Enchanted Rant

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Enchanted Rant Vol. 23, No. 1

January, 2009

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Enchanted Rant Tell us what you want and what we can do about it.*

RE: THE REGULARS Dark Side of the Moon............................... 3 Ranting & Raving....................................... 4 It’s All News to Me..................................... 6 Some quality editorial for a change. Get the F*&% Out!..................................... 8 Seriously fun outdoor survival guide Netti Pot...................................................... 9 Some of this and some of that. Ex Libris................................................... 10 Your Catchy Column Title Here!.................

From: Your Name Here Major Contributor Michael Burroughs Clandestine History Unit R. Sue Dodea BFF Midwestern Division Richard David Manley Major Crimes Unit Shandy Odell Minister of the Exterior

Fwd: Cover Shot By Juhana Tuominen Brazilian Bonfire Contributed by his sexy girlfriend Meri Juvonen Helsiniki, Finland

BCC: Vol. 23, No. 1 - January, 2009 Enchanted Rant is published quarterly by JM Publishing in partnership with Midnight Enterprises, LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are probably those of the author(s) and not necessarily the opinions of the publishers although it’s highly likely that if they disagreed with something you had to say ithey wouldn’t waste the ink, much less the paper to print it. Other Disclaimer & Copyright Information The pages, sources and information, whether local or linked, are for educational purposes only and not to be used for self-treatment. Likewise, information contained in this magazine is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for all medical problems, treatments, prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Enchanted Rant assumes no responsibility or liability for any information, links, products or services available in this magazine. Permission to use, link to, copy, and distribute this document in whole or in part for NONCOMMERCIAL purpose and without fee is hereby granted provided that appropriate credit to the document’s author be included in all copies. Commercial use of this document requires prior consent from the author. *In loving memory of a ranter of historic proportions—James York. 

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Dark Side of the Moon By Michael Burroughs


It’s All Greek to Me

ey! It’s the beginning of a new year! What a perfect time to dig up some old articles or pictures (Yes, I can scan them in!) and send them to jessica.manley+ER@gmail.com or walk over and give them to me in person. Knock loud, I’m home.

This is filler

Enismodignim do ectet, sed tat veliquat praesenibh ectet velit praessequat laore dolor sustrud del ing elent am quamcons et velisl dolute magnim dolumsandit nulput nissit accum veliqui sciliquamet vullum zzrit lut wis enim dipit velent landre magna facing ex el in heniat volor sisi. Duis del utat aut la faci blandiam elit, quam zzriliqui tem do consed minciliquam, quiscip exer in eugait augue erat. Em iuscilit, commodo eros exer suscil ut nullut delent in ute verat. Sisismodions augiam, qui tie magnis ex eugiate dolum dolor sit am, suscincil utat, quamet, sis delendi amcommo lorperit nibh er si tat vel dolorer aestis aliquisl iure feu feu feum euisim ilit doluptat. Ut luptat augiat. Vel iliquam ing ex ecte con ex erostis cipisciduisi te vel ea feummy nullut augue magnibh et dolore dolutem velis eu feuis er sequate tisi tet adipsum erit utpat lum volesto cor sequisci elessequi eraese commodit eugiam ea con vel diat. Ud dionulput aciduis amet irit voloreetum etum dolesequam iureet ex eu faciduipsum nit praessi. Accummy nibh eum dionsed dolorer ostionu llumsan diatue molum illan utet augait lortie er sit nit ilit velestie feuipit lutat landipsuscin hent verit, quat wismodionse dolortio od modio odolore tie dolorpe rostrud dolore faciliqui ero conullan henibh et esequisi bla facipsu mmodit wis doloree tumsandre tismodo consequi etue feuguerostie vel incin vel etumsan dionsendre ming er iusto do commy nullamet praestisim num quatet am at lorem do dolum zzriure feummol ortiscin hendre min ut num dolore dunt ip esed tem ip. Diam, vulla aci et wis ent lute te min heniam dolore et autat velisl utat. An ea conumsandion ex ea feum duip essiscing et iureet, con velestrud mod esto dolum veliquip exer in erciliscip eum inis niam, velissim nis dionsed etue enit auguercinim et, quametum quatie ea consequi ex ea feu feum adiamet ad tinim ectem dolore dolum doloreet pratum iriliqu ipsumsan.

Sum illa feum zzriurem amet nonullan voloboreetue minci et, si. Et etum auguerit ver sum venibh exerilit, sit lor inci et nonse tis alisci et volut nisit luptat. Pat, commod magnim accum atie molessed er si. Sit ulput inci tin eraessectet, sed tisi bla conse dolorer at. Ut nummy nostie eu feu feugiam at ute dolobore min exerostionum amet vel ulput praesequip eraestrud ming et luptat vel iriurem vel ut luptatie ercinci bla corperc illamconum ipsustrud magnibh er sim enim nullan ulla con et in etuerit diatue ming ex exer augiame tuerit lore consequat erosto odio odolor si. Sum zzriure dolor sequam el et nibh eros dolor alit niscilit, quatem illutat, con velesto et, sequis nullumsan velesectem dolorper senim quat nibh eriurem nulput luptatincil in ulla consequi euguer sum dolortie feugiam iniamcore mod dolore cor at volore consed diat ut prat venim velesequisi. Dipis nos eugiamet, quismolorem quisi blamet alit, corper irit auguerilit endrero dolor iliquis nulputpate diamet, commolenibh ero consequatet vullute verosti ssequi blaor ad tem dipis ad tationsent laore faccumm odolobore dolortisim zzril iurem dunt lam dunt accummo lumsan velent irit aci el ullam, consenim zzriust inisim velesequam nullaore commoloreet wisi bla autpatem irillum ip eum in eraesto dit iriureet utpat exero eugait nostion sendre vulla feugiat. Ut lobor sequipi sciliqu amconsecte velestrud magnit, qui tem doloreet, quisi. You can choose your own column title, pic, byline, quote and end symbol if you want. Oooooooooo lucky you!

~ When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is. - Ayn Rand

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Ranting & Raving By Theodora Mabeaux

God is Love Perspective is something we don’t usually know we have until we get a different one.


hat said, you are probably living under the impression that you love God, but fear you will never know him. You might even feel a longing to have a “deeper relationship” with God or become closer to God by living a good (sinless or forgiven) life. Most of us go through life thinking that when we die everything will be better. We’ll go to heaven and be with God and everyone who died before us will be waiting there patiently but some of those same “believers” wonder “what if” too. What if there is no heaven? What if there is nothing after we die and we’re just dead? If you want to find “heaven on earth” or know what it will be like when you die, you must first truly understand the phrase: “God is love.” Oh, that’s easy, you say! And it is indeed. But have you considered that the two words are interchangeable? God is love. Love is god. Does this complicate things for you? Do you feel they are not interchangeable because God is a proper pronoun and love is its descriptor? Consider this – you can say, “Jessie is pretty,” or “Jessie is loved,” but you can’t say, “Jessica is love,” can you? It just doesn’t make sense. So when we are talking about God – just for now – let’s leave behind the concept of God as a person or the word God as a proper pronoun. For the purpose of removing the visual sense of God being an unknowable someone; an entity absent in our daily lives because we’ve never actually “met,” and with all due respect to our Christian friends, let’s not capitalize the word god from here out, unless of course it’s at the beginning of a sentence! Soon, you will see that god is everywhere you look, not just a grammar lesson. If the word god is not a specific noun, then what is love exactly? Have we been living with the same notions about love? We all know love as a feeling – and we all know god as an infinite, inconceivable “higher being” but what if god is not some unknowable entity that you may

shake hands with when you die. What if you had the capability of knowing god without having to go through the whole business of turning blue and feeding the trees? The majority of us would not find fault describing love as a “good feeling” better experienced than explained. If the words god and love are transposable; the concept that god is a good feeling is perfectly acceptable except when we consider that majority of us have felt pain associated with what we consider to be love. This is why love as nearly all of us know it cannot be real love. Real love has no positive or negative – it is without judgment. Hmm. Sounds a lot like what most people call god, doesn’t it? So what is love without judgment? When many people have children they say, “Ah! Now I know what it is like to love someone unconditionally,” or they may express it by saying, “I never knew I could love someone this

Would he die for her?

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Raving, cont.

find it comes as naturally as brushing your teeth when the right tools are provided. Some will struggle and may require a cataclysmic event to awaken them. Some will wade through warm milk and some will drown in molten metal.1 Sadly, some may never know love but from someone else’s eyes. It’s all a little disappointing isn’t it? I used to think that once I’d found love I could never lose it again but life happens everyday. That is why we practice letting go of life to let love in. My husband says he felt the happiest he has ever felt in this life at a certain time in a certain place - namely, living on the coast of Florida; before the death of his father. Like a good number of us, he equates happiness with love. Is he therefore incapable of love if is he does not live on the beach or travel back in time to a moment before the passing of his father? I certainly hope not! How sad to think that one could never experience such happiness again. But he is happy now. So has his definition of happiness changed? Or has he just realized a different perspective? Twenty years ago happiness was living with his parents with little or no responsibility, the future wide open and few regrets about the past. Now he is happiest when he is being entertained. Golfing, softball, television, you name it; he’ll try anything to get even a fleeting glimpse of happiness. T.V. is the easiest way to get everything he needs. Namely, a healthy dose of fear and a good laugh. This keeps him neatly in check for when he has to go into the office and exist inside a cube for 8 – 10 hours per day. If you think that happiness is a place or that love is just a feeling or that god is a person you will only meet when you die, this life will seem so much more complicated than it actually is. You may move to the coast because the sea makes you happy, but what happens when one day you wake up in your house on the beach feeling sad? Confusion sets in. You may think: I left my friends, my family, to move to this place – now what? I loved that man/woman/cat/dog and now he/she is gone/dead and I have no love. If god is with me, how come I feel so all alone? It’s all about perspective, baby. It’s all about perspective. ----------------------------------------------

much…I would die for my child,” etc. If you are lucky enough to have come to this realization by your children, you have been truly blessed. If you are one of the few who have been diligent enough to find it in those you have not birthed, the concept of love will be easier for you to understand and you are halfway there. For those of you who have felt love between your teeth, tasted, touched, smelled, seen and heard love – you know it can be fleeting. But, congratulations are in order, for if you have seen such stirring beauty not in majestic snow-capped vistas but in the barren plains; if you have savored “the fruit of god” in the juices of a simple peach, then you have known heaven on earth. You have seen through the eyes of god. The trick is to have as many of these seemingly impossible moments as you can in this life. It is so easy to forget. Like anything we want to be good at, this takes practice. We can practice with meditation the art of being still and mindful in a quiet place so that when we are not it is easier to remember. But it is not easy. Some will Forgive me for I have worshipped idols and knealt at the feet of mortal men I have sought from others what I ought to have seen in you and in myself But, believe I did not For I knew not how to believe See I did not For my eyes were deceived by another light Hear I did not, above the cries of others Only now in the quiet of these many passing years can I begin to sense the importance of age on a soul Wisdom holds a different meaning for those who possess it and we who are not quite old enough to have achieved it.


From Zoroastrian prophecy: When one is righteous, then it seems to him just as though he walks continually in warm milk; but when wicked, then it seems to him in such manner as though, in the world, he walks continually in melted metal.

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

It’s All News to Me By R. Sue Dodea


Lucky Day

t was a quiet December night, and from the driver’s seat in my Toyota Celica (the only car left in the lot at work) I had a direct view of the sunset. The sun itself was blocked by Novi houses and trees, but nothing could stand in the way of the salmon sky and a column of golden light shooting up into the stars. I was waiting for the tow truck to come give me a jump start. When I left work at 4:45 the car didn’t start. It didn’t even give a low growl of consideration. The dashboard illustration of a little red battery blinked and blinked before every went black. The only place I was going was back inside,to use my Allstate Driver’s Club card to summon assistance, and went back to the car. It wasn’t as cold then as it would be later, and while I sat in the quiet car watching the quiet sunset I considered that no matter how chilly I might be, at least the wind couldn’t reach me, plus I was comfortable enough, and anyway, help was on the way. I thought of the people who would consider themselves fortunate to have a car to sit in and would be thankful to be out of the wind. It’s the wind that makes the cold so miserable and unrelenting. The temperature, which hit a high of 24 before falling with the sun, wasn’t as bad today as it will be. I was thankful for that. As I watched the cars, trucks, delivery vans, and all manner of four-wheeled vehicles I wondered which one would be the merry tow truck with its happy driver glad to know he had a simple task ahead, hook me up, accept my thanks and move on. I was thankful for my driver’s club membership, sorry that my cell phone was useless and in need of its own jump start, but comforted that all I had to do was gather my things, walk back into the office, turn off the building alarm and could have all the things I didn’t have now, sitting in the car. If I got too cold, I could be warm. If I got impatient, I could use the office phone to call Allstate and ask about the assistance I was told (an hour before) would be there in 30 minutes. If I was hungry, there was food. Need to pee? The bathroom waited, too. But I preferred to wait right there, get my jump start and move on. What if I went in and the tow truck came while I was gone? Why worry when I could be on scene, keys on hand, ready to pop open the hood and get rolling.

So I waited and used my tongue to play with the tooth on the upper left that had broken earlier that day. I bit into a sweet, chewy jelly candy and noticed it was remarkably crunchy; removed it to a tissue where a half tooth, complete with filling, sat on top like an evil cherry. I see my dentist tomorrow at 11:10 and am taking the day off since there is no reason to show up with a frozen mouth and sorrowful lip at 1:30 or 2. I was sorry to see it go not only because it was my own self-growth tooth but because insurance be damned, it will be an expensive repair. I had been keeping thoughts of Christmas gifts at arm’s length but knew that there would be a check from Mike’s parents that I could use for a little fun. Now the person having fun with my in-law’s money will be my dentist. I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have dental insurance. That I was glad we had switched to a new dentist, only a mile from our house and five years from her dental school graduation. I reminded myself that the loss of a half-tooth on the upper left side was not nearly as noticeable or disfiguring as any of the front teeth. Plus, with half the tooth still in place, there was no pain. Things could be worse in so many ways. The cold was starting to sink its teeth in to my hands and feet, and with no tow truck in site I decided it was time to go inside, warm up, and call to get a new time estimate. I gathered together the office key, the car keys, my little white gloves, my briefcase (surprised at just how chilly the leather handle had become) and opened the door. The ceiling light came on. The ceiling light runs on the battery. I pulled door shut and put the key back in the ignition, turned it once, and saw the dashboard light up, heard the engine respond, and realized that I was back in action. Should I wait for the tow truck to let him know I didn’t need him? Not in this lifetime. I Let the engine warm up and made sure it wasn’t a fluke. The Toyota was ready to go and so was I. The night wasn’t by any means quiet now as Frank Sinatra sang and the car hummed and I laughed at how everything worked out.

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

All natural anti-depressant



to lighten any mood.

It is the new 4-DVD set of the Mickey Rooney - Judy Garland musicals! *And if that doesn’t work, try this: saints.sqpn.com/saintd01.htm


My love is deep, m’lord but perilous and deeper still my thoughts wax and wane with the passage of time and of other things.

Forgive me, my lord for once I worshipped you as an idol.

Oh, to surrender my dear lord and be away from this base material world.

Bless you, my lord for when you left me to suffer I learned.

To be so diseased by love that our vision might blur and we might see reality through the dense fog.

I learned to answer my own questions for when you spoke I could not hear your words above the din of your minions nor the dull pain of denial.

To be deafened so by love that we may not again hear the cries of our orphans. To be bludgeoned and maimed by love so that we never again doubt it’s existence or test it’s authority.

God watch you and keep you, m’lord for you are no more demon than I am part angel.

Fetish of the month:

Pygmalionism (aka agalmatophilia), an erotic attraction to statues or immobility.

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Get the F*&% Out! By Shandy Odell

Nice to Meat You


handy, this is about 750 words in 11pt. font at normal paragraph spacing. This is YOUR space to fill up as you wish. If you are sending editorial (words) use .doc or .txt files. If you would like pictures to appear in your column, please include the original graphic files eg. jpegs. Use the “high quality” setting on your digital camera to get pics that are print worthy just in case we ever get that far! I am considering putting a file for everyone to access whenever they want on an ftp site. I guess I’ll wait and see if there is going to be a big demand for it or now. It would be nice to just go in there and grab things whenever I want. Use jessica.manley+er@gmail.com for now.

This is filler

Enismodignim do ectet, sed tat veliquat praesenibh ectet velit praessequat laore dolor sustrud del ing elent am quamcons et velisl dolute magnim dolumsandit nulput nissit accum veliqui sciliquamet vullum zzrit lut wis enim dipit velent landre magna facing ex el in heniat volor sisi. Duis del utat aut la faci blandiam elit, quam zzriliqui tem do consed minciliquam, quiscip exer in eugait augue erat. Em iuscilit, commodo eros exer suscil ut nullut delent in ute verat. Sisismodions augiam, qui tie magnis ex eugiate dolum dolor sit am, suscincil utat, quamet, sis delendi amcommo lorperit nibh er si tat vel dolorer aestis aliquisl iure feu feu feum euisim ilit doluptat. Ut luptat augiat. Vel iliquam ing ex ecte con ex erostis cipisciduisi te vel ea feummy nullut augue magnibh et dolore dolutem velis eu feuis er sequate tisi tet adipsum erit utpat lum volesto cor sequisci elessequi eraese commodit eugiam ea con vel diat. Ud dionulput aciduis amet irit voloreetum etum dolesequam iureet ex eu faciduipsum nit praessi. Accummy nibh eum dionsed dolorer ostionu llumsan diatue molum illan utet augait lortie er sit nit ilit velestie feuipit lutat landipsuscin hent verit, quat wismodionse dolortio od modio odolore tie dolorpe rostrud dolore faciliqui ero conullan henibh et esequisi bla facipsu mmodit wis doloree tumsandre tismodo consequi etue feuguerostie vel incin vel etumsan dionsendre ming er iusto do commy nullamet praestisim num quate.

Diam, vulla aci et wis ent lute te min heniam dolore et autat velisl utat. An ea conumsandion ex ea feum duip essiscing et iureet, con velestrud mod esto dolum veliquip exer in erciliscip eum inis niam, velissim nis dionsed etue enit auguercinim et, quametum quatie ea consequi ex ea feu feum adiamet ad tinim ectem dolore dolum doloreet pratum iriliqu ipsumsan. Sum illa feum zzriurem amet nonullan voloboreetue minci et, si. Et etum auguerit ver sum venibh exerilit, sit lor inci et nonse tis alisci et volut nisit luptat. Pat, commod magnim accum atie molessed er si. Sit ulput inci tin eraessectet, sed tisi bla conse dolorer at. Ut nummy nostie eu feu feugiam at ute dolobore min exerostionum amet vel ulput praesequip eraestrud ming et luptat vel iriurem vel ut luptatie ercinci bla corperc illamconum ipsustrud magnibh er sim enim nullan ulla con et in etuerit diatue ming ex exer augiame tuerit lore consequat erosto odio odolor si. Sum zzriure dolor sequam el et nibh eros dolor alit niscilit, quatem illutat, con velesto et, sequis nullumsan velesectem dolorper senim quat nibh eriurem nulput luptatincil in ulla consequi euguer sum dolortie feugiam iniamcore mod dolore cor at volore consed diat ut prat venim velesequisi. Dipis nos eugiamet, quismolorem quisi blamet alit, corper irit auguerilit endrero dolor iliquis nulputpate diamet, commolenibh ero consequatet vullute verosti ssequi blaor ad tem dipis ad tationsent laore faccumm odolobore dolortisim zzril iurem dunt lam dunt accummo lumsan velent irit aci el ullam, consenim zzriust inisim velesequam nullaore commoloreet wisi bla autpatem irillum ip eum in eraesto dit iriureet utpat exero eugait nostion sendre vulla feugiat. Ut lobor sequipi sciliqu amconsecte velestrud magnit, qui tem doloreet, quisi. You can choose your own column title, pic, byline, quote and end symbol if you want. Oooooooooo lucky you! 

~ Guns didn’t make America unsafe, Courts and Congress did!

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Netti Pot By someone who know a little about a lot


Jessica’s Jardin

nismodignim do ectet, sed tat veliquat praesenibh ectet velit praessequat laore dolor sustrud del ing elent am quamcons et velisl dolute magnim dolumsandit nulput nissit accum veliqui sciliquamet vullum zzrit lut wis enim dipit velent landre magna facing ex el in heniat volor sisi. Duis del utat aut la faci blandiam elit, quam zzriliqui tem do consed minciliquam, quiscip exer in eugait augue erat. Em iuscilit, commodo eros exer suscil ut nullut delent in ute verat. Sisismodions augiam, qui tie magnis ex eugiate dolum dolor sit am, suscincil utat, quamet, sis delendi amcommo lorperit nibh er si tat vel dolorer aestis aliquisl iure feu feu feum euisim ilit doluptat. Ut luptat augiat. Vel iliquam ing ex ecte con ex erostis cipisciduisi te vel ea feummy nullut augue magnibh et dolore dolutem velis eu feuis er sequate tisi tet adipsum erit utpat lum volesto cor sequisci elessequi eraese commodit eugiam ea con vel diat. Ud dionulput aciduis amet irit voloreetum etum dolesequam iureet ex eu faciduipsum nit praessi. Accummy nibh eum dionsed dolorer ostionu llumsan diatue molum illan utet augait lortie er sit nit ilit velestie feuipit lutat landipsuscin hent verit, quat wismodionse dolortio od modio odolore tie dolorpe rostrud dolore faciliqui ero conullan henibh et esequisi bla facipsu mmodit wis doloree tumsandre tismodo consequi etue feuguerostie vel incin vel etumsan dionsendre ming er iusto do commy nullamet praestisim num quate. Diam, vulla aci et wis ent lute te min heniam dolore et autat velisl utat. An ea conumsandion ex ea feum duip essiscing et iureet, con velestrud mod esto dolum veliquip exer in erciliscip eum inis niam, velissim nis dionsed etue enit auguercinim et, quametum quatie ea consequi ex ea feu feum adiamet ad tinim ectem dolore dolum doloreet pratum iriliqu ipsumsan. Sum illa feum zzriurem amet nonullan voloboreetue minci et, si. Et etum auguerit ver sum venibh exerilit, sit lor inci et nonse tis alisci et volut nisit luptat.

Pat, commod magnim accum atie molessed er si. Sit ulput inci tin eraessectet, sed tisi bla conse dolorer at. Ut nummy nostie eu feu feugiam at ute dolobore min exerostionum amet vel ulput praesequip eraestrud ming et luptat vel iriurem vel ut luptatie ercinci bla corperc illamconum ipsustrud magnibh er sim enim nullan ulla con et in etuerit diatue ming ex exer augiame tuerit lore consequat erosto odio odolor si. Sum zzriure dolor sequam el et nibh eros dolor alit niscilit, quatem illutat, con velesto et, sequis nullumsan velesectem dolorper senim quat nibh eriurem nulput luptatincil in ulla consequi euguer sum dolortie feugiam iniamcore mod dolore cor at volore consed diat ut prat venim velesequisi. Duis del utat aut la faci blandiam elit, quam zzriliqui tem do consed minciliquam, quiscip exer in eugait augue erat. Em iuscilit, commodo eros exer suscil ut nullut delent in ute verat. Sisismodions augiam, qui tie magnis ex eugiate dolum dolor sit am, suscincil utat, quamet, sis delendi amcommo lorperit nibh er si tat vel dolorer aestis aliquisl iure feu feu feum euisim ilit doluptat. Ut luptat augiat. Vel iliquam ing ex ecte con ex erostis cipisciduisi te vel ea feummy nullut augue magnibh et dolore dolutem velis eu feuis er sequate tisi tet adipsum erit utpat lum volesto cor sequisci elessequi eraese commodit eugiam ea con vel diat. Ud dionulput aciduis amet irit voloreetum etum dolesequam iureet ex eu faciduipsum nit praessi. Accummy nibh eum dionsed dolorer ostionu llumsan diatue molum illan utet augait lortie er sit nit ilit velestie feuipit lutat landipsuscin hent verit, quat wismodionse dolortio od modio odolore tie dolorpe rostrud dolore faciliqui ero conullan henibh et esequisi bla facipsu mmodit wis doloree tumsandre tismodo consequi etue feuguerostie vel incin vel etumsan dionsendre ming er iusto do commy nullamet praestisim num quate. Diam, vulla aci et wis ent lute te min heniam dolore et autat velisl utat. An ea conumsandion ex ea feum duip essiscing et iureet, con velestrud mod esto dolum veliquip

~ If you believe you can tell me what to think, I believe I can tell you where to go.

Enchanted Rant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Volume 23, No. 1

Ex Libris By James York

Universe Sound


omeone out there somewhere has at least one or two and most likely several excellent pieces by James that I’m sure they want to share. Please send them to me at jessica.manley+ER@gmail.com so we can all benefit from his unique universe sound.

This is filler

Enismodignim do ectet, sed tat veliquat praesenibh ectet velit praessequat laore dolor sustrud del ing elent am quamcons et velisl dolute magnim dolumsandit nulput nissit accum veliqui sciliquamet vullum zzrit lut wis enim dipit velent landre magna facing ex el in heniat volor sisi. Duis del utat aut la faci blandiam elit, quam zzriliqui tem do consed minciliquam, quiscip exer in eugait augue erat. Em iuscilit, commodo eros exer suscil ut nullut delent in ute verat. Sisismodions augiam, qui tie magnis ex eugiate dolum dolor sit am, suscincil utat, quamet, sis delendi amcommo lorperit nibh er si tat vel dolorer aestis aliquisl iure feu feu feum euisim ilit doluptat. Ut luptat augiat. Vel iliquam ing ex ecte con ex erostis cipisciduisi te vel ea feummy nullut augue magnibh et dolore dolutem velis eu feuis er sequate tisi tet adipsum erit utpat lum volesto cor sequisci elessequi eraese commodit eugiam ea con vel diat. Ud dionulput aciduis amet irit voloreetum etum dolesequam iureet ex eu faciduipsum nit praessi. Accummy nibh eum dionsed dolorer ostionu llumsan diatue molum illan utet augait lortie er sit nit ilit velestie feuipit lutat landipsuscin hent verit, quat wismodionse dolortio od modio odolore tie dolorpe rostrud dolore faciliqui ero conullan henibh et esequisi bla facipsu mmodit wis doloree tumsandre tismodo consequi etue feuguerostie vel incin vel etumsan dionsendre ming er iusto do commy nullamet praestisim num quate. Diam, vulla aci et wis ent lute te min heniam dolore et autat velisl utat. An ea conumsandion ex ea feum duip essiscing et iureet, con velestrud mod esto dolum veliquip exer in erciliscip eum inis niam, velissim nis dionsed etue enit auguercinim et, quametum quatie ea consequi ex ea

feu feum adiamet ad tinim ectem dolore dolum doloreet pratum iriliqu ipsumsan. Sum illa feum zzriurem amet nonullan voloboreetue minci et, si. Et etum auguerit ver sum venibh exerilit, sit lor inci et nonse tis alisci et volut nisit luptat. Pat, commod magnim accum atie molessed er si. Sit ulput inci tin eraessectet, sed tisi bla conse dolorer at. Ut nummy nostie eu feu feugiam at ute dolobore min exerostionum amet vel ulput praesequip eraestrud ming et luptat vel iriurem vel ut luptatie ercinci bla corperc illamconum ipsustrud magnibh er sim enim nullan ulla con et in etuerit diatue ming ex exer augiame tuerit lore consequat erosto odio odolor si. Sum zzriure dolor sequam el et nibh eros dolor alit niscilit, quatem illutat, con velesto et, sequis nullumsan velesectem dolorper senim quat nibh eriurem nulput luptatincil in ulla consequi euguer sum dolortie feugiam iniamcore mod dolore cor at volore consed diat ut prat venim velesequisi. Dipis nos eugiamet, quismolorem quisi blamet alit, corper irit auguerilit endrero dolor iliquis nulputpate diamet, commolenibh ero consequatet vullute verosti ssequi blaor ad tem dipis ad tationsent laore faccumm odolobore dolortisim zzril iurem dunt lam dunt accummo lumsan velent irit aci el ullam, consenim zzriust inisim velesequam nullaore commoloreet wisi bla autpatem irillum ip eum in eraesto dit iriureet utpat exero eugait nostion sendre vulla feugiat. Ut lobor sequipi sciliqu amconsecte velestrud magnit, qui tem doloreet, quisi.

~ To say “I love you” one must first be able to say the “I.” - Ayn Rand


Enchanted Rant P.O. Box 1234 San Antonio, TX 78249 www.ourwebsite.org

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