What I feel about Hondarribia

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PREFACE: Whenever we try to describe a city, we tend to not get into details, that is, we usually give superficial details of the city. However, we always forget that if you describe a city with your heart, taking into consideration your feelings, your description will be not only more detailed, but also closer to reality. This is what s4 students of Ama ÇGuadalupekoa Ikastetxea have tried; they have described their city from a personal point of view, from their feelings. Indeed, they have described WHAT I FEEL ABOUT HONDARRIBIA

Hondarribia is a good city, because in summer you can do a lot of things. If the weather is nice you can go to the beautiful beach, to play football or volleyball or even you can swim. In winter, when the weather is too cold you can go to the sport centre, to swim in the swimming pool, or play squash. But if you should go to watch a film to the cinema you must go to irun because in hondarribia there isn't cinema. However, Hondarribia is more beautiful than irun because in Hondarribia in summer there is a lot of tourism sightseeing around the city whereas in Irun there is no tourism. There is a place for young people and we practice tennis table, play station and more things. For that reason Hondarribia is the most beautiful place to spend your summer.


Hondarribia is s small city but it is a place where there are good feelings all the year. Right now we are in winter and some days it snows. The snow for us is very unusual so we like when in winter it snows. To see our streets covered with snow is a feeling that fills us of happiness, because it means that Christmas is arriving. The worst thing of the winter is that when it doesn’t snow it rains so you can’t meet your friends but to be at home with your family it is sometimes very satisfying. In summer the feelings are very different from the winter, because in summer the city is plenty of tourists. The tourists fill our city of life and movement and the beach is the place where most of them go. In summer, with all of these tourists, when we meet our friends we always want to have a good time. In the Hondarribia’s feasts there is always a big party where everyone is happy because these days are the last days of the summer and soon we will see again all their friends at school. In conclusion, Hondarribia is a beautiful city where there are always positive feelings.


I feel very proud and lucky of living in Hondarribia, because it’s a wonderful village and people are very friendly. I like it because we have beach and mountain in the same place. The weather is normally cloudy, but hot. All the people are happy and there isn’t violence. I feel very secure. I recommend living in Hondarribia because there are lots of places where you can do a lot of things. You can also do a lot of sports. There is a very big sport centre, and a lot of clubs: football club, basketball club, tennis club, growing club, sailing club, Basque sports clubs… It’s a perfect place to practice water sports. There is also a house only for young people where we play all together and we organize a lot of activities. In our village, there are many and big gardens. I recommend living here because it is the best village I know.


Hondarribia is a town that transmits tranquillity, peace and good environment. It has beautiful views to the mountain and sea, and it’s very relaxing looking at them. Generally it’s a wonderful town, it hasn’t got a lot of shops but we spend a really good time here, with friends and family. Hondarribia is a family town because it is small and everybody knows each other. We have a wonderful beach where we enjoy a lot ourselves in summer, sunbathing and swimming in the beach. Most of young people meet their friends to go to the beach and they go with their bikes. In Hondarribia we can live different feelings, in summer on the beach, in spring when the majority of groups of friends are in a street called “Butron walk” and we sit on a bench eating sweets, talking and laughing with friends. In autumn it is fantastic when you are walking down the main street and you can see how the leaves fall down. In winter in san Pedro’s street, the road in the town centre puts a chestnut shall, and it’s amazing when you are walking in there, with cold and you can smell the delicious smell that it causes, and it is a wonderful feeling, too. Probably Hondarribia isn’t one of the best towns but for us it is the best of the world.


We have always lived in Hondarribia, although it isn’t a big city with a lot of shops, it is very comfortable to live in. We love it because it has a lot of beautiful views to the sea when you meet your friends to go for a walk. We usually are at the Butron walk. Through this walk you can see the Bidasoa River and in front of it is Hendaya, and when the sun sets, it’s very beautiful to see it reflecting on the water. Also, if you are in Hendaya watching Hondarribia, it is very nice to see the church and all the typical houses. Other days, we are at Santiago Street. In this street there are a lot of pubs and ancient houses, where the fisherman lived. Those houses are painted with colourful colours. The old part of the city also has a lot of ancient houses but they aren’t colourful as in La Marina, although they are made of wood. At this place you are as if you were in the Medieval Ages. There is a church in the Guadalupe Mountain and through here you can see all Hondarribia and the sea. It is a fantastic feeling. The best sensation is on the 8th of September, because all the people who live in Hondarribia are very exciting because there is a parade remembering the victory against France. To sum up, maybe Hondarribia isn’t the most important city, but for us it is.


In my opinion Hondarribia is a beautiful village. It is small, but it’s got fantastic views and colours and the original houses make it different, special. Most of people living here love Hondarribia and don’t want to change it for another town. You could ask yourself why, but when I am in Hondarribia, when I go through the old part, what I feel is indescribable. There is a local festival here which is celebrated in September. Almost everyone feels the feast in an exciting way. Hondarribia also has a small but a nice beach; and some absolutely fantastic inlets. On the way to go towards them; there is a lighthouse; from where you can see the dark blue ocean under your feet. In conclusion, Hondarribia is a really nice village. My feeling about Hondarribia is overwhelming. In fact, it is indescribable; but it is a feeling which makes me smile and feel really happy.


Hondarribia is a small and very beautiful town. It doesn’t have to be too big, because it hasn’t got space, but it is completed with its own beauty. The nature and fantastic people are points that are important to emphasize. You can relax and swim on the beach and also make an amazing trip to the mountain. The flowers´ smell aromatizes the streets, and their colours give them the shine and good environment that envelops this fantastic town. You breathe pure air thanks to the impeccable cleanliness and usual rain. The seasons come with a special power; winter, autumn, summer, and spring...the astonishing spring! It makes this place the most amazing of the world! All Hondarribia’s spots will remind you warm thoughts of your lives; that’s why it’s so welcoming. This peaceful town transmits positivism and inexplicable feelings, so, what are you waiting for? _______________________________________________ With Hondarribia I feel happiness, tranquillity, harmony... I think that it is a very nice place. The spring in Hondarribia is something special, it’s nice, I love working on the beach, with the dawn at the horizon and the fishing ship in the port. French people, usually come in summer to visit us, because it is very pretty and you can come by a small boat which works as a bus. In the summer the nature in Hondarribi spring and everything is green and shine... The beach is always full of people playing with their friends. Walking by the Butron walk you can smell the sea. Hondarribia is a very nice town to live. _______________________________________________

We live in Hondarribia, and we think it is one of the most beautiful towns in Guipuzkoa. It isn’t very big like Donostia or Irun but that’s what makes Hondarrbia so nice. It is better to come to Hondarribia in the summer rather than in the winter, because in the summer you can relax in the beach or meet your friends and have a really good time. If you prefer going trekking you can go to “Jaizkibel” or to “Peñas de Aia” and enjoy looking at the spectacular views that there are in the top of these of mountains. And if you want to go shopping, you can take the bus and go to Irun or to Donostia and buy a lot of things, like clothes, video games etc. As you can see Hondarribia is a very good village because you can do whatever you want in a very reduced space In September it is the village annual festival. These six days are the most important days of this village and all the people from here are specially happy and exited. I the 8th of September there is a procession where almost all the men of Hondarriba take part. In our opinion this is the most exciting day of the year.


I think that Hondarribia is a little town, but it´s a very beautiful place to live. It has coast, mountains and a beach. If you need something of a big town, you can go to Irún, it is near of Hondarribia. We are all the day in Hondarribia, we do our live on it: go with friends, study, train a sport... We feel proud about our town party, it is in September. We do three days of rehearsals, and then the 8th of September we walk around the town playing music in a parade. When we are walking the 8th of September, we feel very excited and we are very happy about playing music at that moment, because it is a very important day of Hondarribia. We have an old part, too. It is in the middle of the town. When we go around the old part, we feel that we are in a historical part, and we remember all the people that fought to defend our town in the past. In summer, we go to the beach or to the port to have a bath everyday. We feel very happy because we don’t have school and we have all the time to go with our friends. But sometimes we are unhappy, because the tourists crowd the places where we go around and sometimes we have rows with them.


We think Hondarribia is a great place t olive. It’s not a big town and we know each other. The weather here is always regular, isn’t too cold or too hot. Here you’ll never get bored, because you’ve got a lot of activities to do and to have a good time. We’ve got a beach where we go to have a bath in the summer. It’s really pleasant when the weather is hot. There’s also a mountain in Hondarribia and it’s called “Guadalupe”. It’s a relaxing place to go with your partner. In the centre of Hondarribia there’s the oldest part of the town. It’s rounded by walls. When you’re inside, you feel more protected. In Hondarribia you can practise a lot of sports. There are clubs of basketball, football, judo, rowing… The best day for Hondarribia is the 8th of September, the day of the Hondarribi’s feasts. All the people are exhausted in these dates.


Hondarribia is a very peaceful and welcoming town in the coast of Guipuzcoa (Basque Country), there are beautiful places as: the beach, the historical old part, Guadalupe, at the outside of Hondarribia and the headlight with its paths. -The beach: In summer you can go to the beach and you can find a lot of people with a smile on their faces. If you want more peace you can lie down at the beginning of the beach and feel the sun in your skin and hear the sound of the waves. -The historic old part: There you can see a lot of houses with old structures and they are painted with four basic colours: red, green, blue and white. There are walls all around the old part too. This part of Hondarribia is a fabulous place to live. -Guadalupe: A mountain with a restaurant ‘La Cantina’ big fields and beautiful but small hermitage. -Headlight with its paths: From the lighthouse we can see stunning landscapes and this kind of landscapes is very relaxing and quiet. We spend good time in summer in Hondarribia, with our friends, going in bicycle or motorbike to all of sites in Hondarribia. We want to see you enjoying these views.


Hondarribia is a beautiful town. There is a beach and in summer all we like going there, or to the mountains, too. The town houses are old and they have different colours in the balcony and windows. If you like as well as we like mountain or beach, you suggest you to come here and enjoy the peace and good environment. In the heart of town you find the oldest part, and here you can take pleasure in “medieval era” The place we like most is “La Marina”, which is a place where you meet a lot of people. This place is near the sea, and there are a lot of bars with terraces and there is a very good atmosphere. Another thing we like, is that we love going to the town port, which is outside the town, and there you can smell the sea and relax.


Between the mountain and the sea, in the north of Spain, there is a beautiful town called Hondarribia. It is in the frontier with France and it is a very touristy town. It is very small but it was wary things to see there. In winter there, are not wary people because it is a cold and rainy town but in summer it is one the best places in Spain in my opinion. There are wary people from wary different countries. I like Hondarribia because I can do many things there. I can go to the beach with my friends, on to the mountains. I am not fro, Hondarribia but I would like to live there. It is fabulous town, I like its colourful houses, the High Street, its festivals and the people from there are fantastic, too. It was another advantage, it has an airport. I love when I return from my holidays, and I get off from the plane in this town, it is a fantastic feeling.


I always like to live in Hondarribia. I’ve lived here since I was born. I love Hondarribia and I’ve never wanted to move home. Hondarribia is a very small city where you can find everything you want. It has an amazing beach where I go to relax and have a good time with my friends. When I want to practice a sport I go to the sport centre. It is quite big, and there are four tennis courses, four paddle courses, two football pitches, a swimming pool, a gym… Hondarribia also has an Old Part, where there are the High Street, the church, the “Carlos V Palace”, what is a high level hotel at the moment, and the town hall. Hondarribia is known like a beautiful city because of its marvellous views. From the Butron walk you can see Hendaya, which is a French town opposite Hondarribia. Between them there is the Bidasoa River, this makes the view more interesting. We also have a port, where a lot of ships are on board. I like to walk near the port every morning, because the breeze in my face. To sum up, Hondarribia is a beautiful and fantastic city and I encourage you to visit it.


Hondarribia is a small beautiful village near the coast. I like it because it has beach and mountains. You can choose the place you prefer. When I go to the beach it transmits me peace and relax. It’s a good place to spend the evening with your friends. I also like trekking because I enjoy doing it and I like the views. Hondarribia is a village where you can find several districts. One of them is the old part, where you can find the church and the Carlos V palace that is a luxury hotel. We can see a lot of stones in the floor of this district. Our school is behind Butron. It is a walk near the sea. On summer you can find some little shops on the walk. We also have a port; it is a beautiful place where you can fish. In the hill of one of the mountain you can see a lighthouse. It is called Higer. With all of this, we want to tell you that you should come here because it is a village which is worth coming here and it’s also a good place to spend the summer.


When I walk around the streets of Hondarribia, I think of the wars Hondarribia suffered, all the old houses, streets, the wall, and squares. Also, in summer, all the hot days that we go to the beach with our friends by bicycle. The quay oh the part we go to swim in the sea and play in the water. However, the best of Hondarribia is the parade “ Alarde”. One week that you can do different activities of sports, cultural of funny activities. Then at night you can go to a party and have a nice night with friends. _______________________________________________ We love living here because we feel very save, because Hondarribia is a small town, also it is shy and we can go to different places walking. Also we are very proud of being born here because it is a beautiful and lovely town. It has coast and mountain. The views are very nice, we are on the border line with Hendaya and we also have fun with these views, especially with the beach. We enjoy a lot in this town, because all of our friends live here and we can meet when we want to have fun. Especially in summer we have a lot of fun. All the evenings we meet to go to the beach by bike. On the beach we spend hours and hours in the sea, sun bathing and playing pala(a traditional Basque sport). In winter, we don’t have fun like in summer, because most of the time, the streets are empty, and the reason is the bad weather, even though we find different comfortable places to spent the evening




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