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1160 Road Carleton Progressive Conservative candidate Goldie Ghamari welcomed Ontario PC leadership hopeful Christine Elliott to her Edward Jones received the highest numerical scoreBeaverwood among 15campaign brokerage firms in the J.D. MewsStudies. Of Manotick Power 2013-2016 Canadian Full Service Investor 2016 studyriding based on 5,159 office last Wednesday. Ghamari, who announced her support for Elliott, invited all four of the leadership candidates to the Carleton Manotick, ON K4M 1A3 responses, measuring the opinions of investors who use full-service investment while they were in Ottawa for the Tory leadership debate. Elliott was the only one who accepted thetotal invitation to may the For 613-692-2776 firms, surveyed May-June to 2016.come Your experiences vary.riding. Visit the full story, see page 4. Jeff Morris photo IRT-10373A-C
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Page 2 Friday, March 9, 2018
Bachelor and bachelorette ideas!
Affordable bachelor and bachelorette party ideas Weddings can be expensive. Various sources estimate the average cost of weddings is anywhere from $26,000 to $31,000. Couples and their parents may bear the brunt of wedding expenses, but those who have accepted a role in the wedding party also can expect their share of expenses. Taking into account gifts, wardrobes, makeup, bridal showers, and travel, including getting to and from the bachelor/bachelorette party, bridal party members are on the hook for a lot of money when their
friends or family members tie the knot. Many men and women like to travel for their bachelor/bachelorette parties, and cost-conscious bridal party members may be concerned about how expensive such parties can be. Pulling out all the stops can be exciting, but there’s no guarantee these types of parties will be more enjoyable than simpler soirées. Taking steps to control costs can help cost-conscious couples and their friends. The following are some affordable ideas that can be fun for all in-
volved. · Local Bar, pub or tavern crawl: Partygoers typically want to enjoy a night out on the town, and traveling from one establishment to another can be a fun way to do just that. Everyone invited can set themselves apart with a signature item (hat, T-shirt, or colored clothing), and make the rounds. · Attend a group event: Group events include sporting events, concerts, theater shows, or a night at a comedy club. Investigate discounted
tickets for large groups. · Belt out the tunes: Open mic nights at restaurants, bars and other establishments around town may make for a fun way for friends to share a few laughs together. Participants need not be professional singers to join in on the festivities. · Dinner party: Hire a caterer to visit your house and prepare a meal for guests. Serve a signature cocktail and let the conversation flow. Bachelor and bachelorette parties can be affordable without sacrificing fun.
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The MessengerNEWS
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 3
Cranberry Creek Municipal Drain to carry a high price tag for landowners Landowners in the rural North Gower and Kars areas were out in full force and had their say as the City of Ottawa’s Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee accepted a report on the Cranberry Creek Municipal Drain. Repairing and cleaning the drain will carry a price tag of about $1.6 million. The majority of that money will be reclaimed through assessments to landowners whose properties benefit from the work. Rideau Goulbourn Councillor and ARAC Chair Scott Moffatt said the purpose of meeting was to discuss the Engineer’s Report, prepared by Drainage Engineer Andy Robinson. The Cranberry Creek Municipal Drain item dates back to 2012 and
beyond. After a very wet spring in 2012, landowners on this municipal drain raised concerns about its maintenance. As of approximately 1991, the drain actually lacked a pump and dyke system that allowed it to operate as per the approved Engineer’s Report. In essence, the municipal drain has not been properly functioning since that time. The drain itself was originally constructed in 1895 but the pump and dyke were installed following an updated Engineer’s Report in 1969. That system remained in place for over two decades but it was considered insufficient based on the volume of water it could handle. An updated report in 1991 recommended up-
grades to the pump and dyke at that time but it was not accepted by Rideau Township and the landowners at that time. As mentioned above, the matter resurfaced nearly six years ago leading to our current report. In September 2014, the city appointed Robinson Consultants to update the Engineer’s Report and bring forward a plan to have the municipal drain function as was intended and also to clean it out to its original depths. Landowners assessed by this municipal drain received the Engineer’s Report in recent weeks which outlines the proposed works as well as the assessment values. Being a significant watershed, there are many properties affected by these drainage works. “I understand that the
assessments can create undue burden on affected landowners and I have committed to doing what I can to find some financial assistance to lower those assessments,” said Moffatt. “That work will likely continue right through into April when this matter returns for the Court of Revision process.” One landowner adjacent to the drainage system, Jim Johnston, said that he would give the city the land needed for the drainage and pump system if the city would pick up the tab. He estimated that the land he would turn over would be the equivalent of about 14 lots with a value of more than $1 million. “I’ve lived through the whole history of Cranberry Creek,” Johnston
ARAC approves zoning amendment to Perth Street development in Richmond The City of Ottawa Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee has approved the amendment of a zoning bylaw for a planned development on Perth Street in Richmond. The zoning, originally approved through an Ontario Municipal Board settlement, was based on the draft approved subdivision plan. Richmond Village Developments have made some modifications to the plan with the submission of the first phase for the subdivision registration. The line work for the zone boundaries does not match, and an amendment to the zoning maps is required to address that. That first phase includes a park, the storm pond and about 220 single-family lots. There was one comment from the public stating that the development, in particular two
houses, should not have been approved without notice. The commentator is concerned that the two houses under construction, berms and fill are restricting the flow of water to the Van Gaal Municipal Drain, causing the water to back up onto adjacent fields and
making cropping impossible. The two houses and related grading were reviewed and approved as dry model homes (i.e. not connected to services). While the overall subdivision grading is still under review for the final approval of Phase
1, it is the City’s practise to account for off site drainage through a proposed development. A request has been made to the developer and the City inspector to assess and remedy any drainage issues relating to the adjacent property as soon as it is feasible.
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said. “We’ve put up with poor drainage for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years. I’ll pay you a million dollars, you pay for the drain.” Johnston added that he liked the plan presented by Robinson. “We’ve needed this for years,” he added. North Gower area farmer Mel Foster said that part of his land drains into Cranberry Creek. Last year’s flooding and the lack of drainage created a difficult year for farmers. The same thing happened in
2013. “It’s a big bill, said Foster. “We don’t necessarily want to pay for it, but something has got to b done. I’m in favour of the dyke and the municipal drain so we can crop and grow vegetables for the City of Ottawa.” Moffatt said that for those wishing to appeal the assessments, that opportunity will come during the Court of Revision, which is scheduled for Monday, April 23 at the Alfred Taylor Recreation Centre in North Gower.
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Page 4 Friday, March 9, 2018
The MessengerNEWS
Ghamari endorses Christine Elliott during her visit to Carleton riding By Jeff Morris Carleton Progressive Conservative candidate Goldie Ghamari has endorsed Christine Elliott for the upcoming leadership race for the party. Ghamari made the announcement during Elliott’s visit to the riding Wednesday, before the PC leadership debate last Wednesday in Ottawa. She said that Elliott is the PC leadership candidate who can best bring the party together. “Her focus has always been on defeating Kathleen Wynne,” Ghamari said. “She is the leadership candidate best suited to help us win and form the provincial government in June.” Ghamari invited all four of the PC leadership candidates to Carleton. Elliott was the only one who accepted the invite and visited the riding. “She is promoting a message of unity,” Ghamari added. Elliott was happy to ac-
E of MANoT AG ic l l
cept the endorsement. “I am very pleased to have Goldie’s support,” Elliott told the Messenger. “She will do a wonderful job as an MPP. She has a strong background as a lawyer, and she has been a good volunteer for the party.” Elliott added that Ghamari, as a young professional woman, will bring some youth to the party and ensure its strong future. “She brings a lot to the table,” said Elliott. “I will enjoy working with her.” Elliott is plugged into rural Eastern Ontario, and is aware of the issues. She has worked closely with Nepean-Carleton MPP Lisa MacLeod and actually joined the Tory caucus on the say day that MacLeod did. Both won by-elections to win their seats. She has also worked alongside Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark. “The Wynne Liberals have an urban focus that centres around Toronto,” Elliott said.
Ontario PC leadership candidate Christine Elliott, front row centre, visited with Carleton PC candidate Goldie Ghamari and her campaign team last week. Jeff Morris photo
“They have been ignoring the needs of Eastern Ontario’s rural and suburban communities.”
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won the leadership. She summed it up with one sentence.
carleton continues on page 5
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message is consistent with what it was when she ran for the party’s leadership when Patrick Brown
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As Elliott prepares for this weekend’s Progressive Conservative Leadership Convention, her
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Manotick..United. Church
Church Office:
Sunday Service at 10 a.m. with Sunday School Christian Meditation on Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
We welcome all, who with God’s help, work to build a better world. Rev. Elaine Beattie
ST. LEONARD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 5332 Long Island Road, Manotick
Pastor: Rev. TiTus egbueh
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saturday 4:30p.m., sunday 9a.m. lla.m. & 7p.m. Weekdays Wed., Thu., Fri. 9:30a.m. Office: 692-4254 Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. eMaiL:
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 5
St. Mark student says each day is about being positive and feeling good Name: Isabel Oldroyd
Age: 17
School: St. Mark High Grade: 11 Parents: Sherri Oldroyd (Mom), Craig Oldroyd (Dad) Sister: Emma (13), grade 8, St. Mark Pet: Hunter (Beagle)
by Phill Potter
Pet Peeves: “People who don’t use manners, and slow walkers.” Favourite Subjects: History, Marketing, English What do you enjoy
carleton continues from page 4 “Life is becoming more unaffordable in Ontario,” Elliott said. Skyrocketing hydro rates and scandals that have carried high price tags have been an ongoing issue with the Wynne Liberals. They are affecting residents throughout the province, and they are hurting businesses. “The minimum wage increase hurt a lot of small businesses,” Elliott said. “It hurt in the fast food industry, where a lot of young people work for minimum wage, and it has hurt the grocery industry.” As a result of the increase, Elliott said that LATEST Ad manyAD!!!!!!!!!!!!_Diversitea small businesses have had to reduce the number of employees or
cut back on their hours in order to survive. “In the long run, this minimum wage increase is hurting the people it was intending to help,” she said. Elliott said that she would not raise minimum wage as is planned next year. “The problem was that it was done too quickly, and too suddenly,” she said. “It presented a huge problem to small businesses because of the drastic increase. I would like to take the next increase and implement it over four years, not one. That will lessen the immediate burden on businesses.” 2/1/18 9:47 took AM Page Elliott part1in the leadership debate in Ottawa Wednesday night.
reading for pleasure: “Fictional Novels” Favourite Authors: Rupi Kaur and Maggie Stiefvater Ac c o m p l i s h m e n t s : “Co-Creating the Confidence Is Key program at my school during AntiBullying Week.”
Why do you get involved in what you do? “To help those in my school and school community feel good about themselves, and learn to be positive each and every day.” Career Goals: “Go to college or university and pursue a career in Business Marketing.”
Interests: “Reading, Writing, Shopping with friends, and visiting coffee shops.”
Shout out: “Thank you to Mr. O’Brien, Mrs. Beerman, and Mr. Zivkovic for always encouraging me to do my best, With Vera Mitchell_Ad copy 5/3/17 8:47 AM Page 1 Although the situation and never give up.” with former leader Patrick Brown put the party behind the eight ball with Isabel Oldroyd is the coregard to timing, Elliott creator of the Confidence is remains positive that the Key program at St. Mark. Phill Potter photo Progressive Conservatives will finally be able to topple the Liberal Government. “Sure, we are close to an election, but I have never seen so many people interested in our party’s leadership race and with what we are doing,” Elliott said. “People are engaged right now and they see the positive things we are doing as a party.” The new leader of the Progressive Conservative leadership race will be announced at the party’s convention in Markham Sat., March 10.
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Page 6 Friday, March 9, 2018
Messenger Editorial
Can you believe it has been 50 years?
Canada’s phoney debate about carbon taxes
I’m sure that all of us have either talked be an alien planet. It is a highly-segregated about films or thought about films over the simian society of apes, gorillas, orangutans past week. and chimpanzees. Note only do they speak, How could you not? but they also hunt wild humans for sport. The Oscars were on. The humans are mute and many have been O ur C Ommunity In the Ontario Progressive ConBut if we already have a coal ban, And it was the 50th anniversary of the ori- labotimized. servative leadership race, all four ethanol subsidies, feed-in tariffs on ginal Planet of the Apes movie. Taylor is captured and brought in front of a candidates hoping to replace Editorial Patrick electricity, electric-car subsidies, Messenger Brown oppose carbon taxes, a centre- home renovation handouts, a cap on For some reason, that is one tribunal of orangutans, piece of Brown’s platform. The federal oilsands production, etc., and a carmovie that has stuck with me where he encounters Are Party youalsomore Conservative opposesCanadian car- bon tax is simply added on top, ecothrough the years. I was four FROM THE the obstinate and inflexbon taxes. nomic theory does not say the tax will years old when it came out, and ible Dr. Zaius. than a fifth grader? Some commentators see this as a fix the regulatory inefficiencies. InI think I was about seven when That scene gave us With Canada Day approaching next week, it is a good time for us all to betrayal of Conservative free-market stead, it will likely make them worse. reflect on what it means to be Canadian. I saw it for the first time when one of the most memorinstincts because (supposedly) our The estimated marginal costs of Do we take being Canadian for granted? it made its network premier. able lines of the century Better how do newinefficient Canadians feel bureauabout being Canadian? Some of us gas policies implemented choice isyet, between greenhouse look regulation upon immigrantsand and refugees as opportunists, not wanting to give but We all watched it. In fact, I don’t in cinematic history. cratic the enlightened so far in Canada range from a few very willing to take. Perhaps, for some people, that is true, but when you know a kid at Churchill Public “Take your stinkLiberal ofnew using pricesuch signals hundred to a few thousand dollars attend approach a celebration for Canadians, as the one hosted by Nepeanby Jeff Morris Carleton MP Pierre Poilievre at Mother Teresa High Schoolper in Barrhaven lastThe former U.S. adminSchool who didn’t anticipate ing paws off me, you to hit greenhouse gas targets. Accordtonne. you can see the excitement and the thankfulness in the eyes of every ingmonth, toCanadian. this reasoning, economically- istration of Barack Obama asked its it, watch it, and then discuss it damned, dirty ape!” new They Conservatives understand, perhaps better than all of us, whatscientific it means to and be literate should prefer economic advisers to for the rest of the school year. Taylor’s plight, along theCanadian. latter. produce a reasonable estimate for the And I am not just talking about our class – I with the demonstrations of the apes callSo how can the rest of us have that feeling? Bev McRae photo But reality, government Canadians been social costs of carbon emissions. The Thein Conservative has ahave solid idea. amCo-operative talkingNursery about allhonoured threeitsclassrooms in our ing for peace, draw mirror-like parallels to At the school’s 50th Anniversary Party, Manotick School longest-servJasonno Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration Multiculturalism offered such choice. We face the andresulting numbers were in the to gardenschool! ing teacher/volunteer with$20 a memorial bench, which will be installed with a plaque in the school’s racism, the civil rights movement and the and Andrew Cohen, President of the Historica-Dominion Institute, are chalplayground. Left to right, MCNS Director Sandy Erler and June Hodge celebrate June’s 29 years as a supConservative option of costly in-citizenship $40test. per tonne range through mid-cenlenging middle and high school students toand take the When I was at Carleton and I took film anti-VietNam War demonstrations that were ply teacher, teacher and volunteer. The Canadian Citizenship Challenge, in part by CIC andOn run by efficient regulations, and thefunded Liberal tury. itstheown, this would show that Historica-Dominion Institute, will see students study Discover Canada: the studies, I always wondered why we never dominating newsreels at the time of the movpackage of even costlier and more inCanada’s emission policies fail costRights and Responsibilities of Citizenship and then take a mock citizenship to watch Planet the Apes. We studied ie’s release. efficient regulations, with new taxes benefit tests. test. Sometimes it’sgot best just toofsay nil1910s, “This will be a fun way for students to learn about Canada and feel proud problem is not that we French Impressionism from the which And what would a movie be without roon top. Canada’s I’m finding myself at one of those bizarre cross- wonder about things like how come “underneath” is of our shared history and accomplishments,” said Minister Kenney. “As we slepta word through. mean, come on, mance? Taylor falls in love with a mute huIt’s how commenwho support roads where everything Icarbon love about sports isIabout but no one Iever says “overneath” when the it was so learndismaying about our past and the many people and events that madelack Canadapoliticians what it is to collide a large swatch of the populationdark work- and discussion pulled me into room soccer. today,who we become more proud to bebetter Canadian.think We are inspired to see how we that tators should know pricing, it’s the with politicians who cozy inback our and the chairs man woman, Nova, who accompanies him ing diligently to grate my nerves. “Chelsea is learning so much by watching the defend our rights and live up to our responsibilities and we feel much thatcan the shiny paint of carbon taxes keep proposing carbon pricing are atwere so comfortable and French on his journey to find his destination. Nova It’s this whole World Cup thing. Don’t you find World Cup,” said the mom wearing Crocs. “We are Impresmore strongly how valuable it is to be a citizen of Canada.” that people are just a little too into it? studying each country before the game. She has somehow fixes policy taching the term to policy packages “Our schools needthe to beunderlying training our young people to become the citizens sionism was really really really boring. We was played by Linda Harrison, who was the I found myself in line in front of two nouveau really become a fan of Arr-hayne-TEE-na, and she of tomorrow. Citizenship is not only about new Canadians, aboutnothing all defects. thatit’shave to do theatactual soccer fanwith moms Your even wantsSoviet us to go there on ourBattleship watched the famous film girlfriend and eventual second wife of the Canadians, young and old,” said Andrew Cohen. “The Canadian Citizenship Any carbon-pricing proposal concept. Independent Grocer the other day. vacation next year. Perhaps we Challenge will encourage students to learn moreinabout what it means to be FROM Potemkin from 1925, still considered among movie’s producer. Her previous big break I was kind of in my own little can even go to Brrra-seeel.” Canadian and then put that knowledge to the test.” tended to fit the economic definition The Dhaliwal letter was a brief THE mental world in the checkout line, That caught my attention. Starting this summer, the Historica-Dominion Institute will be encouraging the greatest propaganda films of all time. came when she was a high school cheerof an instrument needs bright candle ofscanning economic logic. Un- OTHER the tabloid and magaArr-hayne-TEE-na? moreefficient than 5,000 middle and high school teachersthe to register their classrooms Maybe that doesn’t ring a bell, leader in the 1966 Batman episode where the zine covers and wondering what Are you kidding me? but no doubt for the Challenge. Each title. classroom willeconomreceive a set of the new citizenship its proposal was never word ‘alone’ in the The fortunately, SIDE Justin Bieber’s first major scandal The other mom – the onethe with maggots along withOis designed learning activities. The teacher will also you have seen references to Joker went back to school. Roddy McDowell, ERATfilled Pspecially ED ics guide, literature with analyses implemented, while most of the bad By PJeffrey &ATaE mockBYcitizenship exam. Students will take the citizenship R would be. I was just about to rethe Birkenstocks – piped in. PEof ATED receive copies DB O ERMorris &O D BY Y scene or the baby“They carriage rolling one of the stars of the movie who played enter to the prevent world after some quality D & are a wonderful football down the showing superiority of return carbon ideas it was were. exam as Dathe class and the teachers will the completed exams to themeant xxxxx xxxxxscene. We nation,” time on Planet Jeff and launch she said.the “My Seventh husband, Dominion grading. xxxxx stairs watched Seal, a Cornelius, was also a Batman alumnus. taxes aloneInstitute over for regulations. Replacing into my weekly way-to-reward-your-customers-by-’ of course, wears the azure and cheers for Italia, but Results will beOannounced by the Dominion Institute on Flag Day N’Sfor therevenue-neutral S regulations with Ross McKitrick is a professor of eco1958 Swedish filmteam where a knight plays chess The big moment in the movie, however, charging-us-five-cents-per-bag-and-claiming-it’sZachary’s favourite has been MAY-heee-co. (February B 15)IN each year a next three years. For more information about O alone Rtax to-save-the-environment rant and when I unexpectedly They did a school project on MAY-heee-co last year the Challenge visit the website at University carbon be Historica-Dominion efficient (as Institute nomics atI Nthe of Guelph O please can B against the Grim Reaper on a beach under a happened at the end. It was one of those UR NEIGH Y O U R D E P E N D E N T G R O C E R locked in on the conversation behind me. and he has even insisted that we go to out to eat and O O H B set optimally). U rate HB U R I Nfellow D E P E Nat D E“I N Twish G Rsome O C EInstitute. R N E I Gis long as the aY Osenior the Fraser Yone O U Rhas I N Dbeen EPEND E N T G R Omoments CER E I Gthe and N dark ofR the stores wouldU Rcarry watch stormy the games when theyThat are playing.” sky. referin movie history that stayed with CIC’s multiculturalism grants andShopping contributions program be investing locallywillputs a face tovuvuzela the business horns so that we 3777 couldStrandherd bring themDr., toNapean I bit my tongue. $525,171 this 32 month project which promotes civic memory, civic pride Mews ofinManotick, Manotick enced pop asI well. And us forever. Charlton Heston, riding along the for all your grocery needs. Chelsea’s was wearing In an effortculture to keep my repetitively blood pressure down, Page x Page x games,” said the mom who Page xin and integration. 613-692-2828 613-843-9413 Crocs. looked out the big window at theMan big parking lot Shot Libwe saw westerns like the Who shore on horseback with Nova, gets off his “Oh, I know,” said the one wearing Birkenstocks. and scoped it out, looking for a puppy or a bird or SERVING MANOTICK AND SURROUNDING horse and drops to his knees in despair. The “ZacharyCOMMUNITIES has a tournament next weekend erty and it Valance. anything that would pry my mind out of the shackIN OSGOODE, RIDEAU AND SOUTH wouldGLOUCESTER have been so in the spirit of the World Cup to les that two soccerto moms hadcinematic put me in with classics, But, nothese offence the camera pans up to the remains of the Statue have all of us blowing our vuvuzela horns. They lost their conversation. Planet of the Apes possibly provided the of Liberty. two-nil and then three-nil. They need all of the supA busload of seniors from a nearby retirement port they can get.” homecinematic had pulled up and passengers were getting Named one of Ontario's top three greatest metaphor for society of all It was the realization that Heston had Nil? Who says nil? Really. community newspapers for 2008,off. 2009I was trying to, in my head, name all of their time-travelled to the year 3978 and was ac“Oh, I know,” said the mom wearing Crocs.time. “The walkers as an escape. 1165 Beaverwood Rd., P.O. Box 567, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5 horns are such a beautiful part of the South African Unfortunately, they pulled me back in. Planet tually back on Earth. That last scene, one of VOL. 28 • N . 1 MANOTICK, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY • JANUARY 5, 2011 of the Apes was a ground-breaking culture.” “My cousin lives in Australia, and he was devasThe Manotick Messenger is published every Wednesday in Manotick, Ontario. The Manotick movie in that it was the first popular postthe most shocking and memorable in huI wanted to jump in and say something, but I tated when Germany beat them 4-nil,” said the Messenger is mailed to bona fide subscribers Osgoode Townships for $36.Ontario The Rideau Boxand567 Manotick, refrained. I couldn’t do it. mom wearing Crocs. publication is available by carrier for $36 or at newsstands for $1.00 per copy. Letters will be edited apocalyptic film. It was also ground-breaking man history, gave us a bleak statement on for length, clarity and libellous statements. Display, National Classified rates are available on If you are unfamiliar with the vuvuzela horn, then At this point, I couldn’t take it anymore. Mount Tel: 613-692-6000 John request. The Manotick Messenger is not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or you have not tuned into CBC over the Green: past twothe Patience erupted and out came genre. sarcasm lava. for science fiction While we just our catastrophic impulse to destroy each The Manotick Mesother material used publication purposes. Publisher: JeffforMorris weeks. If you stumble across Our a World Cup soccer that match,” I said. “I can’t believe Aus2010 Person“I saw thought it was cool that apes could talk, but other and our planet. Managing Editor: Jeff Morris senger is published game on CBC, you will hear what sounds like TRY-lier looked so insipid against Deutschland.” Publisher: Jeffrey Morris of are the 50,000 bees swarmingFRIDAY the field. They notYear bees.have The with the crocs into was notthe impressed. we tomom put things context of time. I scrolled through Netflix last night and Managing Editor: Jeffrey Morris Contributing writers: Phone: 613-692-6000 every other They are people blowing on cheap, plastic, gimReporters: Bev McRae Publisher: Jeffrey Morris Greely-area rescue specialistThe mom with Birkenstock’s wasn’t either, but Grace Thrasher, Larry Ellis, Phill Potter Phone: 613-692-6000 We were riding the wave of the popularity of saw that the original movie is actually on inmicky Manotick, Ontario.John Green, pictured with EsauMorris horns. she did acknowledge me with a response. Managing Editor: Jeff Jeffrey email: Fax: 613-692-3758 Agostinho of the French AdvertisingReporters: and Marketing: Bev McRae The funny thingbe about these Grace horns theyfor isthat your team?” sheeven quipped,though, condescend-as a series Letters will edited Star Trek at time, there. Cafe at is a that fundraiser the“Who Advertising: Gary Coulombe Marketing Mgr: Gord Logan Jeff Esau have become what has defined theManotick 2010 World Cup. Project in Haitiingly. at Editor: for length, clarity and Longfields email: Heights onandits first run, was considered a failure. I think it’s time to make some popcorn People who have been following the World Davidson Cup I did the only it thing I could do, shouting as loud Photographer: MikeAngie Carroccetto News/sports: Office: High School in February, is Marketing Mgr: GordDinardo Logan Advertising: libellous statements. people who have only seen 20 minutes of it in our person of passthe Even year as for I could. Photographer: Mike Carroccetto as kids in a three-room school, we – on the stove, not in the microwave – and Editor: 2010. Agostinho ing have commented on these annoying yet relent-was our“USA! USA! USA!” Office: Angie Dinardo Display, National and News/ Sports: person of thewere year for 2009. able to figure out the parallels between have a private screening at the Morris Cenless horns. Ironically, while the world has learned to They turned their heads in disgust. The next 45 Photographer: Mike Carroccetto For the full story, see page 2. Classified adapt these hornsrates as the oneare thing they nowPlanet know seconds were incredibly silent and awkward. of the Apes and what we saw Walter tre for the Performing Arts. In fact, I think I about South African the horns aren’t really At that point, it was my turn. The cashier available on culture, request. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada about on the news every might watch all of the movies. a part of their everyday lives. South African Cronkite sports scannedtalking my Diet Coke and V-8 Fusion, and I was through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. The Manotick Messenenthusiasts have commented that they had never all set. night. “Would you like plastic bags?” After all, I don’t think I could stomach Friday 10 am CLASSIFIED; Monday Advertising deadlines: DISPLAY, Monday 3 p.m.; 4 p.m. Friday noon ger is heard not aresponsible seen nor vuvuzela horn at a sporting event, All layouts and composition of advertisements produced by employees of Manotick Messenger Vol. 27, Number X Manotick, Ontario Wednesday, Month people x, 2010findSingle copies and that South African the noise just “Yesare please,” I replied. If $1 you not familiar with the story, or if watching a Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup Inc. are protected by copyright invested in the publishers of the Manotick Messenger. for thethe loss of unsoas annoying as the rest of the world does. I had never been so happy to pay five cents for a hasplastic been years since you have seen the run. Hey, Sens and Habs fans, isn’t it great Member, Ontario Community Newspaper Association licited manuscripts, Apparently, some now wealthy marketing it genius bag50 just to get the hell out there. Canadian Community Newspaper Association came up with idea tomatemass produce and market movie, here is a quick refresher. Taylor, an that the last time the Leafs won the Cup was photos or the other these horns as a World Cup novelty. The plan Jeffrey Morris was the 2008 OCNA Columnist of rial used astronaut bytheCharlton is an a year before Planet of the Apes was in theworked, andfor nowpublication the rest of the world must endure the Year.played His book, From Other Skide, isHeston, availthe shrilling sounds of his quick buck. able at Manotick Pro, Barrhaven UPS Store, purposes. astronaut who Office crashes on what appears to atres?
Page 6, Manotick Messenger, Wednesday, June 23, 2010
independent independent S
*OCNA General Excellence Awards, Class 1 Circulation
I was just about to drift back into ADD world and
and Pages in Prescott.
Letters to the Editor welcome – email to
Letters to the editor welcome — email newsfile@bellnet. ca or fax 692-3758
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The MessengerLETTERS
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 7
Braid says Tory coup of Patrick Brown will set up an NDP minority government The Editor, I suppose that nobody should be surprised that following the recent palace coup in the Ontario PC party that saw Patrick Brown ousted as leader, Jeff Morris has come out solidly in support of the Alt-right forces that probably engineered Brown’s demise. While Morris did say that Brown should have “the opportunity to clear his name and move forward with his political career,” he also made it clear that any attempt by Brown to regain the leadership was simply out of the question. “Jumping back in is 100 per cent about Patrick Brown, and it has created a sideshow,” according to Morris. That last statement is rather ironic, since it was Brown’s removal that has created the sideshow that is the Ontario PC leader-
ship contest. Ontario residents have been treated to two “debates” involving four woefully inadequate candidates, all of whom sound like they’re reading from the same Republican Party teleprompter. “Carbon taxes are bad,” “sexed in schools is a terrible idea,” etc., etc., followed by the inevitable, “I’ll cut your taxes AND reduce the deficit.” Could any thinking person take any of these people seriously? And what’s with this Tanya Granic Allen, the token So-Con apparently obsessed with what she describes as, “Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum?” Dare we tell her that Ontario doesn’t actually have a “sex-ed curriculum,” but rather it has a “Health and Physical Education curriculum” of which “sexed” is but a tiny subcomponent, usually delivered
by a public health nurse in two one-hour sessions over the course of an entire school year? Talk about being obsessed with minutia! Or how about Caroline Mulroney, the expatriate American citizen now vying for the leadership? Is she “just visiting” Ontario long enough to try for party leader, and If her attempt fails, will she then return to the country to which she has so passionately pledged her allegiance? Then there’s Doug Ford, who likes to believe his family represents a political dynasty, like the Kennedys. In reality, according to the Globe and Mail, Ford’s family is a lot more like the “Sopranos” than the Kennedys. A 2013 investigative article entitled “Globe Investigation: The Ford Family’s
Osgoode Pathway to Manotick Link (Mitch Owens Road and Rideau Forest Neighbourhood) Online Consultation February 28 to March 20, 2018
leadership conventions remains utterly unblemished. When Christine Elliot is the best the party has to offer, the party clearly has a problem. It’s just unfortunate that the Ontario PC party would choose this time to self-destruct, especially when Patrick Brown—having moved the party closer to the centre ideologically—was poised to cruise to an easy victory over Kathleen Wynne. Now, with the Alt-right forces once again fully in control of the party, that widerT:5.063” appeal will be
lost as the party panders to its narrow Alt-right base. Naturally, any insider proposing ideas that are even slightly progressive will be identified as an enemy of the party, which is probably why the National Post’s Christie Blatchford recently characterized the post-Brown Ontario PC party as “a nest of vipers.” Oh well, the good news is that we’ll probably end up with a minority government with the NDP holding the balance of power! Andy Braid, Kars, ON
By the time you finish reading this, you could’ve confirmed your voter info online.
The City of Ottawa has initiated a functional planning study to improve connectivity between the Osgoode Pathway, renamed the Doug Thompson Pathway, and Manotick Village. The study primarily focuses on two segments; (i) Mitch Owens Road and Dozois Road between River Road and Longshadow Street, and (ii) Rideau Forest neighbourhood between St. Mark’s School and the Doug Thompson Pathway.
history with drug dealing” documented multiple shootings, beatings, a kidnapping and a long history of drug dealing by Doug Ford. Of course, Doug Ford denied the allegations at the time and insisted he would sue the Globe, but in the five years since the article was printed has never done so, and the article remains online, which I think tells us all that we need to know. That leaves perennial PC party leadership contender Christine Elliot, whose record at losing at
Review and comment on the functional design
• Mitch Owens Road: The City proposes to implement enhanced paved shoulders on Mitch Owens Road between River Road and Dozois Road. Along the frontage of George Nelms Park and St. Marks Catholic School a pathway is proposed. These would be shared facilities for use by residents both on foot and on bike. • Rideau Forest Neighbourhood Route: For the eastern segment of the project the link follows local streets and an existing off-road pathway through the Rideau Forest Neighbourhood. Wayfinding signage is provided, and pavement markings indicate sharing of the road. The segment of Gough Road between Dutchess Crescent and the Doug Thompson pathway is proposed to be widened to include paved shoulders. Tell Us What You Think Please review the project information and design drawings online at by March 20, 2018. If you have any comments on this proposal, please provide them using the online feedback form or directly to the project manager listed below. Next Steps Comments received from the public will be considered during the detailed design phase which will begin later in 2018. For further information contact: Adam Hortop Project Manager - Cycling Transportation Services 110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1 Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 20234 Email:
March is Provincial Voter Registration Month. #GetONit Ad # 2017-507_Osgoode_09032018
Be ready to vote on June 7, 2018.
Page 8 Friday, March 9, 2018
The MessengerNEWS Commuters sound off over poor service provided by OC Transpo
‘Fake riders’ who get on 95 downtown and hop off after a couple of stops make it impossible for commuters to get home in decent time The villagers may not have shown up with their Tiki torches lit, but the OC Transpo riders certainly did. Councillors Jan Harder, Michael Qaqish and Scott Moffatt hosted a forum for OC Transpo riders at Pierre Savard Secondary School last Tuesday night. More than 100 people representing the wards of all three hosting councillors showed up to vent their frustrations. Miguel Tremblay, Senior Development Planner at FoTenn Consultants, and Chris Gordon, a transportation engineer with Parsons, co-hosted the meeting. They expressed to the crowd that they wanted to gather information on the problems that riders were experiencing so that they could be presented to OC Transpo officials. “When you think about it, a commuter getting the bus in Barrhaven could drive to work in Kingston in the same amount of time as it takes them to get to downtown Ottawa using OC Transpo,” said Councillor Jan Harder, who said her office has been inundated with complaints about public transit services. Harder did not want OC Transpo representatives at the meeting, fearing the fireworks would be
counterproductive. The problem extends beyond Barrhaven. Moffatt, whose ward has grown north into the southern part of Half Moon Bay and Stonebridge, says that commuters in his ward use Barrhaven’s park and rides as a transit hub as well. “There are a lot of people from North Gower who take the 95,” Moffatt said. “In fact, a lot of rural residents in North Gower, Kars and Manotick do. People drive to Barrhaven to the park and ride and then ride the bus downtown. People wish there were better transit options for residents of rural Ottawa, but they know there aren’t and they just accept it.” Moffatt added that the rural residents pay far less for transit services on their tax bills. Getting in and out of Barrhaven is as much of a problem for them as it is for Barrhaven residents. Many of the problems were centered around the bus on route 95, which replaced the 177 bus. Many of the attendees at the meeting referred to the route as a “milk run.” Amanda Bernardo, who triggered the #LifeOnThe95 Twitter campaign that was featured in the Barrhaven Independent last month, caught Harder’s attention. Harder is
also a frequent rider on the bus and has experienced what the commuters are going through. “The buses are always full, drivers pass riders waiting for the bus, and the buses are often late or even missing,” said Harder of the 95 route. Half Moon Bay resident Robert Finkle was one of the OC Transpo riders who is dissatisfied with the service. “I don’t think the 95 is planned well,” said Finkle. “And snow removal on River Mist is an issue.” The number of different routes in and out of Barrhaven is limited, and the number of riders exceeds the number of seats on buses in commuting hours. Finkle said that while getting downtown in the morning is one issue, getting back to Barrhaven on the 95 is a whole new adventure. Those at the meeting described getting onto a bus downtown as a free-for-all. While the 95 bus is the one that heads to Barrhaven, the bus is jammed with fake riders – those who get on the bus and only stay on for a couple of stops before getting off – are preventing commuters to and from Barrhaven from catching their bus. “I am tired of being
An InvItAtIon
Recently RetiRed ? looking foR a meaningful expeRience? Consider becoming a volunteer at the Dickinson House Museum in Manotick. To learn more about what is involved, you are invited to a Volunteer Tea at Dickinson House,
1127 Mill Street, Manotick, 2:00 pm Wednesday, March 28, 2018. For more information, and to RSVP , call the Chair of the Dickinson House Committee, Brian Earl, at 613-692-2371.
stranded at Fallowfield,” Finkle said. “I wait 40 minutes there for a bus. If I go an alternate route, I get stuck at (RioCan) Marktplace. I don’t complain because by the time I get home, I am just too tired to. The older parts of Barrhaven have the 270 series. Why can’t we?” But the grass is not necessarily greener on the 270-series buses. Renee Berry, who uses the 277 bus to get to and from work at the Bank and Slater area downtown, says that the service is the worst she has seen in 20 years of commuting to and from Barrhaven. “There have been mornings where it has been cold and snowing and I have waited for 40 minutes at my stop for a bus,” Berry said. “When I called OC Transpo, I was told the buses were running a half hour late. So then where was the bus scheduled for a half hour earlier?” Berry said that getting a bus home from downtown is also difficult. Her route to Barrhaven is jammed with riders heading to Baseline station. She called for the return of express routes to and from Bar-
Miguel Tremblay of FoTenn Consultants facilitated the OC Transpo forum that saw local commuters sound off over poor service. Jeff Morris photo
rhaven, and and several others said they would be willing to pay a premium for that service. Harder was as frustrated as the commuters. She said the problems began with the cancellation of the OTrain service that would have served Barrhaven more than a decade ago. “That was a 13-11 vote that we lost, and look where it has left us?” said Barrhaven. “The east-west corridors in Barrhaven are very poorly served again, because the spine of the
system is all north-south. It should not take an hour and a half for commuters to catch a bus and then get downtown, and then go through an even more difficult process in getting home.” Complaints and comments were compiled and have been presented to OC Transpo to be addressed. Harder said she wants to host a follow-up meeting in April with OC Transpo present so that the concerns of commuters can be addressed.
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The MessengerCOMMUNITY
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 9
Anne Robinson to speak on Mahogany Harbour Project at next meeting Manotick Kiwanis News The Kiwanis Club of Manotick regular meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Legion Hall, Manotick, September to June; we invite you to come for 6 with dinner at 6:30 pm. Most meetings have a guest speaker. June to August meetings are casual and held at various locations. Check
the Kiwanis web site at Bingos are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:45 p.m. for the residents at Hyfield Place and on the second Wednesday
of each month at 6:45 p.m. for the residents at Carleton Lodge, Sept. to June. These bingos are fun for the residents and for the Kiwanians who organize and help with them. The next regular
meeting is on March 20th and the guest speaker will be Anne Robinson who will speak about the “Mahogany Harbour Project”. The speaker at the April 3rd meeting will be Emily Alguire who
will talk about “Health and Well Being”. Our club is proud to sponsor and be involved with many community service and fundraising activities. Please watch future issues of the Messenger for action and event information. The Kiwanis Club of Manotick encourages you to support the initiative to shop locally. “Kiwanis is a global
organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time”.
shop locally
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Page 10 Friday, March 9, 2018
The MessengerNEWS
Goulbourn Twp. Historical Society hosts presentation on your genealogy The Goulbourn Township Historical Society will be holding a presentation at the Stittsville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion entitled, “Researching Your Genealogy” with Marilyn Cottrell. Mari-
lyn will outline the various resources available for use in researching your family history. The presentation starts at 1:30pm and encourages audience participation. Marilyn will focus on sources for researching
Goulbourn-related genealogy, but the presentation will be of interest to anyone researching family history. Marilyn herself is a descendant of one of Goulbourn’s original settlers, William Lackey,
and other early families. Everyone is welcome to these free commun-
ity programs. There are always delicious refreshments provided
thanks to our committed members and volunteers.
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Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 11
Watson’s Mill Manotick Inc. Accepting Student Summer Job Applications
Watson’s Mill Manotick Inc. Accepting Student Summer Job Applications
Our 2018 Season Opening is fast approaching and Watson’s Mill Manotick Inc. is currently accepting applications from students who wish to join our dynamic staff!
Our 2018 Season Opening is fast approaching and Watson’s Mill Manotick Inc. is currently accepting applications from students who wish to join our dynamic staff!
Anticipated Positions: • Children’s Programming Assistant: $15.00/hour, 5 days/week , including some weekends. Key tasks: develop and implement the Mini‐Wheats Summer Camp; recruit and train volunteer youth leaders. • Special Events and Marketing Assistant: $15.00/hour, 5 days/week, including some weekends. Key tasks: coordinate and implement the 2018 schedule of events • Heritage Interpreters: $14.00/hour, 5 days/ week, including weekends. Key tasks: provide guided tours of Watson’s Mill
Anticipated Positions: • Children’s Programming Assistant: $15.00/hour, 5 days/week , including some weekends. Key tasks: develop and The number of work weeks is dependent on funding results (8‐16 weeks, with potential for fall hours). implement the Mini-Wheats Summer Camp; recruit and train volunteer youth leaders. Target start date, Tuesday, 15 May 2017. • Special Events and Marketing Assistant: $15.00/hour, 5 days/week, including some weekends. Key tasks: coordinate For expanded job descriptions and application instructions visit and implement the 2018 schedule of events The application deadline is 8 April 2017. • Heritage Interpreters: $14.00/hour, 5 days/ week, including weekends. Watson’s Mill is a unique 1860’s flour mill located in the village of Manotick and is the only working Key tasks: provide guided tours of Watson’s Mill industrial heritage site in greater Ottawa. The WMMI mandate is to preserve Watson’s Mill as a working
flour and feed mill and a social, cultural and educational focal point for the community and visitors. Watson’s Mill, 5525 Dickinson Street, Historic Dickinson Square, Manotick. Tel.: 613‐692‐6455 •
The number of work weeks is dependent on funding results (8-16 weeks, with potential for fall hours). Target start date, Tuesday, 15 May 2018.
For expanded job descriptions and application instructions visit The application deadline is 8 April 2018. Watson’s Mill is a unique 1860’s flour mill located in the village of Manotick and is the only working industrial heritage site in greater Ottawa. The WMMI mandate is to preserve Watson’s Mill as a working flour and feed mill and a social, cultural and educational focal point for the community and visitors. Watson’s Mill, 5525 Dickinson Street, Historic Dickinson Square, Manotick. Tel.: 613-692-6455 •
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Page 12 Friday, March 9, 2018
South Carleton Legion Branch 314 to host St. Paddy’s Day Dance
KARDOS, Geza (Retired Mechanical Engineering Professor)
The Royal Canadian Legion South Carleton Branch 314 in Manotick will be holding a St. Patrick’s Day Dance, Sat. March 17, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for stew and music by the Restronics. For more information, call 613.692.3243 or visit the Legion’s website at
EASTER 2018 Leave yourMENU Easter feast MENU year! to us this
Mushroom Pate (V) chefs will Our team Wild of professional Crispy leek, candied pecans, spiced pita chips cook a deliciousORdinner for you to enjoy your Salmon own Roulade home. Spinachin & Smoked Horseradish, lemon and dill, crisp greens
OR Easter Dinner Menu
Butternut Pear Vol Soup (V, GF) Salmon & Shrimp au Vent OR Curried With Carrotcandied Soup & Dill Crèmepepitas Fraiche (V, GF) spiced
-----------------------------------------------------------------Brown Sugar Bourbon glazed Ham Brownpotatoes, Sugar Bourbon glazed Ham (GF, LF) OR Scalloped maple carrots, lemon asparagus Slow-roasted boneless Lamb leg With Rhubarb Chutney Rosemary sweet potatoes cauliflower OR gratin, green bean medley Citrus roasted (GF, LF) House made Turkey dinner rolls Boneless turkey breast, citrus herb butter, rosemary gravy Raspberry Rhubarb OR Gallette (GF) OR Lemon Chiffon Cake (GF) Lamb Roulade (LF) Boneless lamb rolled with mint, thyme, $30.00leg perof person | $280.00 groupparsley of 10 or &more mint sauce OR Order your Easter Dinner by March 30th. Roasted Heirloom Quiche (GF, V) Pick-up eitherTomato April 2nd or 4th. Heirloom tomatoes, local asparagus, eggs, gruyere, thyme We will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday -----------------------------------------------------------------CallRisotto us to cakes placewith yourasparagus order now Heavenly honey glazed carrots 613.518.6639 Brussels with thyme & apple 1135 sprouts Mill Street, Manotick Our team of professional chefs will -----------------------------------------------------------------cook a delicious dinner for Artisan dinner rolls & herbed butter you to enjoy in your own home. -----------------------------------------------------------------Chocolate Coconut Tart Chocolate pastry crust, coconut filling, chocolate ganache OR Salmon & Shrimp Vol au Vent OR Strawberry Trifle (GF) Fraiche (V, GF) Curried Carrot Soup & Dill Crème Fresh strawberries, sponge cake, vanilla bean custard, strawberry champagne jelly, whipped Brown Sugar Bourbon glazed cream Ham Scalloped potatoes, maple OR carrots, lemon asparagus OR Slow-roasted boneless Earl Grey Crème BruleeLamb (GF) leg Rosemary sweet potatoes cauliflower gratin, green bean medley Sloane Earl Grey infused cream, organic eggs, Heavenly honey, blackberries House made dinner rolls
Leave your Easter feast to us this year!
Easter Dinner Menu
Raspberry Rhubarb $36.00 per Gallette person(GF) OR Lemon Chiffon Cake (GF) $30.00 per person ORDERING | $280.00 group of 10 or more Last day for ordering Easter Dinner is Tuesday March 27th and pick-up is for either Thursday March 29th Order your Easter Dinner by March 30th. Saturday March 31st Pick-uporeither April 2nd or 4th. We will be closed on Good Friday & Easter Sunday
We will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday Email Us | Call us to place your order now
1135 Mill Street, Manotick
Born March 2, 1926, Tolna, Hungary, died at Élisabeth Bruyère Residence Hospice, Ottawa, on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, at age 91. Survived by his wife of 68 years, June, his children Russell Kardos (Elaine), Theresa Beninger (Brian), Linda Kardos Hester (Jimmy), grandchildren James, Christina, Camile and Daniel and great grandchildren Isaac, Cayden, and Henry. Predeceased by his mother Theresa Nemeth and his father Imre (Jimmy) Kardos. Geza grew up in Saskatoon and graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His early career included positions at the National Research Council (Ottawa), Tamper Ltd (Montreal) and Aviation Electric (Montreal). He later went on to obtain both a Masters Degree and PhD from McGill University after which he found his calling teaching design, first at McMaster University then at Carleton University (1971-1995). He will best be remembered for his contributions to engineering design education as a professor of Mechanical Engineering and as a founding member of the School of Industrial Design. His love of teaching has been internationally recognized and awarded by the American Society for Engineering Education. His annual Student Design Test Day was legendary in Ottawa for celebrating the accomplishments of his students. He was an avid bridge player throughout his life, who enjoyed many a competitive game. Along with his wife June, they established the well-respected Manotick Duplicate Bridge Club which is still going strong today. He was also an expert gardener who took pride in the bounty of his vegetable garden which he generously shared with everyone around him. In retirement, his grandchildren brought him much joy and he will be deeply missed by his family, friends and colleagues. Thank you to the many caregivers who kept Dad comfortable throughout his short illness, including the emergency staff at the Civic Hospital, Champlain LHIN, Bayshore Nursing, the Élisabeth Bruyère Palliative care unit,and Dr. Dy and the nurses and PSW’s at Ravines Retirement Residence. As expressions of sympathy, in memoriam donations to Carleton University School of Industrial Design would be appreciated. Sharing memories online guestbook available at
Snowthrower Blowout!* ALL UNITS MUST GO
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*See in-store for pricing and details.
Proudly serving Manotick & surrounding area since 1964!
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8am-8pm Saturday – 8am-6pm Sunday – 9am-5pm THE MEWS OF MANOTICK
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 13
ClassifiedAdvertising Rates 30 cents per word, $8.00 minimum
GOOD NIGHT BED COMPANY - Mattresses that “Fit” your sleep HERITAGE WILDLIFE MANAGE-MENT: WILDLIFE PROBLEMS? Get them humanely removed with Heritage Wildlife Management. issues, as well as your budget! Kemptville On. 613 258 2902 Call Paul Mussell. 613-601-2959. (Csa-tf-33) (TFN)
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Ann Snider To our dear friend Ann who passed away March 6, 1998 Always you were so much fun Always with a twinkle in your eye Always a smile and a friendly hi Sure wish you were here We miss your weekly cheer Always remembered.
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All Classified Advertising Payable In Advance Classifieds will be accepted by telephone, fax or email Tel: 613-925-4265 Fax: 613-925-2837 email: Deadline for Classified Advertising Friday at 4:00 pm Deadline for Display Advertising Friday at noon
BESSIE SIMON Along with my neighbours, I wish to say goodbye to Bessie Simon who passed on Sunday February 18th, 2018 in her 97th year. May she rest in peace. Mrs. “FITZ” and neighbours in Manotick
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Page 14 Friday, March 9, 2018
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
Some life lessons learned from the ghost of Watson’s Mill Many readers may know that I talk to Ann, the ghost of Watson’s Mill, often. We have a great friendship that developed many years ago when I walked past the Mill on my way to High School on the Island! Often, as I walked by, I would wave to the window that became known as “Ann’s Window”, second floor near the dam. Many years later I found that I could communicate with Ann in an unusual way and I still do. She tells me some “gems” and as she does I write them down. I would like to share some of those with you. They are short and to the point so for easy reading I will number each. 1. Everything has its beauty… but not everyone
THIS MONTH by Larry Ellis sees it. 2.It’s important for parents to live the same things they teach. 3,One of the beautiful things about friendships is that they are shared. 4.When you throw mud at someone, remember you are the one who is losing ground. 5.Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together. 6.Anger is a condition in
which the tongue works faster than the mind 7.There is no right way to do the wrong thing. 8.The most valuable antique is an old friend. 9.Love is something you cannot give away entirely. It always comes back to you. 10.Be happy with the things you have. 11.Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others.
12.Speak kind words and you will hear kind echoes 13.Of all the things you wear, a smile is the most important 14.Kind words take less breath than angry words. 15,Never let yesterday use up today. For the record - I do not suggest that these “gems” have not been written, spoken or told by anyone else - just that Ann said them to me. Maybe an Angel told her! Every March 11th I try and visit Ann at the Mill, sometimes it is cold or snowing but “we have a date” and 2018 will be the 157th anniversary of the accident that took her life. We’ll talk again in a few days.
Community Calendar
Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road
(across from Tim Hortons)
• The Manotick Horticultural Society presents: Reviving a Tired Garden Monday March 12 at Transferring a prescription is easy to do 7:30 p.m. at the RCMP Campground Hall, 451 These cards accepted Monday-Friday: 9am-8pm Nicolls Island Road, off of River Road just north of Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 10am-4pm Manotick. Talk is followed by a friendly gathering with desserts. Guests welcome. Non-members ~ Western Red Cedar ~ 613-692-0015
Where Quality Cedar Is a Family Tradition
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North Gower (right at the lights) Monday-Friday 7:30 am-5:30 pm; Saturday 7:30 am-1:00 pm
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• Anyone who is looking for a meaningful experience is invited to a Volunteer Tea at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at Dickinson House, 1127 Mill Street, in Manotick. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to give a few hours a week during the Season to meet and greet visitors. To RSVP and for more information, please call the chair of the Dickinson House Committee, Brian Earl at 613-692-2371. • Are you a proud parent of a military member? Join other parents of serving military members for a casual support group offering you tips and tools, support, information, and refreshments. Free bimonthly meetings are held Monday nights 6:30 - 8:30pm.
• 6 hand Eucher Thursday evening in Barrhaven, all ages; 7:00pm to 10:00pm from mid September until May at the Field House on Stoneway Cres in Barrhaven. Call Myrna, 613-797-9442 or email for details. • Thursday Fun Night for adults and children. An optional supper at 5:45 pm. Indoor soccer/games, crafts, or nursery for ages 0-11. Parenting course, Alpha course, or Growing in Faith/Hearing God course for adults, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. To try it out contact, • Friday Night Country Music & Dance Club The Greely Legion hosts a Friday Night Music and Dance Club, the fourth Friday of each month. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128
Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who make these events possible
For free advertising for your not-for-profit community events email
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Follow us on Twitter. @manotickmessngr
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 15
Sho p
Be part of this campaign to support your neighbour Building outdoors? Choose Western red cedar, naturally!
Online consultation launched on pathway from Osgoode to Manotick The City is looking for feedback on the proposed pathway connecting the Osgoode Pathway and Manotick. The project information and design drawings can be found at Ottawa. c a / Os g o o d e p a t h w a y. The documents focus on two areas: a paved pathway along Mitch Owens between Dozois Road and Longshadow Street in the Village and the eastern portion of the pathway between St. Mark High School and the Osgoode Pathway (renamed the Doug Thompson Pathway) which will follow streets in the Rideau Forest Neighbourhood. The pathway along Mitch Owens would consist of paved shoulders with rumble strips on both sides of the road and is to be used by cyclists and walkers. The funds for construction of the pathway were approved in the last City Budget. Comments can be provided using the online feedback form or by emailing the project manager at adam. The consultation runs until March 20.
Manotick Arena Expansion finally complete
At long last, the new addition to the Manotick Arena is open to the public. The main lobby and dressing rooms opened on the last weekend in February and it is expected the second floor community space will be open the week of March 5. A big thank you to the Arena staff and the Manotick Arena Expansion Committee for enabling the
tion, contact
Volunteer Tea, March 28, 2 p.m.
by Grace Thrasher, President, Manotick Village and Community Association (MVCA)
rink to be used during the construction. A formal opening ceremony will be held at a later date.
Around the Village
The Manotick BIA recently hosted an excellent Waterfront Series on building your business in a rural setting. The event featured speakers on improving social media and web site reach, working more efficiently and connecting with Ottawa Tourism to increase Manotick’s profile among tourists and other Ottawa residents. It was a morning well spent! Kudos to the organizers of Chic Time in the Tick for selling out the 500 tickets for this fundraising event slated for May 4th at the Arena. It promises to be a fun night of celebrating women with a silent auction, good food and live music! If you have not yet got a ticket, they are starting a waiting list. For more informa-
Citizens of Manotick and area are invited to attend a Volunteer Tea at Dickinson House, 1127 Mill Street. Those who have a bit of spare time or are looking for a meaningful experience may wish to consider becoming a volunteer at the House. For more information and to RSVP, please call the Chair of the Dickinson House Committee, Brian Earl at 613-692-2371.
The People of Dickinson House, April 6, 7, 13 and 14, 6 p.m.
This special theatrical presentation will bring the people of Dickinson House to life. Join the four Dickinson siblings – George, Charlotte, Willie and Bessie – as well as house maid Sarah Devlin and stable hand Peter Hicks at Dickinson House and the nearby Carriage Shed as each reflects on a pivotal moment in their lives during the 40 year period from 1872 to 1912. In advance of the show guests will enjoy dinner at the Doyle House Hotel (The Mil-
ler’s Oven) and will be greeted there by owner Peter Doyle Junior. There are only 30 tickets available per show. There are still tickets available for April 7 and 13. Tickets are $40 each and are available by calling 613-692-6455 or by e-mailing watsonsmillmanotick@gmail. com. For more information about the show go to http://www.itrtheatre. com/DH.html Proceeds from the shows will go to the Dickinson House restoration fund.
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Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday: 7:30 am - 1:00 pm
Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road
(Across from Tim Hortons)
Transferring a prescription is easy to do
Family Story Time, Saturday and Tuesday, 10:30 – 11 a.m.
Songs, stories and rhymes for children of all ages accompanied by a parent or caregiver. This free event is being offered by the Manotick Public Library.
For youth age 12-17. For more information, visit, email us at youth.of.manotick@ or call us at 613-296-1202 Follow us on Twitter @ manotickvca and Facebook
Monday-Friday: 9 am - 8 pm Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm
Manotick Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday ‐ 8am‐9pm Saturday – 8am‐6pm Sunday – 9am‐5pm
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Page 16 Friday, March 9, 2018
If you have any questions for our area professionals, email us at:
PHARMACY Q: What is the best way to treat heartburn? A: Heartburn is described as
a burning pain in the chest. It is caused by stomach acid that seeps back up into the esophagus and causes discomfort. Heartburn often Paul Brooks occurs after eating and may Pharmacist worsen when bending over or lying down. Common triggers are spicy, acidic, or fatty foods, large meals, alcohol and caffeine. If heartburn symptoms are mild and occur only periodically, OTC products are available that neutralize or reduce the acid. If heartburn is more persistent or severe, treatment may require prescription acid reducers. Your pharmacist can advise you of the various options for your situation.
Paul’s Pharmacy
990 River Road, Manotick, ON
LEGAL SERVICES Q: My husband and I are planning to sell our home. How does the Harmonized Sales Tax (“HST”) affect our sale? A: While there is no HST applicable to the sale price of the home, HST is applicable to the real estate commission Michelle Perry and legal fees. But don’t B.A.,LL.B. forget, HST is also applicable to other aspects of your move such as the cost of hiring professional movers, rental vehicles, and packing supplies. If you would like to know more about how HST affects your move, please give me a call.
VETERINARY SERVICES Q: TICKS! Why do we have to worry about them now?
A: Ticks can bite from 4 degrees Celsius and above. If spring comes early then ticks may show up earlier than in past years. Ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease that are very dangerous for our canine companions. Dr. Andrew Sparling How to protect our dogs from Tick Borne D.V.M. Diseases? 1. Reduce tick exposure 2. Check for, and promptly remove ticks 3. Use tick preventive medications 4. Vaccinate your dog against Lyme disease. Talk to your veterinary team about your dogs lifestyle and therefore risks in our area. They will be able to provide you with specific details as to the best preventative options in your situation. A great web site for further information about this and other diseases of risk to our pets is
5542 Main Street P.O. Box 429, Manotick, ON. Tel: 613-692-3547 Fax 613-692-0826
Q: Why does your dental plan pay less than what your dentist charges?
Q: Why should I book my vacation with Maritime Travel?
A: All dental insurance plans are different; some only cover a percentage of your visit, have a deductible per year or may use a fee guide form an earlier year. Most plans also have a maximum limit per year per person. All of these decisions are determined by what your employer has purchased from the insurance company. Unfortunately, dental insurance does not always provide coverage with your dental health in mind. It is rare that insurance will cover the full cost of dental treatment. Dentists will always diagnose treatment in the best interest of the patient’s dental and overall health. DR. CHEVREUL HARRIS DR. KAREN FUNG-HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES
If You Have Questions For Our Professionals, E-Mail Us At: Advert@Bellnet.Ca Great Way To TArGET YOUr MArkET! Become A Member Of The Professional Forum And Appear On This Page Every Month, Call 613-692-6000
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To be a part of our Professional Forum, call Gary at 613-692-6000 or e-mail
Nancy Tapping - Branch Manager Manotick Mews 1160 Beaverwood Road Manotick , On K4M 1A6 Phone: 613-692-2521 Toll Free: 1-800-267-5400
The MessengerCOMMUNITY
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 17
Mixed messages causing confusion over LRT, Hard Rock Casino Over the last few weeks, there have been two items that have been discussed around City Hall and in the media. Both items have been the source of confusion. With mixed messages coming out of City Hall, it cannot be easy for the general public to keep things straight. The two issues are LRT and the Hard Rock Casino. Last month, we learned that the LRT opening was going to happen in November. It was initially anticipated that the new rail line would be open by Canada Day. Rideau Transit Group (RTG) informed the City last month that they would not meet the contracted Revenue Service Availability (RSA) date of May 24, 2018. They then set a new RSA date of November 2, 2018. There are liquidated damages associated with the RSA date. However, the contract allows for RTG to delay the RSA date once without having to pay liquidated damages. That amount is $1M. Section 26.7 of the LRT contract specifically states that the RSA can be delayed once without penalty. If they miss the November 2nd date, they will be charged the $1M. That part of the contract is clear as well. The costs of delaying the RSA for RTG far outweigh the liquidated damages, however, The other matter is the Hard Rock Casino application, which was submitted early last month. The plan, originally announced in 2017, calls for the addition of a hotel, entertainment venue to be known as Hard Rock Live, and an increase in on site gaming including an additional 20 table games and 750 slot machines. The entire plan represents a $320M investment in the Rideau Carleton Raceway and
WARD REPORT by Councillor Scott Moffatt
ensures the future of the rural facility that seemed destined to be shut down only a few short years ago. The cause for confusion seems to stem from a 2013 Council decision that made the Rideau Carleton Raceway the preferred site for the Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation’s modernization plans. At that time, the zoning only allowed for 21 table games. The number of slots was never included in zoning meaning there was never a restriction, from the City’s perspective, on the number of slots that could be included. The Council motion in 2013 spoke to the current configuration but also prefaced the future expansion and potential development application. The Modernization Plan clearly laid out that the Ottawa gaming zone could accommodate up to 2000 slots and 600 table game positions, or around 80 tables. The existing facility had 1250 slots and no tables. Recently, members of Council have raised concern suggesting that Council capped the number of slots. Unfortunately, they are wrong. The Zoning By-Law is clear and the mention of 1250 slots in the 2013 Council decision is nothing more than that, a mention. With these two items, depending on whom you listen to, it sounds like Council does not know what we are doing. It sounds like we do not understand the decisions we are making, that we don’t actually read the
reports. It is incredibly unfortunate and completely unnecessary that these notions are out there. The LRT contract is clear and the gaming related motions approved by Council are clear. It is our job to ensure clarity and some of us need to be doing a better job of it.
owner has been working with the Manotick Horticultural Society to allow them to preserve certain plantings that were on site. To prepare the site for construction, the tree removal will be significant.
Clapp Lane Development
Ottawa is participating in the Government of Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge. The City needs your help identifying Ottawa’s challenge and how we could solve it, since people are key to making cities smarter. What are some of the challenges facing our city that, if addressed, would help to improve the lives of those that live, work and play in Ottawa? Developing a smart cities approach to address challenges requires strong support from residents and community partners. It involves finding innovative solutions that use data and connected technology to resolve real world challenges.
In the fall, I announced that a meeting would be forthcoming to highlight to development plans for 1125 Clapp Lane. After some discussions with the developer and some minor changes to the façade of the building, we are now working on an April date for the open house with Reichmann Seniors Housing. This will be an opportunity for the community to get an update on plans that were first approved by the City a few years ago. In the meantime, you can expect to see tree removal begin on the site in the coming days and weeks. The property
Smart Cities Challenge
If successful, Ottawa would receive $50 million to support its smart city approach. Visit to learn more about the competition. Your input matters. Help inform Ottawa’s challenge statement by completing a short online questionnaire.
A Dickinson House Invitation
The Dickinson House Committee invites you to come to a Volunteer Tea at Dickinson House, 1127 Mill Street, Manotick on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 2:00pm. It is an ideal opportunity for those with a few spare hours to meet and greet visitors throughout the season. For more information, and to RSVP, please call Brian Earl, the chair of the Dickinson House Committee at 613-692-2371.
Chic Time in the ‘Tick
On Friday, May 4th, 500 women of all ages and careers will be gathering at the Manotick
Arena for the 2nd Chic Time in the ‘Tick event, a celebration of all that women do to ‘build community’, in Manotick and beyond. Created and coordinated by “chics” from the ‘Tick, the Manotick Culture, Parks and Recreation Association, the Kiwanis Club of Manotick, and the Manotick BIA, 2018 promises to be another fun ‘ladies night out’ with dinner, live and silent auctions and live music. While the event is sold-out, contact Anne Robinson at to go on the waiting list, in case of last-minute cancellations. If you cannot participate but want to give an auction item, please contact Sue Hale at Sue. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at Scott. or contact me by phone at 613-580-2491. For information on Rideau-Goulbourn issues, please visit
How low can you go! What does the fox say? We don’t know the answer to that one, but we do know he can limbo. The fox and other local residents danced, imbibed, taco-munched and limbo-ed their happy way to raising over $4000. toward the ultimate goal of $150,000 for the Richmond 200th Anniversary celebration. All funds raised will be used for this year’s celebration events and activities scheduled for the June 15-17 weekend at the Richmond fair grounds. Visit for all celebration details. Photo by Maple Leaf Photo
Page 18 Friday, March 9, 2018
The MessengerSPORTS Chatland’s hat trick not enough in Minor Bantam Romans’ loss Osgoode Richmond Romans Minor Hockey Report
Major Novice
On Tues., Feb. 20, the Osgoode Richmond Romans beat the Nepean Raiders 3-1 at the Nepean Sportsplex in their Ottawa B Hockey League playoff game. Eddie Jaquemet, Alex Shewfelt and Cameron Gibson were the goal scorers for the Romans with Shewfelt adding an assist. Max Courville was the winning goalie. On Sat., Feb. 24, the Romans headed to Casselman and lost 4-2 to the Casselman-Embrun Ice Dogs. Trailing 4-0 in the third, Alex Shewfelt got the Romans on the board with an unassisted goal, and then James Haggar scored from Chase Plosenski to make the final 4-2. Minor Atom On Feb. 20, the Romans were blanked 3-0 by the Nepean Raiders White at the Nepean Sportsplex.
Major Atom
The Osgoode Richmond Romans held an early 3-0 lead, but the Stittsville Rams bounced back with four goals to take a 4-3 win Wed., Feb. 21 in Osgoode to win their Ottawa B Hockey League playoff series. Michael Chenier, Daniel Kean and Bentley Warnock scored first period goals for the Romans with Duncan O’Connor, Thomas Roe and Ryan Jaquemet picking up assists.
Minor Pee Wee
The Romans scored twice in the third period to earn a 2-2 tie with the Gloucester/Orleans/ Blackburn Blues Sat., Feb. 24 in Manotick. Gabriel Carty scored from Carson Nixon, and then just over a minute later, Nixon tied the game with a goal from Tristan Easton and Ben Gibson. On Mon. Feb. 26, the Romans tied the Nepean Raiders 3-3 at the Walter Baker Centre. Car-
son Nixon, Alexander Oster and Marra Klassen scored with Oster, Jeremy Owen, Paul Beaudry and Ben Gibson adding assists.
Major Pee Wee
On Sat., Feb. 24, the Romans travelled to Carleton Place and won their consolation round playoff game 4-2. Owen Ehrl, Marco Borrello, Shaun Clost and Wyatt Carr all scored for the Romans, who led 3-0 early in the third period. Clost, Borrello, Coleson Kaluza and Justin Stevenson had assists for the Romans. Cooper Kasdorff was the winning goalie for the Romans. On Feb. 27, the Romans lost in Kanata 3-1 to the Blazers. Marco Borrello scored from Nathan Gillingham.
Minor Bantam
Gavin Hodges scored late in the third period from Michael MacLean and Owen Chatland to lift the Romans to a 6-5 win over the Russell
Warriors in their Ottawa B Hockey League consolation playoff game in Manotick Sat., Feb. 24. MacLean added two goals, while Chatland also scored and assisted on two goals. Connor Gorman and Connor Hamilton also scored for the Romans with Reed Cloutier adding an assist. Connor Strampel was the winning goalie. The following day, the Romans faced the Mississippi Thunder Kings in Almonte and lost 5-3. The Romans led 3-2 in the third on Owen Chatland’s hat trick. Joel Brennan had two assists while Reed Cloutier, Connor Gorman and Ryan Hamilton had one assist each.
Minor Midget
On Tues., Feb. 20, the Romans took the lead in their playoff series with the Mississippi Thunder Kings as they scored three times in the third period to win 4-3. Trailing 3-0 in the second, the Romans got on the board
when Jack Gillis scored from Cam Sherrer. In the third, Cole Ehrl scored a power play goal from Gillis. Callum Payne scored the tying goal from Noel Klassen and Billy Sample, and then Payne’s second goal of the game, late in the third, was the winner. Ryan MacLennan picked up the assist. Warren Whitby was the winning goalie. On Feb. 25, the Romans lost 5-0 to the Stittsville Rams at the Goulbourn Rec Centre.
Major Midget
The Osgoode Richmond Romans tied the Ottawa Sting 3-3 in Osgoode Mon., Feb. 19. Josh Arts opened the scoring for the Romans in the first period with a goal from Austin Hutt and Nolan Holmes. In the third, with the Sting ahead 2-1, Arts got his second of the game, unassisted, and then Holmes scored from Hutt to put the Romans up 3-2. Jonathan Rooney scored for the Sting late
in the third to tie the score. On Feb. 21, the Romans travelled to Casselman and Josh Arts scored late in the third to give the Romans a 2-1 win over the Casselman-Embrun Ice Dogs. Matt Banning scored from Jared Downey in the first, and Arts’ goal was assisted by Jonah Maybury and Eric Seaman. Eric Lorenz was the winning goalie. The next night, the Romans were in Kanata to take on the Blazers, and earned a 1-1 tie. Matt Banning scored the Romans goal on the power play from Jared Downey and Nolan Holmes. On Sun., Feb. 25, the Romans faced the West Ottawa Golden Knights at the Barbara Ann Scott Arena and lost 3-1. Michael Gilchrist scored in the third period for the Romans from Jared Downey. The teams met again in Richmond on March 1, and the Knights were 4-0 winners.
Royals end CCHL2 season on winning note with 5-1 win over Winchester Jake McArthur had a hat trick to help the Richmond Royals end their Central Canada Hockey League 2 season on a winning note with a 5-1 win over the Winchester Hawks Sun., Feb. 25 in Richmond. The win gave the Royals a 2-2 record over the final week of the Junior B season. They beat Char-Lan 5-2 at home Mon., Feb. 19, lost 9-6 in Winchester two nights later, and then lost 6-4 on the road in Athens. Things did not start well for the Royals last Sunday. Joey Driscoll scored to put the Hawks ahead 1-0. A dust-up in the final minute of
the period saw Ryan Bonfield, one of Richmond’s top offensive weapons, ejected from the game. In the second period, the Royals bounced back to take control of the game. North Gower’s Patrick Yates tied the score for the Royals with a power play goal from McArthur and Mason Farnes. McArthur then put the Royals ahead late in the period with a goal from Ryan Pawlikowski. In the third, it was all Richmond, with the Royals outshooting the Hawks 17-5. McArthur scored his second and third goals of the game early in
the period. The first was on the power play from Yates and Pawlikowski at 1:01, while the next goal came at even strength on a feed from Pawlikowski at 4:34. Pawlikowski got his third point of the game as he scored on the power play from Owen Scott and Brendan Wood at 8:14 of the third period.
Richmond Royals captain Patrick Yates of North Gower scrambles for a loose puck in front of the Winchester Hawks net Sun., Feb. 25 in Richmond. Yates had a goal and two assists for the Royals as they closed out their CCHL2 season with a 5-1 win. Jeff Morris photo
Friday, March 9, 2018 Page 19
The MessengerSPORTS Despite short season, Ryan O’Connell ready to play in Boston next year Manotick Station native and Toronto Maple Leaf draft pick Ryan O’Connell may have had his season shortened due to injury, but he will be ready to suit up for the Boston University Terriers in the fall. O’Connell, who had played for St. Andrew’s College last season, began this season with the Penticton Vees of the
BC Junior Hockey League. He was selected to play for Canada West at the World Junior A Challenge held in Truro, Nova Scotia in December. Although his team won a gold medal, the tournament – and his season – came to an early end for O’Connell, as he suffered a broken arm and had surgery last month. Before his injury,
O’Connell, a 6’2”, 170-pound defenceman, had three goals and 11 assists for 14 points in 26 games. Ryan O’Connell, a 2017 Toronto Maple Leaf draft pick from Manotick Station, played for Canada West in the 2017 World Junior A Challenge. He will be attending Boston University on a hockey scholarship in the fall.
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is universal, the details of your hearing ability and hearing Throughout, the patient’s opinions and concerns a needs are unique to you. Consequently, overcoming even paramount. “We don’t give up until our patients’ 20 Friday, hearing March 9, 2018 MANOTICK MESSENGER “We offer a 90thePageslightest loss is best achieved if the solution needs are met.” explains McNamee, Keeping you connected with everything and everyone, their improved quality of life.” And so she decided to set up as you are. To this,her all ownperiod on doing all hearing aids.andThis extensive selected is just as distinctive your ability to hear is priceless. Unfortunately, oneachieve in ten of us business, it her way putting patientstrial first,gives offeringthe trueconfidence Hearing Freedom. Now,have nearlychosen 15 years the later,right she solu suffer from hearing loss. If ignored, even the slightest hearing products available need to be considered and discussed. that they loss has significant consequences. You become disconnected continues to help patients stay young, active and socially Fortunately, at Hearing Freedom your freedom choiceconnected. is them, their lifestyle and hearing needs.” from your world as loved ones become mumblers andof asking Hearing Freedom offers a rarely found grass-roots program to repeat becomes a nuisance. Your safety and independence Furthermore, there are and no Hearing Instrument Prac held paramount. cognitive of care. Unlike larger companies chains, there is no is compromised. You risk misdiagnoses, diminishing Keeping you connected with everything had many interviews for positions at local patients’ hearing needs are met.” explains abilities andowned, depression. Indeed, untreated or improperly product or plan. Each every or Hearing Instrument Specialists on staff. Patients ar Locally grown and operated, Hearing Freedom dispensaries. At each predetermined establishment she and everyone, your ability to hear is priceless. McNamee, “We offer and a 90-day trialpatient’s period treated hearingone lossin has a pronounced impact onto find intervention plan is on as all unique as they experience was disappointed the same thing; Unfortunately, ten of us suffer fromnegative hearing aids. are. This The extensive trial seen by the owner, a bilingual Audiologist adopts a unique and refreshing approach to patient care to do with her givesassessment hearing loss.ofIflife. ignored, even the slightest the interviews had nothing patients thewhich confidence that they is followed by awho your quality begins with a thorough knowledge and loss skills, they insteadneeds focused assessment hearing loss has significant consequences. have chosenand the right solution follow-up. for them, detailed continued Although thediffers negative impact of retail untreated hearing Doctoral degree in Audiology. She is qualified to serv which drastically with that of settings, larger clinics on the number of hearing aid units she their lifestyle and hearing needs.” becomethe disconnected world ability isYou universal, details offrom youryour hearing and hearing Throughout, the patient’s opinions and concerns are held as loved ones become mumblers and asking was expected to sell and the company’s Furthermore, there are no Hearing children and adults, theypatients’ are private pay or th and manufacturer owned chains. paramount. “We don’t give whether up until our hearing needs are unique to you. Consequently, overcoming even to repeat becomes a nuisance. Your safety affiliation to a given Manufacturer. Instrument Practitioners or Hearing needs are met. ” explains McNamee, “We offer a 90-day trial the hearing loss is best achieved if thewas solution “That notRosanne my idea of proper hearing andslightest independence isnewly compromised. You Audiologist, Instrument Specialists on staff. Patients graduated supported (WCB, VAC, etc). In 2001, as a you are. To achieve this, all McNamee. period on“I allwanted hearingareaids. Thisseen extensive gives patients selected is just as distinctive health care,” says risk misdiagnoses, diminishingas cognitive rather by the trial owner, a bilingual focusdiscussed. on my patients’ needs, not sales. abilities and depression. Indeed, who holds Doctoral degree products available need to be untreated considered and the confidence that Audiologist theyishave chosen theaso right solution for McNamee, Doctor of Audiology, had toImany interviews for “Hearing complex and are today’ s heari wanted be able consider everything or improperly treated hearing hasfreedom in Audiology. She ”is qualified to service Fortunately, at Hearing Freedomloss your of to choice is to them, their lifestyle and hearing needs. available, not justshe the product lines providing explains. a pronounced impact At on each your establishment both children and adults, they are “Dealing withwhether thePractitioners most qualifie positions at localnegative dispensaries. wasFurthermore, McNamee there are no Hearing Instrument held paramount. the employer the biggest profit margins. I private pay or third party supported (WCB, quality of life. orsatisfied Hearing Instrument Specialists staff.independent Patients are rather Locally owned, grown and operated, Hearing care professional, in theonmost setting, is disappointed find impact the same thing;wanted the interviews had toFreedom be driven by customers Although theto negative of untreated VAC, etc). seen by the owner, a bilingual Audiologist who adopts unique and refreshing approach care quality their improved of life.” And hearingaloss is universal, the details of your andtobypatient “Hearing is complex and so are holds today’sa Atdegree Hearing Freedom you nevertoworry whether nothing toability do and with herwithneeds knowledge skills, they so she decided toinstead set upDoctoral her own business, in Audiology. She iswill qualified service both or which drastically differs thatare ofunique retail and settings, larger clinics hearing hearing hearing aids,” McNamee explains. patients first, whether to you. Consequently, overcoming “Dealingthey witharethe most pay qualified children and adults, private or thirdhealth party and manufacturer owned chains.even the doing it her way and putting have chosen the best place to trust with your focused on the number of hearing aid units she was expected offering true Hearing Freedom. Now, nearlyVAC, slightest hearingasloss is best achieved if the care professional, in the most independenthearing graduated Audiologist, Rosanne supported (WCB, etc). In 2001, a newly solution selected is just as distinctive as you 15 years later, she continues to help patients setting, is crucial.” At Hearing Freedom of Audiology, hadtomany interviews for “Hearing complex andinso are right today’s aids, ” So, ifisyou believe your tohearing theor best, fullest a toMcNamee, sell theDoctor company’ s affiliation astay given Manufacturer. young, active and socially connected. are. and To achieve this, all products available you will never worry whether not you withthethebest most qualified positions dispensaries. each establishment she was offers McNamee Hearing Freedom a rarelyexplains. found “Dealing need to atbelocal considered and At discussed. have chosen place to trusthealth with of proper hearing health care, ” says customized service available, make sure you consult R “That was not my idea the most independent is crucial. disappointed find the Freedom same thing; interviewsprogram had care grass-roots of professional, care. Unlikein your Fortunately, atto Hearing your the hearing needs. So, setting, if you believe in ” largerthey companies and chains, there is no inyour freedomto of choice is held paramount. rightnever to You the best, fullest andnot most At Hearing Freedom you will worry whether or you nothing do with her knowledge and skills, instead McNamee. “I wanted to focus on my patients’ needs, not sales. McNamee Manotick. won’t regret the short dr predetermined product or plan. Each and Locally owned, grown and operated, customized service available, make focused on the number of hearing aid units she was expected have chosen the best place to trust with your hearing needs. everyavailable, patient’s not intervention is as sure you consult Rosanne McNamee in a unique I wanted toFreedom be company’s ableadopts to consider everything just So, ifplan you believe in your right to the best, fullest and most toHearing sell and the affiliation toand a given Manufacturer. refreshing approach to patient care which unique as they are. The experience begins Manotick. You won’t regret the short drive! of proper hearingwith health ” says assessment customized service available, make sure you consult Rosanne “That was not with my idea a care, thorough which is free. drastically differs that of retail settings, Parking is Home visits optional. Wheelchair fri theMcNamee. product lines providing the employer the biggest profit “I wanted to focus on my patients’ needs, not sales. McNamee in Manotick. You won’t regret the short drive! larger clinics and manufacturer owned followed by a detailed needs assessment Parking is free. Home visits optional. I wanted to be able to consider everything available, not just For moretheinformation visit margins. and by Throughout, and customers continued follow-up. chains. I wanted to be driven by satisfied Wheelchair friendly.
is what’s best for You! aring aid units sh
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opinions concernsis are 2001, as lines a newly graduatedthe Audiologist, more information free.held Home visitsFor optional. Wheelchairvisit friendly. theInproduct providing employer patient’s the biggest profitandParking RosanneI McNamee, of Audiology, paramount. and “Webydon’tFor give up information until our more visit margins. wanted to Doctor be driven by satisfied customers
andIntegrity Top Quality and with No Shortcuts with
Giving you Hearing Freedom! Giving you Hearing Freedom!
Call today to book Giving you Hearing Freedom! Call today to b Call to book yourtoday appointment your appointment
your appointm
5528 Ann Street Manotick, ONStreet K4M1A2 5528 Ann
Manotick, ON K4M 1A2 Rosanne McNamee Doctor of Audiology
Rosanne McNamee Doctor of Audiology
TEL: (613) 692-7375
Tel: (613) 692-7375
5528 Ann Stre Manotick, ON K4M