to invest in Ontario’s future through our youth and innovative programs like this,” said Timothy Lang, President and CEO, Youth Employment Services.
The program will combine academic learning with hands-on experience, apprenticeship allowing
young people to develop valuable skills, earn money, and gain a sense of pride in their work. It is intended to open doors to endless opportunities and empowers young people to shape their own future.
“Today’s announcement further highlights the provincial government’s commitment to promoting careers in the skilled trades. By allowing students after grade 10 to pursue apprenticeship opportunities is a clear signal to both students and parents that a career in the skilled trades is a career for life. Over the next decade, Ontario’s housing, transit, and infrastructure objectives will be built by those beginning their apprenticeship journey today,” added Steven Crombie, Chair, Ontario Skilled Trades Alliance.
If you have any questions for our area professionals, email us at:
Q: What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
A: Restless legs syndrome is a disorder of the nervous system. It is also known as Willis-Ekbom disorder. It causes a sensation in the legs that is uncomfortable that leads to an urge to move the legs, which temporarily stops the unpleasant feeling. Symptoms typically occur in the evening or at bedtime when there is minimal body movement. Massaging the legs, stretching, exercise, and hot baths or compresses may help relieve symptoms. Medications are available for restless legs syndrome when appropriate; however, they require a prescription and therefore an assessment by a physician would be needed..
Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road, Manotick, ON 613-692-0015
To be a part of our Professional Forum, e-mail Gary Coulombe at
A Christ directed invitation by minister Richard to a celebration of agreement has been received and accepted by H. Pakdil, R. Chun, D.G. Vingoe, D. Downey, B. Masrani, H. Zordel, J. Ramer, D. Ford, P. Bethlemfalvy; full text of the celebration invitation may be viewed at; h-pakdil.webador.comPharmacist
Rurual Ottawa South Support Services (ROSSS) held a St. Patrick’s Day themed fundraiser at the Manotick Legion Wed., March 15.
The event netted $3,000 for the local organization, with close to 100 people taking part in the event.
ROSSS plays a critical role in our local health care system providing affordable, quality health and social programs that support older adults, adults living with disabilities, and their caregivers who reside in rural communities south of Ottawa. In close collaboration with its clients, ROSSS delivers
essential services that foster independence, promote quality of life, and maintain a healthy and safe environment for clients who continue to live in their homes. ROSSS also facilitates access to additional health and social programs to meet each client’s individual needs.
The next big fundraising event takes place May 6, as the Village Singers and Manotick Brass collaborate to present Manotick Musicale. The show is themed Fabulous Fifties, and there will be shows at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Manotick United Church. Tickets are $25 each.
Richmond Village got an early start to St. Patrick’s Day as the Richmond Lions Club hosted their annual Shamrockin’ 2023 St. Patrick’s Day Party at the Richmond Fairgrounds Dining Hall Sat., March 11.
The event drew a packed house from start to finish, from the opening at 1 p.m. until the closing at 9 p.m.
“We haven’t been able to have this party for three years because of COVID, so I think people were excited to get back out and celebrate,” said Dale Greene of the Richmond Lions Club.
Entertainment was provided in the afternoon by Ottawa Fiddle & Step and Friends, while in the evening Lorne Daley and the Ricochet Riders entertained the large crowd.
An army of volunteers from the Richmond Lions Club ensured that everything ran smoothly, from hall decorations to ticket-
ing at the door, to liquor and beer sales, in the kitchen, and then the clean up. Rideau-Jock Councillor David Brown also showed up and rolled up his sleeves
to help out as a volunteer for the day.
The next major event for the Richmond Lions Club is their annual Duck Race fundraiser on Sat., May 13.
1. Belonging to a thing
4. Pass or go by
10. Partner to cheese
11. Subjects
12. U.S. State (abbr.)
14. Bits per inch
15. Forestdwelling deer
16. Illinois city
18. A salt or ester of acetic acid
22. Wholly unharmed
23. Cuddled
24. Bane
26. Global investment bank (abbr.)
27. Oh my gosh!
28. Arrive
30. Famed Spanish artist
31. Home of “Frontline”
34. Group of quill feathers
36. Keyboard key
37. Army training group
39. Detail
40. Pole with flat blade
41. Football play
42. Makes unhappy
48. Island in Hawaii
50. Back in business
51. Of an individual
52. Painful chest condition
53. Tropical American monkey
54. Matchstick game
55. For instance
56. Even again
58. Popular beverage
59. Evaluate
60. Time units (abbr.)
1. Stain one’s hands
2. Nocturnal hoofed animals
3. Back condition
4. Popular movie alien
5. City of Angels
6. Peaks
7. Infantry weapons
8. Left
9. Atomic #99
12. Told a good yarn
13. Vale 17. Resistance unit
19. Aquatic plant
20. Bluish greens
21. About some Norse poems
25. Reinforces
29. Egyptian mythological goddess
31. Supportive material
32. Subatomic particle
33. Expired bread
35. Cereal grain
38. Goes against
41. Walkie __
43. One who does not accept
44. Beliefs
45. Indicates near
46. Brazilian NBA star
47. Grab quickly
49. Romantic poet
56. College dorm worker
57. Set of data
Terry MacLellan and his family have lived in Barrhaven for 13 years, but they still think of Winchester District Memorial Hospital as their hospital of choice. In fact, they wouldn’t think twice about driving down Highway 31 for care. Now, Terry says the option to use MyChart to track the care his family receives is an added bonus.
MyChart is a secure online portal that enables patients to see and manage their personal health information any time, anywhere. Three local hospitals are now offering this new option to their patients.
As part of the Epic digital health network joined by Deep River & District Hospital, Kemptville District Hospital, and Winchester District Memorial Hospital late last year, patients can now have greater access to their own information through MyChart. Patients anywhere across the network of hospitals in the Ottawa region can see their own health records, including after-visit summaries, upcoming appointments, test results, progress notes, discharge notes, medical
imaging reports and more. Patients can also record their medications, allergies, and health measurements, such as blood pressure and weight.
Terry says his daughter starting using MyChart first and he signed up following a recent visit to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. He was able to compare the test results from before and after a medication change. “It’s all there and it’s pretty cool,” he notes. “It keeps track of your medications, your blood tests and the dates of your procedures. We also get notifications from the app when a test or lab report is in. It’s hard to remember everything but it’s all there and we can share information with one another too.”
To sign up for MyChart, patients need a valid email account and an activation code. There are several options to sign up:
- Ask hospital registration staff to sign you up when you are registering.
- Use the MyChart activation code on your AfterVisit Summary.
- Complete a paper form and present govern-
ment issued photo ID to Health Records to request an activation code. Your activation code will then be emailed to you.
“Signing up for MyChart is easy and I can even use it on my phone,” adds Terry. “I would highly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to get on MyChart because it really gives you the control for your own health care. We’re going to sign my wife up next!”
The Atlas Alliance network of local hospitals using Epic and MyChart includes Deep River & District Hospital, Hawkesbury and District General Hospital, Kemptville District Hospital, The Ottawa Hospital, Renfrew Victoria Hospital, St. Francis Memorial Hospital, University of Ottawa Heart Institute and Winchester District Memorial Hospital. For patients who visit a non-Epic site and would like access to their records, requests can be made through the hospital’s Health Records department.
For more information about how to register for MyChart, please visit your local hospital’s website.
Yes, it’s almost Spring! What a great time of the year. In some respects, it’s only because of the winter season, in giving us the cold, snowy, blustery weather, that we fully appreciate the wonder of spring. Thanks winter! It is March as I write this and I begin to imagine the spring days to come when I can clean up outdoors, trim and rake and dig; get my hands dirty in the deep, dark earth. But I’ll have to wait a little longer; it’s not yet time. Winter always gives way to Spring; we can trust the seasons and their timing, but we find ourselves in a transitional state. Transitions are in-between-times or periods
by Larry Ellisof waiting. Many of us find it uncomfortable and frustrating to wait and are usually ready to jump into the next thing. Transitions are usually subtle and change rarely happens overnight and might be compared to layers that unravel, like day to dusk to dark to dawn as it merges to day again.
When seeds are planted in the fertile soil they first make roots that are reaching down
into the earth. Roots grow first because they provide the strength to hold up the plant as well as to absorb the nutrients to grow the stem, sprout, and green leaves. I think seeds offer us a metaphor for our lives. We should take advantage of this seasonal transition to “till the soil of our lives”. Which seeds have we sown, where are our roots growing, we need to fertilize our lives with more love.
Life’s path, much like the path of Spring, encounters mixed emotions; we need both the rain and the sunshine. Live life with a sparkle, look forward to each hour, live life with a sparkle and show it in your face!
The position is responsible for daily cleaning of the building as well as all repairs assigned by the Property Manager. These tasks include:
- Garbage collection.
- Surface cleaning.
- Floor cleaning – Mopping and vacuuming.
- Final cleaning of vacant apartments prior to initial occupancy.
- Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating, cooling and ventilation systems, plumbing systems, and electrical systems.
- Performing annual
apartment inspections with Property Manager
- Monthly building fire alarm and system testing and verification
- General HVAC:
Replace filters.
Replace belts.
- General plumbing:
Unblock drains.
Repair leaks.
- General Electrical:
Receptacle replacement.
Light fixture replacement.
Switch replacements.
- Painting, drywall patching and repair.
- Summer lawn maintenance, mowing, pruning, hedge trimming, etc.
- Winter salting.
- Seasonal installation and removal of window AC units.
Skills: Must be familiar with and able to use power tools, hand tools required for light carpentry, electrical, plumbing and HVAC. Ability to operate lawn maintenance equipment as well as snow removal equipment (snowblower) required. Must be friendly and able to communicate effectively in a courteous manner with others. Problem solving and critical thinking also required.
Experience: Previous maintenance and/or custodian person experience required.
Physical Capabilities: WWork can be physically demanding, requiring bending, crouching, kneeling. Must be physically capable of lifting 100lbs.
Terms of Employment:
Permanent contract, part-time (3hrs/day Mon-Fri), flexible weekday daytime hours with ability to set own schedule. Vulnerable sector police record check required before hiring complete.
Work Setting:
Small, 30 unit multi-residential apartment building.
Work Location:
5581 Dr. Leach Drive, Manotick, ON
Salary: Salary: Starting at $25 hourly, depending on experience
Please forward resume to
After being named Ontario’s Paddling Race of the year last year, the Jock River Race is back for 2023 and will take place April 22.
Organizers are anticipating another huge turnout this year. Sign up early and take advantage of the early bird registration fees.
All paddlers including canoes, kayaks, SUPs, voyageur boats and others are welcome to race. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or just want to try it out this race is for you. Racing experience is not required, simply a desire to join a fun event and to get an early put-in on the water.
The start area for this 12.5 km (7.8 mile) section of the Jock River is on the Munster Rd. about 2 km south of the Franktown Rd.
A few minutes downstream there is a shallow rapid followed shortly by an easy chute of fast water. Open fields and the occasional farmhouse mark the next few kms before several sharp bends
signal the beginning of the “Richmond Fen”, an interesting and rather eerie wetland. The first appearance of the railway marks the end of the fen, and the river widens considerably.
Shortly after passing the Trans-Canada Pipeline a long Class I rapid awakens your adrenaline. The church spires of Richmond now come into view, followed by another long set of class I rapids which require some maneuvering to avoid rocks. From the end of these rapids the orange buoy marking the finish line at the Jock River Park is a welcome sight.
The Jock River Race saw its beginning in 1971 as a whitewater race on the lower Jock River near Manotick. Starting the first year with modest participation, the race quickly grew into one of the more popular races in the province of Ontario. In the year 2000, the race had moved to its current location on the calmer waters of the upper Jock. In recent years, the
number of entries has hovered around 130 canoes and kayaks with over 200 paddlers taking part! The majority of entries fall into the recreational boat category with a few competitive racing
C1s and C2s known to start their season off on the Jock River. Also included are Parent/Child
and Family categories to encourage participation of younger racers to help the sport grow within the next
generation of paddlers. For more information or to register, visit
While the mayhem of an on-ice celebration took place and fans in a packed Richmond Memorial Community Centre cheered on, Richmond Royals goalie Mavric Welk slipped away from the pile of teammates and skated over to Ottawa Jr. Canadians goalie Felix Schnell to give him words of encouragement.
The Royals had just won their Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League game 4-3 in double overtime, winning their quarterfinal series 4-1. Schnell may go down on the stats sheet as the losing goalie, and he was not even one of the game’s three stars. But Schnell was the best player on the ice, as he had been throughout the series.
The Royals now face the Casselman Vikings, whose double overtime win in Embrun against the Panthers Wednesday night gave them a series victory in six games.
The Royals were idle for a week as they awaited an opponent for their March 5 series opener. Despite a big and energetic crowd in Richmond, the Royals looked more rusted than rested. The Canadians scored two empty net goals in the final minute and won the first game of their best of seven series 4-1.
Matthew MacPherson scored early in the first period for the Canadians, and then Alex Lemieux scored less than five minutes into the second period to give Ottawa a 2-0 lead. The Royals got on the board at the 14:44 mark of the second period when Ryan Sullivan scored shorthanded from Michael
Bernier and Shane Sullivan.
With seven minutes remaining, the Royals got their best chance to tie the score as they went on the power play. Once again, the Canadians tied up the neutral zone and Felix Schnell made a big save to preserve the 2-1 lead.
With the Richmond net empty, the Canadians got goals in the final minute from Liam Kelleher and Patrick Larkin to make the final 4-1.
Game 2 was played in Ottawa, and it took until the third period before the Royals got their offence going as they evened the series with a 2-1 win.
Tyler Vezina scored late in the first period to give Ottawa a 1-0 lead, and the score would remain that way until the third period.
Ryan Sullivan tied the score with a goal from Jackson Dallaire at 3:54. Three minutes later, Dallaire fed Sullivan for a second time to make the score 2-1. Royals goalie Mavric Welk shut the door the rest of the way and the Royals tied the series.
On Wed., March 8, the series returned to Richmond. The Royals offence came to life as they cruised to a 7-3 win with the help of a hat trick by Sam McElheran.
After a scoreless first period, the Canadians scored two goals early in the second period as Liam Kelleher and Danik Marion beat goalie Mavric Welk.
With the score 2-0, things got a little bit greasy. Ottawa’s Max Lacroix and
Richmond’s Cameron Donaldson each got two, five and a game as they squared off for scrap. The fight seems to spark some life in the Royals, as they responded with seven straight goals.
Robbie DiSilverstro scored from Brendan Lynch and Simon Yang, and then less then a minute later Reid Johnston got an unassisted goal to tie the score. Tyler Cutts put the Royals ahead 3-2 with a goal in the final minute of the second. Shane Sullivan and Sheldon Lyons
drew assists.
In the third period, Sam McElheran put the Royals on his back and picked up a hat trick. McElheran, who had scored only four goals in 11 regular season games for the Royals, scored the first goal of the period from Drew Russett and Dylan Rorwick. It was the first point of the series for Rorwick, who led the team in scoring during the regular season.
DiSilvestro scored his second of the game from Lynch and Dallaire to make
the score 5-2. McElheran added two more to complete the scoring. Cutts assisted the first, while Russett and
Gage Bujold assisted the second.
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royals continues from page 22
The Royals had 63 shots on goal, which was their highest total of the season. Welk made 31 saves for the win.
On Saturday night, the Royals headed into Ottawa and earned a 4-3 win to take a 3-1 series lead.
After a scoreless first period, McElheran scored 24 seconds into the second period from Tyler Cutts to give Richmond a 1-0 lead.
The Canadians bounced back with goals from Joe Jordan and Patrick Larkin to go up 2-1, but the Royals countered with a power play goal as Cutts scored on the power play from Rorwick and Tyler Hames.
The Royals went up 4-2 in the final minute of the second period as Shane Sullivan scored a power play goal from Cutts, and Lyons scored from Hames.
In the third period, Danik Marion scored five minutes into the third period to pull the Canadians back to within as goal, but Welk shut the door the rest of the way for his third straight win.
The Royals have a chance to wrap up the series Sunday afternoon in Richmond. Face off is at 1:20 p.m.
Felix Schnell made 71 saves in a losing effort, once
again facing nearly double the amount of rubber fired at Welk. But when all was said and done, a seeing eye shot from Sam McElheran found its way past Welk to give the Royals a 4-3 win and a ticket to the semi-finals.
The Canadians were in control of the game for the first two periods. Max Lacroix scored a pair of goals for the Canadians while Michael Bernier scored from Reid Johnston and Jaidon Genereux for the Royals.
Luke Going scored for the Canadians in the second period to make the score 3-1, and then the Canadians put on a penalty killing clinic and stifled four Royals power plays.
In the third period, the Canadians bottled up the Royals in the neutral zone. When the Royals did get into the offensive zone, Schnell was unflappable.
Midway through the period, veteran Curran Gilmour took a shot from the point that was tipped by Sam McElerhan, handcuffing Schnell and making the score 3-2. Gilmour, one of the top Royals players over the past three seasons, recently rejoined the team after spending most of the season near his hometown of Iroquois and playing Junior C hockey with the Morrisburg Lions. The 20-year-old offensive defenceman appeared in two regular season games, and
this was his first appearance in the playoffs.
With under five minutes remaining in the third, the Royals handcuffed Schnell with another redirection. McElerhan fed the puck to Sheldon Lyons, whose shot was deflected in by Tyler Cutts.
The Royals, who outshot Ottawa 22-7 in the third period, had a chance to win the game in regulation time when Jayden Lake of the Canadians was given a five-minute penalty for a check from behind. The Royals were unable to capitalize as Schnell was at his best.
The Canadians killed off the remainder of the penalty and had three two-on-one breaks in the first overtime. Welk was up for challenge and had to flash the pads three times in a five minute stretch for the Royals. While the referees had more or less put their whistles away and it was Hudson’s Bay hockey, Chazka Bush of the Canadians delivered a vicious check from behind into the boards to Richmond’s Shelden Lyons. Chazka was given a five minute major and a game misconduct, putting the Royals back on an extended power play.
For nearly three minutes, the Canadians and Schnell shut down the Royals. Finally, after 17:37 of play in the second overtime period, the only
player who has been able to consistently score on Schnell struck again. McElheran intercepted a pass and beat Schnell to score his sixth goal of the series to give Richmond a 4-3 win and a 4-1 series victory. McElheran scored only four goals in the regular season.
The Royals will now face the Casselman Vikings in the EOJHL semi-finals.
The Royals bench emptied to congratulate Sam McElheran. His sixth goal of the series was the doubleOT winner in Game 5 that clinched the series for the Royals.
“I swear is what I heard my wife say at the restaurant this past valentine’s day” explained a patient of ours as we discussed what motivated him to have his hearing assessed. As much as that time made them laugh, the errors were more often frustrating than fun. Addressing the hearing problem was overdue. He was also motivated by the new studies showing a link between untreated hearing loss and memory, cognition, and falls. And, he came to us for the customization – if he was going to do this, he was doing it right.
Hearing is surprisingly complex and individualized and so finding that right solution is not as simple a process as one might think. What works for one may not necessarily work for another. The good news is that there are many manufacturers allowing for a great variety of solutions to meet the multitude of unique hearing needs. The key to finding your needle in the haystack is to consult an Audiologist in an independent clinic where all brands are offered. Only then is a truly customized solution possible.
Offering just that are our clinicians. They will research all of the product lines to find the one that is right for you, your hearing needs and the feature set you want. This approach is surprisingly rare in today’s retail settings, larger clinics and manufacturer owned chains. It has set Hearing Freedom apart for over 20 years.
It all started when a young new Audiology Graduate, Rosanne McNamee, interviewed seeking employment. She was left shocked and disheartened. The discussions had little to do with clinical knowledge and skills. They rather focused on the sales targets, the need to keep assessments short for efficiency and the requirement to limit prescriptions to one or two “preferred Manufacturers” for greater profit margins. That was not her idea of proper hearing health care. She felt strongly that everyone deserves what is best for them and their unique needs. The assessment being the foundation of everything needed to be most thorough. In addition, she wanted to always consider everything available in the market in
order to find the ideal solution for her patient. And so, she decided to set up her own business, doing it her way and putting patients first.
At Hearing Freedom, our patients are an active part of the whole process and there is no predetermined product or plan. Each and every patient’s intervention plan is truly as unique as they are. The experience begins with a 90-minute hearing assessment which is followed by a detailed needs assessment. Then, keeping both the assessment outcomes and the unique individual needs in mind, the Audiologist will take the time to research the market, considering ALL makes and models, so as to select the right product for that specific individual. This is followed by a 90-day trial period. This extensive trial ensures that the right solution is found.
In addition, there are no Hearing Instrument Practitioners or Hearing Instrument Specialists at Hearing Freedom. Patients are rather seen by experienced bilingual Audiologists, University trained clinicians qualified to service both
children and adults, whether they are private pay or third party supported (WCB, VAC, etc.).
Not only is hearing complex, so are today’s hearing aids. And, manufacturers differ greatly in what they offer. Dealing with the most qualified health care professional, in the most independent setting, is crucial to successfully addressing hearing loss. At Hearing Freedom you can be certain that you have chosen the best place to trust with your hearing needs.
So, if you, like our patient who now hears his wife’s “I love you sweetheart” properly, believe in your right to the best, fullest and most customized service available, make sure you book your appointment with one of our clinicians at Hearing Freedom. You’ll never regret your short drive to Manotick.
Parking is free. Home visits & Remote Care is available.
Location is wheelchair friendly.
For more information visit