Vol. 26, No. 1

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AMVETS—American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II

Arizona Department of amvets, Inc.

Annual Report Submitted by Department Commander Jim Hostetler


reetings to all AMVETS members and my sincere congratulations to every one of you for another great, successful calendar year. I commend all of you for your hard work and dedicated time to our great organization. Your hard work certainly makes my commander’s job that much easier. During the past few months I have been actively involved with quite a few Veteran events, many of which I have attended and participated in. The Annual Veterans Day parade in Phoenix happens to be one of my favorite because one sees many, many veterans having fun and demonstrating their proud veteran heritage. The November Parade is such a huge success in Phoenix and I commend all those responsible for making the event what it is. The 2008 State Convention was a big success and all AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary and Sons members played a signif8icant role in making it a big hit. The 2009 Convention is right around the corner and I look forward to seeing most of you again relatively soon. Our newly Vice Commanders Bernice Aris (1st) and Tom Dingwall (2nd) have done a remarkable job in spite of their newness and experience and they have taken the charge and have excelled in their performance. Yes, we often make mistakes but the commitment and dedication shown by our new Vice Commanders overrides the fear factor and has allowed them to perform as expected. The November SEC held in Tucson was a very productive meeting in that we will finally find a new home for Post 28 and Post 55 Members. It was decided during the November SEC Meeting to allow the members time to transfer to another Post prior to the department pulling their Charters. Northern District Commander Robert Atchison offered to follow-up with the transfers. The March SEC is being held in Tucson at the 2009 State Convention host hotel – Best western Airport Inn – followed by the State Convention scheduled for May 15, 16 and 17, 2009. In closing, I would like to thank all of you for being so supportive during my term as Department Commander. GO VETERANS.

Spring, 2009 Volume 26, No. 1

NEC DEPARTMENT REPORT Submitted by John L. Hines, NEC Membership: As of 12/21/08, Arizona Department of Amvets, Inc. had a total of 1,224 members, 971 Life Members and 253 Annual Members. The Department 1st Vice Commander Bernice Aris and all the posts within the Northern and Southern Districts in the Department of Arizona are all trying to do their best at trying to recruit new members and definitely try to retain all renewals. Department Commander Jim Hostetler is again trying to establish another new post within the state of Arizona. Way to go Jim. Programs: 100% Program Participation is still the Goal of all the Posts of the Northern and Southern Districts within the Department of Arizona. The Department 2nd Vice Commander Tom Dingwall is still planning to visit all the posts within the Northern and Southern Districts in the Department of Arizona. He wants to implement AMVET Programs throughout the state. Successful implemetation benefits our membership effort and raises the profile of AMVETS within the state. Great job, Tom. We all plan to work with him to establish these goals. Service: All the posts of the Southern and Northern Districts within the Department of Arizona had members march in local Veterans Day Parades, flew the flag high on Pearl Harbor Day, visited the patients at the local VA Hospital for Christmas, held children’s Christmas Parties, and sent care packages to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, PDC Fred Jervis was in a walkathon in Tucson for Huntingtons Disease. Commander Hosteler,PDC James Goode and Members of the Auxiliary marched in the Matin Luther King Day Parade in Phoenix.

Upcoming Events: The Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc. is planning to have their SEC, Membership, Constitution & By-Laws, and Finance Meetings on Saturday March 7th. The Recruiter’s Luncheon is scheduled for Sunday March 8th, both at a location to be determined by Executive Director Ralph Velez. The AMVETS State Convention is scheduled to be held May 15th -17th, at the Best Western Airport Inn, Tucson Blvd., Tucson Ariona. We are again looking forward to the Visit of our National Guests. Other: I hope that everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season, and has a happy and prosperous new year. Commander Hosteler and I both plan to attend the Spring NEC scheduled for 3/12-3/14 in Baltimore, Maryland. Congratulations and good luck to our newly-elected President and Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama. God bless our troops. May they come home safely and soon.

Welcome Home Veterans!

PG. 8

National Service Office Staff

We have the 2008 Arizona state pins available. 

If you are interested in one, please give us a call.

3333 North Central Ave, Suite 1050, Phoenix, AZ 85012-2407 (602) 627-3276 Fax 602-627-3280

National Service Officer National Service Officer

Paul Zanger Dawn Reynolds

ARIZONA AMVETS NEWS: Official Publication of AMVETS, American Veterans P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191 Phone (623) 536-0362 Fax (760) 768-2103 E-mail: ralphv@calexico.ca.gov and rvamvets@live.com Published Quarterly


Let us know eight weeks before you move and attach your address label from current issue here.

New Address:__________________________________________________ Name_______________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________

Please fill in your new address and mail to: Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc. P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191 ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT-Midwest Publishing, Inc.

10844 N. 23rd Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85029-4924, 602-943-1244 ARIZONA AMVETS NEWS: Official Publication of AMVETS: American Veterans P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191 Phone (623) 536-0362 Fax (760) 768-2103

E-mail: ralphv@CALEXICO.CA.GOV Published Quarterly

Editorial Criteria Following are guidelines to aid you in preparing

Department Elected Officers 2007/2008 Commander (Cmdr.) H. Jim Hostetler 1st Vice Commander Bernice Aris 2nd Vice Commander Tom Dingwall Judge Advocate (JA) Leo J. Pimple Finance Officer (FO) Ralph Velez Provost Marshal (PM) Donald E. Downing One-Year Trustee Albert Martinez Two-Year Trustee Jonathan Burleigh Three-Year Trustee Richard Starker National Executive Committee (NEC) Person John L. Hines Alternate NEC Person Ernest Epps United District Commanders Northern District Robert Atchison Southern District Don Schmitt Department Appointed Officers 2007/2008 Executive Director (ED) Ralph Velez Chaplain Curly McClain Service Officer Misti Isley-DeCaire Inspector General (IG) Gil Devine Public Relations Officer Ima Denmon Deputy Provost Marshal Vacant Deputy Provost Marshal Vacant ROTC Program Director James E. Goode, Sr. Membership Director Bernice Aris Editor AZ AMVETS News Ralph Velez VA Medical Center Service Officers (SO) & Volunteer Service Reps. (VAVS) VAVS Phoenix Albert Martinez Deputy VAVS Phoenix Vacant VAVS & SO Prescott Misti Isley-DeCaire VAVS Tucson Frank D. Smith Deputy VAVS Tucson Jonathan Burleigh

Post 065 Post 770 Post 089 Post 089 Post 065 Post 005 Post 065 Post 039 P ost 003

Post 011 Post 066 Post 5268 Post 011 Post 065 Post 770 Post 001 Post 003 Post 065 Post 000 Post 000 Post 005 Post 770 Post 065 Post 065 Post 001 Post 039 Post 011

your articles for publication: 1. Articles MUST be typewritten. DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS. 2. NEW! Submissions may be e-mailed to rvamvets@qwest.net 3. Your submissions must be at the editor’s office by: Dec. 15, March 15, June 15 and Sept. 15. 4. Photos must have captions to be used with an accompanying sheet of paper which lists name(s) of people in the picture, as well as the date, event and post involved. Do not write on the back or the front of photos. Do not tape or staple photos to your article. 5. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity, brevity, etc. 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arizona AMVETS News

2nd Vice Report

By B.T. “Tom” Dingwall, III

November 6, 2008 RE: Trip Report


o report on my trip to Post No. 770 – Tucson, AZ a. Attendees: Department 2nd Vice Commander, B.T. “Tom” Dingwall and, Department Judge Advocate: Leo J. Pimple. b. Post Visited: AMVETS Post No. 770 c. Purpose of Visit: To explain AMVETS programs to members of Post and Auxiliary, and demonstrate Department support for Post 770 and their activities.


n accordance with Arizona Department of AMVETS Bylaws, Article III, Section 5(a)(b)(c), the following report is submitted. 1. Posts visited since Department Convention: a. Post #3, Dolan Springs, AZ. Miles travelled – 814 miles. Trip report and travel Expense Voucher submitted. b. Post #99, Ajo, AZ, with side trip to Post #770 – 408 miles. Trip Report and travel Expense Voucher submitted. c. Post #770, Tucson, AZ, with side trip to Post 11 – Estimated 175 miles. d. Post #5, Phoenix, AZ. Need to confirm December 15, 2008 at 3:00 pm. Move to after January 7, 2009 ?

2. Posts on fall scheduled, but missed due to communications problems: Posts 15, and 5268. I will reschedule after the first of the year. Sorry about communications problems 3. Post scheduled for visits after January 1, 2008: a. Post 11 – January 12, 2009 at 7:00 pm. b. Post 39 – January 17, 2009 at 10:00 am. c. Post 66 – March 18, 2009 with time yet to be determined. d. Post 1 – April 9, 2009 at 6:00 pm. e. Post 89 – May 5, 2009 at 7:30 pm for my homecoming. 4. The following Posts and I need to reschedule and confirm dates and times for visits: Posts 5, 7, 15, 65 & 5268. I don’t know why more department officers are not visiting posts, Leo and I have been very well fed every post we have visited. 5. Reporting of Programs, events, volunteer activities, etc. utilizing the AMVETS National On-line Programs Reporting System has gotten off to a slow start. I have some hand-outs on the system and it is the position of Beryl Love, National Programs Director that all Post officers, 2nd Vice Commanders and any post member who chairs a program or has personal hours should have a log-in and password. Having a log-in and password for the Membership Reporting System is not going to automatically get you access to the On-line Program Reporting System. These are two different stove pipe systems and they don’t talk with each other. I will enter program data for posts as a last resort. I will not fabricate data or submit bogus data. 6. I have a packet for each post and SEC representatives may pick up for their post, but you must forward all the material to the Post Commander and 2nd Vice Commander.

Observations and Items Discussed: a. Post Officers: Conducted Post opening, business meeting, and closing as required by AMVETS Officer Manual, pages 17 to 22. Post Commander John Richardson presided over the meeting in a very competent manner. Attendance was as follows: Forty One (41) members of Post 770. Fourteen (14) ladies from the Post Auxiliary. Officers Department JA Leo Pimple and myself. b. This is a very large and active Post with as active service officer, Post officers, color guard, trustees, canteen, Sons of AMVETS, and Auxiliary. All groups or committees made reports to the membership. (1) The Post and Auxiliary is planning to adopt seven (7) families with seventeen (17) children. It sounds like the Post will provide food and presents for all. (2) The Sons of AMVETS is conducting fund raisers to assist the Post’s various programs. (3) The Post voted on and swore in six (6) new members. c. During my remarks I covered the Americanism Program and other AMVETS National Programs as well as the On-line program reporting system. Before, during and after the meeting, I was cleaned out of all my various program handouts. I did provide the Post Commander a publications form. 3. Action Items. a. Department 2nd Vice Commander provided training for Post 2nd Vice Commander on the AMVETS On-line program reporting system. I am concerned whether Post 770 received a copy of the CD Disk with the various officer and committee manuals and program materials. b. Action is required by other Department Officers: (1) Department Executive Director Ralph Velez should check with the Post 770 commander to verify that the Post has the latest CD Disk with AMVETS National programs, and forms and knows what is on the disk and how to make it available to Post Officers, Committee and program chairpersons. (2) Otherwise, no other action for Department Officers. 4. Recommendations. Keep doing what they are doing. Don’t change when the Post is successful. 5. Comments. a. Post # 770 is lead by a very fine leadership team, is well run and it is an exciting place to visit or hold membership in. Certainly Post 770 is the largest and very likely the most active Post (among the large Posts) in the Department. They are making commendable efforts in implementing many of the AMVETS National Programs. b. The Department JA and I stopped by Post 11 to participate in their October Fest and fund raiser. We each left with lighter wallets than we arrived with. In Service to AMVETS, B.T. “Tom” Dingwall, III Department 2nd Vice Commander

Arizona AMVETS News------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

Service Officer’s Report


elow are web sites that provide information on veterans benefits and how to file/ask for them. Accordingly, there are many sites that explain how to obtain books, military/medical records, information and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA. Please pass this information on to every veteran you know. Nearly 100% of this information is free and available for all veterans. The only catch is, you have to ask for it; because they won’t tell you about a specific benefit unless you ask for it. You need to know what questions to ask so the right doors open for you -- and then be ready to have an advocate who is willing to work with and for you, stay in the process, and press for your rights and your best interests.

Appeals http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/ admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ ch05.doc Board of Veteran’s Appeals http://www.va.gov/vbs/bva/ CARES Commission http://www.va. gov/vbs/bva/ CARES Draft National Plan http://www1.va.gov/cares/page.cfm?pg=105 Center for Minority Veterans http://www1.va.gov/centerforminorityveterans / Center for Veterans Enterprise http://www.vetbiz.gov/default2.htm Center for Women Veterans http://www1.va.gov/womenvet/ Clarification on the changes in VA healthcare for Gulf War Veterans http://www.gulfwarvets.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000016.html Classified Records - American Gulf War Veterans Assoc http://www.gulfwarvets.com/ubb/Forum18/HTML/000011.html Compensation for Disabilities Associated with the Gulf War Service http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/admin21/m21_1/part6/ch07.doc Compensation Rate Tables, 12-1-03 http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/Rates/comp01.htm Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page http://www.va.gov Directory of Veterans Service Organizations http://www1.va.gov/vso/ index.cfm?template=view Disability Examination Worksheets Index, Comp http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/Benefits/exams/index.htm Due Process http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/admin21/m211/mr/part1/ch02.doc Duty to Assist http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ch01.doc Electronic Code of Federal Regulations http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ecfr/ Emergency, Non-emergency, and Fee Basis Care http://www1.va.gov/opa/vadocs/fedben.pdf Environmental Agents http://www1.va.gov/environagents Environmental Agents M10 http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1002 Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=315 EVALUATION PROTOCOL FOR GULF WAR AND IRAQI FREEDOM VETERANS WITH POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) http://www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/DUHandbook1303122304.DOC and http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1158 See also, Depleted Uranium Fact Sheet http://www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/DepletedUraniumFAQSheet.doc EVALUATION PROTOCOL FOR NON-GULF WAR VETERANS WITH POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) http://www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/DUHANDBOOKNONGW130340304.DOC Fee Basis, PRIORITY FOR OUTPATIENT MEDICAL SERVICES AND INPATIENT HOSPITAL CARE http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=206 Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependants 2005 http://www1.va.gov/opa/vadocs/current_benefits.htm Forms and Records Request http://www.va.gov/vaforms/

By Richard Starker General Compensation Provisions http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title38/partii_chapter11_subchaptervi_.html Geriatrics and Extended Care http://www1.va.gov/geriatricsshg/ Guideline for Chronic Pain and Fatigue MUS-CPG http://www.oqp.med.va.gov/cpg/cpgn/mus/mus_base.htm Guide to Gulf War Veteran’s Health http://www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/VHIgulfwar.pdf Gulf War Subject Index http://www1.va.gov/GulfWar/page.cfm?pg=7&template=main&letter=A Gulf War Veteran’s Illnesses Q&As http://www1.va.gov/gulfwar/docs/GWIllnessesQandAsIB1041.pdf Hearings http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ch04.doc Homeless Veterans http://www1.va.gov/homeless/ HSR&D Home http://www.hsrd.research.va.gov/ Index to Disability Examination Worksheets C&P exams http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/benefits/exams/index.htm Ionizing Radiation http://www1.va.gov/irad/ Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Veterans VBA http://www.vba.va.gov/EFIF/ M10 for spouses and children http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1007 M10 Part III Change 1 http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1008 M21-1 Table of Contents http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/M21_1.html Mental Disorders, Schedule of Ratings http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/regs/38CFR/ BOOKC/PART4/ S4_130.DOC Mental Health Program Guidelines http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1094 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers http://www.mirecc.med.va.gov/ MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Centers of Excellence http://www.va.gov/ms/about.asp My Health e Vet http://www.myhealth.va.gov/ NASDVA.COM National Association of State Directors http://www.nasdva.com/ National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention http://www.nchpdp.med.va.gov/postdeploymentlinks.asp Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders, Schedule of Ratings http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/regs/38cfr/bookc/part4/s4%5F124a.doc OMI (Office of Medical Inspector) http://www.omi.cio.med.va.gov/ Online VA Form 10-10EZ https://www.1010ez.med.va.gov/sec/vha/1010ez/ Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders http://www1.va.gov/resdev/funding/solicitations/docs/parkinsons. pdf and, http://www1.va.gov/padrecc/ Peacetime Disability Compensation http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_ usc&docid= Cite:+38USC1131 Pension for Non-Service- Connected Disability or Death http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/ title38/partii_chapter15_subchapteri_.html and, http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title38/partii_chapter15_subchapterii_.html and, http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title38/partii_chapter15_subchapteriii_.html Persian Gulf Registry http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1003 This program is now referred to as Gulf War Registry Program (to include Operation Iraqi Freedom) as of March 7, 2005: http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1232 Persian Gulf Registry Referral Centers http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1006 Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses Research 1999, Annual

4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arizona AMVETS News

Help yourself to these government resources and pass it on!

Report To Congress http://www1.va.gov/resdev/1999_Gulf_War_Veterans/Illnesses_Appendices.doc Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses Research 2002, Annual Report To Congress http://www1.va.gov/resdev/prt/gulf_war_2002/GulfWarRpt02.pdf Phase I PGR http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1004 Phase II PGR http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=1005 Policy Manual Index http://www.va.gov/publ/direc/eds/edsmps.htm Power of Attorney http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ch03.doc Project 112 (Including Project SHAD) http://www1.va.gov/shad/ Prosthetics Eligibility http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=337 Public Health and Environmental Hazards Home Page http://www.vethealth.cio.med.va.gov/ Public Health/SARS http://www.publiche alth.va.gov/ SARS/ Publications Manuals http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/publications.cfm?Pub= 4 Publications and Reports http://www1.va.gov/resdev/prt/pubs_ individual.cfm?webpage=gulf_war.htm Records Center and Vault Homepage http://www.aac.va.gov/vault/default.html Records Center and Vault Site Map http://www.aac.va.gov/vault/sitemap.html REQUEST FOR AND CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION FROM CLAIMANT’S RECORDS http://www.forms.va.gov/va/Internet/VARF/getformharness. asp?formName=3288-form.xft Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses April 11, 2002 http://www1.va.gov/rac-gwvi/docs/Minutes_April112002.doc Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses http://www1.va.gov/rac-gwvi/docs/ReportandRecommendations_2004.pdf Research and Development http://www.appc1.va.gov/resdev/programs/all_programs.cfm Survivor’s and Dependents’ Educational Assistance http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title38/partiii_chapter35_.html Title 38 Index Parts 0-17 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfrv1_ 02.tpl Part 18 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfrv2_ 02.tpl Title 38 Part 3 Adjudication Subpart A Pension, Compensation, and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=ecfr&sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfr3_main_02..tpl

Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses & Veterans Relief (also § 3.317 Compensation for certain disabilities due to undiagnosed illnesses found here) http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=ecfr&sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfr3_main_02..tpl Title 38 PART 4--SCHEDULE FOR RATING DISABILITIES Subpart B--DISABILITY RATINGS target=_blank> ab7641afd195c84a49a2067dbbcf95c0&rgn=div6&view=text&node=38: 2&idno=38 Title 38 § 4.16 Total disability ratings for compensation based on unemployability of the individual. PART 4—SCHEDULE FOR RATING DISABILITIES Subpart A—General Policy in Rating http://ecfr.gpoaccess. gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=ecfr&sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&rgn=div8&view=text&node=38: 1.96.11&idno=38 U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims http://www.vetapp.gov/ VA Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) http://www.avapl.org/pub/PTSD%20Manual%20final%206.pdf VA Fact Sheet http://www1.va.gov/opa/fact/gwfs.html VA Health Care Eligibility http://www.va.gov/healtheligibility/home/hecmain.asp VA INSTITUTING GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTION (GAF) http://www.avapl.org/gaf/gaf.html VA Life Insurance Handbook — Chapter 3 http://www.insurance.va.gov/inForceGliSite/GLIhandbook/glibookletch3. htm#310 VA Loan Lending Limits and Jumbo Loans http://valoans.com/va_facts_limits.cfm VA MS Research http://www.va.gov/ms/about.asp VA National Hepatitis C Program http://www.hepatitis.va.gov/ VA Office of Research and Development http://www1.va.gov/resdev/ VA Trainee Pocket Card on Gulf War http://www.va.gov/OAA/pocketcard/gulfwar.asp VA WMD EMSHG http://www1.va.gov/emshg/ VA WRIISC-DC http://www.va.gov/WRIISC-DC/ VAOIG Hotline Telephone Number and Address http://www.va.gov/oig/hotline/hotline3.htm Vet Center Eligibility - Readjustment Counseling Service http://www.va.gov/rcs/Eligibility.htm Veterans Benefits Administration Main Web Page http://www.vba.va.gov/ Veterans Legal and Benefits Information http://valaw.org/ VHA Forms, Publications, Manuals http://www1.va.gov/vhapublications/ VHA Programs - Clinical Programs & Initiatives http://www1.va.gov/health_benefits/page.cfm?pg=13 VHA Public Health Strategic Health Care Group Home Page http://www.publichealth.va.gov/ VHI Guide to Gulf War Veterans Health http://www1.va.gov/vhi_ind_study/gulfwar/istudy/index.asp Vocational Rehabilitation http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/ Vocational Rehabilitation Subsistence http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/InterSubsistencefy04.doc VONAPP online http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/main. asp WARMS - 38 CFR Book C http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/bookc.html Wartime Disability Compensation http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_ usc&docid= Cite:+38USC1110 War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center - New Jersey http://www.wri.med.va.gov/ Welcome to the GI Bill Web Site http://www.gibill.va.gov/ What VA Social Workers Do http://www1.va.gov/socialwork/page.cfm?pg=3

Arizona AMVETS News------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

Southern District Commander’s Report


ell a new season is upon us. After being dark for the summer, the Southern District held it’s first meeting on September 14. Discussions involved The POW/MIA Program at the Southern Arizona Veterans Hospital which the Southern District Commander attended. We donated funds towards Hospitalized Veterans Crafts, you know the moccasins, comb cases, wallets, models etc. Also discussed was Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom Welcome Home Sponsored by the VAMC at the Tucson Electric Park on November 15-16 and how AMVETS can get involved, Denise made note on how Ladies Auxiliary from Post # 770 donated $1,500 to the V.A. Hospital.Well done and kudos to them for representing AMVETS in a well-respected manner! The Southern District extended their endorsement to the naming of Veterans Mountain in Scottsdale.

Upcoming Events

Post 11 held their annual OKTOBERFEAST Fundraiser on November 2nd. Post 39 celebrated their 15th Anniversary on December 7, 2008 (Also Pearl Harbor Day). Well done and congratulations! Post 89 had a successful annual picnic and will be having a Christmas Party to be announced, Post 99 will be getting some much needed assistance on October 15th thanks to Post 89 Leo and Tom will be heading out there to straighten things up and said they will stay until the mission is accomplished. Thanks for your help in this matter 89 and for stepping up to the plate! Post 770 had a great Casino Night in July that was quite successful, a Golf Tournament September 28th @ Tucson Estates, and a Halloween Party on October 31 to support the fire department out their way. They always have something going on and support many causes. Well done to them and all the Southern District. We are making a difference in our clubs, community and our veterans. A heart-felt thank you to all.


Minutes of the regular monthly general business meeting of AMVETS Headquarters United Southern District held at AMVETS Post 770 on patio 3057 S. Kinney Rd., Tucson, AZ. The meeting was held on Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. 1. Commander Schmitt called the meeting to order at 10:37 a.m. 2. Chaplin Howard Kozda offered the opening prayer. 3. Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Commander Schmitt. 4. Roll call of officers: Commander Richardson of 770 said he will speak to Dave Jordan again about the Sons attendance. 5. Finance report: $1,640.45 in Savings and $192.25 in checking. Motion made and approved. 6. Minutes: Motion made to accept the minutes second and approved. 7. Bills and commutations: a. Nam Jam was Nov. 1 at Kennedy Park. b. Auxiliary 770 are sending boxes to the troops and they need items like white socks, shampoo. Also have a program that will give them $50 for old cell phone. They get phone cards and send them to the troops. c. VA Carnival was October 16, 2008 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. At the fountain Courtyard and Auditorium. d. Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom Program was November 15, 2008, at Tucson Electric Park. 11:00-7:00 p.m. Post 39 conducted a membership drive for AMVETS. e. A special thanks to the Ladies of 770 for their donation to the VA hospital. f. SEC was held at DAV 18 on November 15, 2009, 10:00 a.m. meeting at 1:00 g. You can go online at amvets.org and do your membership. Any questions contact Commander Schmitt. h. We have sent in a letter backing the renaming of a mountain in Phoenix to “Veterans Mountain” which has gone to John Kyle. i. The roster with Southern District was passed around and corrected as needed .Denise will correct for next meeting. j. POW MIA was attended by Southern District members.

By Don Schmitt

8. Post Business: a. Post 11: Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008 - Octoberfeast for $3 a plate. They have an Americanism program going with a kindergarten class they will be paying a prize to the winners. b. Post 39: Their 15-year anniversary was Dec. 7, 2008. They had a birthday party Nov. 7 for donations and served a delicious turkey dinner. They also had a Christmas party Dec. 12 with the children from Air National Guard Unit 162. c. Post: 89: Roosevelt Pied talked about Esperanza En Escalante Benefit & Dance, Nov. 11/08/08 at Montgomery Gill, $35 per guest. He had the tickets; Post 11 might buy a set and raffle them off on November 2, to be decided at their meeting on Monday. d. Post 99: If they need our help please ask! We are here to help you. e. Post 770: October 25 Halloween party at Tucson Estates. $25 per person. 4 p.m. until ?. Dinner will be prime rib. Dance only is $12. Dinner and dance and can pay at the door. Sponsor the Drexel Fire Department. Other dates: Oct. 18—one-year anniversary for the new building. 11-11 Veterans Day Special (will be a dance). 9. Unfinished Business: a. Denise did not have an answer if we can help with the military lounge at airport. Still waiting for answer. 10. Good and Welfare: a. Frank Smith lost his grandson. 11. Meeting closed at 11:10 a.m., $11 collected for chaplain’s fund.

Executive Director’s Report Submitted by Ralph Velez


s Executive Director and Finance Officer, Audits, financial reports, correspondence, newspaper articles and mandated organizational reports is the name of my game. I love doing financial work so this becomes relatively easy for me yet tedious at times. I can share with you that I am proud of our clean financial records and past audits. Newspaper articles? Let’s address this issue, for it is one subject that practically all posts shy away from. For the past few years I have seen a decrease in not only the number of articles submitted but featured stories as well. Just as much as we strive to report our activities to our Department 2nd VC, regardless of who it is, so that the date can be relayed to National Headquarters, we should also be tooting our horns via newspaper success stories and articles. I can guarantee that we all have certain events penciled in on our calendars. i.e., Easter Egg Hunt for our community children; Memorial Day; 4th of July; Veterans Day; community dinners during Thanksgiving and of course, our Holiday Season. Oh yes, let’s

not forget the ROTC winners and the Americanism awards presented to our future leaders. Also, let’s not forget our State Convention Memorial Service ceremonies and the National Convention business meetings. Where are you AMVETS? Where are my newspaper articles and pictures for the entire AMVET world to read and see? I realize my working in California has created some organizational issues as regards reporting and attending functions and I will be the first to admit that if my absence has created problems within the Department, I will be the first to step down. Perhaps I can better address this either during the March SEC or during the State Convention. In closing,, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Auxiliary and Sons members for your dedicated hard work, for it is you that helps us AMVETS become a better organization . See you soon. Respectfully submitted, Ralph Velez, Ex. Director

6------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arizona AMVETS News

Legislative Director’s Report VA Increases Travel Reimbursement


ecretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake announced the Department of Veterans Affairs travel reimbursement has increased from $.28 cents per mile to $.41cents. While increasing the payment, the current deductible amounts applied to certain mileage reimbursements will remain frozen at $7.77 for a one way trip, $15.54 for a round trip, and capped at a maximum of $46.62 per calendar month. On January 9, 2009, these deductibles will decrease to $3 for a one way trip, $6 for a round trip, with a maximum of $18 per calendar month. The following information is from the Arizona State Legislature; A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing BLACK and Silver STAR SERVICE BANNERs TO HONOR the dedicated and selfless service of the veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Whereas, the American people owe a debt of gratitude to the veterans of the United States Armed Forces for their dedicated and selfless service in guaranteeing the freedom and security of this great nation; and Whereas, the existing Blue Star Service Banner honors and represents the men and women now proudly serving in the United States Armed Forces; and Whereas, in keeping with the design of all other service banners, the design of such a banner is a white field with a red border with a black star; and Whereas, the Black Star Service Banner honors and represents the dedication, perseverance and personal sacrifice of all veterans and their families while in the service of their nation. Therefore Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the Senate concurring: 1. That the Members of the Legislature recognize a Black Star Service Banner to honor all veterans of the United States Armed Forces and the Silver Star Service Banner to honor those veterans who have been wounded or disabled. 2. That the Members of the Legislature encourage all citizens to remember and appreciate the dedication and selfless service of all United States military veterans. 3. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit copies of this Resolution to veterans’ organizations in this state.

Senate and House


he next session of the House and Senate needs to have committees. The committees will be selected by the leaders on the House and Senate. For Senate committees Senate President elect Bob Burns selected Senator Jack Harper of Surprise to lead the Veterans & Military Affairs Committee. Senator Harper is a U.S. Army Veteran.

On the House side Speaker elect Kirk Adams selected Representative Jerry Weiers of Glendale to lead the Military Affairs and Public Safety committee. His district includes Luke AFB. And how about the governor? Well it seems President Obama has appointed her as the new Secretary of Homeland Security. Since Arizona has no Lt. Governor, the governor’s job will go to the Secretary of State, Republican Jan Brewer. Ms. Brewer will serve out the remainder of Governor Napolitanos term which has two years remaining. The governor has also asked the federal government to put National Guard troops back on the U.S.Mexico border to help curb illegal immigration. She has said she will ask President Obama to put the National Guard back on the border and she is making the request as governor of Arizona. The following is a resolution I had sort of kind of forgotten about until recently. I decided I needed to do some follow up and get my mind current. What follows is the actions on SCR 1042 making March 29 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day in Arizona. SCR 1042 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION proclaiming March 29 Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Day in Arizona. Whereas, 35 years ago, on March 29, 1973, the last 2,500 troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam; thus ending military involvement in what is now the longest war in our country’s history; and Whereas, due to the turbulent cultural climate of the era and unpopularity of the eleven-year conflict, many of the returning veterans did not receive the respect and gratitude they richly deserved for serving their nation so ably and honorably; and Whereas, 621 men and women from the great State of Arizona made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country during the war; and Whereas, in the spirit of pride and gratitude, it is time to honor the heroic accomplishments of the 58,195 service men and women whose names are listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall; and Whereas, this state desires to pay solemn tribute to our Vietnam Veterans. Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring: 1. That the members of the Legislature proclaim March 29, 2008, and each March 29 thereafter, as Vietnam Veterans’ Day in Arizona and invite all citizens to gratefully acknowledge this special group of veterans, both in public ceremonies and in private thoughts and prayers. 2. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Director of the Department of Veterans Services. As passed by the Senate, S.C.R. 1042 proclaims March 29 as Vietnam Veterans’ Day in Arizona. This is one big learning experience for me. As I was trying to understand the disposition of the SCR

By Richard A. Starker 1042, I was totally befuddled (a legislative word for WHAT?). Here’s what I found; SCR 1042 proclaims March 29 as Vietnam Veterans’ Day in Arizona. Summary of the proposed strike-everything amendment to SCR 1042 History Laws 1996, Chapter 348 stipulates that marriage between persons of the same sex is void and prohibited. Marriages that are considered void and prohibited in Arizona that are solemnized in another state or county are also not valid in Arizona. A.R.S. § 25-112 also specifies that parties residing in Arizona may not evade the laws of Arizona relating to marriage by going to another state or country for solemnization of the marriage. Provisions States that only a union of one man and one woman must be valid or recognized as a marriage in Arizona Where did the SCR 1042 I was looking at go? Well the key word here was the line “Summary of the proposed strike-everything amendment to SCR 1042” A “strike everything after the enacting clause” amendment (also referred to as a “strike everything” amendment or simply a “striker”) proposes to delete the entire text of the existing bill and substitute new language, essentially making it a completely different bill, possibly on an entirely different subject. These amendments are sometimes used to allow legislators to circumvent the deadlines on introduction of new legislation, deal with an issue that arises after the deadline or revive a bill that has previously been defeated. This really had me worried. I was beginning to wonder if it meant that you had to be married to celebrate Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day. All kidding aside we are all responsible to acknowledging fellow Veterans. Whether it’s a handshake and thank you or a visit to a VA hospital, we all need to show our appreciation. Veterans from the Vietnam era are fully aware of the lack of America’s response to their return home. As we now fully recognize the sacrifices they made we try to say to them “Welcome Home”. We need to continue welcoming home our newest veterans with the same words. So, here’s a request to you from this AMVET, not knowing if this goes to print before Christmas, I ask that you keep this address for all holidays, special events and just to send a card to say thank you. Mail cards to: A Recovering American Soldier C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Ave, NW Washington DC, 20307-5001

Arizona AMVETS News------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

Welcome Home Veterans!

Some AMVETS members went to welcome back the Guard Unit from Tucson this week and these are some of the pics they took to share with all of us. If you would like to go and welcome a group home please contact Chuck VanAuken or Larry Luter. It was very hard not to be teary eyed as the welcome was so very heartwarming. The pic to the right is of a soldier who had not seen his 2 ½ month old son as he was born while he was away. A joyous occasion, RIGHT?

8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arizona AMVETS News

Auxiliary Report


he Auxiliary and AMVETS from Post 39 presented the 5th grade class of Santa Clara Elementary School checks and awards for the Americanism contest. Included, were awards presented to both, Principal Islas and Librarian Denise Cabello. We thanked them for helping with the contest and hope that more children will enter this year. Santa Clara had 13 children who entered the contest. Denise Campbell AMVETS, Department of Arizona, Ladies Auxiliary President

SONS REPORT Submitted by Robert L. Atchison


elcome to the service year 2008-2009. It is my hope that this the time for the Sons of AMVETS to excel in all areas of the service spectrum. The Arizona Sons of AMVETS are progressing, although at a slower pace than I would personally like to see. There is progress being made. The Sons of AMVETS are still struggling with a very big problem getting their mission statement to coincide with the goals of their parent organization, AMVETS. This truly is their prime objective. My objective for the rest of this service year is meet with those who care about proper procedures and are looking to meet the prime objective that is to work toward the mission of the Sons of AMVETS and to be able to say that their squadron met their post, department, and national goals proudly. Information is the key, and that is some thing our people lack. National conventions are there to educate us, but not to provide hands-on training. With the help of Ben Howard, I hope to be able to set up a few “You Need To Know This” classes as soon as possible, along with Freddie King. In closing, I would like to leave you who have voiced some concern about the present situation with this small reminder. All subordinate applications (Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS, etc.) in accordance with the National AMVETS rules have to be processed through the AMVETS Post Adjutant or at least the First Vice or Commander. Get to know who you are signing into your post, no matter who it may be. Do you know if they are truly veterans? Make sure they are eligible to be a Son or an Auxiliary member. Here are the official eligibility requirements: Eligibility for membership in the Sons of AMVETS shall be limited to all male descendents, grandsons, adopted sons and stepsons, fathers, husbands, widowers, and brothers of members of AMVETS and the deceased members of AMVETS, or the personell who died and would have been eligible for membership in the parent organization, and are at least eighteen (18) years of age and is not eligible for membership in the parent organization. This is not to include in-laws of any type. And know this: affiliate organizations help drive the membership numbers up. Their numbers do not reflect AMVETS membership. Please be advised that any membership whether it is a life-membership or an annual, can be revoked for good cause. Congratulations to those squadrons who are doing their part, full speed ahead KUDOS....KUDOS.....KUDOS. Keep up the good work.

Arizona AMVETS News------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Post 3 Report


appy New Year. Here we are starting out a new year. Let’s make this new year a better one for all by helping others. We had our children’s Christmas Party and Al, our local restaurant owner, was our Santa for the day. He arrived by way of the Dolan Springs Fire Dept., with all the bells, red lights and sirens going. The kids got gifts, candy and hot dogs. Fun was had by all. We want to thank all the people in town and the volunteers who helped us out. We had our 1st snow on Dec. 15, a one-day dusting. Then on the 17th, it started to snow in the early a.m. and snowed all day and night. We got about four inches. We lost electricity from about 3 a.m. to 9 a.m. I told Gil I couldn’t make coffee as it was an electric pot, but I had a regular coffee pot we could put on the stove. Oh, that’s right –this is an all electric house. Oh well, we have milk and cereal, until the electric comes back on. With this cold weather, let’s check on our seniors in your area. Make sure they have water and heat, if they haul water, haul it for them as some are old and weather keeps them in and ice and snow makes it hard for them to get out. The snow didn’t dampen the spirits of the kids. On the 20th, we helped with the Angel Tree for the special kids in town. We have our very own Santa here in Dolan Springs, and the kids just love him. All in all we had three parties for the kids. Our Commander “Santa Gil”, made his calls to the kids in town. Their names were given by their mothers. This makes the third year Santa has made these calls. Then we had to get ready for the Christmas Dinner. On the 24th AMVETS and the Community Council members all met at the hall to peel potatoes and bake pies and set tables. Christmas day at 9 a.m.- everyone showed up to get everything cooking. Cut pies, make coffee, punch, and ice tea. We want to thank the Latter Day Saints from Dolan and Kingman for coming to help with serving and singing carols for us. They really gave this event a true Christmas feeling. We served over 176 people and 75 meals to go, plus 17 helpers. A total of 268 people joined us for dinner, We all worked hard to make this a great day for everyone. We even had “John Ford” doing dishes, and John sure looked good leaning over that sink. Our meeting on Thursday, Jan. 8 at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center is very important. We need you all to attend. Membership With the economy the way it is, it can be tough for a member to shell out $30 during the holiday season for membership. So we would like to start up a pay as you go plan. We will be asking you what you think of this plan. We need to build up our funds again, so get your aluminum cans and tabs to the post “Can Man- Gil”.

The post just mailed off seven more care packages to our troops. We are still gathering items to go in the care packages. Norma is in charge of the wigs and used eye glasses. Our AMVETS 1st Vice, Charlene Starker just finished school in New Mexico for the Army. She was home with family over the holidays and now she will move on to the next military assignment to protect us while we sleep—YOU GO GIRL—KEEP IN TOUCH- YOU KNOW WHO LOVES YA. From your Commander, Gil Devine New Officers Before we know it, it will be time for new officers. So start thinking about who you want for your new officers and what we can do to improve our post. Sick Call Donald Knight, still not feeling good. Our prayers are with you. Lissa Jetts husband Jimmy; still fighting “Agent Orange” this has been a tough fight for him. All of us, AMVETS wish the family well, and will keep in touch and help in any way we can. Azalea Truesdell has had a pacemaker put in. She is doing well, but needs to take it easy for a while. On Jan. 15th Your Auxiliary President Jill Devine will have her right knee replaced. Oh boy is Gil in for it now! Oh but wait—in March Jill is going in for a back operation, boy oh boy-his days are numbered. Looking back on this last year, Dolan Springs has lost a lot of good friends, We must keep in touch with all our neighbors and older seniors to make sure they are o.k. and have what they need, water, food, heat and Doctors care. UPCOMING EVENTS January 24 - 19th Annual Great Oatman Bed Races, a burro calling contest, a toilet seat toss, a bake sale and more. The Chamber Pot Parade starts at 11:00 a.m. Those who attend can wear their pajamas or a costume for the parade. The bed race starts at 1:30 p.m. This event is always a lot of fun. OPEN SPACE REPORT The Open Space Committee had a very successful year. BLM signed off to Mohave County the right away for trails in Section 30. On the 6th of Dec. two VOAZ [Volunteer for Outdoor Arizona] members designed ½ mile of trail. At our meeting on 11 Dec 08 the 7th/8th grade teacher Ms. Defresne gave a presentation how she would like to get her students involved in our trail project. On Dec. 15, we received word that our request for the prison to make a BBQ grill had been approvedwatch for our big fundraiser after the 1st of the year. On the weekend of 28 Feb/1 Mar. we will have VOAZ here to help us build trails. They will also be training members of the community to be crew leaders. To get involved contact SUE B. -928-716-3362. For your information

Have you hugged a veteran today?

We received this info from ERACE. There was about 40 tons of waste removed which included 400 tires and three tons of recyclable metal. This didn’t even put a dent into the trash that is still in our desert. Again thank you to all the residents who helped in the town clean up. We are going to try and do this clean up two times a year. We are working on this now. This will be a long with the two miles of highway AMVETS cleans up each year. Sue B. worked real hard on this project and did a great job. Thanks again, Sue. BIRTHDAYS OF THE MONTH 5TH-Roy Tsuya / 9th-James Schrader / 12th- Gerard St. Germain / 14th-Terry Whitehurst / 21st-Marie Hedrick / 24th-Joseph Culver Sr. / 24th-Dana P. Hlavac / 31st-Sally Curry May you all have a very happy birthday from all of us at Post #3. REMEMBER THESE LETTERS R- Reporting your service hours P- Programs / what we can do to benefit others. M- Membership / The new members are out therebut the key part to that phrase is [OUT THERE]- the younger vets of today, and even the more mature veterans who are not members,are not going to come to us in our post, we have to go out and meet with them where ever they are. AUXILIARY Corner When I was out shopping today, [at Wally World] I found a penny on the parking lot. I stopped and picked it up, [you know the saying] Pennies from heaven. And realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I looked at the penny and read the word, “In God We Trust,” and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. Do you get the message? God is patient and pennies are plentiful! I have two operations coming up and am a little worried about them, but I got a pocket full of pennies. Our ladies here in town have gone through a lot this past year, broken arms, ankles, wrists, had pacemakers put in and who knows what else. There are a lot of pennies around here as we have all come through it. I wish you all happiness and good health this coming year.

10A��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Arizona AMVETS News



inutes of the regular monthly general business meeting of AMVETS Headquarters United Southern District held at AMVETS Post 11 at DAV Chapter 18, , Tucson, AZ. The meeting was held on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 10:15a.m. 1. Commander Schmitt called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. 2. Commander Schmitt offered the opening prayer. 3. Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Commander Schmitt. 4. Roll call of officers: moved up the trustees and we need Provost Marshal: Commander John Richardson from 770 will take the position, 2nd vice will be Jon Burleigh, Commander Richardson will speak to Dave Jordan and have him come to the meetings as SEC representative. We now have our officers for 20082009.

By Howard Kozda e. Post 770: Sept 28, Golf tournament $15.00 including dinner. October 31 Halloween party at Tucson Estates. $25.00 per person. 4 till?. The dinner was prime-rib and the dance cost only $12. Dinner and dance and can pay at the door. Sponsor the Drexel Fire Department. Casino night was great. 9. Unfinished Business: a. Leo Pimple did pay the balance due for the hostility room. 10. Meeting closed at 11:20 a.m., collected for chaplain’s fund.

November 2008 To whom it may concern, AMVETS Post 11 has been very busy since the Convention. A lot of things have happened since then. Here are some of the things that our Post 11 has been doing since the last S.E.C. REPORT: 1. Post 11 donated two boxes of stuffed toys to a AMVETS Post in the north, to be passed out to the patients at one of the VA Hospitals in Phoenix.

5. Finance report: $1,640.45 in Savings and $192.25 in checking. Motion made and approved.

2. We held another OKTOBERFEST on 11/2/08, with 50/50’s, raffles, an auction and a chicken drop.

6. Minutes: Motion made to accept the minutes as corrected.

3. Post # 11 started its own youth program, to promote Americanism in the schools. Our target is a kindergarten class in one school. They will be drawing American flags.

7. Bills and commutations: a. V.A. Volunteer Services about POW, MIA program on Sept. 19th at 10:00 a.m. the V.A. We hope some attended. b.

Received a notice for donations for hospitalized veterans. We voted and passed a motion that we would send $50 for the crafts.

c. V.A. Carnival was October 16, 2008 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the fountain Courtyard and Auditorium. d. Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom Program was held November 15, 2008, at Tucson Electric Park from 11:00-7:00 p.m. e. As VAVS Rep. Denise wanted to make note that the Ladies Auxiliary from 770 donated $1,500 to the VA hospital. Thanks to the ladies of 770.

4. We are the Host Post for this SEC Meeting November 15, 2008. 5. Our post is now planning our next Super Bowl Sunday Fundraiser/ Party on February 1, 2009. This one will be bigger and better than the one we did last year. 6. Our post has designed and maintains a website for Post # 11 at www. freewebs.com/amvets1 7. Post # 11 contributed to the Summer Youth Volunteer Program at the Tucson SAVAMC and sponsored five Youths for the summer.

8. We donated stuffed toys to Post 39 for their Christmas in July at the f. The Veterans Room at the airport is only open subject to her schedule. VA Hospital in Tucson. Denise spoke to Sergeant Kristina and will find out if she can use our help in keeping the veterans room open. Please take it back to your post and see if we can get people to help keeping the room open. She will get back to Denise if AMVETS can help keep the place open. Please check with your post and see if your membership can help.

8. Post Business: a. Post 11: On Sunday, November 2, 2007 Octoberfest was held and food was served for only $3 per plate. b. Post 39 celebrated their 15-year anniversary on December 7, 2008. Since there were busy in the month of December they hosted an early birthday party on November 7, 2008 and accepted donations. c. Post: 89’s annual picnic was a great success. They will be having their Christmas party, date to be announced. Roosevelt Pied talked about Esperanza En Escalante Benefit & Dance, Nov. 11/08/08 at Montgomery Gill, $35 per guest.

9. As always, we donate time and donations to our host home DAV Chapter 18. We are very grateful for them allowing us to call their home, our home. 10. We will have another SPRINGFEST some time in April of 2009. 11. We will continue to donate time and funds to any worthy cause that comes our way. After all, the name of the game is “VETERANS HELPING VETERANS!” Not too shabby for a post that only has about 60 members. HOWARD KOZDA AMVETS POST 11 S.E.C.

d. Post 99: If they need our help please ask! We are here to help you.

Arizona AMVETS News-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Post 15 Report

By Ima Denmon

AMVETS Post 15 Gives For Thanksgiving


embers of AMVETS Post 15 and its Ladies Auxiliary started Thanksgiving week off by putting together Thanksgiving boxes for several families in the surrounding community. Several citizens had come into the post and asked for help for their respective families. After checking out the needs of the families, food boxes were prepared. Post members purchased turkeys for the boxes and the Ladies Auxiliary and Sons Auxiliary purchased and donated the dressing, green beans, corn, peas, potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls and other miscellaneous items for the baskets. Members felt proud to give back to the community.

AMVETS Post 15 Thanksgiving committee consisted of (l to r) Shirley Cheatham, President Beverly Abrams, Treasurer Catherine Walker, Shirley Nicholson and Past President Kay Hendrix.

AMVETS Spread Christmas Cheer


MVETS Post 15, 4219 S. 7th Street entertained the children of members and friends with snacks of hot dogs, chips, cup cakes and punch. Coalition chairman Bob Boyd was Santa. Ialene Collins along with President Beverly Abrams, Kay Hendrix and other auxiliary members were Santa’s helpers. Members and friends shared an afternoon of good will, fun and socializing. At AMVETS Post 15, this young girl checks out her gift as Santa and his helpers Ialene Collins and Beverly Abram look on.

Post 65 Report

By Ima Denmon

AMVETS Post 65 Entertain Westside Children for Halloween


ver 175 children from babies to teens and their parents packed James C. Foster Memorial Post #65 for an early Halloween on October 26th.Children in the meeting room and back patio to eat a snack of hot dogs, chips, punch, cookies, cup cakes and for some to “Die For” nachos. The Sons prepared the nachos which held ground turkey, cheese, green onions, green peppers and salsa. Auxiliary member Cee Cee was the afternoon MC and DJ Ray $$$ provided the music for both entertainment and games. It was quite a job lining up so many children for the different age categories in the different contests but Cee Cee, Auxiliary President Jeanetta Brooks-Garland and other auxiliary members managed it well. Children participated in several cake walk contests, the costume contest, and the dance contest. Winners of the costume contest received a $15, $10 and $5 dollar gift cards for prizes first to third and $10. $10 and $5 gift cards for prizes first to third in the dance contest. Over 25 cakes or sets of six muffins were given away for the cake walk contest. The children really thrilled to a special act by rappers and dancers True and Trou doing the Buckwheat Rap. The children and adults loved them. All work was done by Post, Sons and Auxiliary members. Sons’ Commander Isaac King stated, “It is good the see the good times the children

have at functions given for them. They remember them and become encouraged to become members so that they can serve their community and country.” Auxiliary 5268 who did not hold a Halloween party donated several dozen buns and hot dogs to Auxiliary 65 for the children. On Halloween night, the members shared their own party with neighborhood adults. Attendees socialized and danced to the music of DJ Louie Louie, feasted on good soul food, participated in a best costume contest and had fun. Above: These children from all age groups in costumes posed for a special shot. Left: True and Trou was a special treat for the kids. Prisoner, Jeanetta Brooks- Garland, Gold Man, Isaac King and the Witch, Etta Foster enjoying the evening.

AMVETS Spread Christmas Cheer


he American Veterans (AMVETS) organizations in South Phoenix continued their ritual of bringing joy to neighborhood children at Christmas each year. James C. Foster AMVETS Post 65 at 1303 W. Grant entertained approximately 200 children during the month of December, 2008. The children and their parents, filled the outside patio as well as the building. The entire AMVETS family worked to keep order and entertaining the children from feeding everyone snacks of hot dogs,

12A��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Arizona AMVETS News

polish sausage, chips, and cup cakes to conducting various fun contests which were coordinated by President Jeanetta Brooks-Garland. DJ Ray Dollar$$$ provided various types of Christmas music. Etta Foster supervised gift distribution with the help of Santa’s helpers Ialene Collins, Wayland Cheatham, Knoye Brown, Deborah White, Tina Brown and Tara Ross. Etta Foster and Homer Washington gave each child a goody bag of fruit and candy after they received a gift from Santa. Everyone enjoyed the day. Santa’s helpers (l to r) Tara Ross, Wayland Cheatham and Tina Hunter were kept super busy sorting toys for Santa to give to the children. A packed house of children w/parents lined up to see and receive gifts from Santa.

Post 770 Report

Thank You Corporate Sponsors! A Borgata A-1 Patch & Pave Inc. American Hose & Rubber Co. Anderson Remodeling LLC Automated Control Tech LLC Cordova Cable Construction LLC Daniel Foree Early’s Automotive Services Fast Brake Enterprises Ll Geoffrey Roth Ltd. Golden Phoenix J & J Plumbing Jack’s Papago Plaza Barbershop John C. Driscoll La Casita Restaurant Manuel’s Restaurant PC Posse LLC Pyrrhus Software Red Robin

k n a h T u Yo

Sdc Materials Ventana Auto Glass PLATINUM Double D Drywall Cochrane & Associates GOLD Pettes & Hesser Ltd. SILVER Associated Construction Econ Turner Laboratories Inc. CORPORATE Brady Transport Inc. Cindy Robinette Mjl Construction & Demolition Securitas Security Services U.S.A. Shannon Law Firm Shrader Realty & Associates Unique Kitchens & Baths Inc.

k n a h T u o Y

Arizona AMVETS News---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13



Official head and representative of the AMVETS organization and related activities

Lobbies congressman and senators, Alert network, government relations, legislative goals and objectives

John P. “JP” Brown, III, National Commander 2007-2008 Anita Claytor-Jackson, Administrative Assistant to the National Commander (4006)

Personnel: Raymond Kelley, Legislative Director (4016) Vacant, Deputy Legislative Director (4015)


General administration of Headquarters and membership related activities, meeting planning, and maintenance


Membership marketing, processing, and servicing; Post and Department development.

Personnel: James (Jim) King, National Executive Director (4004) Carol Fudge, Executive Assistant to the Executive Director (4003) Denise McNeill, National Meeting Planner (4005) Donna Holly, Receptionist, Switchboard Operator (4001/0) Ward Taylor, Building Maintenance Supervisor (4007)

Personnel: Mark Del Piano, Membership Director (4020) Carolyn Taylor, New Charters and Member Services (4021) Remonia Chaplin, Life Membership-Related Services (4022) Linda Hudson, Membership Processing & Accounting (4023) Cecilia Leftwich, Rosters, Transfers & Changes-Afternoons (4013)



AMVETS magazine, advertising, media relations, speechwriting, publication layout and design, editorial services, AMVETS history and archives

ROTC, Americanism essay/poster contests, A.A.D.A.A., Special Olympics, Freedoms Foundation, scrapbooks, ceremonial rifles, Blood Donor program, etc.

Personnel: Jonathan (Jay) Agg, Communications Director (4035) Isaac Pacheco, Publications Editor (4038) Luis Jimenez, Graphics Design Specialist (4036) Ryan Gallucci, Media Specialist (4073)

Personnel: Beryl Love, Programs Director (4030) Tiffany Hilton, Programs Associate (4031)


Handles monetary affairs for Headquarters and coordinates computer support services. Personnel: Velma Hart, Finance Director/CFO (4011) Diane Simons, Finance Assistant (4012) Cecilia Leftwich, Office Assistant-Mornings (4013) Peter Giusti, Chief Development Strategist (4008)


Administers property, casualty, workers’ compensation, 40K Administrator, Building Security and group health insurance, assists in personnel matters. Personnel: Maria Isaja, Human Resources Manager, (4051) Gene Glover, Executive Assistant (4046)


National service officers, veteran’s issues and claims assistance Personnel: Denny Boller, Service Director (4045) Gene Glover, Executive Assistant to the Service Director (4046)

Direct Dial all phones: 301-683- _ _ _ _ (4 digit extension) (ie 301-683-4003) Fax Numbers for desktops: 301-683-3 _ _ _ (3 +last 3 digit Extension) (ie 301-683-3003) E-mails are first initial, last name @ amvets.org (ie: cfudge@amvets.org)

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National Directory

Arizona AMVETS News---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

THE ARIZONA AMVETS NEWS P.O. Box 91191 Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191

NON-PROFIT U.S. Postage PAID MI Web Press Permit No. 181 Pontiac, MI 48343

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All American Veterans who were honorably separated after September 15, 1940 or are now serving in the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reservists, are eligible for membership in AMVETS.

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Date of Application





Membership Fees:

*Post dues vary.

ANNUAL: $30 LIFE: $200 RENEWAL: $30 Send Application to: Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc., P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191

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