Events Volunteer Opportunities
Alamo Area Chapter
Education & Training
Volume 14, No. 4
April, 2010
Message from the Board By the 2010 AAMN Board pring is a great time of the year. The plants are happy and blooming. The butterflies and hummingbirds are enjoying the nectar from these plants. The weather has been wonderful and it is a great time to venture out and lead a hike, do some trail maintenance or assist with some bird surveys. This April newsletter is full of activities for all MN. So get outdoors and have fun! Don’t forget the Special President and Bylaws Election Meeting to be held on April 14, beginning at 6:30 p.m. For more details, see the March newsletter on the AAMN website: www.alamomasternaturalist.org. This meeting will precede the monthly Advanced Training presentation, which begins at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there! More news for our members. Beginning in May, the remaining 2010 monthly meetings will be held at the Texas AgriLife Building, 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suite 208, on the second Tuesday of every month. The scheduled date for the May meeting is Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Please change your calendars accordingly. A survey will be sent to the membership to gather input on this topic for the 2011 calendar year. Speaking of calendars… Have you visited the calendar on the website lately? Much coordination is occurring at this time to get the calendar of activities updated. Follow the link to the calendar and see for yourself. As you move your curser over the dates, a full descrip-
tion of the activity pops up. We want to thank Media and Technology Chair Jessica Manley, Webmaster Sam Glass, and especially Committee Member Frank Ballard, for working on this very important project. Finally, did you save the date? On Friday, May 14, the AAMN are planning a social gathering at Eisenhower Park. It is hoped that AAMN members from all classes come out and enjoy a wonderful evening of fun and camaraderie. Nancy Brown and Wendy Thornton, your hospitality committee, are busy working on getting this great event finalized. If you’re interested in helping, please contact them. More details to follow.
An Invitation to Class 26 Graduation on May 1
You are invited to attend the graduation ceremony for AAMN Class 26 on May 1st at 11 A.M in the Auld House at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. The guest speaker will be Bryan Davis, Texas AgriLife Extension Service agent for natural resources in Bexar County. The presence of fellow Master Naturalists always adds to the sense of celebration and accomplishment to the event. Service hour award pins will also be distributed to our chapter Master Naturalists. A side dish or dessert dish for the brunch is appreciated. Please contact Nancy Brown at njbrown@sbcglobal.net to advise her of your contribution.
April 14 Meeting Program
Weather, weather patterns in South Texas and how we are impacted. Robert Blaha is a Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in New Braunfels. This program is approved for advanced training hours.
Board Meeting April 14 5:15 p.m. Special Election 6:30 p.m. All members are welcome to attend. Program 7:00 p.m.
Officers President Vacant Acting President/ Vice-President Liz Robbins srobbins@gvtc.com Treasurer Pete Cowger petercowger@gmail.com Secretary Jamie Daily jdaily8289@wildblue.net Members-at-Large Lonnie Shockley shockleyj@earthlink.net John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com Roy Yarnold royyarnold@sbcglobal.net Immediate Past President Anton Hajek tonyhajek@yahoo.com
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
News from the Board Committees Projects to be reviewed for approval as a Master Naturalist activity must be submitted on the Submission for Activity Approval form. Forms can be obtained by contacting Pamela Ball, pball12@satx.rr.com, or from the AAMN website at www.alamomasternaturalist.org. PLEASE REPORT YOUR HOURS !! Reporting hours is easy with the new EXCEL spreadsheet that was developed for e-mail submissions or for mailing in your hours. It is available online at www.alamomasternaturalist.org.
Where to report your hours: Last names A-M: Last names N-Z: Wilt Shaw Ling Yin Liu 104 Dove Meadow 4946 Dare Lane Boerne, TX 78006-4222 San Antonio, TX 78217 E-mail : WShawjr888@aol.com Phone: 210-207-0021 E-mail: ling.liu@sanantonio.gov ACTIVATE YOUR 2010 GOOGLE DOCS ACCOUNT TODAY! John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com and Roy Yarnold royyarnold@sbcglobal.net have not only volunteered to assist you with this effort but will also serve as the clearing-house for information regarding reported hours, hours that have vanished and those that have gone unreported. As most of you know, each year we award ‘one of a kind’ certification pins for those who achieve 8 hours of advanced training and 40 hours of volunteer service. This year that pin is a wood duck. Additionally, throughout the year, the milestone dragonfly pins are also awarded for 250 hours, 500 hours, and 1,000, 2,500 and 5,000 hours of volunteer service.
AAMN is in the process of creating a web 2.0 interactive community!
We need people to brainstorm on what the interactive community should look like. What would you like to see on the website? No technical experience required. • Discussion Forums, Exchange Area (e.g. book exchange, equipment or tool exchange) • Giveaway • News Items • Class Area/Projects • Recommended Books/Reading Lists • Events • Wiki This project was started back in the summer of 2009. Whether you were on the original project or if you would like to join the project, please contact Susan Oualline with your availability at oualline@mindspring.com. The project team will meet in April to discuss where we left off and next steps. This project is approved for volunteer service hours.
AAMN Documents Online at: AAMN Documents
Access important chapter documents including bylaws and minutes online
Future Meetings
AMN Board of Director and general membership meetings will move to the AgriLife Extension classroom effective May, 2010. 3355 Cherry Ridge, Ste. 208 San Antonio, TX 78230 There is no meeting in July when the Board of Directors is on retreat.
Committeees Activities Information Pam Ball pball12@satx.rr.com Calendar Frank Ballard fm4459@sbcglobal.net Community Outreach Pam Yarnold pyarn@sbcglobal.net Education Outreach Cindy Sims cindy.sims@sanantonio.gov Historian Vacant Hospitality Nancy Brown njbrown@sbcglobal.net Hours Submission Wilt Shaw wshawjr888@aol.com Ling Yin Liu ling.liu@sanantonio.gov Membership John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com Media & Technology Jessica Manley 210-454-8019 Newsletter Editor Joann Smith sanantoniosmith@yahoo.com Contributor Jamie Daily Designer Jessica Manley Public Relations Greg Harmon gregharmon@gmail.com Training Pam Ball pball12@satx.rr.com Web Sam Glass webmaster@alamomasternaturalist.org
Service to the organization is always approved for volunteer service hours.
The September meeting will be held at the Helotes Creek Nature Center Visit our web site at on Wednesday, September 8th. www.alamomasternaturalist.org 14433 Old Bandera Road Helotes, TX 78023-3705 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
he special AAMN general election meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM on April 14, 2010 at the Botanical Garden Administration Building. This meeting is prior to the monthly program session. There are two agenda items for this meeting. A: Bylaws: Accept or reject the proposed TMN State Bylaws B. Election of President of AAMN AAMN members interested in running for AAMN Board President were invited to submit their name and a short statement on their qualifications for the position by March 23, 2010. Candidates who are seeking the office of President – Liz Robbins, Class 17 Printed ballots will be provided at the April 14th meeting. Nominations from the floor will not be accepted.
Nominee for Position of President
am seeking the office of President of the AAMN chapter. I am a native San Antonian, familiar with our city, our county, and surrounding areas. I appreciate both the diversity of our landscapes and the diversity of our communities. As a 35-year veteran of the San Antonio school system, I have developed strong networking skills and personal relationships which I have applied to broadening and enhancing AAMN visibility with a wide variety of agencies, groups, and organizations. These include COSA, SAPAR, SARA, city and state arborists and foresters, NPSOT chapters, CPS, and SAWS. Since receiving my initial certification dragonfly pin in the fall of 2005, I have been an active, diligent member of AAMN, receiving annual recertification pins and earning the 1,000 hour milestone pin in 2008. I have served on the Training Committee for over four years and also served on the AAMN board for two years. I am passionate about the TMN mission and the responsibilities of being a MN and I strongly support the five AAMN goals for 2010: • promoting participation of the entire membership • renewing old friendships and creating new ones • providing more opportunities to serve the community • defining new directions for our chapter • enhancing MN visibility within our community I appreciate your support and ask for your vote on April 14th. Respectfully yours, Liz Robbins
aster Naturalists and members of the newly formed Balcones Invaders Satellite invite you to join us in our efforts to eradicate invasive plants at Rancho Diana every Tuesday and Wednesday. We are continuing our eradication of Chinaberry, Chinese Photinia, Chinese Pistachio, Ligustrum, Pyracantha, and Nandina on the property. To date, we have identified and eradicated over 5,000 specimens. Tuesdays, April 6, 13, 20 & 27 Wednesdays, April 7, 14, 21 and 28 Volunteers meet outside the gate at Rancho Diana at 7:30 A.M. and conclude at 9:30 or 10:00 A.M. If you are interested, contact Cheryl Hamilton at cryhm@hotmail.com or 210342-9721. It is important to e-mail or call no later than 9:00 p.m. the night before if you will be joining us, as we enter Rancho Diana as a group. Approved for advanced training/volunteer hours
Representatives Class 17 Julie Fisher Class 18 Prem Nored premilla.nored@us.army.mil Class 19 Cal Eichler 210- 828-0833 Class 20 Suzanne Benavides & Palani Whiting Class 21 Nancy Brown njbrown@sbcglobal.net & Wendy Thornton Class 22 Linda Painter Darst donlindadarst@msn.com & Jamie Daily jdaily8289@wildblue.net Class 23 Steve Guerrant & Gary Trede gtrede@earthlink.net Class 24 John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com & Susan Hunnicutt schunnicut@aol.com Class 25 Ron Tullius 210-739-2566 rvtullius@sbcglobal.net & Ivan Estes ivanestes@hotmail.com Class 26 Dwight Henderson 210-496-5934 dwighth10@hotmail.com
Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department Natural Areas
Master Naturalist Training
Medina River Natural Area
April 2010 Stewardship Activities
or the month of April we will continue our work at Woodland Hills West and maybe we will be lucky enough to hear a Golden-cheeked warbler. Please check the schedule below as we will be taking one day off. If you have any questions, please contact Jayne Neal at jayne.neal@sanantonio.gov 210-372-9124, or Wendy Leonard wendy.leonard@sanantonio.gov 210-372-9124. Thursdays, April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p. m. Golden-cheeked warbler habitat restoration at Woodland Hills West. Meet at the Woodland Hills West gate on Heuermann, just southwest of Friedrich Wilderness Park. Please bring work gloves if you have them. Approved for volunteer hours if assisting with programs.
Monarch Monitoring Project
April 9 - 10 and September 24-25, 2010 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Friday 9 a.m. - noon on Saturday Cibolo Nature Center, Boerne, Tx, Auditorium. Cost: $30 Pre-registration required. Call 830-249-4616 olunteers for Texas Monarch Watch, Cibolo Nature Center, and Texas Master Naturalists will present spring and fall Monarch Monitoring Workshops in collaboration with Monarch Larval Monitoring Project, Monarch Watch, and Journey North. The monarch has recently been added to the World Wildlife Fund's Top Ten Most Threatened Species list and the overwintering population this winter is the lowest ever recorded. Approved for advanced training
NPSOT Speakers Line-up
What the River tells us about Pollution/Water Quality Friday, April 16, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Field Guide Hikes: Floresville 5th graders Tuesday, April 20, 8:30 a.m. to noon Pleasanton 5th Graders Tuesday, April 27, 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bring sack lunch, water and treats provided. Please confirm your participation with Susan Campbell at Susan.Campbell@sanantonio.gov or 210-624-9076. San Antonio River Authority
River Preservation Project
May 11 & 12 At the Eagleland stretch of the river, Lee Marlowe and her staff continue to make excellent presentations on plant ID. www.sara-tx.org The training for AT credit runs from 9-10 a.m. Volunteer activities run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is one hour less than previous SARA activities. Many plants will be in full bloom, making identification a little easier and much more fun. The flowering plant will match the picture in our field guides for one thing! Contact Ron Tullius at (210) 739-2566 or rvtullius@sbcglobal.net Approved for advanced training/volunteer service hours
eetings of the San Antonio chapter of NPSOT are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month and are free and open to the public. April 27, 2010 – Kelly Lyons, Ph.D., Trinity University [Subject area: Botany, plant identification] Approved for advanced training 6:30 p.m. – Native plant and seed exchange 7:00 p.m. – Meeting and program Lions Field Adult Center 2809 Broadway (at Mulberry & Broadway by Brackenridge Park) Map at www.tinyurl.com/LionsField-SA
"Arrest the Arundo... Cutting Giant Cane Down to Size"
Saturday, April 10th 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Grey Forest City Hall at 18502 Scenic Loop Rd. Sponsors: Bexar County, City of Grey Forest, Scenic Loop Playground Club, San Antonio Invaders Bring: Hand loppers or hand saws if you have them, water bottle, snack if desired, insect repellent. Wear: Work gloves, hat, long-sleeved pants and shirts, waterproof rubber or work boots if you have them A complimentary lunch will be provided at the Scenic Loop Playground Clubhouse afterward. Park behind the city hall at the Scenic Loop Playground parking area. Cross the creek, and the parking area is on the left hand side. We will walk and carpool to Menchaca and Scenic Loop Rd. Contact: Cheryl Hamilton at cryhm@hotmail.com or 210342-9721 or Wendy Leonard at wjcool66@yahoo.com or 210-487-9688. (Kindly R.S.V.P.) Approved for advanced training/volunteer service hours
4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
am in the process of mailing our AAMN pins to those of you who have earned but not yet received prior pins. If I owe you and you don’t here from me by “Tax Day” drop me an e-mail to remind me. Here are awards earned this past month. Person Class William O’Connell III 22 Pete Cowger 22 Diane Fey 23 Eva Fromme 21 Josie Gonzales 18 Cheryl Hamilton 21 Wendy Thornton 21
Awards Salamander Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck Wood Duck
Pete Cowger Linda Gindler Lonnie Shockley
22 23 23
250 hours 250 hours 250 hours
Pete Cowger Larry Loop Larry Loop Cheryl Hamilton
22 6 6 21
250 hours 500 hours 1,000 hours 1,000 hours
Larry Loop is the first to assist us with posting of hours lost from our records. His 1999-2004 hours brought his total well above 1,000. Thanks, Larry. I will be contacting you to validate the hours we currently show in our records. We know we lost records in the early 2000 time frame, so if you have hours earned and can provide some limited documentation, we will update our records. If you are having any difficultly with the system, please contact Roy Yarnold at royyarnold@sbcglobal.net or 210497-1088, or me, John Wolcott - jwolcott@satx.rr.com or 210-497-4365.
AAMN Nature Presenters Needed for Public Libraries
Please contact Sandra Griffin at sandra.griffin@sanantonio.gov or 210 - 226 - 2772. Saturday, April 10 - 2:30 p.m. Maverick, 8700 Mystic Saturday, April 17 - 12: Noon McCreless, 1023 Ada Saturday, April 17 - 2:30 pm Forest Hills, 5245 Ingram Rd. Saturday, April 24 - 2 p.m. Great Northwest, 9050 Wellwood St. Saturday, April 24 - 2 p.m. Collins Garden, 200 N. Park Road
April @ the Garden
San Antonio Botanical Garden
The greenhouse group sales will be held at the garden April 17th and 18th Attention All Master Naturalists: We need you for Walk Across Texas! A Fiesta celebration enjoying Texas nature in the height of Spring, Walk Across Texas® is an official Fiesta event at the San Antonio Botanical Garden. The event will be held 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 17. Alamo Area Master Naturalist Volunteers will lead interpretive Bird Walks, WaterSaver Walks, and staff an ethnobotany table demonstrating traditional uses of native plants. A new Bird Watch is being officially opened at the event this year, so we are especially trying to recruit birders to volunteer. Walk Across Texas is a chance for us to showcase Master Naturalists in action and recruit future Master Naturalists at a sanctioned Fiesta event. All this and free biscuits too! Enjoy Pioneer biscuits and gravy, compliments of sponsor C.H. Guenther & Son. Call 207-3261 or e-mail cindy.sims@sanantonio.gov and sign up to lead a walk, share your birding knowledge or work at the Ethnobotany Table (training provided.) Approved for advanced training/volunteer service hours
New! Balcones Invaders Satellite Invasive Plants Advanced Training
he Balcones Satellite of the Texas Invaders Program, Boerne Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas and Cibolo Nature Center are sponsoring a Citizen Scientist invasive plants training session. Training includes both classroom instruction and field experience. At the completion of the one day session participants will be certified as Texas Invaders Citizen Scientists. Ongoing identification and eradication opportunities are available in northwestern Bexar County and surrounding areas of Kendall, Medina, Bandera counties including Boerne. Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:45 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Cibolo Nature Center Library in Boerne Space is limited to 20 participants. To enroll, interested applicants can register at: www.texasinvasives.org/invaders/become.php Download the Volunteer Interest Form, and submit it to Balcones satellite leader Lonnie Shockley at nadoinvader@gmail.com or call 210-695-8419 for more information. Training approved for advanced training hours. Activities are approved for volunteer hours.
Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
Hot Tub Naturalist April, 2010 By Anton Hajek t is Fiesta! Think of this event as an example of diversity: the people, the food, the events, the fun. This year is the first Master Naturalist participation in the King William’s Parade, at a good entry price. Thanks, Pam. All sorts of plants are blooming. This is Mountain Laurel time, one of my favorites. I plant the small trees just for their two weeks of blooms. Plants here at the hot tub bloom threeweeks later than plants downtown or in north SA. Spirit and Opportunity, the two rovers on the Mars surface must have been assembled by Timex® as they have taken a lickin’ and kept on truckin’. Originally designed to last all of 90 days, they are on year four. Spirit with two bad wheels, is still traveling onward and backwards. Finally stuck in the crusty Martian surface, it has become - as NASA puts it - a stationary reporting station. NASA is looking for Mars equatorial wobble, occurring every 176,000 years. Opportunity is still going after four years. NASA had more successes than failures. Though running a satellite into a planet because someone did not convert feet to meters is fairly sophomoric, perhaps it indicates that we should convert our country to metric. How many of you know that Texas, being a colony of Spain, measured land in Varas? The measurement of which changed at some point in the past, playing havoc on those who deal with land records. I had a case which depended on which measurement to use: Leagues, fathoms, hectors, acres, sections, cubits, sheafs, bushels, pecks, 24 oz. tall boys - it is all good.
River Walk Garden Workday
Second Friday of every month 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. San Antonio Riverwalk Garden olunteers are needed to cut, trim, and plant at the San Antonio Riverwalk Garden. Bring cutting tools such as shears, rakes, and clippers and also gloves and water for this workday. This is our own Master Naturalist project at the corner of Aubrey and Old Guilbeau (north of Durango, the west side of the San Antonio river) on the Riverwalk. Contact Lan Eng 830-980-2300 or lanjim@earthlink.net or visit www.alamomasternaturalist.org Approved for volunteer hours
April, 2010
Cibolo Nature Center Upcoming Workshops!
April 10: www.cibolo.org Attracting Birds Workshop Part 2: Managing for Game Birds & Song Birds April 16: Spring Wildflower Walk April 17: Rainwater Collection for the Garden April 24: Birding by Ear Workshop Contact Kate Villarreal at 830-249-4616 to pre-register or for more information on these programs. Approved for advanced training
The Texas Amphibian Watch Train the Trainer Workshop
Friday, April 23, 5-10 p.m. @ The Nature Center 11942 FM 848; Tyler, Texas 75707 Approved for advanced training
The Texas Mussel Watch Train the Trainer Workshop
Saturday, April 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Old Sabine Bottom Wildlife Management Area, 21187 CR 4106; Lindale, Texas 75771 SBEC and TEEAC credit available for teachers; Registration required. Fee $10 per workshop; includes materials. To register and for more information contact Irene Hamel 903-566-9394 or irene.hamel@tpwd.state.tx.us Approved for advanced training
New Invasive Species Website
www.texasinvasives.org exasinvasives.org is sporting a new user-friendly interface and new features like Eco Alerts by Region, where you can search Texas Ecoregions to see what species are a problem in your area; a Report It feature to help keep the worst of the worst out of Texas and social media like You Tube and FaceBook. The website also contains an interactive mapping application, downloadable invasive species publications and links to national, regional, and state invasive species resources.
Phil Hardberger Park
UNDER CONSTRUCTION ositioned in the heart of one of San Antonio’s major population centers, Hardberger Park is envisioned as a new central park for the city. The goal is to create a park that offers ample and varied recreational opportunities to all of San Antonio’s citizens, while simultaneously celebrating the natural beauty of the space and preserving as much of the original landscape and vegetation as possible.
6------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
Hummer House Day Trip on June 12, 2010
ur Chapter has organized a bus trip to the Hummer House in Christoval, Texas on June 12th. The Hummer House is situated along the South Concho River. The area has numerous native bird species as well as migrant birds during seasonal changes. The property is the summer home to Texas’s largest concentration of breeding Black-chinned Hummingbirds. The day’s program will include a bird banding presentation and a hummingbird talk in the air-conditioned observation room. There will be plenty of time for viewing the birds. We will end our visit with an hour hike around the property. Lunch will be provided on sight by DunBar East Restaurant. The bus will leave from I-10 and 1604 UTSA Park and Ride at 6:15 AM. There will be a second pick up at I-10 and Hwy 46 Park and Ride in front of Chili’s in Boerne. We anticipate our return to the UTSA Park and Ride around 6:45 PM. Each Master Naturalist may bring one paying guest. Price per person is $50. Seating is limited. Reservations will be taken on a first come first serve basis. To make a reservation, please e-mail Arless Lenz at arlesann@yahoo.com with the names of passengers and the location for pickup. Your reservation acknowledgement and instructions for trip payment will follow by e-mail. Total payment is due by check within 5 business days of the confirmed reservation. April, 2010
Mitchell Lake Audubon Center
Community Gardening Day April 3, 2010 9 a.m. to noon Each spring we work to get MLAC Native Plant Gardens ready for the growing season. You can help with garden tasks and learn about these great native and drought tolerant plants and how to use your new skills in your home landscape. No experience necessary, this project is funded byToyota’s TogetherGreen program Free but space is limited, RSVP is required Approved for advanced training The majesty of Monarchs with Monika Maeckle April 17, 2010 Time: to be announced Learn about Monarch Butterflies and their extraordinary migration. You’ll learn about their habitat, their migration and what citizen scientists like Monika are doing to help us learn more and protect this wonderful creature. Space is limited, RSVP is required Cost: $5 for non-members; Free for MLAC members Approved for advanced training
Community Outreach Calendar By Pam Yarnold
Get involved!
he Community Outreach Committee needs volunteers for the AAMN table at several upcoming events.
11TH ANNUAL EARTH DAY CELEBRATION Thursday, April 8, 2010 Northwest Vista College 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. Shifts available: 8:30 - 2:00, 8:30 -11:15 or 11:15 - 2:00 WITTE MUSEUM April 10 from 11a.m. -2:30 p.m. EARTH DAY AT WOODLAWN LAKE PARK Saturday, April 17, 2010 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Shifts available: 9:30 - 4:00, 9:30-1:00 or 1:00- 4:00 WHOLE FOODS MARKET EARTH DAY AT THE QUARRY Thursday, April 22 from 11a.m. -2 p.m. Shift from 10:45 - 2 KING WILLIAMS FAIR-GREEN ZONE Saturday, April 24, 2010 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. (2-hour table shifts) EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE AND FAIR! We need volunteers willing to wear your AAMN T-shirt with silly hats, big glasses and/or big shoes and carry the AAMN banner in the King William Fair Parade. The sillier the better. KING WILLIAM FAIR PARADE Saturday, April 24, 2010 Line up at 9 A.M. Starts at 10 A.M. - 1.5 miles If you can help at the table or in some other area, please contact: Pam Yarnold AAMN Community Outreach pyarn@sbcglobal.net 210-497-1088 Participation in these events as a representative of Texas Master Naturalists is approved for volunteer hours.
Vol. 14, No. 4 - April, 2010- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
The Alamo Chapter Texas Master Naturalist Newsletter is published monthly for the members and friends of the chapter. Thank you to everyone who News and information for submitted their information for the newsletter is always this month’s newsletter! welcome. Please remember to submit Please contact your events for the month of the publication only as we are Joann Smith, Editor currently unable to archive sanantoniosmith@yahoo.com future events.
May 14th, 2010 - Save the date!
reat news! Save Friday evening, May 14th, 2010 for our Alamo Area Master Naturalists social gathering at Eisenhower Park. We hope to get as many AAMN members from ALL the classes--#1 to the newest, #26, for a good time. So put the date on your calendar. More information will follow. This event is being co-sponsored with the San Antonio Parks and Recreation.
Master Naturalists are volunteers dedicated to the conservation, preservation and restoration of our natural resources, promoting ecological education for all ages. The Alamo Area Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists gratefully acknowledges the support of our sponsoring organizations:
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Hike and Hack
This Thursday, April 1st Honey Creek SNA Located in Guadalupe River State Park on Park Road 31, off of Hwy. 46. No entry fee if participating. Meet at the Rust house at 9:00 a.m. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for walking in grass, etc. Bring your favorite loppers and gloves, if you have some, otherwise there will be some available. Bring water and snack, if you would like. We will first cut down young ashe junipers followed by a hike in Honey Creek which is optional. Any questions please contact. Holly Camero chcamero@aol.com 210-490-4882 210-861-5004 cell/field