Celtic Cookbook

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Cooking book






Preface: Through this cooking book, we would like to spread some celtic recipes made by the students of the different schools taking part in this Comenius project. The schools taking part in this cooking book are: - Ama Guadalupekoa Ikastetxea (Basque Country) - Lourdes Secondary School (Scotland) - Jean Richepin College (Bretagne) We have developed six recipes per country: three starters, three mains and three desserts. Each school has made their own celtic cooking book which we’ll publish. It is a project for COMENIUS, EDUCATION AND CULTURE LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME.

Index: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Basque starters Breton starters Scottish starters Basque main courses Breton main courses Scottish main courses Basque desserts Breton desserts Scottish desserts

1. BASQUE STARTERS Riojan Potatoes Ingredients -

1 kilo potatoes. 2 red sausages (“chorizo�). 1 onion 3 cloves of garlic 1 red pepper ( you can scent with a bay leaf and thyme to taste) Method

1) Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. Clean the peppers, and cut into cubes. Chop the onion and garlic finely. 2) Fry the garlic with olive oil in a pan until brown. When it begins to brown, add the onion and peppers and go on frying the sausages. Finally cut up into four pieces. 3) When all the vegetables have a nice red colour, add potatoes and scent to taste. 4) Pour water and simmer until soften. 5) Serve warm with plenty of red stock.

Surimi baby eels basque style Ingredients: -600g surimi baby eels. -4 cloves of garlic. -1 chili pepper. -Oil. -Salt. Recipe Pour two litters of water in a pot and bring to boil. Add the surimi baby eels for 10 minutes. Drain the eels and place them into clean water. Then rub a bowl with a half glass of oil and place it on fire. While the oil is heating, peel and cut up the garlic into slices. Then, we rub the garlic into the warm oil until golden. When brown, we add a little chili and the eels. Remove the bowl from the fire; stir quickly and cover with a plate. Serve warm and in the Basque country it’s typical to serve in small individual earthenware.

2. BRETON STARTERS Artichokes with Vinaigrette sauce.

(Serves four)

Ingredients You’ll need : 4 large artichokes Water Salt / black pepper /vinegar / vegetable oil (or the oil of your choice) Preparation 1 : The artichokes - Cut away the stalks , remove the tough outer leaves, and rinse. - In a big pot, heat 2 litres of water & add a big pinch of salt and a dash of vinegar. Bring to the boil. - Then add the artichokes & cook for about 30 minutes or until the hearts are tender. ( you can check this with a knife) - When cooked, strain off the water and leave the artichokes to cool. Preparation 2 : The vinaigrette - Put 3 dessert-spoonfuls of vinegar & 2 dessert-spoonfuls of mustard into a bowl & mix together. - Add a pinch of salt and black pepper - Add 10 dessert-spoonfuls of oil & mix together. To Serve : - Put the artichoke on a plate with a small bowl of vinaigrette sauce on the side. To eat : - Pull off the leaves &, one by one ,dip them into the vinaigrette. Put the base of the leaf into your mouth & skim off the fleshy part with your teeth. - Use a knife & fork to eat the heart of the artichoke.

Poireaux vinaigrette You need : some fresh leek For the sauce : some salt and pepper some oil and vinegar some parsley or chives ( It's up to you !) Preparation : Clean and wash the leek in fresh water. Cut off the roots and the top of the green leaves. Cook the leek in boiling water. ( If you don't have a lot of time, you can use a pressure cooker. ) Then, lay the cooked leek on a plate. Leave to cool. Serve cold with the sauce.

3. SCOTTISH STARTERS Fruit Crumble Ingredients 50g Cooking Apple/ rhubarb/ strawberries or raspberries 15g caster sugar to sweeten fruit 50g self raising flour 25g margarine 25g caster sugar for crumble mixture

Oven 200째C/ Gas 6

Method 1: Set Oven. Wash and prepare fruit, then cut into thin slices. 2: Put fruit into an oven proof dish and sprinkle 15g caster sugar on top. 3: Sieve flour into a bowl. Cut the margarine into small pieces and rub into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. 4: Add 25g sugar and stir mixture. 5: Spoon crumble mixture oven the fruit. 6: Bake in the oven for 20minutes or until golden brown.

Step 1

Step 3

Step 5

Step 6

Mackerel Pate

Ingredients: 3 fillets of smoked mackerel 100g light cream cheese 15ml horseradish sauce Juice of ½ lemon

Method: 1. Remove skin from fish fillets. 2. Place these together with the cream cheese, horseradish sauce, lemon juice into the food processor and whiz until smooth. 3. Season with a little black pepper. 4. Serve with oatcakes and a little salad as a delicious (and nutritious) snack.

You will need:

Step 2

4. BASQUE MAIN COURSES COD OMELETE Ingredients: 4 eggs 200 gr of cod 2 cloves of garlic Parsley, salt and olive oil ½ onions ½ green peppers Method: Place the cod in a big bowl with cold water during 48 hours changing the water 4 or 5 times in order to desalt it. Once it is desalted, boil the cod in milk. Remove from fire and set the milk aside. Remove the cod skin by scraping it. Cut up the onion and pepper. Pour the olive oil in the sauce pan, and poach the onion and the pepper. Mix the eggs in a bowl. Add the cod, the onion and the peppers. Drain off the olive oil. Add salt to taste. Pour two teaspoons of oil in a saucepan and pour the mix of the bowl in the sauce pan. Firstly, cook over a high heat and then over a mid heat. Turn the omelet helping with a plate to cook the other side. Do it several times not to get it dry. Serve warm in a platter so that everybody can help themselves.

BEEF CHEEKS IN RED WINE INGREDIENTS  1kg beef cheeks.  Flour  Olive oil  1 onion  1 carrot  4 leeks  1 litre of red wine  A pinch of salt  Pepper  One teaspoon sugar

METHOD 1. Once the cheeks are cut up into cubes, take the sinews away from the meat. Season the cheek, with flour and fry. 2. Reserve the pieces of meat and pour the same oil in a pan to poach peeled and chopped vegetables.

3. Once the vegetables are fried pour red wine into the cheeks. Cook for some minutes with the pot open to burn the alcohol. 4. Close the pot and once it starts to boil, keep it 1 hour and a half over the heat. 5. When the time is over, we open the pot and set aside a bit. Reserve the meat in a saucepan and mix everything with the vegetables to prepare the sauce which must be poured over the meat. 6. Pour one teaspoon of sugar in a small frying pan. Until it gets sweet. Add the sauce we have previously prepared. 7. Pour the content of the frying pan into a dish. Sauté and reheat for about 15 minutes. Serve the meat and vegetables on a large platter,

5. BRETON MAIN COURSES La Potée Bretonne

(serves 6)

Ingredients You’ll need : Diverse cuts of ham : shank, streaky bacon, shoulder. 6 large sausages (to boil) 6 leeks 6 carrots 6 small swedes 12 potatoes 1 green cabbage 1 bouquet garni 2 large onions Salt & pepper Preparation : - Peel ,wash and cut the carrots, leeks & swedes into big chunks. - Wash the cabbage and cut into quarters. - Peel & wash the potatoes and onions. - Put the meat (except for the sausages) into a big pot & cover with water. - Cook the meat for about 30 minutes. - Then add the sausages, the vegetables (except for the potatoes) and the bouquet garni. - Add a little salt (the amount depends on how salty the ham is) & some ground pepper. - Cover and cook on a low to medium heat for another 30 minutes (top up with some hot water if necessary.) - Then add the potatoes & cook for a further 30 minutes...until the potatoes are ready. - Strain off the water. To serve : On a large platter - Slice the shank, streaky bacon & shoulder and place in the centre of the platter. Remove the onions. Place the vegetables and sausages around the meat. - Each person helps themselves to a portion of the potée, accompanied by a spoonful of mustard and some butter

LES GALETTES DE BLE NOIR You need : 750 grammes of buck wheat flour 250 grammes of plain flour 2 litres of milk 1 pinch of salt some oil for the frying pan or the electric hob. ( You can use lard instead of oil.) Mix the flour with the milk. You must have no lumps. Leave to rest for a few hours. The best is a whole night. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in the frying pan. With a ladle, pour some batter to make a thin galette. Cook 1-2 minutes on each side.Use a wooden spatula. Put some butter in the centre of the galette and fold it into 4. Serve at once. It must be warm.

6. SCOTTISH MAIN COURSES Sausage Casserole Ingredients 8 pork sausages, chopped into small pieces 1 onion 30ml olive oil 2 cloves of garlic 1 red pepper 4 mushrooms 1 carrot 300ml passata 5ml sugar 2.5ml paprika 5ml basil Method: 1: Prepare and chop pepper, mushroom and carrot. Crush garlic. 2: Gently fry the sausage pieces in a large pan (a wok is good) in the olive oil until cooked through and golden brown. 3: Remove sausage and keep to one side. Now, in the same pan fry the onions and garlic until softened. After 5 minutes add the peppers, carrots & mushrooms and cook for a further 3 minutes, then return the sausages to the pan. 4: Add the passata, sugar, basil and paprika, bring to the boil then simmer for at least half and hour. 5: Season to taste and serve with rice, crusty bread or with pasta. Step 1

Step 1

Step 3

Spicy Red Lentil Soup Ingredients: ½ onion 1 carrot 1 potato ½ red pepper 30ml red lentils 2.5ml paprika 2.5ml tumeric A pinch of cinnamon 150ml chopped tomatoes 350ml vegetable stock 5ml basil 15ml oil

Method: 1: Chop the vegetables. 2: Heat the oil in a pot and fry the spices for 2 minutes. 3: Add the vegetables and lentils then cook for 5 minutes. 4: Add the chopped tomatoes, stock and basil to the pot, bring to the boil then simmer for 30 minutes or until the lentils are cooked. 5: Blend soup using a hand blender then serve.

Step 1

Step 3

Step 5

7. BASQUE DESSERTS Basque Cake Ingredients for the pastry ½ kg flour 3 eggs (1 of them to Saint the cake) 1 egg yolk 200 gr of granulated sugar

200 gr of softened butter Grated lemon rind A drop of rum or brandy Ingredients for the pastry cream ½ litre of milk 50 gr flour 120 gr sugar 2 eggs ½ stick cinnamon Lemon peel A drop of rum or brandy Method: Making the pastry: Place the flour on the table, making a hole in the centre, and there you pour the eggs, the sugar, the grated lemon rind, the softened butter and the rum. Mix it well and make a ball. Keep it in the fridge about 2 hours. Meanwhile we prepare the pastry cream. Making the pastry cream: Heat the milk (except for ½ cup) with the lemon peel. Combine the flour, the rum and the eggs in a bowl. Add the ½ cup of milk and set aside. Mix it properly with a blender when the milk we are heating starts to bubble, add it into the mixture, without stopping stirring to avoid lumps. When everything is properly mixed, we heat all the mixture until the pastry cream thickens. After ½ an hour, take it out and split it into two parts. Spread it and then we place it in a bowl, which we have previously buttered. After that, place the pastry cream on it. Cover with the remaining pastry and brush with the whisked egg. Bake at 180 ºC for about 45 minutes. Serve warm or cold.

Jelly Roll INGREDIENTS: 120 g. Chocolate with milk melted and cooled 120 g. Confectioner’s sugar 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules dissolved in two tablespoons of hot water and cooled 4 egg yolks 4 egg whites 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons butter For the filling: 250 ml whipped cream 170 g chocolate 2 egg yolks (beaten) METHOD: Separate the whites and the yolks from each egg and stir just the egg yolks with the confectioner’s sugar for about 15 minutes or until foamy white fluid. Beat the egg whites with a whisk. It is important for them to be very solid, so you have to beat strongly and steadily. Take a bowl and mix the flour with cocoa and add it to the yolks. Add previously melted butter and egg whites. Go on whisking until stiff. Once the dough is thick, keep it aside. Take a baking pan and cover it with parchment or greased wax paper. Keep aside. Pour the dough on the pan until you get a rectangular shape. Bake at 175º until just done and let it cool. While the dough is getting cool, prepare the filing by melting the chocolate. Add the beaten yolks to the chocolate and granulated sugar. Stir until the cream thickens (do not boil). Remove from heat and let it cool. When the cream is cold, add whipped cream. Add everything to the former dough and spread. Roll up and keep in the fridge. Garnish with fruit of choice.

8. BRETON DESSERTS FAR BRETON You need : For 6 people. This dessert can be made the day before. 1 litre of milk 250 grammes of plain flour 200 grammes of sugar 6 eggs 150 grammes of prunes without any stones. 1 tablespoonful of Rum ( alcohol ) Preparation : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Break the eggs into a bowl. Add the sugar and whisk together. Add the flour and mix well. Heat the milk. Add the milk and mix well. The batter mustn’t be lumpy. Put the prunes in a buttered dish. Pour the batter into the dish on the prunes. Bake the dish for about an hour at 180°C. Then, leave to cool. Enjoy !!

CrĂŞpes Ingredients 150 g flour 4 eggs 1/8 litre milk butter sugar - put the flour in the mixing bowl and add the eggs and some milk. - mix together with a wooden spoon and then whisk the mixture with an electric whisk to eliminate any lumps - melt a dessert spoon of butter in the micro-wave oven and add to the batter - add some water to give the batter a fluid consistency - finally, add the sugar

9. SCOTTISH DESSERTS Cottage Pie For 4 people: Ingredients: 4 large potatoes 25g butter 60ml milk 200g minced beef 15ml spoon flour 100ml beef stock 1 medium onion 1 large carrot Method 1. Wash and peel the potatoes. 2. Place them in a pan of boiling, salted water. Cover and cook until soft. 3. Wash and peel the carrot and onion. Chop into fine dice. Set aside. 4. In another pan, brown the minced beef over a high heat until it is well separated. Continue to cook for 2 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and stir to coat the minced beef. Gradually stir in the beef stock and return to boil. Stir until mixture thickens. 5. Add the finely chopped carrot and onion and stir well. Allow to cook for 20 minutes. 6. Meanwhile, drain the potatoes and mash them until smooth. Add the milk and butter and continue to mash until the mixture is smooth and creamy. 7. Pour the beef mixture into the base of an ovenproof dish. Spread evenly. 8. Carefully spread the mashed potato on top of the beef mixture taking care not to disturb it. 9. Fork the surface to create a rough effect. Place under a preheated grill until golden brown then serve. Step 2

Step 4 & 5

step 6

Cranachan Shortcake (4 Portions) Ingredients Medium Oatmeal 60 g Unsalted butter 100 g Plain flour 150 g Caster sugar 50 g Egg 1 medium Frozen raspberries 50 g (defrosted) Fresh double cream 150 ml Clear honey 15 ml Oven 180 째C/Gas Mark 4 Method 1. Dry-fry 10 g of the oatmeal over a medium heat until golden. Set aside to cool. 2. Sieve the flour into a large bowl, add the remaining oatmeal and rub in the butter. 3. Stir in the sugar and add enough beaten egg to bind to a smooth paste. 4. Bring the paste together into a ball and flatten slightly. Wrap and chill for up for 30 minutes. 5. Roll out the paste on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of about 5mm. 6. Using a 7 cm round cutter, cut out 8 circles. 7. Transfer circles carefully onto a baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown, leave to cool. 8. Drain the raspberries. 9. Whisk the cream to soft peak. 10. Incorporate the honey, being careful not to over whisk. 11. Fold in the toasted oatmeal and raspberries. 12. Sandwich 2 biscuits together with a quarter of the raspberry cream. 13. Repeat to give 4 creamed shortcakes. Step 3 & 4

Step 5 & 6

Step 10

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