8 minute read
Manotick Village and Community Association (MVCA)
ted as budget requests to the City for 2023. https://www. manotickvca.org/village-walkability-audit
The recent tragedy in our community has hit us all and we share in the outpouring of support to the families impacted. We are determined to make our streets safe. Doing so will require support from the City, the Province, and everyone in the community. Together, we need to do everything we can to prevent future tragedies, and MVCA is preparing a comprehensive plan with that aim. We will be sharing more in the weeks to come.
2023 MVCA – Annual General Meeting (AGM) –Thursday, May 25 – 7pm
The Board of the MVCA is holding our 2023 Annual General Meeting on Thursday May 25 at 7pm in the large meeting room upstairs at the Manotick Arena. All members and nonmembers are invited. Election of Board members will be held. We currently have an opening for Secretary. If you are interested, please contact us by May 9 at info@manotickvca.org. Agenda will be posted on our website May 10.
April storm recoveryTree branches and debris
Clean up from the April storm continues. As of April 24th Roads and Forestry crews began collecting debris from residential curbs. Notifications of scheduled arrivals in our area will be issued to our Councillors and through social media. Information available on the City’s website.
Free Wood Chips
Some debris collected by Roads and Forestry has been converted into wood chips and are available for free. Interested? Locations are: City Yards at 2145 Roger Stevens Drive and 4244 Rideau Valley Drive / Osgoode Arena, 5660 Osgoode Main Street / Larry Robinson
by Phill Potter
Sisters: April (20), OTHS, UNB Fredericton. Violet (20), Canterbury (vocals), Carleton University. Ivy (22), St. Mark, Algonquin College.
Arena – 2785 8th Line Road, Metcalfe.
Sisters: April (20), OTHS, UNB Fredericton. Violet (20), Canterbury (vocals), Carleton University. Ivy (22), St. Mark, Algonquin College.
lem solving. Since the concepts are not broad, and there isn’t much interpretation to be done, it’s more just problem solving, which is what makes me enjoy those classes the most.” well-water-testing.aspx lem solving. Since the concepts are not broad, and there isn’t much interpretation to be done, it’s more just problem solving, which is what makes me enjoy those classes the most.”
City of Ottawa Tick Talk
Pets: Two dogs, Ewok and Pixie, and a cat.
Pets: Two dogs, Ewok and Pixie, and a cat.
Part-time Work: “Cheerleading and tumbling coach at Kemptville Infinity in Kemptville.)
Favourite Subjects: “Math and Chemistry. I enjoy doing labs and prob-
Get your well water tested: Important reminder for residents dependent on wells to have their water tested now. Ottawa Public Health offers free well water testing. Check their website for bottle pick up and water sample dropoff locations.https://www. ottawapublichealth.ca/en/ public-health-services/free-
Part-time Work: “Cheerleading and tumbling coach at Kemptville Infinity in Kemptville.)
What is your Greatest Accomplishment? “Earning the title of Student Council President at my school. The process was not easy, but I persevered and made it through, even though there were setbacks along the way. It has also been a very rewarding accomplishment, as I’ve gained so many opportunities, and gotten to network with other youth like myself.”
Favourite Subjects: “Math and Chemistry. I enjoy doing labs and prob- of school, I enjoy participating in several different sports. These include soccer, futsal, volleyball, coed volleyball, and touch football. I also enjoy traveling and learning about different locations and cultures. I’ve travelled to many places and I find it very interesting how every culture has unique traditions and subcultures. My favourite place is Norway, because there is such beautiful places all over the country and amazing hiking. The next location I wish to travel to is Iceland, because it’s a very open country, with very kind citizens, and lots to see.” spective on all aspects of the school. I was a cheerleader for 10 years, but I could no longer continue due to concussions, so I turned to coaching. It has given me an opportunity to continue in the sport, even though I can no longer participate in it.” due to concussions, so I turned to coaching. It has given me an opportunity to continue in the sport, even though I can no longer participate in it.”
What is MVCA’s role in an emergency like April 5 ice storm?
Around the Village Veteran Memorial Banners
Career Goals: “After high school I hope to go to university somewhere near the east coast; hopefully in kinesiology. My top choice schools are University of New Brunswick in St. John, and Dalhousie in Halifax. After that, I hope to pursue a career in either athletic therapy, or education.” volleyball, and touch football. I also enjoy traveling and learning about different locations and cultures. I’ve travelled to many places and I find it very interesting how every culture has unique traditions and subcultures. My favourite place is Norway, because there is such beautiful places all over the country and amazing hiking. The next location I wish to travel to is Iceland, because it’s a very open country, with very kind citizens, and lots to see.”
Why did you get involved in what you do?
“I got involved in Student Council because I saw it as an opportunity to make
Important reminder for residents that tick season is here. Learn how to avoid tick bites and possibility of Lyme Disease. Visit the City’s website for helpful tips and preventative measures. https://www. ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/lyme-disease. aspx
What is your Greatest Accomplishment? “Earning the title of Student Council President at my school. The process was not easy, but I persevered and made it through, even though there were setbacks along the way. It has also been a very rewarding accomplishment, as I’ve gained so many opportunities, and gotten to network with other youth like myself.”
• Ottawa Futsal Club entering their 29th season indoor soccer. Youth boys & girls, women, men & coed. Players / teams wanted. All skill levels. League starts October ends April 2020. Please go online at www.futsalottawa.com. Early bird ends September 21st
As part of Jane’s Walk Ottawa, Manotick Culture, Parks and Recreation Association (MCPRA) has once again coordinated a ‘Jane’s Walk’ in Manotick. This is MCPRA’s fourth year hosting this pedestrian-focused event offering insights into local history, planning, design, and civic engagement through the simple act of walking and observing. The Manotick Walk is limited to 35 participants. For details and to register go to https://www.janeswalkottawa.ca/
After suffering numerous concussions, Melita Wyche turned to coaching.
This year, the Manotick / South Carlton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is coordinating a program to erect banners in honour of those Veterans who fought and sacrificed for our freedom. Program details will be released to the public in the coming weeks, and We will Remember them!
Why did you get involved in what you do?
“I got involved in Student Council because I saw it as an opportunity to make
• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
Youth of Manotick Association (YOMA) –Celebrating 10 years
Career Goals: “After high school I hope to go to university somewhere near the east coast; hopefully in kinesiology. My top choice schools are University of New Brunswick in St. John, and Dalhousie in Halifax. After that, I hope to pursue a career in either athletic therapy, or education.”
YOMA offers social programs and activities for youth in the area in Grades 4-12. We also have volunteer opportunities, special events and outings. Sign up for our weekly newsletter, visit the website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. https:// www.yoma.ca/
After suffering numerous concussions, Melita Wyche turned to coaching.
NEEDED!!! Children’s books. Proceeds are used for operations of the Store, Watson’s Mill and Dickinson House. https://watsonsmill. com/bookstore/

May 11, 25: The Great Yarn Club of Manotick regular schedule every 2ndThursday 11:00-12:30 The Great Yarn Club of Manotick| Ottawa Public Library (biblioottawalibrary.ca)
• Friday Night Country Music & Dance Club The Greely Legion the fourth Friday of each month. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613-826-6128.
• Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or by contacting newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com.
• Ottawa Futsal Club entering their 29th season indoor soccer. Youth boys & girls, women, men & coed. Players / teams wanted. All skill levels. League starts October ends April 2020. Please go online at www.futsalottawa.com.
May 5-7, 12-14 – ITR Presents “The One Act Play That Goes Wrong”. Tickets are on sale through their website https://www. itrtheatre.com/shows
Dickinson Days 2023 (June 2,3,4)
• Thursday Fun Night for adults and children. An optional supper at 5:45 pm. Indoor soccer/games, crafts, or nursery for ages 0-11. Parenting course, Alpha course, or Growing in Faith/Hearing God course for adults, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. To try it out contact, discipleship@trinitybiblechurch.ca
One of Manotick’s most beloved annual events returns! Organized by the Kiwanis Club of Manotick. If you plan to participate in the parade on the Friday evening, please contact Neil Usher at neil@neilusher.com The Crafter’s Market on Saturday is a destination for everyone on Dickinson Days weekend. Registration is now open for booths that day https://forms.gle/1YjJ3226qbs8GN767
Early bird ends September 21st
Interested in becoming a sponsor or partner for the event? Please contact the organizers manotick@ca.inter.net
Paul’s Pharmacy

• Ottawa Newcomers Club - For women who have recently moved to this area; (and those who have experienced a significant life change), and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information at: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or by contacting newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com.
990 River Road (across from Tim Hortons)
Village Spring Clean Up – April 29 – 9:30 am – Miller’s Oven – coordinated by The Kiwanis Club of Manotick. Grab your friends to come out for some good, clean fun. Want to learn more about Kiwanis? Go to https://www.manotick-kiwanis.org/
Transferring a prescription is easy to do
These cards accepted Monday-Friday: 9am-8pm Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 10am-4pm
Watson’s Mill Used Book Store – Now open for the season!
Paul’s Pharmacy 990 River Road (across from Tim Hortons)
These cards accepted Monday-Friday: 9am-8pm Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 10am-4pm
• Old Time Fiddle Music & Dance - East Osgoode Greely Assoc, First Friday of each month, invites & welcome all Musicians, Dancers & Listeners. Greely Community Centre, 1448 Meadow Drive, Greely. For additional info call 613 489-2697.
May 5: Aging Well Together - Community Services Open House - Manotick Library:, drop-in https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/event/ community-services-open-house
• Tuesday Dance Party The Greely Legion hosts live music on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Bring along an instrument to play, or come in to sing, listen and dance. Admission is FREE. Greely Legion, 8021 Mitch Owens Road, ON. Information: 613-822-1451 or 613826-6128.
May 6 – Manotick Musicale supporting Rural Ottawa South Support Services (ROSSS). There are two shows this year 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. This year’s theme is Fabulous Fifties. For tickets contact ROSSS https://rosss.ca/
Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who make these events possible www.pharmasave.com
• Friday the fourth play, Greely 613-822-1451
May 8: After School Craft Lab: collage Ages 5-12, registration required After school craft lab: collage | Ottawa Public Library (biblioottawalibrary.ca)
• Thursday Fun Night for adults and children. An optional supper at 5:45 pm. Indoor soccer/games, crafts, or nursery for ages 0-11. Parenting course, Alpha course, or Growing in Faith/Hearing God course for adults, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. To try it out contact, discipleship@trinitybiblechurch.ca
May 10: Afternoon Book Club, drop-in : https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/event/manotick-afternoon-book-club-0
Friday afternoon Euchre at Manotick United Church - free dropin. No experience necessary.
• Tuesday the 1st pm. listen Mitch 826-6128.
613-706-1250 stevenscreekshutterco.ca
Free Puzzle Swap at Manotick United Church every Friday from 10 – noon.