Events Volunteer Opportunities
Alamo Area Chapter
Education & Training
Volume 14, Issue 2
Message from the Board By the 2010 AAMN Board he first month of 2010 is well on its way. With the new year upon us, we hope you are preparing those advanced training and volunteer service hours activity approval forms for 2010. Remember, all activities need to be approved by the board on a yearly basis. The reason for this is so that there is always a current contact person available for referencing questions on the activity. If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask the current Activities Information Chair Pam Ball. As stated in the January 2010 newsletter, one of the goals for the new year is to "promote the participation of the entire membership." In an effort to fulfill this goal, we are looking for class representatives from all our classes. If your class had a representative assigned, please let us know. We'd love to get in touch with these member representatives. If your class does not have a representative, and you'd be interested, send us an e-mail. For any
comments or questions on this topic, please contact Liz Robbins at: srobbins@gvtc.com. Finally, the AAMN chapter report for 2009 has been completed. Many thanks to JW Pieper for compiling the information and sending it to the TMN state office. Our chapter did very well. The total number of hours reported for the year were over 14,000, reaching over 38,000 members of our community! This is a tremendous effort on your part. In addition, over the 12-year period of this organization, we are close to reaching the 100,000 hour mark. This too is a commendable feat! Continue to report those hours. These hours translate to grant monies for our sponsors to continue the work that was begun here in San Antonio, over 12 years ago. Speaking of hours, the new 2010 Certification Pin has been announced. It's a Wood Duck. As soon as a sample photo is available, we'll share it with you.
February 10 Meeting - Special Guest Paul Johnson Heat, Drought, Deep Freeze: What it means for Trees
he recent weather has been crazy, what with extended drought and our surprise December Deep Freeze. How are our urban trees coping with these stressors? What effects are we likely to be seeing as spring comes around, and then the summer heat? What can we do to keep our trees healthy? Paul Johnson, the Texas Forest Service Regional Urban Forester for San Antonio will present a program to help us understand these issues. Come with plenty of questions – we can be prepared to help local citizens better understand why caring for trees is a good investment in our community. Paul is also the Chair of the Alamo Forest Partnership, one of AAMNs partner groups. If you have questions about volunteer opportunities with the AFP, this will be a great time to find out about what you can do to help. This program is approved for advanced training hours.
February, 2010
Board Meeting February 10 5:15 p.m. All members are welcome to attend. Guest Speaker 7:00 p.m.
Officers President Vacant Acting President/ Vice-President Liz Robbins srobbins@gvtc.com Treasurer Pete Cowger petercowger@gmail.com Secretary Jamie Daily jdaily8289@wildblue.net Members-at-Large Lonnie Shockley shockleyj@earthlink.net John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com Roy Yarnold royyarnold@sbcglobal.net Immediate Past President Anton Hajek tonyhajek@yahoo.com
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
News from the Board Committees Projects to be reviewed for approval as a Master Naturalist activity must be submitted on the Submission for Activity Approval form. Forms can be obtained by contacting me, Pamela Ball, pball12@satx.rr.com, or from the AAMN website at www.alamomasternaturalist.org. PLEASE REPORT YOUR HOURS !! Reporting hours is easy with the new EXCEL spreadsheet that was developed for e-mail submissions or for mailing in your hours. It is available online at www.alamomasternaturalist.org.
Where to report your hours: Last names A-M: Last names N-Z: Wilt Shaw Ling Yin Liu 104 Dove Meadow 4946 Dare Lane Boerne, TX 78006-4222 San Antonio, TX 78217 E-mail : WShawjr888@aol.com Phone: 210-207-0021 E-mail: ling.liu@sanantonio.gov DO YOU WANT YOUR PIN AWARDS? DID YOUR HOURS GET LOST??? A new committee of Alamo Area Master Naturalists is taking action in an attempt to provide members with award pins for hours earned. Some of our old records have been lost, especially regarding the 2002-2006 time frame. If you have records of hours earned during those years, we hope to hear from you so that we can complete our records. John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com and Roy Yarnold royyarnold@sbcglobal.net have not only volunteered to assist you with this effort but will also serve as the clearing-house for information regarding reported hours, hours that have vanished and those that have gone unreported. As most of you know, each year we award ‘one of a kind’ certification pins for those who achieve 8 hours of advanced training and 40 hours of volunteer service. This year that pin is a salamander. Additionally, throughout the year, the milestone dragonfly pins are also awarded for 250 hours, 500 hours, and 1,000, 2,500 and 5,000 hours of volunteer service. We know there are members who have reached these milestones, but because of lost records we do not have a true total of hours performed. If you have records, by year, of your volunteer hours, and if you feel that you have earned a milestone award pin which you have not received, please contact Roy Yarnold or John Wolcott. Perhaps you will be seeing your name in print in this newsletter in the next few months. Let’s try to break the records set in 2008 for hours reported and number of members reaching recertification!
Please contact Wilt Shaw or Ling Liu to activate your 2010 Googledoc account if you have not done so. We are pleased to announce our first two 2010 Wood Duck award pins to Ron Tullius and Pam Yarnold. Other awardees include: Name Award Jessica Leslie 1,000 Pam Yarnold 500 Nancy Philips 250 Ron Tullius 250 John Wolcott 250
Class 21 24 23 25 24
2010 Re-Certification Pin Announced!
he 2010 Re-certification pin is the Wood Duck. The recertification pin will be available for order in the first quarter of the New Year. The pin certifies that a Master Naturalist volunteer has reached their annually required 40 hours of service and 8 hours of advanced training for the current calendar year. All service and advanced training has to be completed IN the year the pin is available. Once the calendar year is done the annual re-certification pin for that year retires. The 2009 re-certification pin was the salamander.
Committeees Activities Information Pam Ball pball12@satx.rr.com Community Outreach Pam Yarnold pyarn@sbcglobal.net Education / Training Committee Pam Ball pball12@satx.rr.com Education Outreach Cindy Sims cindy.sims@sanantonio.gov Historian Vacant Hospitality Nancy Brown njbrown@sbcglobal.net Hours Submission Wilt Shaw wshawjr888@aol.com Ling Yin Liu ling.liu@sanantonio.gov Newsletter Editor Joann Smith sanantoniosmith@yahoo.com Jamie Daily Designer Jessica Manley Membership John Wolcott jwolcott@satx.rr.com Public Relations J.W. Pieper jwp1@gvtc..com Web Site Sam Glass webmaster@alamomasternaturalist.org
AAMN is always in need of talented volunteers to support its mission. If you have an interest in helping any one of the above committees, please contact the specific committee chair you are interested in serving. Service to the organization is always approved for volunteer hours. Visit our web site at www.alamomasternaturalist.org
2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 14, No. 2
ď‚?Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter Newsď‚œ
Invasive Plants Advanced Training Opportunity
he San Antonio Satellite of the Texas Invaders Program, San Antonio Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas and Helotes Creek Nature Center are sponsoring a Citizen Scientist invasive plants training session.
Saturday, February 27th from 8:45 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The training will be in the Helotes Creek Nature Center 14433 Bandera Rd in Old Town, Helotes. The course is approved for advanced training for Alamo Area Master Naturalist members. Ongoing identification and eradication opportunities are available in the San Antonio area and are approved for volunteer hours. Space is limited to 20 participants. To register for the course: -visit the website at www.texasinvasives.org -click on Invaders of Texas -click on Become a Citizen Scientist -download and submit the completed Volunteer Interest Form as a PDF or WORD file to San Antonio Invaders satellite leader Rachel Cywinski at: urbangardener@satx.rr.com or call Rachel at 210-532-4123.
Representatives Class 17 Julie Fisher Class 18 Prem Nored & Cal Eichler 210- 828-0833 Class 19 Prem Nored Class 20 Suzanne Benavides & Palani Whiting Class 21 Nancy Brown & Wendy Thornton
Class 22 Linda Painter Darst & Jamie Daily
aster Naturalists and members of the San Antonio Invaders Satellite invite you to join us in our efforts to eradicate invasive plants at Rancho Diana every Tuesday in February. We are continuing our eradication of Chinaberry, Chinese Photinia, Chinese Pistachio, Ligustrum, Pyracantha, and Nandina on the property. To date, we have identified and eradicated over 5,000 specimens. Tuesdays, February 2, 9, 16 & 23 Volunteers meet outside the gate at Rancho Diana at 7:30 A.M. and conclude at 9:30 or 10:00 A.M. If you are interested, contact Cheryl Hamilton at cryhm@hotmail.com or 210342-9721. It is important to e-mail or call by no later than 9:00 P.M. the night before if you will be joining us, as we enter Rancho Diana as a group. Approved for advanced training/volunteer hours
Class 23 Steve Guerrant & Gary Trede
Class 24 John Wolcott & Susan Hunnicutt Class 25 Ron Tullius 210-739-2566 rvtullius@sbcglobal.net & Ivan Estes
2010 Entomology Educational Seminar Series
resented by Molly Keck, Integrated Pest Management Program Specialist & Entomologist for Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Bexar County.
Tuesday, February 23 - Termites 101 for Homeowners The above program will be held from 2 - 4 p.m. at the Bexar County AgriLife Extension Office: 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suite 208 San Antonio, TX 78230
SA Invaders Diane Fey and Lonnie Shockley record GPS coordinates and other relevant information as they stand in the middle of a nandina forest at Rancho Diana.
Please give us a call to let us know you are coming! Contact Molly or Aurelia at: 210-467-6575 or mekeck@ag.tamu.edu Approved for advanced training
Vol. 14, No. 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department Natural Areas
February 2010 Stewardship Activities
Approved for volunteer hours if assisting with programs.
oin us this February in our natural areas as we keep our eyes and ears open for possible pre-spring pairing in our songbirds. Below is our calendar of activities. Please note the change in location for the 25th. If you have any questions, please contact Jayne Neal (210-372-9124, jayne.neal@sanantonio.gov) or Wendy Leonard (210-372-9124, wendy.leonard@sanantonio.gov). Thursdays, February 4, 11 & 18 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p. m. Golden-cheeked warbler habitat restoration at Woodland Hills West. Meet at the Woodland Hills West gate on Heuermann, just southwest of Friedrich Wilderness Park. Please bring work gloves if you have them. Thursday, February 25 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p. m. Karst management at Stone Oak Park North. Meet at Stone Oak Park parking lot on north side of Stone Oak Parkway, 20395 Stone Oak Pkwy. Please bring work gloves if you have them. Medina River Natural Area Spring Bloomer Classes 2010
Rodeo San Antonio 2010
ust in case you haven’t heard. Alamo Area Master Naturalists and Mitchell Lake Audubon Center will be sponsoring a booth at the annual Rodeo from February15th through the 21st in co-operation with Tx Parks & Wildlife. Volunteers will man an activity booth offering up tracks, skins, skulls of our local mammals as well as information on “Living Green for Wildlife”. We invite volunteers to come with a friend or family member to staff a four hour shift. Come early before your shift or stay late after your shift to walk around and enjoy a little bit of Rodeo. Volunteers will be allowed to ride the free Master Gardener shuttle into the grounds for easy commute. Contact the Rodeo Volunteer Coordinator, Arless Lenz, at arlesann@yahoo.com or 210-353-2718 to sign up. Let Arless know what days and which shift you want to volunteer for (shifts are 9 a.m. -1 p.m., 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.); your contact information; and if you would like to sign up for training. Let’s Rodeo! Approved for volunteer hours if assisting with programs.
(A-Z) Clinic
he “Aquifer-toZizelmann” (A-Z) Water Conservation Clinic is an allFebruary 16, 2010 9:30-11:30 a.m. and day training that presents February 18, 2010 9:30-11:30 a.m. if needed “Everything You’ve Ever Explore ways to conserve water as a viable resource. Wanted To Know About Learn how water is used in every day activities. Create a Government Canyon State Natural Area.” This clinic is not model of the regional water shed with a kid friendly water open to the general public, as it is aimed at training docents who activity. will make a commitment to learning how to lead hikes and/or assist with interpretive programs and presentations at GCSNA. NPSOT Speakers Line-up A-Z Clinic eetings of the San Antonio chapter of Tuesday, February 9 Saturday, February 20 NPSOT are held on the 4th Tuesday of each Approved for advanced training month and are free and open to the public. Happy Hikers & A-Z Graduates from January 2010: Here February 23, 2010 – Marily and Charles Lamont [exare some upcoming opportunities for you to start learning pert dyers from Victoria, TX] on the use of native plants as and helping at Government Canyon. sources of dye. Saturday, Feb. 13 – Hike The Canyon – 8:30 AM Approved for advanced training Sunday, Feb. 14 & 21 – Education Committee Meeting 6:30 pm – Native plant and seed exchange Friday, Feb. 19 – A Stroll Through The Park – 8:30 AM 7:00 pm – Meeting and program Saturday, Feb. 20 – Explore the Canyon – 8:30 AM Lions Field Adult Center Approved for volunteer hours if assisting with programs. 2809 Broadway (at Mulberry & If you would like to be part of either group or learn more Broadway by Brackenridge Park) about them, please contact me directly. Map at John H. Koepke, Government Canyon SNA www.tinyurl.com/LionsField-SA 210-688-9055; Ext. 291 John.koepke@tpwd.state.tx.us 4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 14, No. 2
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News San Antonio Botanical Garden
February 2010 Activities San Antonio Botanical Society Plant Sale
Saturday, February 13, 10 - 2 p.m., Gertie’s Garden ind the perfect plant for your garden at our first plant sale of the year. Also, join in the fun family activities taking place in the conservatory: coconut and cocoa mulch art, scavenger hunts, chocolate trivia, mint giveaways, and more! Plant sale entrance is free with paid San Antonio Botanical Garden admission.
Water Saver Guide Training
Approved for advanced training Friday, February 19, 9 a.m. - noon Education Building at the SABG e are looking for volunteers to teach about water saving by leading garden guests on “walks” or tours of our WaterSaver Garden and WaterSaver Lane. Master Naturalists will guide participants on how to have a beautiful landscape at home AND conserve water. Upon completing the tour, participants will receive a free copy of the San Antonio Landscape Care Guide, a
NAME Adams, David Anderson, Mary Frances Ball, Pam Ballard, Frank Ballard, Maureen Binder, Jackie Blankinship, Kathleen Brisita, Rafael Brown, Nancy Camero, Holly Cobb, Bob Cowger, Pete Daily, Jamie Darst, Linda Dudley, Maxine Dudley, Terry Duncan, Lucas Estes, Carolyn Fey, Diane Fisher, Julie Fletcher, Kenneth Fromme, Eva Gaskin, Patty Gindler, Linda Gonzales, Josie Gulley, Anne Hajek, Anton Hamilton, Cheryl Holland-Adams, Sara Inglet, Patsy Inglet, Tom Jacobson, Melba Johnson, Rebecca
AWARD CLASS # salamander 22 salamander 2 salamander 18 salamander 20 salamander 20 salamander 21 salamander 22 salamander 22 salamander 21 salamander 5 salamander 16 salamander 22 salamander 22 salamander 22 salamander 23 salamander 23 salamander 21 salamander 24 salamander 23 salamander 17 salamander 22 salamander 21 salamander 18 salamander 23 salamander 13 salamander 20 salamander 1 salamander 21 salamander 22 salamander 8 salamander 8 salamander 3 salamander Transfer
SAWS publication. After the training, we are asking for a volunteer commitment of 2 – 3 tours per year. Most tours are held the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 a.m.
Garden Ranger Training
Approved for advanced training Wednesday, February 24, 10 a.m. - noon Education Building at the SABG e need Master Naturalists, Master Gardeners and others who are willing to come to the Garden during peak visiting hours (weekends, spring break, holidays, beautiful spring days with lots of school groups scheduled) and “interpret” the Garden. After your training you will be eligible to come to the Garden, check out your “Ranger Badge” and work a few volunteer hours in the Garden interacting with guests. We are hoping for a commitment of 3 – 4 times a year.
Cindy Sims, Volunteer Coordinator San Antonio Botanical Garden 555 Funston Place, San Antonio, TX 78209 cindy.sims@sanantonio.gov 210 207-3261 phone/210 207-3274 fax
2009 Hours and Awards Recap NAME Kinard, Brent Klepper, Nancy Krnavek, Kathy Lenz, Arless Leslie, Jessica Leslie, Roy Liu, Ling Yin Loop, Larry Manning, Ron Masters, Nan Mebane, Nalga Mebane, Paul Menzel, Chris Morris, Lee Moseley, Christine Oualline, Susan Phillips, Nancy Pieper, J. W. Prentice, John Pulis, RicK Ratcliffe, Lindsay Reynolds, Lora Robbins, Liz Rodriguez, Judith B Rose, Catherine Shaw, Wilt Shockley, Lonnie Smith, Joann Thornton, Wendy Trede, Gary Tulius, Ron Wolcott, John Wolcott, Judy
AWARD CLASS # salamander 20 salamander 22 salamander 24 salamander 21 salamander 21 salamander 24 salamander 20 salamander 6 salamander 24 salamander 21 salamander 21 salamander 21 salamander 23 salamander 20 salamander 22 salamander 23 salamander 20 salamander 13 salamander 23 salamander 21 salamander 21 salamander 14 salamander 17 salamander 17 salamander 22 salamander 13 salamander 23 salamander 17 salamander 21 salamander 23 salamander 25 salamander 24 salamander 24
NAME Wright, Wayne Yarnold, Pam Yarnold, Roy
AWARD CLASS # salamander 20 salamander 24 salamander 24 Dragonfly Gaskin, David dragonfly 25 Kellogg, Judy dragonfly 25 Manley, Jessica dragonfly 25 Shockley, Judith dragonfly 25 Tullius, Ron dragonfly 25 Carolyn Estes dragonfly 24 Carrell, Kim dragonfly 24 Carter, Joshua dragonfly 24 Estes, Carolyn dragonfly 24 Hunnicutt, Susan dragonfly 24 Krnavek, Kathy dragonfly 24 Kustelski, Tony dragonfly 24 Leslie, Roy dragonfly 24 Manning, Ron dragonfly 24 Nikolatos, John dragonfly 24 Pilkington, Debbie dragonfly 24 Stacy, Megan dragonfly 24 Wolcott, John dragonfly 24 Wolcott, Judy dragonfly 24 Yarnold, Pam dragonfly 24 Yarnold, Roy dragonfly 24 Beavin, Susan Dragonfly 23 Advanced Hours - 2,500 Hajek, Anton 2500 Hour 1 Pieper, J.W. 2500 Hour 13 1,000 Ball, Pam 1000 Hour 18 Camero, Holly 1000 Hour 5 Cobb, Bob 1000 Hour 16
NAME Gonzales, Josie Hajek, Anton Inglet, Patsy Inglet, Tom
AWARD CLASS # 1000 Hour 13 1000 Hour 1 1000 Hour 8 1000 Hour 8 500 Camero, Holly 500 Hour 5 Fromme, Eva 500 Hour 21 Hamilton, Cheryl 500 Hour 21 Henry, Jane 500 Hour 19 Leslie, Jessica 500 Hour 21 Pulis, Rick 500 Hour 21 250 Brown, Nancy 250 Hour 21 Daily, Jamie 250 Hour 22 Fey, Diane 250 Hour 23 Fletcher, Kenneth 250 Hour 22 Fromme, Eva 250 Hour 21 Gulley, Anne 250 Hour 20 Kinard, Brent 250 Hour 20 Loop, Larry 250 Hour 6 Fisher, Julie 250 Hour 17 Leslie, Jessica 250 Hour 21 Mebane, Paul 250 Hour 21 Menzel, Chris 250 Hour 23 Oualline, Susan 250 hours 23 Pulis, Rick 250 hours 21 Ratcliffe, Lindsay 250 Hours 21 Rodriguez, Judith B 250 hours 17 Rose, Catherine 250 hours 22 Thornton, Wendy 250 hours 21 Trede, Gary 250 Hours 23 Yarnold, Pam 250 Hours 24 Yarnold, Roy 250 Hour 24
Vol. 14, No. 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
Hot Tub Naturalist February, 2010 By Anton Hajek t is freezing outside - the nights in the teens. Unusual for San Antonio. The hot tub, though unused is holding up, no burst pipes. No burst pipes in the barn which recorded a chilly 42 degrees. I fear my hanging cactus has suffered it’s last freeze. It looks completely brown. But I watered it anyhow. Surprising how much watering of plants is necessary during the winter. It is actually so dry outside that fire danger is rising again. Used to when the children were small I’d run a sprinkler up in a tree and turn the water on. Not so good for the tree but delightful to observe the next day. Years ago the tanks (earthen ponds) froze over enough for the kids to slide across the ice wearing tennis shoes. The Sunday paper reported on the successful Kepler telescope, merely 40 inches across, in orbit around the sun looking at 150.000 stars in Cygnus, (you know Cygnus off the Milky Way). So far 400 “exto” planets have been determined. Maybe I’m just a cave man but I think Pluto’s status as a planet should have been grandfathered. It’s not like someone is going to land there and be disappointed. At least not in my lifetime.
Want to stay informed on TMN chapters throughout the state?
Sign up for the TMN LISTSERV. How do I subscribe to the list?
You might ask… o join the TMN LISTSERV mailing list, send an email to listserv@tamu.edu No "Subject" is required. You do not need to include your email address in your message. LISTSERV automatically uses the address from your email. Future subscribers can enroll by sending a message to listserv@tamu.edu with a simple "subscribe tmn" in the body of the message. The person signing on to the list will receive a response asking them to confirm this request, giving them both a web and e-mail option for confirming that subscription. Once you sign on you can select how you receive news and info from the program either as it goes out (message by message) or in what is called 'digest' format which is a collection of recent messages sent in one message to your in-box. The TMN listserve averages about 1 or 2 messages a week, however sometimes, like leading up to the annual meeting and registration notices are a little more frequent, though not extensive. The listserve is moderated so that spam and other messages of that sort do not come through.
By J.W. Pieper he year 2009 was a record setter for our Alamo Area MN Chapter in many ways, but particularly in the number of awards for volunteerism by our members. In the accompanying list you will see the names of all members who received pin awards in 2009. We had 22 individuals who achieved their first certification during 2009 and therefore their first Dragonfly Award. The salamander pin, which was the award for recertification in 2009, was a very popular objective this year. Sixty nine of our members earned the salamander pin—a record for any single year. We had 36 milestone pins awarded in four categories. Awards were made for 250 hours, 500 hours, 1,000, and 2500 hours. We know that there were others who have reached these milestones, but because of lost records several years ago for some individuals we cannot get a true total of hours performed. If you have records, by year, of your volunteer hours, and if you feel that you have earned a milestone award that you have not received, please contact John Wolcott at jwolcott@satx.rr.com and he will review your case. Perhaps your name will be on this list in a month or so. Your chapter is working diligently to develop a tracking mechanism for all certification and recertification awards, and the system is nearing completion. Wilt Shaw, who posts hours for those of you with names ending in A-M, and Ling Yin Liu, who posts hours for members ending in N-Z, will be compiling the hours you submit, and we look forward to publishing your name in the newsletter as you reach recertification in 2010. Ling and Wilt processed the reporting of hours for the highest numbers our chapter has ever reported. With your cooperation by reporting your hours we can exceed the record for hours reported and number of members who reach recertification!
River Walk Garden Workday
Friday, February 12 - 9:00 a.m. to noon San Antonio Riverwalk Garden eather permitting, volunteers are needed to cut, trim, and plant at the San Antonio Riverwalk Garden. Bring cutting tools such as shears, rakes, and clippers and also gloves and water for this workday. It would be great to see some new faces at this garden, our own Master Naturalist project at the corner of Aubrey and Old Guilbeau (north of Durango, the west side of the San Antonio river) on the Riverwalk. Contact Lan Eng 830-980-2300 or lanjim@earthlink.net or visit www.alamomasternaturalist.org Approved for volunteer hours
6------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 14, No. 2
Texas Master Naturalist Alamo Area Chapter News
Community Outreach Calendar By Pam Yarnold
Get involved!
he Community Outreach Committee needs volunteers for the AAMN table at several upcoming events.
San Antonio River Authority’s 2nd Annual GET OUTDOORS EVENT Saturday, March 6, 2010 Mission Jose on San Jose Drive 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. (2-hour shifts) The NPSOT-SA’s Native Plant Day Saturday, March 20, 2010 Eisenhower Park 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. (2.5-hour shifts) EARTH DAY AT WOODLAWN LAKE PARK Saturday, April 17, 2010 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (2-hour shifts) 11th Annual Earth Day Celebration Thursday, April 8, 2010 Northwest Vista College 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. (2-hour shifts) KING WILLIAMS FAIR-GREEN ZONE Saturday, April 24, 2010 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. (2-hour table shifts) EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE AND FAIR! We need volunteers willing to wear your AAMN T-shirt with silly hats, big glasses and/or big shoes and carry the AAMN banner in the King William Fair Parade. The sillier the better. KING WILLIAM FAIR PARADE Saturday, April 24, 2010 Line up at 9 A.M. Starts at 10 A.M. - 1.5 miles
Cibolo Nature Center
February 2010 Tree Selection, Planting and Watering
with Mark Peterson, tree and water conservation expert. Saturday, February 6, 9 a.m. - noon, CNC Auditorium Cost: CNC Members $20/person; non-members $25/person. Pre-registration required. Approved for advanced training
Outdoor Classroom Guide Training Meeting
Wednesday, February 10, 9 a.m. - noon, CNC Auditorium We need you! Please come to our spring Outdoor Classroom organization meeting and see if you would like to become a Trail Guide with this award-winning program. Approved for advanced training
WTV General Update Seminar
Friday, February 12, 9 a.m. - noon, CNC Auditorium Members $25/person; non-members $35/person Pre-registration required. Limited to land owners with an existing wildlife tax valuation, this seminar will help you keep your management plan current. Approved for advanced training
Second Saturday Volunteer Workday
Saturday, February 13, 9 a.m. - noon, CNC Park Bring family and friends to spend the morning pulling weeds, picking up trash and other to-do projects to help keep the CNC beautiful. Approved for volunteer hours
Rainwater Harvest Workshop
With John Kight, engineer and rainwater catchment owner gives the latest technological information and the most practical advice. Saturday, February 13, 9 a.m. - noon, CNC Auditorium w/visit to Kight installation Members $25/person; non-members $35/person. Pre-registration required. Limited to 30. Approved for advanced training
Cedar Biology and Management
This workshop presents methods, equipment and choices for cedar clearing recommended by the Forest Service, Parks and Wildlife and the Cooperative Extension Service with ranch If you can help at the table or in some other area, owner Darwin Ressel, TPWD wildlife biologist Rufus Steplease contact: phens, Hoyt Seidensticker with KC Conservation District Pam Yarnold Saturday, February 20, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. AAMN Community Outreach Carpool from CNC promptly at 8:30 pyarn@sbcglobal.net Cost: CNC Members $20/person; non-members 210-497-1088 $25/person. Pre-registration required. Limit: 30. Approved for advanced training Participation in these events as a representative of Contact Kate Villarreal at 830-249-4616 for more Texas Master Naturalists is approved for volunteer information on these programs. hours. Or visit their website www.cibolo.org. Vol. 14, No. 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
The Alamo Chapter Texas Master Naturalist Newsletter is published monthly for the members and friends of the chapter. Thank you to everyone who News and information for submitted their information the newsletter is always for this month’s newsletter! We have quite a busy month welcome. already and it’s not even spring Please contact yet. Please remember to submit Joann Smith, Editor your events for the month of the publication only as we are sanantoniosmith@yahoo.com currently unable to archive future events.
Come Welcome Class 26!
pring training semester begins soon! Chapter members are asked to provide items for the first snack break. Please come welcome our new students and assist Nancy Brown, the refreshment organizer, with the potluck items (side dishes or desserts). Thursday, February 25 at 5:00 p.m. Agrilife Extension Office 2255 Cherry Ridge, Suite 212, San Antonio Approved for volunteer hours Please contact Nancy Brown at njbrown@sbcglobal.net for more details.
Master Naturalists are volunteers dedicated to the conservation, preservation and restoration of our natural resources, promoting ecological education for all ages. The Alamo Area Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists gratefully acknowledges the support of our sponsoring organizations:
Spring 2010 classes begin February 25. Learn More at: WWW.ALAMOMASTERNATURALIST.ORG Alamo Area P.O. Box 690356 San Antonio, Texas 78269 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED