Fall, 2012

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North Carolina


Co mm Co an rn de er r’s

Fall, 2012—www.amvetsnc.org

INSIDE: State Convention

p. 8


reetings to our AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary and Sons. Thank you for this opportunity to serve as your Commander for 2012-2013. The fund raiser to buy a washing machine for The Steadfast House in Asheville was a great success due to the efforts of the Women’s Veterans and others. The AMVETS theme is: We Fought Together, Now Let’s Build Together for a Better America. Now, more than ever we need to come together and strive to continue with our goals such as 100% in reporting and membership. By the time you read this, we will have been to the National Convention in Daytona, Fla., and other meetings. Reporting on these meetings will be forth coming. Once again, thank you for your support and God speed.

AMVETS Gift Membership

N.C. Dept. Commander


From the President



ive a currently serving soldier a gift in your name for only $30. We will send a gift letter in your name to an active-duty soldier letting them know you appreciate their service and they are now AMVETS members. AMVETS is chartered by congress to help veterans and we work for them every day. Send $30 payable and addressed to: AMVETS Gift Membership 4647 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20706

N.C. Dept. President

Linda Starnes



e had a very successful State Convention and I am honored to have been re-elected as your president. I have a wonderful slate of officers and I know the coming year is going to be a great one. I am sorry to report that we lost AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #42 in Shelby, North Carolina. Hopefully one day that post will be reinstated. The luncheon was a great success and I congratulate everyone on their awards. Our Ladies Auxiliaries work very hard and they deserve to be recognized. Now we are looking forward to the National Convention and hopefully some of our Auxiliaries will receive awards there as well. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for letting me serve as President of the Department of AMVETS North Carolina again. Linda Starnes Department President

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

commemor ative

Table of Contents


The NC AMVET News is published three times per year by Midwest Publishing, Inc.


Officers’ Reports......................................................3 Women Vets Rock!....................................................4 Local News................................................................5

Edward g. horn Us army 1942-1946 bronze star

Post News..................................................................7 State Convention......................................................8

Amvets post 906 Boiling spring lakes


Wreaths Across America..........................................9 Post News, continued............................................10 Membership Application .......................................16

Yes! We’re on FACEBOOK

More On Page 9

AMVETS North Carolina now has a Facebook Page! If you are not already on Facebook - it’s free to join and a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. Click on the facebook logo to join. You can post pictures, comments, share events and much more.


A Prayer For Those We Love Almighty God, we entrust all who are

July 15 to print September 25

dear to us to thy never-failing care

October 15 to print December 25

To contribute to your NC AMVETS NEWS, mail submissions to: NC AMVETS - Attn. Nancy Shiverdecker 13470 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell, NC 28138

cib2marine@yahoo.com 704-267-6410

and love, for this and the life to come; knowing that thou art doing for them better things than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

NEC Report


hings have been hard in the state. We worked diligently on our membership and came up a little short. I believe this will improve next year, and our 1st Vice says we will succeed. All the Americanism entries were judged and winners were forwarded to National Headquarters. All the ROTC medals and certificates that were requested have been presented by an AMVETS member whenever possible. The biggest thing that has happened to our state is the opening of the AMVETS Career Center in Stanly

BY Michael W. Rozmaryn NEC, PDC County. Response to the center has been so great that they are looking to open another Career Center in our state of North Carolina. We will hold our next D.E.C. meeting in Statesville, N.C., at the Ramada Inn on October 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2012. Our Winter D.E.C. will be held at the Village Inn and Conference Center, at Clemmons, North Carolina on the second weekend in January, 2013. The entire state would like to thank Commander Fry for attending our Department Convention. This

is the only time that the sitting Commander has attended our Convention. At this Convention, we elected David Beam as Department Commander; 1st Vice Grover (Buddy) Waller; 2nd Vice Keith Dean; 3rd Vice Danny Crotts; Finance Officer Laura Britton; Judge Advocate Nancy Shiverdecker and Provost Marshall Monroe Poplin.

AMVETS Career Center by Radio Charlie

Greetings Everyone: Click on the graphic to hear the radio broadcast that Charlie did for Flag Day. Grab yourself a cup of bad coffee and a stale doughnut and enjoy his commentary about Red Skelton’s Pledge of Alligience. It runs for about 10 minutes. The Job Fair that we’re co-sponsoring with our local Department Employment Services office, is at the end of the CD. Regards, Joe Cutrone

k n a h T u o Y SPONSORS

Deane White Elegant Systems Llc Industricare Rws Construction Inc. Tar Heel Wealth Management Viking Tactics Inc. Webb's Maintenance & Piping PLATINUM Greenville Dental Lab Inc. R S B Tobacco GOLD Rhodes & Stafford SILVER Arbor Pharmaceuticals Inc. Global Process Automation Inc.

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Editorial Criteria Following are guidelines to aid you in preparing your articles for publication:

1. Articles MUST be typewritten. 2. DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS. 3. Photos should be high resolution full color jpegs. 4. Editorial can be submitted as a .txt or .doc file. 5. We do accept .pdfs but prefer the text and photos to be orginals. 6. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity, brevity, etc. 7. E-mail submissions to: cib2marine@ yahoo.com with your post number or the subject of your submission in the subject line.

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012 Local News----------------------------------------------------

Women Vets Rock!


he Women Veterans Committee put on a fund raiser at the April DEC in Hendersonville. We raised $2,000 to purchase a commercial washing machine for the Steadfast House in Asheville. It took work, communication and determination to accomplish our goal. Big thanks to all who participated and donated money. Thank you to T & L Equipment of Charlotte for working with us on price, delivery & installation of the washing machine.

FAQs About the Veter ans Retr aining Assistance Progr am (VRAP)






Job Listings. Relocation information.



Nationwide listings of jobs by state.





Civil Service job listings. Job listings. Employer job postings. Employer profiles. Resume posting. Worldwide job listings. Careers assistance. Career fairs. Salary/cost of living calculator. Job listings. Resume preparation. Entry-level jobs for college graduates. Job listings. Career planning. Job listings. Resume preparation. Guide to graduate school. Targets college students.

www.monster.com 1) Question: Who can use the VRAP? MONSTER.COM www.occ.com Answer: To use the program a Veteran must: COLLEGE GRAD JOB HUNTER www.collegegrad.com • Be at least 35 but no more than 60 years old • Be unemployed (as determined by Department JOB WEB www.jobweb.com of Labor (Dol)) MONSTER TRAK www.monstertrak.com • Have an other than dishonorable discharge EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT • Not be eligible for any other VA education benwww.educatorjobs.com Teacher placement service. SERVICE efit program (e.g., the Post-9/11 Gl Bill, Montgomery Job listings. Resume on-line. Resume tips. TRUE CAREERS www.truecareers.com Gl Bill, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment For technical and professional job seekers. Search for jobs. Career resources. Resume Assistance) TOP USA JOBS www.topusajobs.com preparation • Not be in receipt of VA compensation due to unJOB HUNT www.job-hunt.org On-line access to job search. employability • Not be enrolled in a federal or state job training CAREER MAGAZINE www.careermag.com Employer data. Resume bank. program JOB BANK USA www.jobbankusa.com Job and resume data. Employer data. 2) Question: What can I use the VRAP for? RECRUITERS ON-LINE Answer: Participants must be enrolled in a VA apwww.recruitersonline.com Job listings. On-line resumes. NETWORK proved program of education offered by a CommuMANAGEMENT RECRUITERS Executive, management, professional and www.mrinetwork.com nity College or Technical School. The program must INTERNATIONAL technical jobs Technical and recruitment service (Head lead to an Associate Degree, Non-College Degree, or JOB SPOT www.jobspot.com Hunters). a Certification and train you in a high demand occuGovernment job listings. Links to federal FEDWORLD.GOV www.fedworld.gov pation as determined by Dol. agencies. 3) Question: How much does the VRAP pay? INDEED www.indeed.com Nationwide listings of jobs. Answer: You may receive up to 12 months of payments at the full-time Montgomery Gl Bill-Active SIMPLY HIRED www.simplyhired.com Seymour Johnson AFB 919-722-0117 Duty rate (currently $1,473 per month). 4) Question: Will the payments under this program be sent directly to the school like payments Victor Kosinski 2100 Presbyterian Lane under the Post- 9/11 Gl Bill? Veterans Employment Consultant II Kinston, NC 28501 Answer: No. The benefit will be paid directly to Division of Employment Security (252) 526-4435 Office you and you are responsible for paying your expenses victor.kosinski@ncesc.gov (252) 526-4440 Fax including tuition, fees, and books. 7) Question: What do I do if I need a job now? 6) Question: What will happen when I finish 5) Question: When, where, and how can I apAnswer: There are extensive employment remy program? ply? sources available for Veterans provided by the FedAnswer: The Dol will provide employment asAnswer: The program begins July 1, 2012. Watch the Gl Bill website and follow our Gl Bill Facebook sistance to every Veteran who participates, upon eral Government. Visit http://lcvww.fedsh irevcts. gov/ and the Department of Labor’s http:l/www.dol. page for more details on when, where, and how to ap- completion of their program. gov/vets to learn more. ply.

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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012 Local News----------------------------------------------------

Local U.S. Army Recruiting Commanders Visits Career Center


aptain Timothy Page, U.S. Army Recruiting Company Commander, Charlotte, Sergeant First Class, Scott Dickinson, U.S. Army Recruiting Station Commander, Kannapolis, paid a personal visit to Pfeiffer University’s Misenheimer campus to tour North Carolina’s first AMVETS Veterans Career Center. After being served bad coffee and stale donuts the commanders were given a detail briefing about the center’s mission, goals, and operation by the Deputy Commander, Gerry Pion, Computer Specialist, Joseph Cutrone, and the Career Center Commander, Charles Cosgrove. The general consensus of opinion was during, what some economist call the worst recession since the great depression, the AMVETS Veterans Career Centers are well-suited to assist those who are serving and are serving in our military as they transition into the civilian careers and jobs. Captain Page and Sergeant First Class Dickinson departed leaving behind two “Army Strong” coffee mugs and an appreciation for what AMVETS volunteers are doing to help out troops. North Carolina’s first AMVETS Career Center is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Inquiries can be made by calling 704-463-3026 or amvet@fsmail.peiffer.edu.

20th Annual Golf tournament


he Stanly County Chamber of Commerce 20th Annual Golf tournament was held on Wednesday, June 6th at The Tillery Traditions Country Club in Mount Gilead, NC. The NC AMVETS Career Center 1 display was well-received.

Fellow in white shirt and tie is Tony Clark – NC Committee for the Support for the Guard and Reserves

Job Fair


ere are some pictures from the Stanly County Job Fair (June 21, Thursday, 2:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m.) that we co-sponsored with the Stanly County Department of Employment Security. The event got two front page articles in the Sunday editions of the Stanly News and Press. There were an estimated 200 plus in attendance and 20 vendors. About a quarter of the participants arrived as much as an hour early.

Our first Applebees fund-raiser

Continued on next page Left to Right: Captain Timothy Page, U.S. Army Recruiting Company Commander, Charlotte, Sergeant First Class, Scott Dickinson, U.S. Army Recruiting Station Commander, KannapolisPoint of Contact Charles Cosgrove 704-463-3026 amvet@fsmail.pfeiffer.edu

Left to Right Joe Cutrone NC Career Center 1 Information Systems Specialist) – Frankie Morton (Stanly DES Veterans Representative) – Charlie Cosgrove (NC AMVETS Career Center 1 Commander) Left Charlie – Right Dwight Holmes Salisbury, NC Veterans Outreach Representative

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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012 Local News. Cont.----------------------------------------------


July 2, 2012 (Misenheimer, N.C.)—Today U.S. Congressman Larry Kissell (N.C. 8th Congressional District) visited the AMVETS Career Center on Pfeiffer University’s Misenheimer campus. Congressman Kissell, a native of Montgomery County,

serves on the House Armed Services Committee and its subcommittees on Readiness and Tactical Air and Land Forces and is co-chair of the Invisible Wounds Caucus, a group of congressional members dedicated to supporting and protecting American veterans suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). “While the economy throughout most of the country plummeted in 2008, North Carolinians in rural communities and those whose jobs were historically in manufacturing have been suffering for nearly a decade,” said Congressman Kissell. “It’s imperative that veterans of the armed services who wish to live and work in North Carolina have access to education and employment opportunities that allow them to do just that.” The AMVETS Career Center, which opened in Pfeiffer’s Jane Freeman Hall in Dec. 2011, is the only such site in North Carolina. With a mission to meet the employment needs of veterans of the U.S. armed forces, the Center connects veterans with job fairs, job listings and education opportunities that will help them qualify for available jobs. During the summer, the Career Center is open Mon. and Wed., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information about the AMVETS Career Center and its services, contact

Charles Cosgrove, Center Commander, (704) 4633026. Job searchers may visit the following websites for more information about specific openings. For technical opportunities: www.nesc.com; for North Carolina government employment: www.osp. state.nc.us/jobs; for North Carolina’s job matching system: www.ncjobconnector.com; and for federal job openings: www.usajobs.gov. PHOTO CAPTION: U.S. Representative Larry Kissell (N.C. 8th Congressional District), 2nd row/ far left, met with officials from the AMVETS Career Training Center on Pfeiffer University’s Misenheimer Campus to learn about the Center’s activities and needs. Others on hand included (from front, l-r) Joe Cutrone, ret. U.S. Navy, volunteer; Frankie Morton, veterans employment representative, division of workforce solutions, N.C. Department of Commerce; Mike Miller, president, Pfeiffer University; Charles Cosgrove, Career Center Commander; and Jerry Pion, Career Center Deputy Commander. Established in 1885, Pfeiffer University is a comprehensive institution of higher education affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Pfeiffer is committed to providing educational excellence, scholarship, and service opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students across North Carolina on campuses in Charlotte, Misenheimer, and Raleigh, and online. Visit Pfeiffer at www.pfeiffer. edu or www.facebook.com/ pfeifferuniversity. Pfeiffer University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate and master’s degrees.


Michael Gullett, Richfield Food Lion Store Manager, heard that Pfeiffer University’s AMVETS Career Center was serving foxhole coffee and nautical donuts to all who walk through their portals. As a junior Army non-commissioned officer, and super market manager, he had the experience and wear-with all to improve the situation. One morning Michael saw “the center’s” commander walk into the store. He greeted him

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with a smile, a dozen fresh donuts and a can of coffee telling him compliments of Food Lion for each day “the center” is open from our military. These sentiments were echoed by the assistant manager, Michael Ward, who has been with Food Lion for 24 years. This not only reflects Food Lions company police but the attitude and patriotism of their employees. Food Lion is the only national grocery store chain to receive the 2010 Employer Support Freedom Award. It is presented by the United States Department of Defense as the highest recognition given to employers for their outstanding support of their associates who serve in the National Guard and Reserves. In addition to the benefits required by law, Food Lion provides: • Active Duty differential pay for full-time associates • Assistance in paying premiums of group and/or dependent health insurance • Free counseling for deployed associates families • Ability to disperse accrued vacation pay to spouses • Financial assistance in emergency situations • And, other benefits Eric Watson, Delhaize, America’s VicePresident of Diversity and Inclusion, confirmed Food Lions commitment to our military by saying “Food Lion is proud to support its military associates who serve as members of the Guard and Reserve to protect the freedom we enjoy every day. We recognize our associates for going beyond the call of duty serving both our country and company.”


NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012



n AMVETS life member of Post 18 in Spring Lake, North Carolina recently performed his 100th Missing Man Table ceremony. He performed at American Legion Post 382 in Sanford, NC for an audience of over 90 people as part of the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club Patriot Run fundraiser for Army Fisher House. The Judge Advocate of Post 18 and retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, is widely known throughout North Carolina. Nationally, Dave has performed hundreds of volunteer hours for thousands of spectators and remains in very high demand and currently serves as the State POW-MIA Chairman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Twelve years ago, he identified a great need of veterans groups to recognize those who have not returned from war. Although the round white table with items and empty chair were recognizable, he wanted the table or the missing man to come alive, at least in spirit. So he developed, refined, and produced, a very unique Prisoner of War – Missing In Action table ceremony or “Missing Man” ceremony. He has produced several versions adaptable for a variety of audiences and ceremonies. These include background music, spotlights, table item narration, singing of up to three songs with gloved hand gestures and symbolism, and a final hand salute including the playing of Taps. It all started in the Spring of 2000, when Dave organized a POW-MIA ceremony detail with sabers and flags as part of a Senior NCO Induction ceremony. He narrated the meaning of the various rose, candle, lemon, and salt, table items. “It went very well,” he said, “but something seemed to be missing. Who was the missing man and what would he say to the audience? Could the empty chair be an aircraft ejection seat?” Of Dave’s 30 active duty years in the Air Force in the aircraft maintenance career field, his primary duty was as an egress or escape systems technician. He’s also credited with three “saves,” pilots who ejected safely out of a disabled aircraft directly due to his recent maintenance of the canopy, seat, and parachute system. One was from an F-15 Eagle fighter jet that went down in Daun, West Germany in 1978. The other two were the front and backseater from an SR-71 Blackbird over the South China Sea near the Philippine Islands in 1989 during an operational mission. He went on to say that though he missed serving in the Vietnam War by just over a year or so, he was trained by Vietnam veterans throughout his maintenance career. “I remember my sergeants in the egress shop talking about those who “punched-out” of F-4s, F-105s, and B-52s. Many were shot down and killed or missing in action but many became POWs.” Then it suddenly became clear to him after a Memorial Day ceremony in 2000 in Altus Oklahoma. Someone Played “Some Gave All”, a Billy Ray Cyrus song, on the juke box, and it (the ejection seat pilot) ‘spoke to him.’ “It was him in the empty chair. I had to learn that song,” he said. And so he did, adding gloved hand gestures. And that’s where Dave’s legacy really began. He was then selected to a very special duty assignment and became the Director of the Air Force Enlisted Heri-

tage Research Institute and Enlisted Heritage Hall Museum and moved to Maxwell Air Force BaseGunter Annex, Alabama…the only position of its kind in the Air Force. From 2000 through 2004, some highly notable performances have been for the Department of Defense National Prayer breakfast in Washington DC; two Air Force Sergeants Association International Conventions in Jacksonville Florida and Columbus Ohio; the American Legion’s Forty and Eight Society National Convention in Salt Lake City Utah, several Alabama state conventions for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, and Forty and Eight Society, as well as various posts throughout Alabama. As Alabama State Commander of the Korea Defense Veterans in 2003, he performed at the 50th anniversary of the Korean War at the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall’s Monument Park and for the Alabama Ex-Prisoners of War and Alabama Veterans Administration. Throughout the nation, he has also performed for large graduations at the Air Force Senior NCO Academy, 5 Air Force NCO Academies, 4 Airman Leadership Schools, and the Southeast Regional Recruiters Banquet, as well as special performances for the World War II Army Air Corps Enlisted Pilots Association, Vietnam Working Dog Association, and a Jolly Green Association Reunion. At the end of his tour, Dave returned to aircraft maintenance for his final assignment at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina as the A-10 Thunderbolt II (or Warthog) Maintenance Superintendent, then Chief Enlisted Manager for the 23d Fighter Group, home of the famous “Flying Tigers” who were very active in Iraq and Afghanistan at that time. He continued to perform and have significant impact throughout the region. From 2004 through 2007, some notable presentations have been for Womack Army Hospital Medal of Honor dedication, 82d Airborne Brigade Dining Out, and 1st Battalion Field Artillery Regiment Gunslinger Welcome Home events on Fort Bragg; Georgia Air National Guard Career Advisors Conference in Savannah; and several Chief and Senior NCO Induction ceremonies, annual awards, Air Force Balls, and Maintenance Professional of the Year awards banquets at Pope and Seymour-Johnson Air Force Bases. Since his retirement in 2007, Dave remained very active at his AMVETS post and also performed at Hill Air Force Base Utah for a huge Maintenance Professional of the Year banquet of nearly 1000 aircraft maintainers and guests, as well as to a Vero Beach Florida Police Department Retiring Officer dinner. Closer to home, he has performed for Fayetteville Chapter Ex-POWs, the Fayetteville Veterans Park Dedication, Memorial Day celebrations at Freedom Park, Harnett County Veterans Park Monuments Dedication in Lillington, Western Harnett High School JROTC Military Ball, Sand Hills Veterans Cemetery Wreaths Across America, and the Travelling Vietnam Wall Memorial ceremonies in Kinston, as well as several veterans groups state conventions. 

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Dave, your nation-wide performances are truly legendary. Thanks for a job well Done, Chief!

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

State Convention

We were privileged to have our National Commander Gary Fry attend our State Convention and Honors & Awards Banquet.

Pat Walters was this year’s recipient of the Battleship Award. How awesome that it was presented to her by her husband Jim.

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Alyce Knaflich of Post 333 was the AMVET of the Year Recipient. Alyce is a truly dedicated veteran helping other veterans especially the homeless female veterans.

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

Dear Friends & Fellow Veterans,


or those of you who are sales-shy, forget-about-it! Look at this program differently. You don’t have to use pushy sales techniques. Our job here as Veterans is to offer an opportunity to everyone we come into contact with during our daily lives is to provide a means (the wreaths) to “Remember the fallen”, “Honor those who serve and their families”, and “Teach our children the value of freedom”. If they’re not interested, talk to somebody else. No pressure whatsoever. It’s a personal “feel good thing”. The 2 blank lines on the ‘AMVETS letter’ are for your name and a contact number should your ‘prospect’ delay the purchase during your proposal. You want them to call you back. Note that wreath orders must be placed by October 20th. On the ‘letter’ reverse side, provide info as follows for producing the ‘commemorative card’: --Sponsor’s name --In Memory or in Honor of --Veterans name --Branch of Service --Dates of Service Please provide the Sponsor’s address for mailing the commemorative card, if different than the info provided on front side. It will be accompanied by a formal thank-you letter and the commemorative card(s). Provide the sponsor and/or prospect with a Wreaths Across America signed ‘Thank You For Your Service and Sacrifice card’. If you didn’t attend our last Regular Post meeting and didn’t get some of these t-y cards, I can send some to you. The Wreath Sponsorship Form is to be completed with sponsor’s name, address, etc. Please note that checks are to be made payable to Wreaths Across America TM. Send the completed forms, checks, money orders and cash to me at 1059 Acacia Road, Southport, NC 28461. For the ‘local’ AMVETS members, Bill Clark graciously provided a copier to print 150 copies each of the invitation letter and the Wreath Sponsorship Form...Laura Britton performed the labor. Thank you to both folks for your contribution. Call me at 520-7230 and I’ll be glad to deliver some copies to you. We placed 67 wreaths last year. Our goal is 300 this year. Post 906 will receive $5 back from Wreaths Across America for each wreath we sell. It’s a good fundraiser for us. Knock on the doors of small businesses, especially when they may just be Veter30 December 2011 ans. Brunswick Pest Control here in Boiling Spring Lakes has already pledged 10 wreaths as they did last AMERICAN VETERANS year. Owner Rick Murdaugh’s dad was a Veteran and Post #906 BOILING SPRING LAKES, NC he an Army ‘brat’. Gerald (Jerry) E. Wolf, Sr. Benjamin Hartman Please remind every contributor that we’d love to Commander 1st Vice Commander have them join us at the graveside ceremony. For Sonsorships of $100 or more, a thank you letter and comMs. Karen Timko 380 Fifty Lakes Dr. memorative card will be encased in a frame suitable Southport, NC 28461 for displaying on a wall. ALL Sponsors will receive Dear Mr. Timko, a commemorative card either at the cemetery or via On behalf of AMVETS Post 906 Boiling Spring Lakes, thank you for your wreath sponsorships mail. Examples of these items are attached, in Word in the 2011 National Wreaths Across America Remembrance Ceremony at the Wilmington format. North Carolina National Cemetery on 10 December 2011. Good luck and let me know if I can assist you. Sponsorship cards were provided to you previously to commemorate your offerings In Memory of your Mother, Evelyn Timko, and In Memory of your Father, John Timko. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND Also enclosed is a ‘Thank You’ from Wreaths Across America.org. I encourage you to visit their SACRIFICE. website and enjoy the history of the Worcester Wreath Company and photos of previous events Jerry Wolf all across America honoring veterans and memorializing our fallen comrades. ”To be killed in war is not the worst that can happen. To be lost is not the worst that can happen… to be forgotten is the worst.” -Pierre Claeyssens (1909-2003)


n December 15, 2012, representatives of AMVETS and AMVETS Auxiliary Post 906 Boiling Spring Lakes, friends and family, will again participate in the National Wreaths Across America Remembrance Ceremony by placing sponsored wreaths on Veterans’ graves at the Wilmington National Cemetery, 2011 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. At last year’s Ceremony, hundreds of wreaths sponsored by Boy Scout troops, women’s groups, other veteran service organizations and individual donors were placed in memory of the brave protectors of our country. Charitable contributions from friends and members of AMVETS Post 906 donated and placed 67 wreaths. What an honor it was to lay a wreath upon a Veterans grave in a National Cemetery interning over 5000 gravesites recognizing their sacrifice for our freedom. As a sponsor of this event you are welcome to join us at the Cemetery at 1100 hours that morning. It is truly a moving and memorable experience you will not soon forget. Your donation is only $15 per wreath as a Personal Sponsorship. We welcome Family Sponsorships of four (4) or more and Small Business Sponsorships of ten (10) wreaths or more, all at only $15 per wreath. Please help us reach our 2012 goal of 300 wreaths. Found throughout experience over the years, the wreath-laying tradition is NOT only for the fallen and those who have passed on, but for living veterans, our active military, and for their families – all of whom have sacrificed to provide for our freedoms. If you ask a Gold Star Mother about the loss of her son or daughter, their biggest fear is their memory will be forgotten. That is why WAA believes it is so important to take the time amid the hustle and bustle of the holidays, to stop and remember our blessings that have come at such a great cost. A famous quote states “One is never truly dead until they are forgotten.” Wreath orders must be placed by October 20th. A commemorative card will be provided to the sponsor.

On behalf of Post 906 members, thank you for your act of kindness and remembrance.

Will you join us in reaching our goal to pay homage to our fallen veterans who so proudly fought for the freedom we enjoy today?

Gerald (Jerry) E. Wolf, Sr. Commander, Post 906

Thank you for your generous and patriotic participation in this project.

”To be killed in war is not the worst that can happen. To be lost is not the worst that can happen… to be forgotten is the worst.” -Pierre Claeyssens (1909-2003)

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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

post 201 AMVETS’ Par ade to Celebr ate America’s Independence


n July 7, AMVETS Post 201 hosted a very special American Independence Celebration at Lake Royale. The AMVETS’ parade is an annual event where families are encouraged to decorate bicycles and golf carts in the spirit of the 4th of July independence celebration. This year was very special since our Chaplain, CW2 Seth Taylor, US Army, had just returned from a year deployed in Kaiwait with the 1452nd TC CBT HET Company / Maintenance Platoon of the North Carolina National Guard. Their assignment was to remove and redeploy heavy mobile equipment from the Iraq War, as that military operation was being phased down. They accomplished their mission without loss of one person. Patrick Nichols [grandson of our Post member Tom Nichols], E-4 with NC National Guard, was also deployed with the same company. Both Seth and Patrick were honored at our ceremony with an official welcome home! The Girl Scouts of Troop 1111 participated in the ceremony by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The Declaration of Independence was read by Makayla Stoddard, Seth Taylor’s daughter. During the ceremony special recognition was given to Tom Wall, our Adjutant, who was recognized as the Post 201 AMVET of the Year. The ceremony was concluded with the award of trophies for the top three entries for bicycle and golf cart decoration, as determined by our distinguished panel of judges. Following the festivities, AMVETS sold hot dogs, chips and drinks.  Left: Tom Wall is Post 201 AMVET of the Year

Right: Girl Scouts lead the Pledge of Allegiance Right: Makayla reads The Declaration of Independence

Left: CW2 Seth Taylor is welcomed home by Tom Nichols and Lake Royale Residents Left: AMVETS’ parade passes a marina parking lot Good community participation in AMVETS’ parade

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The Golf Cart Category winner

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

post 320 - Roanoke Rapids Greetings from the Roanoke Valley

Boy Scout Hut 146 with new addition with the help from Post 320


he months of May and June have been very busy for Post 320. As some of you know Post 320 has taken on the responsibility of being the sponsor of Boy Scout Troop 146 here in Roanoke Rapids. The Scout Hut and property belongs to Post 320. The Post acquired the Property from the Roanoke Rapids City School District about a year and a half ago. The Scout Troop has been a part Roanoke Rapids sense 1935 and has produced many Eagle Scouts and outstanding Citizens in and around the Roanoke Valley. Over half of the Leaders in the troop are Life Members of Post 320. Randy Spence Scout Master, Mike Garris, James Tuck, Willie Ferguson and Randy Ferguson. The Troop has been going through a lot of building up grade and the post has very helpful in making this happen. They have added a new storage room to the back of the scout hut and a new roof and the post has helped with the upgrade. Many local veterans org. and many civic org. have helped also. This up grade has been in the process for a long time and it has come to reality. The property is adjacent to the property that already belongs to the post. In May we had our elections and June we did the inductions into office. We had the State Commander Mr. David Beam at our June meeting and he gave the oath to the new officers, Post Commander Randy Ferguson, 1st Vice Mike Garris, 2nd Vice James Tuck, Adjutant Mike Sheppard, Finance Officer Mrs. Tammy Glover, Provost Marshal Willie Ferguson, Judge Advocate Doug Mason and Chaplain Mr. Kenneth Brantley. We would like to thank these veterans for stepping up and taking part in the operation of the post and keeping it going. Past Commander Keith Banty Presented the Commanders award for the post from the state to Gilbert Lane and The AMVET of the Year for Post 320 to Glenn Moseley. At the past State Convention In Greensboro NC, Keith Banty Commander of Post 320 and Finance Officer Post 320 Randy Ferguson were in attendance. Several items were submitted and voted on by those there. New officers were inducted at the state level by National Commander Mr. Gary L. Fry. Randy Ferguson from Post 320 in Roanoke Rapids was inducted as Eastern District Commander for the next term 2012-2013. Commander Ferguson would like to thank those that have faith in him to do the job that is ahead of him in the next year. The Eastern District also inducted Harold Bonin as First Vice Commander from Post 638 Raleigh, Victor Kosinski as Adjutant from Post 1111 Kinston and Tom Nichols as Finance Officer from Post 201 Louisburg. Commander Ferguson is proud to have the experience of these three vets to help him this year. Well done to all that have the time and skills to help those that can’t help themselves. God Bless us all. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next DEC, have a great and safe summer. Stay cool.

Pictured left to right New Officers For 2012-2013 Provost Marshal Willie Ferguson, State Commander David Beam, Adjutant Mike Sheppard, Post Commander Randy Ferguson, 1st Vice Mike Garris, Judge Advocate Doug Mason, 2nd Vice James Tuck, in front is Finance Officer Tammy Glover. Not Pictured is Chaplain Kenneth Brantley Past Commander Keith Banty, Gilbert Lane Commanders Award and Glenn Moseley AMVET of the Year Post 320

State Commander David Beam Congratulates Eastern District Commander Randy Ferguson for his induction as Commander of AMVET Post 320 Roanoke Rapids


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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

post 333 A proud tradition—

AMVETS post 905 - Asheboro


adies Auxiliary of 905 had a Car Wash / Hot Dog sale on Saturday July 14th. Proceeds went to one of our Veteran’s Pete Sullivan who has become very ill. The Sons of the AMVETS gave out fans to WWII, Korean and Vietnam Veterans also at the car wash. NEC Mike Rozmaryn swears in AMVETS, Sons of AMVETS and Ladies Auxiliary at Post 905 Asheboro.

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NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

post 906 - Boiling Springs Lakes AMVETS & AMVETS AUXILIARY elects 2012-2013 Officers


he election of AMVETS & AMVETS AUXILIARY 2012-2013 officers was held and all were sworn in during the May 2012 Annual Meetings. AMVETS Officers are: Gerald (Jerry) E. Wolf, Sr., Post Commander; Jim Walters, 1st Vice; Chris Okun, 2nd Vice; Bill Clark, Judge Advocate; Carl Weaver, Provost Marshal; Rachel Okun, Adjutant; Bob Boyd, Finance Officer; Rena Fisk, Chaplain. Laura Britton was appointed Service Officer.

Picture of the Officers of AMVETS Post 906 and AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary 906. Back Row – Left to Right: Ingrid Weaver, Pat Walters, Rachel Okun, Sue Dick Front Row – Left to Right: Laura Britton, Bob Boyd, Jerry Wolf, Jim Walters, Rena Fisk, Bill Clark AMVETS AUXILIARY Officers are: Pat Walters, President, Linda Rumsey, 1st Vice, Rachel Okun, 2nd Vice, Sue Dick, 3rd Vice, Secretary, Rachel Okun, Treasurer, Ingrid Weaver. AMVETS is the fourth largest veteran’s service organization in the U.S. dedicated to assisting the veteran community and current members from all branches of the military, including the National Guard and Reserves. AMVETS and AUXILIARY signature programs include the National Americanism Contests awarding JROTC achievement medals and scholarships to deserving graduating high school seniors, support to veterans in need, Troop Care packages, Cell Phones For Soldiers, hospital visitations to veterans, and monetary support to St. Jude’s for the treatment of catastrophic childhood diseases. Boiling Spring Lakes is the home of AMVETS Post 906, covering Brunswick and New Hanover counties, meeting monthly on the first Monday. The Auxiliary meets at 6 p.m. and the AMVETS general meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Boiling Spring Lakes VFW, 3161 NC hwy. 87. For additional information, call 520-7230 for AMVETS or 845-3498 for AMVETS Auxiliary.

Dallas Herring Achievement Award Nomination Nominated Student: Rachel Okun, Degree Completed Fall 2012 Student Written Description: “Taking People where they are and carrying them as far as they can go,” is a true representation of my journey to earn a college degree. Growing up in a family of 20 grandchildren, only four female, I struggled to gain acceptance from my grandfather. He was a person who believed in male supremacy. He felt that males were stronger in every capacity. Females, he felt, should be homemakers and care for children. This philosophy is one that I refuse[d] to accept. I once asked my grandfather for help financing dental braces. He said to me, “Rachel, you are not pretty enough or smart enough to have braces. You do not need them. You’re never going to be a model because of the scar on your leg; you are not smart enough to be a doctor or a lawyer or anything that you would need to look pretty…You will never amount to anything but a housewife.” Those words were truly hurtful, but have served as unwavering motivation for my success. It was not until serving in the military, obtaining a college degree, while being a mother, that I saw acceptance from my grandfather. Obtaining these successes however, was not easy. After working to graduate high school with honors, I have tried for over 10 years to complete my college goal. I joined the military, deployed to Iraq, and was in and out of two different colleges. I got married and moved to Ohio and then to North Carolina, still trying to pursue a degree. My husband got a job working for a government contractor and was scheduled to be deployed to Kuwait for a year. That all changed when I discovered I was pregnant. With this life change, my husband gained employment at Sunny Point in Southport, NC rather than deploying. We purchased a home in Ash, NC and from then I went back to college one last time to try and complete my goal. The day before my 29th birthday on Dec. 13, 2011, I reached my goal at Brunswick Community College. With help from my family members, coworkers, and college instructors, I earned an associate’s degree. I know that this is only the beginning of my educational dreams. In summary: I had a dream; I worked relentlessly and I appreciate my accomplishments. My journey be-

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gan as a 14-year-old girl being told that I was not bound for success. I have graduated high school, served in

Iraq, live each day as a proud American veteran, a mom, a college graduate, and a fulltime government employee. I am thankful for those words from my Grandfather. Recently I wrote to him, telling of my accomplishments. He replied, “Dear Rach, I am proud of you. You have accomplished a great deal more than the boys. Please say hello to my great granddaughter. She is a very pretty girl. She reminds me of you when you were small. Love, Grandpa.” These words prove that with dedication, determination, and passion, we can go as far as we will allow ourselves to dream and I am living that dream.



n the National level at each year’s convention, their highest award given is the Silver Helmet award. In each state the AMVET Departments each have one special award that is deemed the highest award given. The NC Department of AMVETS chose for their highest award the Battleship Award. It is the USS North Carolina Battleship Award and this is given at each year’s state convention. The last female to receive this award was then Lt. Governor Beverly Purdue, until this year. This year I was the honored recipient and first female Auxiliary member to ever receive this award. I was very over whelmed with this great honor coming from the veterans who inspire me to work on their behalf, those who have served and those who are still serving our country today, to insure the freedom that we enjoy never goes away. May God grant me many more ways to support our veterans and pay homage to their service to our country.

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

NJROTC (Navy school) at Ashley High School Presenter Rena Fisk, AMVET

The recipient at East Bladen High is Wesley Lennon, at West Bladen High it is Lewis Bryan and at East Columbus High it is Kevin Thompson. 

Click to send photos and articles of local AMVETS activities worthy of placing in the newspapers. AMVETS Post 906 Boiling Spring Lakes North Carolina ************************************* TO:

Brunswick Pest Control Inc.

We appreciate your SPONSORSHIP of 10 wreaths placed during the

NATIONAL WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY at the Wilmington National Cemetery on 10 December 2011

in Honor of US Army LT COL William H. Murdaugh, Jr. and in Memory of All American Veterans. ________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your support. Gerald (Jerry) E. Wolf Sr. Commander, Post 906

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Benjamin Hartman 1st Vice Commander, Post 906

NC AMVETS NEWS­—Fall, 2012

post 920 Nada crochets lap covers for the veterans at the V.A. Hospitals. All donations to Nada for three or four-ply yarns are used for baby hats and lap covers.

Find this and many other stories posted daily on our facebook page! AND Check in to our newly updated WEBSITE www.amvetsnc.org

Ladies Auxiliary distributing Nada’s lap blankets at the Asheville VA. -- Page 15 --


eft to right: Jerri Halcomb, Judi Bullabough (Auxil. Chaplain), Joanne Shepherd, Linda Starnes (Auxil. President), Alyce Knaflich (AMVETS VAVS chair), Martie Harris (Auxil. Ways & Means Chair), Margie Rabb (Auxil. NEC), Nada Curphey (Auxil. Americanism Chair)

AMVETS Dept. of NC P.O. Box 1360 Welcome, NC 27374-1360 www.amvetsnc.org





Mi Web Press ROYAL OAK, MI PERMIT #792 48068


WE HAVE:  A strong voice for veterans in Congress.  Many local, state and national scholarships.  Our state VA hospitals

actively supports friendship among all veterans.

 Several national insurance programs  Our Special Olympics programs.  A State Service Officer who has the answers.  Various activities in our communities.


Application for membership - please print NC AMVETS Department Headquarters, P.O. Box 1360, Welcome, NC 27374-1360 New Annual  Renewal  Life Membership (Post dues may vary depending on area.)

Name Spouse Address Phone City, State, Zip Branch of service

Year entered service


Service # Type of Discharge Sex:  Male Date of Birth




Signature Post Authorizing Officer

 Female

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